Community > Posts By > Geckgo

Geckgo's photo
Wed 08/12/09 11:54 PM
She lives in St. Louis, but I'm guessing that wasn't really what you meant.

If I had to put forth a guess I would say that what you were really digging at was "what happened?"

Youth and insecurity (on my part)

Geckgo's photo
Wed 08/12/09 11:50 PM
To be honest, the less attention a girl craves, the more that she will get from me.

The less she asks for, the more stuff I will buy her.

The quieter she is, the more I will listen and prompt her to tell me everything she wants me to know.

The more humble she is, the more I will love her.

If I knew then what I know now.... I had a girl that never asked for anything, never HAD to know where I was going, never cared when I took a "night off", never asked me to help around her house, never made a complaint about anything..

and I stayed home with her every night or took her wherever I was going. I gave her roses three times a week, helped her clean her house and cooked for her and her roommate nightly.

The solution is to stop trying so hard.

Geckgo's photo
Wed 08/12/09 11:41 PM

we are only nuts
we don't have any


Good answerdrinker

Geckgo's photo
Wed 08/12/09 11:40 PM

it'd be nice to see some examples of these nutty things to which you refer.

During a conversation speaking literally and the other person throws in some 'what ifs?'. Later on, when you both refer to that conversation, there is a lack of recollecting between what was said literally and what one person 'wanted' to hear. This is when somebody is called nuts.

If women have more complex brains than men like somebody stated, why do they expect men to read them?
We keep forgetting that the other gender is not as complex. We expect them to think like women but they do not. Thus, frustration ensues. Im thinking about becoming a lesbian!!:wink: noway laugh

Nah, they just need a guy who wants to understand, shows that they care and is alot of fun. flowerforyou
Where does one find such a man???bigsmile

In made up fairy tales
ok lesbian 101 here I come!!!:wink: laugh noway

Can I watch?rofl

Geckgo's photo
Wed 08/12/09 11:35 PM

it'd be nice to see some examples of these nutty things to which you refer.

During a conversation speaking literally and the other person throws in some 'what ifs?'. Later on, when you both refer to that conversation, there is a lack of recollecting between what was said literally and what one person 'wanted' to hear. This is when somebody is called nuts.

If women have more complex brains than men like somebody stated, why do they expect men to read them?
We keep forgetting that the other gender is not as complex. We expect them to think like women but they do not. Thus, frustration ensues. Im thinking about becoming a lesbian!!:wink: noway laugh

Nah, they just need a guy who wants to understand, shows that they care and is alot of fun. flowerforyou
Where does one find such a man???bigsmile

In made up fairy tales

Geckgo's photo
Wed 08/12/09 11:30 PM
Crazy stuff I've seen women do...

Kick a police officer in the balls after he says "you're under arrest", now you have an assault charge too.

Call my phone and start with "oh, I'm sorry I'm bothering you, I'll leave you to your work", then call back 20 seconds later and say, "I just wanted to tell you that I had fun the other night, but you're busy so I'll leave you alone." Then call back 20 seconds after that and ask "Am I bothering you?"

Deliberately cheat at pool when money is on the line.

Hide hello kitty fruit snacks all over my house (actually this was a pretty good practical joke but from the outside it sounds crazy).

Hide underwear in strange places around my house.

Say "you don't need a condom" on the first date (during foreplay, obviously). First I thought she was joking and then she got offended when I put one on and wanted to argue about it.

Burn Mac 'n Cheeze. I mean, come on!!!

One time I went to walmart and forgot my phone in the car. Apparently she called (during the 10 minutes that I was at walmart) and when I got home she was crying because "I didn't love her anymore". Of course I didn't answer the phone because I didn't love her, what other explanation could there be?

Pouring half a gallon of gasoline on a fire and lighting it with a match, then trying the same thing again after the 3rd degree burns had healed.

I could list things all day long,, but on to the next topic.

Crazy stuff I've seen men do...

Get into a fistfight over a sporting event.

Get into a fistfight when another guy accidentally bumped into his girlfriend and spilled SOME of her drink.

Punch a (insert hard solid object here) and break his hand.

Attach a bottlerocket to a cat.

The moral of the story, men are violent, women are just crazy.


Disclaimer:: This does not apply to all men/women, but since the question was raised, I felt the need to rise to the challenge. And yes, these are all true eye-witness accounts. I know at least 2 women that I would never in my life dare to call crazy and would defend them to the death against someone who said they were. As far as men being violent, also almost always the case but myself I get upset when I mow my lawn thinking about how many innocent lives that my lawnmower has taken. I do still get violent with innanimate objects though, so I guess I'm not completely safe there.

Geckgo's photo
Wed 08/12/09 11:13 PM
I think that I'm too trigger happy to carry a gun around. I'd get a little drunk and start blasing the bejesus out of beer cans.

Geckgo's photo
Wed 08/12/09 11:10 PM
You're gonna agree with something I said??? You're crazy!!!!

drinker rofl drinker

I just wanted to pop in for a moment and make note (since no-one else has yet) that I joined this thread because of the spelling of "bare" in the title. Thought maybe there'd be some T and A you know?rofl

Geckgo's photo
Wed 08/12/09 11:08 PM

Why must you men do the things you do that DRIVE us nuts?

tacked the nail right on the head. Nutty people are people who blame their emotional woes on others instead of taking responsibility for them, and I have seen it in all genders, races, religions, hair colors, etc.

Geckgo's photo
Wed 08/12/09 11:02 PM

how many of you think that every single american should be allowed to walk around with a gun in their pocket?

What is the other extreme side of this coin, no guns anywhere at all?

Ask Plaxico Burress what happens when you carry a gun in your pocket. I hope his foot feels better.

I'm fine with concealed carry laws as long as a thorough psychological evaluation is part of the licensing requirement for each weapon.

if guns should be issued only upon a license... why is it written into the constitustion as a "right" ?

(forgive my ignorance, i'm not american and that part of your constitution genuinely baffles me)

an excellent point. I think the right is typically interpreted as the right to have weapons, but laws have been made in municipalities since the 1800's saying that you cannot carry them in towns. The right to bear arms (deviating into my own take on the matter so nothing past here is necessarily fact, just my opinion) was probably drawn up for the case where if the US was invaded, every citizen would have the right and the means to defend their country against the invaders. Not so that vigilantes could go around shooting eachother when they think someone is in the wrong. But those were different times.

Geckgo's photo
Wed 08/12/09 10:54 PM

welcome! theres really great people here!!!:banana: :banana:

and me too, lol

Geckgo's photo
Wed 08/12/09 10:52 PM
Yes all of them, lol. Well not ALL of them but the majority will get riled up over these threads, glad I just made some popcorn.


Geckgo's photo
Wed 08/12/09 10:50 PM
I thought we did.


Geckgo's photo
Wed 08/12/09 10:49 PM
Anyone heard of Hnefetafl or Hnefatafl (seen both spellings). It is a sweet board game that was played in and around the north sea before the introduction of chess into that area, sweet game. Irish, Scotts?

Geckgo's photo
Tue 08/11/09 11:08 PM

why would you have a fire going in the flipping hottest summer in texas in decades???

wait, maybe your not from here....

firebug. I'll have a fire any time I get a chance. Plus trying my quicklime experiments again and making charcoal for later on.:wink:

Thanks all for the feedback.

Geckgo's photo
Tue 08/11/09 09:50 PM

Don't be lonely... go and watch the meteor shower, tha'll pick you spirits up...or should...:smile:

Just think...

IF you are looking at that shower...

Someone that is right for you might also be looking at it...

anywhere in the world.

That was almost the corniest thing I've heard all night...

There's a meteor shower tonight??? Might have to get my gun and shoot out that blasted powerline light... brb.

Geckgo's photo
Tue 08/11/09 09:29 PM
Just hanging out tonight really. Got me a nice little fire going. Having a couple of drinks. I realized today that every time I see an attractive woman before I even think of whether to walk up and talk to her I'm seeing every negative thing that could happen in the next five years. Bad habbit. Need to snap myself out of it. Good night for self reflection and a few cold ones by the fire.

Geckgo's photo
Sun 08/09/09 10:51 PM
I iiii , want action tonite
satisfaction, all night.


Put on my hat and I
Wear my shoes,
Tonight I'm gonna hit the streets and cruise,
up the main drag, and, check it out,
with those school girls hangin about.

Now I ain't looking for a pretty face,

I don't care if she's in leather or lace,

cause I'm just looking for a little, ... Kiss!!


I think we all know the rest of the song, yea?

Geckgo's photo
Sun 08/09/09 10:48 PM
what a ****ing tripe!

Geckgo's photo
Sun 08/09/09 10:37 PM

'If one is looking for something hard enough, they may find it in all things'

I must be in a larger hay stack.

It's kind of like those old Bugs Bunny cartoons where they are trapped on a desert island with nothing to eat. One guy sees the other guy as a giant sandwich because he is so hungry and starts chasing him.

Men and Women have discussions in the forums. Many times a point of view is mistook for an attack on the opposite sex, which is really silly when you think about it.

Damn strait

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