Anyone Bipolar?
My English teacher my Freshman year of high school was bi-polar. She was one of the best teachers I've ever had. I still go visit her once in a while :) She's a great storyteller.
One of my coworkers was also recently diagnosed as bi-polar. I get along with her very well. And one of the people I trust the most (despite never having met her and getting into a huge fight with her which resulted in us not speaking for over a year) was mis-diagnosed as bi-polar and ADHD, when she really has Asperger's like myself. She did finally get a correct diagnosis of AS, though. I honestly have no reason to be biased against those that are bi-polar. It is terribly stigmatized, and unrightfully so. |
Music Crush!
Michael Ball. I love his voice. And Gerard Butler, but ONLY in Phantom of the Opera. Other than dressed as the Phantom he's not a whole lot to look at. But I tell you, if I had been Christine in the movie, it would have ended much differently ![]() ![]() ![]() That man is gorgeous so it's impossible! ![]() No kidding! "Pity comes to late, turn around and face your fate, and eternity of THIS before your eyes" *rasies hand* If she doesn't want it, I'll take an eternity of that before my eyes ![]() How about Johnny Depp singing? Cry Baby and Sweeney Todd! ![]() Hmmm, haven't seen either of those, but he's hot when he's not singing, so it can only be better when he is singing ![]() |
Puppy Linux
I believe Child Therapy....
I disagree...therapy is used for a lot of situations for instance a parent may suspect something is off about their child and later find out the child has autism Or the parents never catch on and their child finds out for herself 20 years later. Either way ;) Actually in the case of autism I think therapy can go a long way in helping kids out, as long as it's the right kind. Social stories and the like. |
i have a question
Hell no, I'm a science freak too xD
Puppy Linux
Anyone here ever used Puppy Linux? I'm just so sick of Windows. I'm ready to switch, and it sounds like a good one to start with.
Sub-60-second boot times are definitely droolworthy ![]() |
Edited by
Fri 10/10/08 10:30 PM
And now is the time to pull out one of my favorite quotes, from House: "See, skinny socially-privileged white people get to draw this neat little circle. Everyone inside the circle is "normal"; anyone outside the circle should be beaten, broken and reset so they can be brought into the circle. Failing that they should be institutionalized, or worse, pitied." There's nothing wrong with being yourself. |
Music Crush!
Michael Ball. I love his voice.
And Gerard Butler, but ONLY in Phantom of the Opera. Other than dressed as the Phantom he's not a whole lot to look at. But I tell you, if I had been Christine in the movie, it would have ended much differently ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Favorite lyrics from songs
Past the point of no return
No backward glances Our games of make believe are at an end Past all thought of if or when No use resisting Abandon thought and let the dream descend What raging fire shall flood the soul What rich desire unlocks its door What sweet seduction lies before us Past the point of no return The final threshold What warm unspoken secrets will we learn Beyond th point of no return You have brought me To that moment when words run dry To that moment when speech disappears into silence Silence I have come here Hardly knowing the reason why In my mind I've already imagined Our bodies entwining Defenseless and silent Now I am here with you No second thoughts I've decided Decided Past the point of no return No going back now Our passion play has now at last begun Past all thought of right or wrong One final question How long should we two wait before we're one When the blood begin to race A sleeping bud burst into bloom When will the flames at last consume us Past the point of no return The final threshold The bridge is crossed So stand and watch it burn We've passed the point of no return ~"Point of No Return" from Phantom of the Opera |
So what constitutes being pushy or arrogant then? A woman who talks down to you or otherwise acts superior, I can see, but what about a woman who just naturally uses bigger words, or more literary turns of phrase in everyday conversation? Is that considered arrogant? And if so, why? I couldn't tell you why, but I've found that that seems to be the case - if you can use a word that has more than two syllables you're suddenly arrogant. I do have a tendency to correct people when they're wrong - which apparently isn't socially acceptable. But oh well - if someone can't handle corrections, it's not going to work with me anyway. Personally, I'd want a smart guy. I want a guy that can talk nerdy to me ![]() |
hmmmmmmmmmmm it said: Your Aspie score: 92 of 200 Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 125 of 200 You seem to have both Aspie and neurotypical traits hmmm ok then? lol Lol, so you're a not-quite-typical neurotypical? ![]() For comparison, here's mine: Your Aspie score: 154 of 200 Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 47 of 200 You are very likely an Aspie |
While you may not think of yourself as Mentally Ill the Alliance for the Mentally Ill would welcome you to post notices for peer associations of persons with your diagnosis. Also Independent Living Centers in all major cities of the USA would also do that for you. Because of confidentiality they could not give you addresses but if you wrote and multi copied notices they would probably post them and public information and they could contact you. I don't see how this is relevant. But you're right, autistic people aren't mentally ill. Autism is actually a neurological disorder, not a mental illness. 'Tis why autism is often associated with dyspraxia. As for finding others...the internet is as good a place as any, given the communication style of autistic people. You probably don't know that there are several online communities dedicated solely to autistic culture and neurodiversity. The internet may be the best thing that has ever happened for autistics. The real problem in finding autistic people in my area isn't that they aren't there or that I don't know where to look, it's that they either don't know that they're autistic, or they don't want to reveal it. |
favorite all time sitcom?
The Big Bang Theory
Thanks for the information. ![]() Any time. |
Hi, I'm new. I'm just curious if anyone else here is on the spectrum. I was diagnosed with Asperger's last month. It'd be nice to talk to someone on the spectrum in my area. I've been attempting to get an Asperger's/Autism group for adults on the spectrum started but haven't had the best of luck yet. I'm actually quite certain that there are others on the spectrum, both here and in my city, just by viewing profiles (Aspiedar/Autiedar, if you will ;)) but I sometimes doubt they even know it themselves. I often wonder if people on the spectrum can spot me as being on the spectrum without actually meeting me - or after meeting me, even. If you have any questions, I'm more than willing to answer them. Here, or mail me, either way. And if you're curious...this is far from diagnostic, but it might give you a pretty good idea: What exactly is it? Asperger's is a "high-functioning" form of autism. The only real difference between "classic' autism and Asperger's is that to have a diagnosis of Asperger's, one cannot have had a language delay before the age of 3. Other than that, you'd be hard-pressed to tell the difference between someone with Asperger's and someone with high-functioning autism. Basically, I have problems with nonverbal (and sometimes verbal) communication, I don't have a lot of empathy (at least not for neurotypicals, but that's not to say I'm empathy-less), and I have some stereotypical (repetitive) behaviors. Soem argue that autistic people are highly logical, but I've found that isn't always the case; sure, I can be very logical at times, but my thought processes are also highly associative. Asperger's is often associated with a high IQ, which is one of the reasons I wasn't properly diagnosed until a few weeks ago. When i was in high school, I was improperly identified as gifted; they were wrong. "Gifted" is typically defined as having an IQ of 130 or higher; mine is only 120. There was a scandal when I was a freshman in high school where they tried to hurry up and get the entire IB freshman class labeled as gifted for some sort of funding issue. I suppose that's why they mislabeled me. People with Asperger's are often those that are "geeks" or "nerds" (think of the TV show "The Big Bang Theory"), but not everyone with Asperger's fits that stereotype. Did I mention that I can ramble on and on as long as I'm talking about something that interests me? ![]() this could probably slide in with the misc help and advice forum Actually no; I'm new, and I'm introducing myself, thus I posted in "New Members Welcome Area". I'm not looking for support or advice here, I have a place for that already. Welcome and congrads on Your Courage to come Publis with Your diagnosis. Not courage; it's not courageous to be who you naturally are. I honestly don't understand why people try to hide it. There are definitely positives among the negatives. If everyone with autism would just be open about it to the general public, it wouldn't have such a negative connotation. Each and every one of you probably knows at least one autistic person, you just might not know it. And of course, thanks for the welcomes :) |
The wonderful weather
I love that we actually are having a fall this year. Too often it seems to go from summer to winter without much transition.
Asperger's Syndrome
I have Asperger's - I'm more than willing to talk about it, give suggestions, whatever you need.
Of course the difficulties vary from person to person, but generally it seems communication is the biggest problem. For myself, it's mostly a matter of either not knowing what to say in a given situation, or not being able to put my thoughts into words. Writing is -always- easier. If you tell me a more specific problem you are having, or she is having, I could give you some suggestions. If either you or her need to talk, you're more than welcome to mail me. |
Hi, I'm new. I'm just curious if anyone else here is on the spectrum. I was diagnosed with Asperger's last month. It'd be nice to talk to someone on the spectrum in my area. I've been attempting to get an Asperger's/Autism group for adults on the spectrum started but haven't had the best of luck yet.
I'm actually quite certain that there are others on the spectrum, both here and in my city, just by viewing profiles (Aspiedar/Autiedar, if you will ;)) but I sometimes doubt they even know it themselves. I often wonder if people on the spectrum can spot me as being on the spectrum without actually meeting me - or after meeting me, even. If you have any questions, I'm more than willing to answer them. Here, or mail me, either way. And if you're curious...this is far from diagnostic, but it might give you a pretty good idea: |