well, blackwater employees don't behave as decent security guard personnel. instead, they act like mercenaries and go on indiscriminate killing rampages. i hope that the Iraqi government would ban such companies from operating on their soil.
Obama silent on Gaza
perhaps Obama knows there is not a peaceful diplomatic solution to this crisis. oh, so peaceful diplomatic solutions won't work, but war, death and destruction will... like it has been working for the last 60 years right? last time i checked, Egypt and Jordan are still in peace with Israel. THANKS to President CARTER!! |
Obama silent on Gaza
All presidents have a lot to answer for, lets at least wait to see what he does do. There is still only one president at a time. Israel and the Palestinians have been at each other for decades. It amazes me that cooler heads on both sides can't work this out, it's always innocent people caught in the crossfire and some find that more amusing than tragic. We should stop backing Israels over the top responses. I am hoping Obama isn't brainwashed by the powers that be that support Israel's radical side at all cost, but I am not holding my breath because there are butt heads on both sides of the isle and there are butt heads on both sides of this particular story. Bush is still president, though you'd hardly know it. I don't find the gaza situation amusing at all. What I do find amusing is how the Obama supporters on this site are not calling on Obama to make a statement on the Gaza conflict. I think this thread and the lack of posting by Obama supporters proves the article's point. OBAMA'S stance is not a secret. he has "unconditional support" for Israel. Obama OWES his presidency to the Jews in this country period. |
Obama silent on Gaza
Yes well...OBAMA will have alot to answer for very soon...so will the DEMS for that matter. Let's see if they can put their money where their mouthes are. you sound like a republican. look, we've tried it your way for 8 stinking years and it FAILED. the Dems are just as corrupt. the whole system is messed up. i don't expect much from Obama. i have no high hopes. i've lost faith in our politicians. |
Obama silent on Gaza
I don't see that problem having anything to do with USA .They fight there from when I was born and I am 40 now.I think Obama need to focus now on his country first .Sometimes is better to stay out of other people business.I am from a ex communist country and use to have TV station 3 hrs/day . Gaza was on ,every time I turn the TV on.We can't change they religion ,we can't stop the hate between this countries . All is in they hands and God is the only one who can help them. Do we need more trouble ? Do we need our children to die for other countries believes ? if you think that Israel's business is not America's business or that we some how have nothing to do with what's going on in the middle east, then you are sadly mistaken. just today we vetoed a UN resolution condemning Israel's aggression. it's not like we're minding our business and letting them resolve their issues their own way ,we always get involved and stick our neck out for Israel, not to mention our " UNCONDITIONAL support" to the state of Israel. unconditional support? since when should we unconditionally support any body? if i remember correctly, it was Thomas Jefferson who in his inaugural address in 1801 said "peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none." we should stick to the principles this country was founded upon. Obama is no different either, go to youtube and search for his AIPAC speech. his foreign policy will be like Bush, you just wait! |
Obama silent on Gaza
even though i'm a hard core liberal, i now think Obama is jerk and i don't expect much from him. is he better than McCain and Palin? HELL YEAH! but he still ain't no Kennedy.
i think it's a great invention. everything you need is only a touch of a button away.
It is legal in Canada...... B.C. for sure........nothing like watching 2 fruitcakes skipping down the aisle!!! I always try to figure out which is the guy and which is the girl!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() i highly doubt that it's any of your business. does it keep you up all night? some people are extremely nosy and i find it very strange that these people have nothing better to think about. PS: you don't wanna watch "two fruitcakes skipping down the isle" just simply don't go to a gay wedding. i'm sure you won't be missed |
"joe" is just your average anti-government southern confederate. their despise for the U.S government runs deeper than you might think. it's rooted in their history.
Heros & Villains
Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Kennedy. we've had some very honorable presidents, some so & so and some of the worst human beings to ever walk this earth.
Why are YOU so special?
my mama always said i'm not special.
If the Bible erased
ummm... no that would be the protestants. hence, the name of their movement.
ummm... no, not unless you live in Philadelphia or Pittsburgh.
Slain in the Spirit
i don't know about "slain in the spirit" but i was drunk in the spirit once and got a DUI.
If the Bible erased
ancient Egyptian, Roman and Greek mythology lasted for thousands of years. Christianity is considered in the cradle compared to how long those religions were practiced. look at Hindu mythology, older than dirt and yet people still practice it to the letter, the same exact way for thousands of years. Hinduism is older than Judaism. religion will never die. man is in a constant search for a meaning to life. there are lots of questions unanswered and so long as we keep searching we will come up with more unanswered questions.
why does it surprise you that this thread hasn't been taken down. it's a legitimate issue to discuss. it's a problem millions of Americans passionately care about because it affects their very lives. discussion is healthy.
are you implying that the only purpose for love is reproduction? and what about those who don't believe in God or even your God for that matter? why should they be forced to abide by rules they don't care much for? if you believe in those rules, good for you, don't marry a guy but i don't think it's our right to mandate people's personal choices of whom they wanna love and share their lives with. it goes against the very principles this country was built on. freedom of the individual in case you're wondering...
well, that would depend on the chemistry. it's best not to rush things but you just know when the moment is right.