Community > Posts By > KimmiM

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Sat 08/08/09 04:07 AM
Eh, it's a personal preference. If the guy wants to show he's taken, sure, go ahead. Make the decision as a couple.

Comments like Krupa's is why I know many men that have gotten a "tattoo" wedding band in place of a piece of metal. Serves the purpose with the tradition of claiming someone without the concern of losing a finger if the ring gets caught on something, etc.

no photo
Sat 08/08/09 03:59 AM
Awww Fear. I don't think you scare them.

I think they are just cautiously concerned about being in close proximity to your insanity. bigsmile

no photo
Wed 08/05/09 04:57 PM

Technology has turned an entire generation of young people into text crazed,i-pod listening,video game playing zombies. I have seen the future and it is not pretty. be seeing you

And, this comes from a man with no cell phone or computer. :laughing:
:banana: Is this a personal attack? rofl be seeing you

You know better than that, silly boy. It if was, I'd have pulled out some good dirt. :laughing:

no photo
Wed 08/05/09 04:42 PM

I see only one picture on your page as well. But I see all of the ones I have posted.. Hmmm..spock

But Sully... that picture you have up is super creepy!

no photo
Wed 08/05/09 04:38 PM

Technology has turned an entire generation of young people into text crazed,i-pod listening,video game playing zombies. I have seen the future and it is not pretty. be seeing you

Yeah, but OUR parents said the same thing when MTV and VH1 came out.

Oh, and that Atari.. Man.. We were hooked-up.. :banana: :banana:

Then again, that was when Michael Jackson was a cute little black boy. whoa

Times have changed!

no photo
Wed 08/05/09 04:35 PM
Edited by KimmiM on Wed 08/05/09 04:37 PM

Technology has turned an entire generation of young people into text crazed,i-pod listening,video game playing zombies. I have seen the future and it is not pretty. be seeing you

And, this comes from a man with no cell phone or computer. :laughing:

no photo
Wed 08/05/09 03:44 PM
Edited by KimmiM on Wed 08/05/09 03:46 PM
Congrats. May the "Mace" be with you.

I finally got rid of my last stalker. Maybe it's time for new one. The last one was kind of boring. whoa :laughing:

no photo
Wed 08/05/09 11:01 AM
Full life lived. Not loved enough. ohwell

no photo
Wed 08/05/09 10:59 AM
Anyone wanna shoot my boss, please? bigsmile

no photo
Wed 08/05/09 10:50 AM
Edited by KimmiM on Wed 08/05/09 10:54 AM
Only once. And I'll never give someone that much power over me or my feelings again.

no photo
Tue 08/04/09 10:09 AM
Oh, for the love of money! grumble

If you are dead set on something, why ask if it is OK? WTH? We aren't your parents, we aren't your priest.

Just buck up, be a man and do what you want without asking permission from your family or us. Just be willing to deal with any consequences.

no photo
Mon 08/03/09 07:09 PM
I think you just put into words the thoughts of so many.

Thank you. flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 08/03/09 05:40 PM
You Scored a 97% which means you are a ....

You are a passionate lover. You are the complete package and you recieve the complete package. You are NOT selfish and yet you still don't get walked all over. You're what everyone looks for and you show the opposite sex what it is like to truly be loved. Anyone who gets you is truly lucky.

Momma would be so proud. whoa :laughing:

no photo
Mon 08/03/09 05:30 PM
Single and hopeful. bigsmile

no photo
Mon 08/03/09 05:29 PM
Home made fried rice with ham, mushrooms, onion, carrots, green onions, and sprouts. Yummmmmy! drool

no photo
Mon 08/03/09 05:26 PM
Go for it.

If you click.. great. It's a good start on getting to know each other better.

If you don't click, you don't waste time wondering "what if". Worse comes to worse, you spend a few bucks and a little bit of time.

no photo
Mon 08/03/09 03:04 PM
So very true!

Absolutely wonderful! flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 08/03/09 02:50 PM
Edited by KimmiM on Mon 08/03/09 02:52 PM
Honestly, I had no idea what to do when I got divorced and found myself "on my own". I started trying things that I thought I might like but never tried before and even a few things I had never thought to try before. Some things were fun, some not so much. But you never know until you try!

I'm lucky to some extent because I had my lightbulb painting, sewing and direct sales stuff to kind of help me some. But I was still lost and not completely enjoying those projects as I once did. But I'm coming around.

no photo
Sun 08/02/09 04:45 PM
If someone creates a similar name to yours, don't go ballistic. Check with someone you know to see if they are just pulling your leg.


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Sun 08/02/09 04:37 PM
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