I was just watching the Republican response to his speech. Obama needs to stop being nice to the Republicans and use his Democratic advantage and get er done as far as I am concerned. He is trying too damn hard to bring a group in that cannot be brought in. Just do it, man. And they talked of their form of healthcare reform and it is basically nothing new. Nothing at all. They do not want to change it. Their only defense is to put a price on life. They are saying that the cost of saving lives is too much. It is actually less than the war in Iraq and that saved how many lives? Is still saving how many lives? Sheesh, just get it worked out and passed already. He doesn't need the Republicans. He is much too nice in my opinion. I am not a liberal, nor am I democrat, nor am I anything they have listed. So keep your rightwing rhetoric that means absolutely nothing because you wouldn't even know a liberal or socialist if you saw one and it bite you in the ***. I'm sorry, but if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck... I guess people need to reclassify this duck then don't they...lol I am unaffilitated. So I am not even an Independent...lol Do me a favor then: Name one, just one economically conservative principle you agree with. And then explain to me why this healthcare plan will not fail. I actually participated in Welfare Reform which made it impossible to lay around and get welfare, economically fiscally conservative ideal done under Clinton. I believe in regulation on all government run programs that limit the clients who can recieve the benefits. I am never prejudice towards them and call them lazy or blame them for the life situation ( which seems to be a republican/conservative thing to do)that got them on benefits. But I believe in the oversight which is fiscally conservative. I can name more but I will leave it at that. As for the healthcare reform bills and suggestions being addressed now. The projections cannot even be close to accurate so the people doing them are being very pessimistic on the costs and results. This health care reform can be done and should be. We may have to adjust it again in the future since it will be new but it will still work. Look back and see how pessimistically they projected the banking collapse, look back at the housing bubble, look at the pessimism on the stock market projections, look at the Y2K fiasco, etc... and so on. They have been pessimistically projecting crap, and it ends up being crap, for the most part, all my life. I think the only things that were not projected correctly were the gas shortage of the 70s and that damn 9/11, which could have been prevented if they would have only examined it and got really pessimistic over the intel. Hell they did more work trying to make Obama some evil figure than they did protecting us before and on 9/11 ![]() any welfare is a socially liberal stance. reform just makes you slightly less liberal. i know you support welfare in many cases. care to try for another? also, are you actually blaming a democratic administration for 9/11? I just want to make sure I'm reading that right. As for reasons this program will fail: 1. Supply shortage. in short, increase demand while supply remains, you get a price increase. artificially limit the price by government intervention (through a "public option" included) and you create a ceiling. price ceiling = supply shortage. 2. Lack of providers. Right now, doctors are loaded. yes, the uninsured still get care, but only at ERs. We're talking a 15% increase in usage of the preventative care system. I'm pretty sure the number of physicians is not going to increase 15% 3. Taxation. I'm told this program will not increase our debt one single dime. i don't believe it. however, in an attempt to make it happen, taxes will naturally rise. there is no other way to do it. taxing those that receive benefits already will lessen household income. that will have all kinds of fun ripple effects across the economy. so will taxing businesses as that cuts their funds as well. kiss a few jobs goodbye there for the low-level corporate employee. hope his buddies enjoy their care. 4. It's been proven time and time again the government has not been able to sustain any kind of program of this nature, even on a small scale, efficiently. Medicare anyone? Social Security? Medicaid? Every government budget for the last several decades has run into the red, moreso than planned. Remember cash for clunkers recently? it was expected to last 2-3 months and instead lasted 2-3 weeks. Then the additional 2 billion was to last until labor day but still ran out a week and a half early. The government accountants are never right. 5. The government does not have to make a profit. Furthermore, the government can't make a profit by it's nature. That means any public option will have a severe unfair advantage over any public plan that needs to make a profit, and even those that do not have to make a profit like Kaiser Permanente. While I'm told the plan will be self-sustaining, I was also told there were WMDs in Iraq and that if we didn't spend this $787B that the unemployment would rise over 8% and the economy would go into a tailspin. They still haven't dished out 15% of it and we're still here. Also, no WMDs. The government has a bad habit of saying what's pretty and it not being true. 6. A lack of reform. There are problems with the system... duh. any idiot with a third grade education can see that. however, we should not be throwing money at the system without taking care of the symptoms that put us in this place to begin with. start with tort reform. you lose an arm when they save your life. So what? Is that arm really worth 10 million dollars? absolutely not. you may lose out in a a couple million in wages over your lifetime and add another 50% for the inconvenience, but you're still far, far less than what juries have made standard practice. fraud and malpractice insurance has made the costs of the system skyrocket. fix the problems that exist now before wasting all this money on a broken system. The end (coverage for all) does not justify the means (billions and billions wasted) there are my brief summaries of my arguments. if you disagree, please explain holes in my logic and post a little more than "that's not true" or "you're wrong" |
Edited by
Wed 09/09/09 06:53 PM
I was just watching the Republican response to his speech. Obama needs to stop being nice to the Republicans and use his Democratic advantage and get er done as far as I am concerned. He is trying too damn hard to bring a group in that cannot be brought in. Just do it, man. And they talked of their form of healthcare reform and it is basically nothing new. Nothing at all. They do not want to change it. Their only defense is to put a price on life. They are saying that the cost of saving lives is too much. It is actually less than the war in Iraq and that saved how many lives? Is still saving how many lives? Sheesh, just get it worked out and passed already. He doesn't need the Republicans. He is much too nice in my opinion. I am not a liberal, nor am I democrat, nor am I anything they have listed. So keep your rightwing rhetoric that means absolutely nothing because you wouldn't even know a liberal or socialist if you saw one and it bite you in the ***. I'm sorry, but if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck... I guess people need to reclassify this duck then don't they...lol I am unaffilitated. So I am not even an Independent...lol Do me a favor then: Name one, just one economically conservative principle you agree with. And then explain to me why this healthcare plan will not fail. |
Like this is new news? We have a major recession going on and we are in a hole right now. It is going to take while to see our way out of it. Obama said so in his speeches about the economy. Oh and so did the other economists interviewed. Compared to the rest of the nations, who are also in an economic recession, yest it is news. Remember it's a world-wide recession not US-only. In regard to that, USA was No 1. as the most stable and slipped down to the 93rd place, which is pretty sad. Compared to last year, it was 66th. Where is the end of the slope? Just because we got hit worse doesn't make this new news. We are far from the worst. Japan and China both were hit with double-digit contractions that were far larger than ours. |
I was just watching the Republican response to his speech. Obama needs to stop being nice to the Republicans and use his Democratic advantage and get er done as far as I am concerned. He is trying too damn hard to bring a group in that cannot be brought in. Just do it, man. And they talked of their form of healthcare reform and it is basically nothing new. Nothing at all. They do not want to change it. Their only defense is to put a price on life. They are saying that the cost of saving lives is too much. It is actually less than the war in Iraq and that saved how many lives? Is still saving how many lives? Sheesh, just get it worked out and passed already. He doesn't need the Republicans. He is much too nice in my opinion. I am not a liberal, nor am I democrat, nor am I anything they have listed. So keep your rightwing rhetoric that means absolutely nothing because you wouldn't even know a liberal or socialist if you saw one and it bite you in the ***. I'm sorry, but if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck... |
I was just watching the Republican response to his speech. Obama needs to stop being nice to the Republicans and use his Democratic advantage and get er done as far as I am concerned. He is trying too damn hard to bring a group in that cannot be brought in. Just do it, man. And they talked of their form of healthcare reform and it is basically nothing new. Nothing at all. They do not want to change it. Their only defense is to put a price on life. They are saying that the cost of saving lives is too much. It is actually less than the war in Iraq and that saved how many lives? Is still saving how many lives? Sheesh, just get it worked out and passed already. He doesn't need the Republicans. He is much too nice in my opinion. actually, they can force it on us. That is how america works when you control both the executive and legislative branches. and dude, please refrain from the name calling and stereotyping... it makes the rest of us fiscal conservatives look bad. The message itself is good, just stick to it instead lol |
lew rockwell again? Ugh There are several very good points to be made that most are not currently addressing... commercial real estate normally trails the housing segment and has been sitting there, teetering for a while now. any slight downturn will bring that segment down fast. |
Like this is new news? We have a major recession going on and we are in a hole right now. It is going to take while to see our way out of it. Obama said so in his speeches about the economy. Oh and so did the other economists interviewed. Economic stability has nothing to do with recession. It has to do with the conduct of the monetary actions of the nation. We are spending borrowed money hand over fist. The economic instability has to do with how rapidly we are accumulating debt that will build on itself until we essentially are borrowing more than we are taking in...oh, wait a minute... we already do that... the instability is how close we are to a total collapse or at the very least, the start of the part of falling into the hole where we can no longer climb back out. at our current rate, we will nearly have a debt to GDP ratio of 1 by the end of Obama's first term and will be paying almost half our federal income on the interest on that debt. If that does not scare you, there is nothing that can be done to make you see the problem in all of this. Ignoring the last line, I must disagree to an extent. You can in fact fight a war and cut taxes, provided you cut elsewhere. The war and taxes were less than half the deficit of the last 8 years. There was far more to it. Either way, necessary cuts were not made. And stop acting like everyone else was so high and mighty and this was all bush's fault. it's been in the works for decades. Bush took us to "military action" against a country who did not do 9/11 after 9/11, it was Bush who did it. He has to take the blame for this one along with all his cronies. apparently you missed the balance sheet where the war was a very small portion of our deficits. there was far more to it. |
I was just watching the Republican response to his speech. Obama needs to stop being nice to the Republicans and use his Democratic advantage and get er done as far as I am concerned. He is trying too damn hard to bring a group in that cannot be brought in. Just do it, man. And they talked of their form of healthcare reform and it is basically nothing new. Nothing at all. They do not want to change it. Their only defense is to put a price on life. They are saying that the cost of saving lives is too much. It is actually less than the war in Iraq and that saved how many lives? Is still saving how many lives? Sheesh, just get it worked out and passed already. He doesn't need the Republicans. He is much too nice in my opinion. For once, I agree with you. When this whole system tanks and the program is sitting in shambles in a few years, I really want to be able to point a finger when they really have nobody else to blame and say "I f**king told you so" Won't happen so no problem there. care to elaborate why? |
UN wants Dollar replaced
It won't happen. I am curious as to your reasoning? ![]() It would trash the economy further in the US. And if the euro was any example, there are countries whose economy was devestated do to joining the convertion... plus would put a lot of banks and accounts and business related jobs out of business eventually. Nobody ever said we would do this willingly... China has been looking for a way to force this on us for many months now. The USD being the world standard helps us more than anything because it provides the best safe havens for investment. We trade on our market and on the world market in the USD. In order for other nations to trade, they must first trade for USD, then for the commodities. Therein lies our strength in the efficiency. We lose that world currency standard, we lose our economic clout very soon thereafter. Costs and regulation in our nation have forced the outsourcing of many goods in order to be competitive and we really manufacture very little. The world needs our innovation but not much else. Innovation is not often protected on a world scale. |
Edited by
Wed 09/09/09 06:20 PM
I was just watching the Republican response to his speech. Obama needs to stop being nice to the Republicans and use his Democratic advantage and get er done as far as I am concerned. He is trying too damn hard to bring a group in that cannot be brought in. Just do it, man. And they talked of their form of healthcare reform and it is basically nothing new. Nothing at all. They do not want to change it. Their only defense is to put a price on life. They are saying that the cost of saving lives is too much. It is actually less than the war in Iraq and that saved how many lives? Is still saving how many lives? Sheesh, just get it worked out and passed already. He doesn't need the Republicans. He is much too nice in my opinion. For once, I agree with you. When this whole system tanks and the program is sitting in shambles in a few years, I really want to be able to point a finger when they really have nobody else to blame and say "I f**king told you so" |
Like this is new news? We have a major recession going on and we are in a hole right now. It is going to take while to see our way out of it. Obama said so in his speeches about the economy. Oh and so did the other economists interviewed. Economic stability has nothing to do with recession. It has to do with the conduct of the monetary actions of the nation. We are spending borrowed money hand over fist. The economic instability has to do with how rapidly we are accumulating debt that will build on itself until we essentially are borrowing more than we are taking in...oh, wait a minute... we already do that... the instability is how close we are to a total collapse or at the very least, the start of the part of falling into the hole where we can no longer climb back out. at our current rate, we will nearly have a debt to GDP ratio of 1 by the end of Obama's first term and will be paying almost half our federal income on the interest on that debt. If that does not scare you, there is nothing that can be done to make you see the problem in all of this. Ignoring the last line, I must disagree to an extent. You can in fact fight a war and cut taxes, provided you cut elsewhere. The war and taxes were less than half the deficit of the last 8 years. There was far more to it. Either way, necessary cuts were not made. And stop acting like everyone else was so high and mighty and this was all bush's fault. it's been in the works for decades. |
OK, I watched a BHO speech
I personally hope he pushes it down all of the republicans throats. I am personally sick of Regan,Bush, Bush and more Bush. For no other reason than that? really? |
I honestly heard nothing new. It was all the same old talking points that he's said before compiled into one speech.
I really want to see a debate about this between him and a prominent opponent from the Republicans. He's never given any real details or done anything but regurgitate the same old lines... I want him to really defend this plan, not just try to sell it. |
So, we will likely lose over 25% of what we gave to the automotive industry. $23 billion to be exact...nine zeros. And that's the estimate from the TARP panel... CBO thinks it'll be far more.
Way to go guys. you own almost two thirds of a company that will now have to rise to a value it has never before seen, just to break even. Guess you botched the math on that one. I wonder what it's like to have a job where you can be so wrong and yet, still have a job. |
Get back into Shape. Tips?
stay away from carbs, breads, and sweets-focus on fruits, veggies, meats, fish, poultry. :) Unless you run frequently... I have done nothing to watch my carbs and in fact, eat pretty much nothing but carbs and protein with minimal fat and have been on a 3 lb lost per week average for almost two months now. carbs are essential for any longer period aerobic activity as a good supply for the body decreases muscle breakdown (or so my health class told me lol) |
Bodybuilder and runners
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Tue 09/08/09 10:03 PM
run about 100 miles a week but havent ran in any competition yet 100miles per week? How do you find the time? That's what I was just thinking... I barely have the time to get in 30 lol |
Kids (espcially elementry kids) don't need to learn about anal sex,sex change operations,bull dyke lesbians who use strap ons,crossing dressing queers,and all the other vile garbage that is associated with the gay and lesbian crowd. The also don't need to learn about bondage,rape,abortions,role playing,golden showers,beastality,3 somes,and orgies. All they need to know about human sexuality is the differences between men and women,how men and women reproduce,and where babies come from.The rest of that sick,digusting,warped,crap the liberals are forcing down our childrens virgin minds needs to be kicked out of our public schools,thrown in a big pile,and set on fire. I will be the first to say that I believe morals should be taught in the home not the class room...this class is about tolerance, and accepting...not these things you mention. Maybe if parents could teach their children with out hate... oh say things hummm... like people should be thrown in piles and set on fire... such classes on tolerance wouldn't be needed in the schools. Oh give me a break!I get so tired of hearing this stupid we have to tolerate everyone and everything because why?Because you say so?Well you certainly don't tolerate anyone who seems to have a opinion other than yours.I suppore in your infinate wisdom we should also tolerate child abusers because they live a alternative lifestyle?Lets also tolerate incest,underage sex and marraige,animal torture and cruilty,beastiality,and kiddie porn.We can't be discrimanting against anyone because of moral values right? We live in a country where we can believe what we want to believe and that includes our children.And if I or my children are forced against their will to learn things they do not want to see,hear,or learn about because they think it is wrong morally then yes I fully support violence to stop it if that is what it comes down to. I think my opinion on this is pretty clear already, but to clarify-the reason you "have" to tolerate this nonsense (for the time being) is because the government schools are publicly owned. Thus, government schools are subject to the influence of politics. If you want to avoid this debate, simply avoid public school. ![]() Wow I guess we should just have a free for all and throw out all of our morals because our children attend a public school?Nice way of thinking. ![]() I fully support this lawsuit and I hope more is to come. I realize this is entirely a philosophical topic, but what is to determine morals? Some supposed being that shakes a finger at us from some mythical place far, far away that you, but I do not believe in? I am supposed to allow your beliefs determine my morals? My morals are to respect the liberties of others. Teaching this does not violate those morals, but preventing even the option does. |
Like this is new news? We have a major recession going on and we are in a hole right now. It is going to take while to see our way out of it. Obama said so in his speeches about the economy. Oh and so did the other economists interviewed. Economic stability has nothing to do with recession. It has to do with the conduct of the monetary actions of the nation. We are spending borrowed money hand over fist. The economic instability has to do with how rapidly we are accumulating debt that will build on itself until we essentially are borrowing more than we are taking in...oh, wait a minute... we already do that... the instability is how close we are to a total collapse or at the very least, the start of the part of falling into the hole where we can no longer climb back out. at our current rate, we will nearly have a debt to GDP ratio of 1 by the end of Obama's first term and will be paying almost half our federal income on the interest on that debt. If that does not scare you, there is nothing that can be done to make you see the problem in all of this. |
I personally saw nothing wrong with the speech in itself. I saw no indoctrination within its words, but I really do question the motive for such a load of crap. I'm not ripping the speech itself, just the reasoning for even making the speech... I mean, is it really necessary for the president to fly somewhere just to give a little motivational pep-talk like it's going to make a real difference? Is some kid going to say "you know, I've had dozens of adults tell me I'm going down a bad path, but he's right. I'm going to change my ways." I also am curious what was originally slated to be on that speech, because that was way too far from being political for any politician, and I'm pretty sure we've established he's no different than anyone else. I don't know if you have noticed in the last couple of generations at least, kids are often lazy and don't want to study much less care about getting jobs etc. I think it's great that he gave the speech and hope it helps some kids. Obama did talk about education alot during his campaign so it was not shocking that he would go out of his way to make the speech. I figured some would be suspicious even after the speech was given, saying it wasn't the original speech. I wouldn't have expected that from you my friend, so I am a little suprised. It's not that I'm flat out saying that it was not his original speech, it's just that there was absolutely zero mention of anything remotely political... far less than you would ever hear in any politician's speech. I never suspected it to to be an attempt to brainwash the children because as has been said, he's not the first, but I did not expect it to be written so cleanly as to avoid controversy. I just suspect there was extra care there after everyone started to protest. |
Edited by
Tue 09/08/09 09:39 PM
Kids (espcially elementry kids) don't need to learn about anal sex,sex change operations,bull dyke lesbians who use strap ons,crossing dressing queers,and all the other vile garbage that is associated with the gay and lesbian crowd. The also don't need to learn about bondage,rape,abortions,role playing,golden showers,beastality,3 somes,and orgies. All they need to know about human sexuality is the differences between men and women,how men and women reproduce,and where babies come from.The rest of that sick,digusting,warped,crap the liberals are forcing down our childrens virgin minds needs to be kicked out of our public schools,thrown in a big pile,and set on fire. I have to say that the ignorance and intolerance of this post disgusts me. I wanted to stay out of this, but i just can't. While I'm sure your opinion is deeply rooted in some religious dogma, you are adovcating exactly what you protest. The irony of arguing how it is wrong to force people to learn about gay and lesbian lifestyles (which, in case you haven't noticed, are different than child molesters as nobody is actually hurt and it's completely consentual) is exactly what you are suggesting in giving only the traditional view of couples. You can't say it's wrong to force one thing but then force another on the child. Yes, I believe it should be taught alongside regular sex education that some choose to be/are born/whateverthef*ck gay. There is nothing wrong with that. A parent should, however, at least be allowed to pull their child if they so desire. I believe it does nothing to prevent intolerance and hatred, but that has to start in the home anyway. It's not about tolerating everyone... it's about respecting personal liberties. If you don't think being gay is ok, that's fine, but you should not force it on another nor should you spread your hatred as you did above. It is offensive and disgusting and if I see it again, expect a little letter from the mods. |