Community > Posts By > notquite00

notquite00's photo
Thu 01/08/09 07:09 PM
I just saw this on the news:

A couple is divorcing. Earlier, the man had given his wife his second kidney. Now, they're going to court, and he wants his kidney back.

It's one of those times where you laugh with an extremely disgusted look on your face. ill

notquite00's photo
Thu 01/08/09 06:42 PM
Edited by notquite00 on Thu 01/08/09 06:43 PM
USA is the most dynamic country in the world.

Then I guess "real America" is actually the big cities like New York, Boston, etc., and "real American" values are ones that are ever changing.

What's more, the "not-so American" values are the ones that have been around for too long, in other words, the ones that have settled into the interiors.

I didn't say it, you did. ;-)

And it makes sense, doesn't it? America, the melting-pot. America, the land of innovation!

notquite00's photo
Thu 01/08/09 06:37 PM

notquite00's photo
Thu 01/08/09 06:35 PM
Edited by notquite00 on Thu 01/08/09 06:36 PM
I don't think that's selfish, kitty. Although the risk of giving a kidney is small, you got a kid to look out for!!

Of course, how would you feel in 20 years when your kid can take care of him/herself?

quiet_2008, that's very considerate of you. I've been reading about the procedure, though, (I'm considering doing the transplant for a friend) and it doesn't sound so bad at all. Take a look:

However, living without any kidneys is a terrible experience from my mom (an MD) experience, and life-expectancy and health are greatly affected.

For your loved ones, watching you live a life with no kidneys may be far more painful that the trivial annoyances of being a donor - 4-6 days bed rest after the operation, avoiding heavy-contact sports, and getting urine checked once a year.

notquite00's photo
Thu 01/08/09 06:16 PM

i wouldnt mind a lady with nice built arms :tongue:

<---I wouldn't mind a lady.laugh

notquite00's photo
Thu 01/08/09 06:14 PM
Edited by notquite00 on Thu 01/08/09 06:15 PM

^^^^Maybe not so much.

^^^^^^ Yeah, pretty sexah.

^^^^^^^ This one too!

notquite00's photo
Thu 01/08/09 05:00 PM
Edited by notquite00 on Thu 01/08/09 05:01 PM
:-( lol

notquite00's photo
Thu 01/08/09 04:52 PM
Edited by notquite00 on Thu 01/08/09 04:57 PM
As a Protestant Christian I read the Bible and the Holy Spirit conveyed to me that the entire Old Testament is the made up lies of male-chauvinistic pigs who used God as an excuse to murder and torture everyone who disagreed with them.

Then the Holy Spirit conveyed to me that the New Testament is a story about a man who tried to set people free from the Old Testament but was crucified and then used to prop up the very things that he denounced.

That's what the Holy Spirit conveys to me when I read the Bible.

I'm the only one who take Protestanism seriously. laugh

I almost fell off my chair reading this. Seems accurate to me.

So it's unclear what God's will might be.
Yes, you're right about this. I just wish people other than us would discuss the topic. I'd like some people to try to logic out the other side of the Honestly, I feel if they try to do that, they'll end up on our side, but why else discuss things if not to change how we think?

notquite00's photo
Thu 01/08/09 04:48 PM
Edited by notquite00 on Thu 01/08/09 04:49 PM
I just don't understand why people are so anxious to believe that God is so horrible.

lol, it's funny, huh?

Answer: Most people don't read the Torah/Bible/Koran.

Well, most practicing Jews read the stuff as a kid, memorized it, and that's it.

rebellious individual paper Popes

I think I'm going to write that one down. ^_^

notquite00's photo
Thu 01/08/09 04:23 PM
Edited by notquite00 on Thu 01/08/09 04:27 PM
*huff* Has there been even one post that was on-topic? lol

Okay, hellkitten, I'm glad you'd donate to your family.

Would you be willing to tell us a bit about why you wouldn't sign-up as a Kidney donor? That is, why wouldn't you donate to someone outside the family?

Lemme re-post the question:
What reasons are the *against* donating a kidney?

notquite00's photo
Thu 01/08/09 04:17 PM
Edited by notquite00 on Thu 01/08/09 04:18 PM

Untimately, put the blame for tragedy where it belongs...on the devil. As for God, He promises to never leave us or forsake us.

What about billion people who are in deep poverty in this world? (Yes, it's 1 billion...quick google search and you can find this written all over the place:

What about all those starving children who suffer.

Yes, you can say that's the devil's fault, but then, you have to admit, the Devil seems more powerful than God. If everyone was really trying to work towards good, is the world so bad? One answer is that the Devil is more powerful.

But that's a different topic. It'd be nice if we had at least two or three people other than myself who were on topic, lol.

Questions are:

First off, for the sake of discussion, let's *assume* that God exists per the Judeo-Christian tradition.

1) How do we know that God's will is correct and good? Is there circumstantial evidence in support of this, or is it something we believe blindly?

2) Is there circumstantial evidence that God's will *may not* be good??? But in fact, may be bad?

notquite00's photo
Thu 01/08/09 04:08 PM
According to the Bible God isn't even as nice as me.

Lol, I once told a friend this. She was like, I suppose you are, but this is the way it is if you want to get saved - you just need to accept it.


notquite00's photo
Thu 01/08/09 04:01 PM

Yahshua said he came in his Fathers name. That whatever he did was his fathers will.

He also said he came that he did not change anything.

The will of Yahweh is written in his words. The Scriptures of Yahweh.

This is the only will you will know. The Holy Spirit will come to show you.

But we are told to test the Spirits.

So what test do we give to the spirits and to us is this Yahweh's will?

It can only be through his inspired and written word.

Anyone who speaks against his word is a Anti-messiah.

For no one can Speak of the Wonders and Grace of Yahweh without the Will of Yahweh being in them..Blessings...Miles

So, basically, Yahweh is right because he says he's right. People who say he's wrong are anti-messiahs.
Lastly, whoever talks about how good Yahweh automatically has the will of Yahweh behind him.
--> Yahweh is a totalitarian ruler...and he takes bribes.

notquite00's photo
Thu 01/08/09 03:58 PM

Mere Christianity answers those questions in the first section, you should check it out.

I've read Genesis many times, thanks. I'll give you one interpretation of the events:

God decides to create a large ecosystem with life and all that. He expects that everything will go smoothly and that he'll have two people to love and worship him.
--> God is a self-indulgent, irresponsible, arrogant, and insecure being.

When these two guys disobey God, He throws a fit and condemns them to a hard life of toil.
--> God is immature and childish.

Later, God gets pissed off at the humans again. He floods the entire world. Seeing what he's done, he immediately decides that he'll never commit
--> God is bipolar. God - participated in the largest genocide to date. He is a mass murderer the likes of which humanity has never seen since. God is officially worse than Hitler and Stalin combined. Already, one begins to wonder if it was God who was kicked out of heaven, and not the "Great Serpent Dragon" we call Satan.

The last story I'll talk about it the tower of Babel. Humans decide to build a tower that reaches to Heaven (or something like that) so they can be great like God. God makes everyone's speech unintelligible to each other and scatters them about the world.
--> God is easily threatened by mortal men. He jealously guards his position and demands that people love him.

That's just a few examples, and only from Genesis. The Old Testament is rife with this sort of stuff. Again, this is only one interpretation.

notquite00's photo
Thu 01/08/09 03:33 PM
Edited by notquite00 on Thu 01/08/09 03:35 PM
The whole thing started because we went out of town to pick up some part and stopped at a gas station to get a couple of sodas. When I went in there was a guy getting loud with a cashier working there. I went about my business, and got my sodas then got in line behind the guy.

we'll he got very loud the slapped the cashier so I tapped him on the sholder and toldhim to try that with me. when he turned I kicked him in the nuts. While he was on the floor I asked him if he liked that, then I walked out.

thats when I got told I needed to work on my people skills.

Sorry, I didn't see that.

Well, it looks like your people skills are just fine. *thumbs up*

If you hadn't kicked him, he might've gotten pissed and clocked you in the jaw. Good one.

notquite00's photo
Thu 01/08/09 03:32 PM

NO offence but that would never be an option for me. and the point of the thread wasn't for attention. I realy wanted to know where some people get off trying to tell someone else how they should be. 9 times out of 10 they don't even have their own $hit straight, why are they trying to tell other people how to live?

I don't try to tell people how to live. I'll give examples of my life and experiances and then let them make their own decision. But only if they ask. If they don't its none of my business.

Well, I'm glad things are good between your dad and you.

You're right in that when people tell others how they should live their life, usually it's BS. People *should* spend more time getting their own **** straight, rather than worrying about others.

Sometimes though, that person can have a point...and that person doesn't have to have his **** together to give advice either. I can be a bum on the streets, doping up just so I don't feel the cold, and I can still know enough about something to make a good point.

But all of this isn't the question you were asking if other people's opinions should matter to you. Well, here's my short answer:

Listen to the opinion if it doesn't take too much time. If it's good advice, then okay, if it's not, then **** it.

If you're talking about if you should care if people like you or not then:

Don't waste too much of your time on it, but it can be worth while to have people who like you.

There's your answer.

notquite00's photo
Thu 01/08/09 03:21 PM

I mean...bump.

notquite00's photo
Thu 01/08/09 03:20 PM
Lol, triple post:

Also, to put my own plug in, if you are an organ donor and have not put yourself on the bone marrow registry as well, please strongly consider it, especially if you are a "minority" (I put that in quotes as it's the common term).

Hear that everyone? If you believe in being a organ donor, sign-up for being a bone marrow donor as well!

Thanks for mentioning this, Suzin.

notquite00's photo
Thu 01/08/09 03:17 PM
BTW, I never answered your original question.

It's easy to forget the question after all this discussion. The question is:

For those of you are *not willing* to give your organs, what is your reasoning behind not being a registered organ donor?, so you still haven't answered the question, and can't because you would be a donor if you could. XD

notquite00's photo
Thu 01/08/09 03:14 PM
It's cool to hear that side of the story, Sunzin.

I agree completely that Nurses often spend more time talking with the patient, answering questions, etc. That's a very important part of medicine, certainly. It's easy to see that from the patient's side, it looks like it's the nurses who are doing the most. I suppose one could describe the doctor's roll as being "behind the scenes."

Let me explain a little more: If a doctor took the time to do explain everything to patients, to answer all these questions, he wouldn't have time to actually *practice* the medicine that is being explained to the patients. In this sense, the doctors depend heavily on nurses to talk with the patients. That's how the system works...and I agree that nurses should get paid more than they are now. It's a tough job. ;-)

(Oh, and my sources for the ^^^^ above information are practicing doctors.)

As for this thread though, when it comes to deciding whether a patient is viable for organ harvesting, it's still the doctor who knows how to decide, not the nurse.

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