That reminds me, I should put "No Twilight fans" in mine. No Twilight, are you joking.. My daughters and I have watched every one so far.. have you seen jacob's chest, every women should watch that show How about Ann Rice fans? What is it with Vampires and Homosexuality? Classically they were lady killers. But Ann Rice came along and made Dracula In Drag! And Twilight? EMO! I would kill an EMO Vampire with far more prejudice! Parasites bug me to no end! And to me a Vampire is not a predator! They are more like Lamprey eels! But I know where things get MUCH weirder than that! Rocky Horror anyone? |
Wow, a female Sheldon Cooper (Big Bang reference!)...
Good luck with that search! Reason is most Lesbians I know want some form of physical intimacy... You know there is a huge difference in the idea of a life partner and marriage? And no physical intimacy? That coming from a doctor sounds real creepy in a Dr. Mengele sort of way! You want what you want and that is good. But are you really that sure of the path you intend to take? |
BTW I hope the scraping did not damage the contacts! Inspect them carefully to make sure you did not damage ay "Trace."
Fortunately you can get new parts for your camera. Call Pentax if you need to buy a circuit board in the event you damaged the contacts! You should have a working knowledge to disassemble a Laptop or other "small electronics" before attempting a repair like this. One option is to take it to a professional for any serious repair work. The BIG question is is the Camera worth it? A $100 3 Mega Pixel is not worth the cost of repair sadly unless you got a yen to fix things and know what you are doing. If you are talking a camera that is $400 or more then repair by a professional makes sense. |
OK! Mechanic time...
First of all the corrosion must be completely cleaned off of the camera. Automotive electrical contact cleaner will do the trick nicely! MAKE DAMN SURE IT IS PLASTIC SAFE! You may have to open the camera body up depending on how bad the contamination issue was. USUALLY the damage is limited to the battery compartment only! Use care NOT TO GET THE CLEANER INTO THE LENS HOUSING OR YOU WILL HAVE A WITCH OF A TIME CLEANING THAT UP! Use a Q tip saturated in the cleaner rather than spray the camera down Be sure to clean the contacts thoroughly. If you suspect the intrusion is past the Battery Box as in the camera was oriented so the leak went in and not out to the battery door the contaminate may have crept into the circuitry a little. BE CAREFUL USING ANY CLEANER ON CIRCUITRY! Usually rubbing Alcohol is suitable for cleaning this part but it does not dry the cleanest. Follow with a wipedown with distilled water and use canned air to dry it thoroughly! The problem is the contaminates are conductive and if the contamination is bridging the circuit it will short it out and kill new batteries. Once you get rid of the short the camera should still function normally. And to WithOrWithoutYou, some cameras are indeed extremely power hungry! But I use regular AA batteries in my Kodak Digital and it works fine! I just don't get tons of pictures out of it becasue it does gobble the batteries! They work. Just don't expect a lot of pics from them. The real Juice Crazy cameras have proprietary batteries in them. I have seen one (really expensive) Canon camera with a 12v battery in it. It looks like a square film canister that slides in the hand hold end of the camera. |
DOUBLE BURN! Even the city attorney knew that would have blown up in his face. The man had a concealed carry permit and was probably a law enforcement member. HE CAN CARRY ANYWHERE HE WANTS TO! It is not impossible to get one in Oregon but you DO have to be trained to carry to get one!
Now this was Washington City, not DC. But still it is refreshing to know there are politicians who do have a conscious and do see the constitution for the wonderful document that it is! And he felt safer knowing a concerned armed citizen was present! KUDOS! Likewise this mayor summed it up, it is people playing a personal political agenda trying to pull crap like this on the rest of the nation. it is a minority voice trying to leverage influence over the majority! I know two city councilmen who probably sank their own political boat! |
Well, she could also have said, "Don't want no short short men..."
I thought global warming was caused by cow farts? No, Al Gore will not shut the hell up! |
Merry Olde England
We should all be so passionate about the destruction of our protections under the constitution being laid to waste by a tyrannical and self serving govt of banker/corporate puppets. Some are not so eloquent in their delivery as others, but when you put a peoples back against the wall you are going to get reactions and results you may not like at times.... The head of the snake lies under English Global Banking! It figures that England would degenerate into a criminal's paradise! Am I being critical? HELL YES! Why? I am sick of the English looking down their nose on us telling us how messed up we are! Come to think of it Queen Mary was a NOTABLE Historical art thief. She has stolen MILLIONS from everyone including her own subjects. Likewise it was an English nobleman who likewise caused a rebellion when he decided that he owed his soldiers no pay in that it was their duty to serve him. they were starving under him and he was living large. That nobleman died horridly after his own troops turned on him. I know he was around post King Henry the VIII but I cannot find the reference to him online easily! I remember this bastard believed everyone had an obligation and owed the crown everything. And that is England. The world owes them becasue God supposedly chose you! Everyone is running around believing they are God's chosen. It is NOT the English people I have issue with per say. It is their government which is corrupt as much if not more so than our own here in the good old USA. Note, the royal family of England is the #1 land owners of England. So who is a worthless figurehead? PARLIAMENT! They are worthless. Look at the laws they saddle England with. Sorry but English progress lately has been backwards! So we have to save them from their own corruption? I think not! They should keep their noses in their own country. I hope Piers Morgan meets a very bad fate. Not one that ends in his death but one that has a lot of pain and suffering in it. He is a foreign agent trying to do damage to our nation. England needs to take back their trash! |
This smells like ExxonMobil. i always thought cars produced carbon monoxide, not carbon dioxide... But I suppose if your Engine is tuned somewhat OK,most will be CO2 anyway! Silly non-mechanics, catalytic perverters are for the reduction of Nitrogen gasses like NO and NO2! they have NOTHING to do with CO and CO2, that is supposedly what the EGR valve is supposed to do. Exhaust Gas Recirculation puts exhaust fumes back into the engine's combustion cycle. FRANKLY MAN MADE GLOBAL WARMING IS A MYTH! Until I can see real hard supporting evidence I chock up the warming trend to NATURAL PHENOMENON OF THE EARTH WE HAVE YET TO UNDERSTAND! |
Government Gone Wild!
Germany 1922! That is where we are right now. Shortly we will be Germany 1923. That is when the Deutschmark became utterly worthless. Then Hitler rose to power...
Merry Olde England
If I even realized you felt this way about english people, then what am I even doing here? Isn't this thread topic even just a LITTLE racist? Well, thanks very much. :/ Wow, true to the form of American Liberalism you go right for the race card! I applaud you. You didn't waste much time going there! This is more about a government with a hypocritical set of standards! YOUR nation has become like Rome during their collapse! Fat, decadent, self indulgent, ignorant, and apathetic. The same issues plaguing America. The one biggest difference between us and yourselves is the fact we don't trust our government to protect us from SQUAT! THEY CAN'T AND WE KNOW IT! You want to discuss a little history? One thing that CAUSED us to rebel from England when we were an English Colony was laws like "we could not use metal shovels. We had to make them out of wood. We had to quarter English troops in our homes with no compensation. We were taxed with NO representation. We were unfairly taxed. it was English policy that caused us to rebel. And it is English political policies that make your nation a total crap hole filled with criminals and deadbeats that makes me NOT want to visit England at all. You see I know the world sees most Americans as snobby but the fact also lies that the rest of the world also sees England as snobbish and the shoe seems to fit England Better. Who else tries to tell everyone else how to live and gets huffy when they don't listen? So WHY do you still have a Royal Family if they don't serve any real purpose? Who is kidding who? England still kisses the *** of a queen right in the face of their own parliament! |
tall women short(er) women
Sex with face full of boobies!
Oh hell yes! |
as a brit this whole thing makes me laugh. it seems the us has a problem with mental cases getting a gun and killing innocent groups of unsuspecting people. none of you want to relinquish your guns because its your god given right to have protection against these mental murderers who pose a threat because they have guns. so the argument against removeing guns from the us is that you need them to protect yourselves, against people who have guns! obviously you cant irradicate the threat by "removing" the mental cases, as its very hard to know who is a mental gun slinging muderer and who is just from the south. maybe you should give guns to kids so they can also protect themselves. and the anti gun crowd making themselves look stupid by using the wrong names for guns?. yep, dem da stoopid ones. guns dont kill people, people who want to kill people... kill people. you cant remove the insane and angry. but you could make weapons harder to get hold of. Not even close. Self-defense is only a small part of the usefulness of the right to own arms. The real purpose of this right is to give regular people the means to keep government in check and repel foreign invasions. (the imperial Japanese never invaded the mainland US because they knew there was a "rifle behind every blade of grass") The musket was the assault rifle of the 18th century. Even a simple farmer armed with one or more could protect himself from harassment or assault at the hands of the regime. Say you did take everyone's guns. Now they're sitting ducks for criminals. (real criminals don't care about the law and will get guns if they want them) Since you're a Brit, you ought to familiarize yourself with your countryman George Orwell. Especially 1984. Britain and the US resemble the world of 1984 more and more by the day. One of my favorite Orwell quotes-"if you want a vision of the future, imagine a jackboot stamping on a human face-forever". Maybe you enjoy your police/nanny state, but I don't care for it. You live in the past. Japan did not have nukes. A couple nuke EMP's in our upper atmosphere over the US would throw us back to the stone age. Won't take much to take us down....look at what a few idiots flying jets did to our economy.....what did that cost us in blood and treasure. Wake up. Where were nukes mentioned? Besides, an "assault" rifle with a 30 round mag is far from having nukes. Not to mention only responsible for a very small amount of gun related deaths, and many of them were accomplished with black-market purchases. So why ban them? You're right nukes were not mentioned. But, he did state that the reason Japan did not invade us was because of our small arms possession. Does this still hold true today? Do you seriously think that the right to bear arms would keep some idiot maniac leader in North Korea from attacking us with a nuke? Or China? Or Russia? It would be a deterrent, for an all out occupation (meaning it would be nearly impossible to actually take us over without an indefinite insurgent activity). The likelihood of said occupation would be very, very minuscule as a result of our nuclear weapons, so on that point we would agree completely. In fact, the ownership of nukes would prevent nearly any full scale invasion for any country. Hostile take-overs today would be done by other means; either economic, or the takeover of political influence, etc. This brings us to an entirely different scenario. #1. Economic takeover could leave a country broke, diminished welfare and social services leaving the public to fend for themselves for food, shelter, protection, etc. There public ownership of weapons would help to balance power. #2. Political influence would obviously involve corruption of a system and manipulating policies toward the benefit of said nation. People can only be taken advantage of for so long before becoming angered. With a well armed populace you would have to keep things much more subtle as political powers could potentially be overthrown and even local police forces rendered useless when enough citizens revolt. The above ties into the primary reason for not infringing on our second amendment. When a government becomes too corrupt, and i mean to the point of those speaking out suddenly disappearing and citizens on large scales being detained (in camps and such). In this case citizens can stop abductions (or at least have a chance to), and overthrow efforts to imprison towns/cities, etc. Now, the government's weapons are much bigger, and more powerful, but the use of said weapons (for instance dropping a nuke on a revolting city), or large scale use of bombs/drones/etc. would be VERY tough to keep under wraps to other citizens, other countries, and even large amounts of our own military members would turn their backs on the powers that be saying "that's just F-ed up". Again assault weapons would only aid such an effort on the above scale, but the government can be corrupted by any force, not just foreign military. Corporations, for example, banks have a HUGE influence on our government and its policies. Regardless of the force performing the takeover the result is ultimately the same... People will be taken advantage of progressively until it becomes enslavement. But people usually break, and get very angry before this occurs. The 2nd amendment ensures they have the power to direct that anger toward the enemy trying to enslave them. That being said. The department of justice statistics and FBI records show that gun control has no impact on gun-related crime. This stands true for the Clinton era assault weapons bans, as well as on gun laws/revocation of said laws on major U.S. cities. This leads to me ask the very important question; "Why are they still trying to pass new restrictions?" Apologies for the long-winded response. Goodnight my bothers and sisters for now Blah, blah, never addressed my point. Ok, perhaps i got sidetracked. No, the right to bear arms for citizens would not prevent someone from dropping a nuke on us. The U.S. having nukes on the other hand would (as mentioned above). And the aftermath of such an event, were it to happen, would tie in with the "economic takeover" portion of my previous statement. What the English don't want to understand is it is a matter of Deterrent Force A.K.A. Peace through superior fire power. Watch Dr. Strangelove some time. The thing is I love it when English rationalize gun control considering what a crime ridden pit England has become lately. And to boot England has given Criminal Rights an all time new low. Where else does a nation take making a victim a criminal to new heights? On top of that us making a 50BMG sniper rifle was not enough. England makes a 20mm sniper rifle. It is twice the size of our LARGEST sniper rifle. Likewise where else other than England can a criminal rob a person at gun point but when someone shoots that armed criminal his gun is forgotten and the citizen is now a murderer! I seriously DON'T believe England or English people really get the gun ownership issue here in America. Likewise I am sure England does not get the fact the Medical industry is as much a part of the problem as human nature is. What do you get when you take a deranged person and feed them drugs? A much more serious problem! All our health care and mental health here in America is about is what pills you can toss at a person. Not real treatment! I don't mind outside observation but keep it as such if you are not an American. Like I cannot lobby in England to do away with the Royal Family completely don't talk crap about our constitution. I hope Piers Morgan gets his azz handed to him publicly and shipped back to England where you can deal with your own criminals!!! |
tall women short(er) women
Size don't matter except where it counts. This stallion is not the tallest but I can sure toss my mane proudly!
And a filly bigger than myself? Just means less contortion for me to reach those nibbly spots on her while pounding bedsheets! Ponies don't cut it where workhorses are needed! |
Government Gone Wild!
I almost thought this was about Hillary Clinton showing her boobs!
i guess i don't understand "bowshock"... seems like the gravity from the giant star would suck it all in... But the solar wind is blowing the dust around. We are talking about a star as large as Mars's orbit. It is fartign out a huge plume of solar wind. Now anything heavier than dust is screwed! The solar wind isn't enough to push stones away. But dust and gas? Easy Peasy! |
Lost in the wilderness
Turn up the volume!