Community > Posts By > aspiegirl

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Mon 12/01/08 09:21 PM

Chatspeak. *shudder*

Just so you know, screen readers don't do well with chatspeak. It's common courtesy to write in real word so that those who are visually impaired can read it as well.


i feel rather stupid tonight....

Because you don't know what a screen reader is? Or because you don't know what chatspeak is? :laughing:

I'm going to assume it's the former winking . Screen readers are software that literally reads the screen of your computer. Vista has a built-in one (though a horrible one...I tried it once just to see what it is, and it reads every single letter. Including the URL). I can't say much more than that, since I don't use one myself (I'm not blind...yet *cough*). Here's to remembering the random facts you pick up on the internet, while forgetting everything you learn in school drinker

ooohhhhhh embarassed

well um... psh.... i knew that....

embarassed ohwell blushing



Shhhhh...we all have stupid moments.

(see the "union" and "onion" bit embarassed )

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Mon 12/01/08 09:18 PM

how do you tell on the net if somebodys lying??

your missing some important things..body gestures, facial expressions, tone of voice...etc...

To some of us, those things don't matter anyway, even in face-to-face communication ^^

I generally discern a lie from the truth based solely on "facts." If the story changes...there is a lie going on.

People say Aspies can't lie. Well, it does feel wrong to lie. However, it's not impossible to lie:

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Mon 12/01/08 09:13 PM
Push away.

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Mon 12/01/08 09:10 PM
Edited by aspiegirl on Mon 12/01/08 09:10 PM

Chatspeak. *shudder*

Just so you know, screen readers don't do well with chatspeak. It's common courtesy to write in real word so that those who are visually impaired can read it as well.


i feel rather stupid tonight....

Because you don't know what a screen reader is? Or because you don't know what chatspeak is? :laughing:

I'm going to assume it's the former winking . Screen readers are software that literally reads the screen of your computer. Vista has a built-in one (though a horrible one...I tried it once just to see what it is, and it reads every single letter. Including the URL). I can't say much more than that, since I don't use one myself (I'm not blind...yet *cough*). Here's to remembering the random facts you pick up on the internet, while forgetting everything you learn in school drinker

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Mon 12/01/08 09:05 PM

no other animal can even polish diamonds, proof positve that at least wealthy people did not evolve from apes!

Yet shellfish make pearls...

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Mon 12/01/08 09:02 PM

I have a degree in science..I understand microbiology.

i can tell you...we didnt evolve from nothing. God had a hand in it..our bodies are too complex.

God made us and he made the ground we walk on. We abuse it...and I belive he has forgiven and expected that.


When I went to college and studied science, I truly realized then that there was a God. Yes, our bodies are too complex and nothing is an accident.'re saying that a human body is so much more complex than that of any other animal that it couldn't have possibly been the work of nature? Faulty reasoning. Name one thing that's too complex to be a result of nature/evolution/natural selection/what-have-you.

The human bodies and all animal bodies.

Hmm...example. The process of making urine is quite interesting. Also, all the cells and macrophages and red blood cells and those little pac man cells that help get rid of cellular wastes. All of the systems and how they work together is all quite amazing actually.

Whoa, whoa, whoa...little pac man cells? At least this isn't coming from the person who said they understand microbiology :laughing:

Urine production is actually quite simple. It's basically just based on osmosis, which is just diffusion across a membrane/barrier. Hell, dialysis machines can do it for you (not create urine, per se, but essentially the same function...rid the body of toxins). I could did out my IB HL bio notes and go more in depth, but I don't feel like it. Glomerulus is an awesome word, though ^^

Now, I have to give credit where credit is due. At least you're not saying "humans aren't really animals;" you at least acknowledge that our bodies function in the same ways.

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Mon 12/01/08 08:54 PM
Chatspeak. *shudder*

Just so you know, screen readers don't do well with chatspeak. It's common courtesy to write in real word so that those who are visually impaired can read it as well.

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Mon 12/01/08 08:43 PM

I have a degree in science..I understand microbiology.

i can tell you...we didnt evolve from nothing. God had a hand in it..our bodies are too complex.

God made us and he made the ground we walk on. We abuse it...and I belive he has forgiven and expected that.


When I went to college and studied science, I truly realized then that there was a God. Yes, our bodies are too complex and nothing is an accident.'re saying that a human body is so much more complex than that of any other animal that it couldn't have possibly been the work of nature? Faulty reasoning. Name one thing that's too complex to be a result of nature/evolution/natural selection/what-have-you.

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Mon 12/01/08 08:39 PM
To my surprise there was snow at work this morning. Not much, but still...enough to make walking the dogs a little slick (not to mention quite cold). By the looks of some of the cars, other areas got quite a bit more. Not a single flake at my apartment, though.

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Mon 12/01/08 08:37 PM

I love self checkout, but I hate standing there waiting and watching some of the retards struggle their way through it. I mean, come on! It isn't that difficult. You always see people that make it look like it is the first time they have ever done it. They look at their product, search for a minute or so for the bar code, cautiously scan the item, look at the item again, look back at the screen, put it in the wrong place so that it doesn't register that you have bagged the item, look confused as to the register saying there is a problem, stand their bewildered until until an employee comes to wonk them on the head and set them straight, then they repeat the entire process. And God forbid if the item is produce or something that doesn't have a bar code!!! OMG....that will take a calculator and reading glasses to sort out. Geez.......this defeats the whole time saving point of the process. If you are technically inept enough to not be able to scan your groceries without an employee holding your hand, go to the regular checkout lanes!!! The people there have been trained to help the thinking challenged so you don't have to put the rest of us through your shambling, painful efforts.

QFT! If you can't be efficient at it, then for the love of all that is good, please don't use it.

Potatos is not under the first page of 'common produce items'. I don't know how the unions let them get in the stores in the first place

Wow...I was about to call you stupid and say "that's not how 'onions' is spelled" but apparently I need to go back to bed for a few days slaphead asleep Move along now, nothing to see here!

no photo
Mon 12/01/08 08:32 PM

Self check outs means less jobs. frown brokenheart
but they don't have anyone hardly working to begin withlaugh

This is so very true. You have like 40 registers, eight of which are normally self checkouts. Okay, so those eight are usually up and running, but to people who have a crap load of stuff, they want the employee to ring them up. you want to go through the hassle of figuring out how to ring up your lettuce?frustrated laugh

So, that leaves 32 registers available to have people at...only you only see about ten of those open during peak hours...and about four of those 10 are for "20 items or less".

I don't see why people have problems with produce in the self-checkout. It's not that difficult: type in the number, put the thing on the scale (or type in how many, whichever way it's priced) and you're done. Simple. Sure a lot easier than trying to explain to the cashier that no, those are zucchini, not cucumbers, and those aren't peaches, they're apricots.

True, but the self checkout was invented to speed up the check out process...not to sit their and be a cashier and not getting paid for it.laugh laugh laugh

Ah, but not having to talk to a cashier is priceless! drinker

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Mon 12/01/08 08:30 PM
I can see that the views of the majority here are very distorted. No reality for you. *sigh*

No, evolution is not just the changes in one individual. However, if that individual survives and reproduces, it then affects the evolution of the population. I don't see how you're missing this; evolution is constantly happening. It's just easier to see over longer periods of time.

Y'all just wait 'til we get our pirate ship. You'll see who's calling who a spoof then drinker

What made me? Well, biology. My dad's sperm met me mom's egg and formed a zygote, the rest is history :tongue: How else do you explain pregnancy, really?

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Mon 12/01/08 10:17 AM

That's not evolution, it's normal genetic variations. Autism, Mental Retardation, blindness, club foot and every other genetic disorder is just normal genetic variations due to how genes work. Sometime they get broken, that's not evolution.

You obviously don't understand. Genetic variation is the cornerstone of evolution. Without variation, there would be no evolution. With variation, there must be evolution.

What does sexual maturity have to do with evolution?

If an organism does not reach sexual maturity due to genetic variation - something that makes it less likely to survive - it will not pass that on. Unless that detrimental thing can be positive in certain circumstances - sickle cell anemia for example. It's not beneficial unless you're in a place where malaria is rampant, in which case being heterozygous is beneficial as it grants some protection from malaria.

No, they aren't. They are proof positive that breeding programs work. That a desired behavior and morphology of a creature can be achieved through selective breeding. It doesn't prove that lizards evolved from fish. You are taking a very small scope and blowing it up far greater than the evidence demands.

Breeding programs are concentrated efforts to shape evolution. You must open your mind. Nobody said lizards evolved from fish.

no photo
Mon 12/01/08 10:02 AM

Self check outs means less jobs. frown brokenheart
but they don't have anyone hardly working to begin withlaugh

This is so very true. You have like 40 registers, eight of which are normally self checkouts. Okay, so those eight are usually up and running, but to people who have a crap load of stuff, they want the employee to ring them up. you want to go through the hassle of figuring out how to ring up your lettuce?frustrated laugh

So, that leaves 32 registers available to have people at...only you only see about ten of those open during peak hours...and about four of those 10 are for "20 items or less".

I don't see why people have problems with produce in the self-checkout. It's not that difficult: type in the number, put the thing on the scale (or type in how many, whichever way it's priced) and you're done. Simple. Sure a lot easier than trying to explain to the cashier that no, those are zucchini, not cucumbers, and those aren't peaches, they're apricots.

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Mon 12/01/08 09:58 AM

I have discovered a fascinating splinter sect known as:

The Al Dente-ists.

It is common practice within this group, upon stepping out of the redemption bath, to ritually fling ones self against the wall to assure the purest state of Al Dente.


Wonderful mental picture, that rofl

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Mon 12/01/08 09:56 AM

just look at the human race.

what is the oldest existing picture of a human that you can find??

i mean if you want to belief 'evolution' is correct..then we should continue to be evolving. we would be like this ever evolving species huh???

funny how most of us have two legs and two arms..
and when some deformaties occur..(webbed feet, downs syndrome, heart abnormalities..ETC) its usually becasue of some sort of genetic defect.

evolution makes no sense. we've looked like humans for far tooooo long.

We are continuing to evolve. You just aren't going to see a difference in only a matter of a few thousand years and you definitely aren't going to see a difference in the time photos have been around. Homo sapiens have only been around about 200,000 years. It takes MILLIONS of years to make a noticeable difference.

There were other hominids before us as well; ie. homo habilis, erectus, and georgicus. Their species died out as many others do.

Also, you do know that genetic "defects" are pretty good proof that evolution is real? If those webbed feet were somehow beneficial to that person, lets say ice caps melt and we get a Waterworld scenario, and their children had webbing as well a few million years from now we could have hominids with fins.


Please, give this a read:

I know I'm probably trying in vain here, y'all seem rather hopeless drinks

Contrary to the beliefs of certain people, humans did not evolve from chimps or gorillas or any other modern primate. We share common ancestors, that's all.

Evolution is taking place as we speak. Your children are different from you. And you're different from your parents. Right? Unless you want to argue about the reality of that case frustrated frustrated

Take autism for example. Natural variation. Evolution? Yes, in the sense that it's a deviation form the "standard" human genetic makeup. Not, however, in the sense of it being necessarily "better" than the standard. Evolution doesn't have to be positive, it can just as easily be negative or neutral.

The appendix. Where do you think that came from? It's a vestigial organ that really has little use in the human body - yet in "lesser" species it serves a real purpose.

I once had a science teacher that theorized that humans would eventually lose their little toes and have much wider carpal tunnels, but I doubt this, as those traits really don't give anyone any benefit in the way of ultimate survival or reproduction. I have yet to hear of anyone dying from stubbing their toes or having carpal tunnel syndrome before they reached sexual maturity.

Evolution can take a long time, or it can take a short time. Look at dogs. The different breeds are proof positive of evolution.

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Sun 11/30/08 11:02 PM

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

nope, impressionable children should NOT be allowed to read that crap.

spaghetti monster and midgets.

sure thats what intelligent design is about.

this post shoud be in the joke section, JMO

No joke about it. Intelligent design and creationism are NOT scientific theories and should not be anywhere near the science classroom.

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Sun 11/30/08 10:45 PM
I'd like to meet Gerard his Phantom costume drool

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Sun 11/30/08 10:43 PM
Some of the biggest bigots and hatemongers I have run into have been "religious".

Some of the nicest people I've met have been atheists.

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Sun 11/30/08 10:41 PM
Us Kansans are the laughing stock of the nation >.<

Thank the FSM that I wasn't born here rofl