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Topic: Mandatory Gay-Friendly Classes.
willing2's photo
Tue 09/08/09 02:44 PM
Thought this would break up the monotony a little.:wink: laugh

Angry Parents Suing California Schools Over Mandatory Gay-Friendly Classes

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Dion Evans addresses a meeting in California where parents spoke out about a mandatory class on gay families that will be taught to all elementary school students in the Alameda school district.
A lawsuit in California that was filed last month by angry parents who object to a gay-friendly curriculum they say is being foisted on kindergartners could well become a test case for schools around the country.

Parents in the Alameda Unified School District were refused the right to excuse their kids from classes that would teach all kids in the district's elementary schools about gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender alternative families.

The parents say they are concerned about "indoctrination" in the schools, but administrators say the course is needed to protect against sexual discrimination — and that the lessons are protected by laws in California and 10 other states.

Those states, which stretch from Washington to Maine, will now be eyeing the court results in California in a case that warring sides say pits parents' rights against a schools' responsibilities.

The contested California curriculum includes an annual 45-minute LGBT lesson taught to kids from kindergarten through the fifth grade. The kindergartners will focus on the harms of teasing, while the fifth graders will study sexual orientation stereotypes.

The move toward the new classes began two years ago, when teachers noticed that even kindergarten students were using derogatory words about sexuality, such as "fag."

The FOX News Reporting unit was present at a debate in the school district in May when angry parents pushed back against the controversial lessons, capturing over 10 hours of heated dispute, which saw parents shouting back and forth across the aisle.

Some parents like Carrie Brash said the curriculum is necessary to combat bigotry that was already rearing its head among even young children, who were bullying her daughter in school.

Brash said her daughter had to endure taunting chants of "Lesbian, lesbian, your mom's a lesbian," from kids in school.

But other parents said the new curriculum ignores other kids who have been targeted for abuse.

"My child has been the product of bullying because she's black," said Dion Evans, who noted that students have "never viewed a single video in the classroom" that deals with racism.

But Evans said he wasn't expecting the district to take care of what he called a parent's duties in educating his daughter, as the school is "already (too) strapped for cash to incorporate these changes."

"I know how to successfully parent, educate, and instill value and self-worth in my child," he said.

Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 09/08/09 02:54 PM
Parents in the Alameda Unified School District were refused the right to excuse their kids from classes that would teach all kids in the district's elementary schools about gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender alternative families.

I'm not so sure this above paragraph is factual.....parents have much say in their kids curriculum..particularly if the child is not earning credits.

It matters not..this sort of thing must be taught at home. Racist, bigotry..
it all starts at home.

no photo
Tue 09/08/09 03:00 PM

It matters not..this sort of thing must be taught at home. Racist, bigotry..
it all starts at home.

darn tootin

no photo
Tue 09/08/09 06:21 PM
I wish that it did start at home so that it would not be nessessary to teach a child not to make fun of someone for their color or their differences. My parents at least had the good sense not to share their prejudices with me as a child and teen. So I didn't grow up with that ugliness. Though I must say I was pretty shocked when I did first encounter prejudice against blacks later on.

But unfortunately more often than not, what is taught at home is racism and crude insults toward people of different cultures and races 'etc'.

I am just a bit suprised that it's finally being addressed. I never thought I would see that in my life time. I went to Catholic school until the 4th grade when I then went to public school for one year, both me and my twin were harrassed by our classmates because we were smarter and well behaved.

Though I didn't think much of catholic religious indoctrination I couldn't wait to get back into catholic school where we did more learning and didn't have to deal with kids that were crude and disruptive.

I often have wondered why public schools didn't deal with social issues at levels appropriate to the kids grade. If parents can't teach their kids how to behave in social settings than the school has no choice.

So yes, I do think it's the parents job, but I have to wonder why the parents aren't doing that job.

Thomas3474's photo
Tue 09/08/09 08:57 PM
Kids (espcially elementry kids) don't need to learn about anal sex,sex change operations,bull dyke lesbians who use strap ons,crossing dressing queers,and all the other vile garbage that is associated with the gay and lesbian crowd.

The also don't need to learn about bondage,rape,abortions,role playing,golden showers,beastality,3 somes,and orgies.

All they need to know about human sexuality is the differences between men and women,how men and women reproduce,and where babies come from.The rest of that sick,digusting,warped,crap the liberals are forcing down our childrens virgin minds needs to be kicked out of our public schools,thrown in a big pile,and set on fire.

heavenlyboy34's photo
Tue 09/08/09 09:04 PM

Parents in the Alameda Unified School District were refused the right to excuse their kids from classes that would teach all kids in the district's elementary schools about gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender alternative families.

I'm not so sure this above paragraph is factual.....parents have much say in their kids curriculum..particularly if the child is not earning credits.

It matters not..this sort of thing must be taught at home. Racist, bigotry..
it all starts at home.

are you assuming that the parents are racist/bigoted because they don't approve of the material? Perhaps the parents prefer a different method of learning than what the schools teach. :)

Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 09/08/09 09:08 PM

Kids (espcially elementry kids) don't need to learn about anal sex,sex change operations,bull dyke lesbians who use strap ons,crossing dressing queers,and all the other vile garbage that is associated with the gay and lesbian crowd.

The also don't need to learn about bondage,rape,abortions,role playing,golden showers,beastality,3 somes,and orgies.

All they need to know about human sexuality is the differences between men and women,how men and women reproduce,and where babies come from.The rest of that sick,digusting,warped,crap the liberals are forcing down our childrens virgin minds needs to be kicked out of our public schools,thrown in a big pile,and set on fire.

I will be the first to say that I believe morals should be taught in the home not the class room...this class is about tolerance, and accepting...not these things you mention. Maybe if parents could teach their children with out hate... oh say things hummm... like people should be thrown in piles and set on fire... such classes on tolerance wouldn't be needed in the schools.

Thomas3474's photo
Tue 09/08/09 09:20 PM

Kids (espcially elementry kids) don't need to learn about anal sex,sex change operations,bull dyke lesbians who use strap ons,crossing dressing queers,and all the other vile garbage that is associated with the gay and lesbian crowd.

The also don't need to learn about bondage,rape,abortions,role playing,golden showers,beastality,3 somes,and orgies.

All they need to know about human sexuality is the differences between men and women,how men and women reproduce,and where babies come from.The rest of that sick,digusting,warped,crap the liberals are forcing down our childrens virgin minds needs to be kicked out of our public schools,thrown in a big pile,and set on fire.

I will be the first to say that I believe morals should be taught in the home not the class room...this class is about tolerance, and accepting...not these things you mention. Maybe if parents could teach their children with out hate... oh say things hummm... like people should be thrown in piles and set on fire... such classes on tolerance wouldn't be needed in the schools.

Oh give me a break!I get so tired of hearing this stupid we have to tolerate everyone and everything because why?Because you say so?Well you certainly don't tolerate anyone who seems to have a opinion other than yours.I suppore in your infinate wisdom we should also tolerate child abusers because they live a alternative lifestyle?Lets also tolerate incest,underage sex and marraige,animal torture and cruilty,beastiality,and kiddie porn.We can't be discrimanting against anyone because of moral values right?

We live in a country where we can believe what we want to believe and that includes our children.And if I or my children are forced against their will to learn things they do not want to see,hear,or learn about because they think it is wrong morally then yes I fully support violence to stop it if that is what it comes down to.

Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 09/08/09 09:28 PM
Edited by Ladylid2012 on Tue 09/08/09 09:30 PM
Look dude..I tolerate everyone weather I agree with them or not..
I'm not talking about tolerating abusers, rapists, murders, animal killers or the other things you mentioned that your sooo knowledgeable about. I a have gay friends and they are NOT criminals... we all tolerate your bad attitude.
As a parent you can have you children op out...nobody can force these classes on you and your children, you just keep teaching them hate and violence at home.

Peace Out Brother flowers

AndrewAV's photo
Tue 09/08/09 09:37 PM
Edited by AndrewAV on Tue 09/08/09 09:39 PM

Kids (espcially elementry kids) don't need to learn about anal sex,sex change operations,bull dyke lesbians who use strap ons,crossing dressing queers,and all the other vile garbage that is associated with the gay and lesbian crowd.

The also don't need to learn about bondage,rape,abortions,role playing,golden showers,beastality,3 somes,and orgies.

All they need to know about human sexuality is the differences between men and women,how men and women reproduce,and where babies come from.The rest of that sick,digusting,warped,crap the liberals are forcing down our childrens virgin minds needs to be kicked out of our public schools,thrown in a big pile,and set on fire.

I have to say that the ignorance and intolerance of this post disgusts me. I wanted to stay out of this, but i just can't. While I'm sure your opinion is deeply rooted in some religious dogma, you are adovcating exactly what you protest.

The irony of arguing how it is wrong to force people to learn about gay and lesbian lifestyles (which, in case you haven't noticed, are different than child molesters as nobody is actually hurt and it's completely consentual) is exactly what you are suggesting in giving only the traditional view of couples. You can't say it's wrong to force one thing but then force another on the child.

Yes, I believe it should be taught alongside regular sex education that some choose to be/are born/whateverthef*ck gay. There is nothing wrong with that. A parent should, however, at least be allowed to pull their child if they so desire. I believe it does nothing to prevent intolerance and hatred, but that has to start in the home anyway.

It's not about tolerating everyone... it's about respecting personal liberties. If you don't think being gay is ok, that's fine, but you should not force it on another nor should you spread your hatred as you did above. It is offensive and disgusting and if I see it again, expect a little letter from the mods.

heavenlyboy34's photo
Tue 09/08/09 09:38 PM

Kids (espcially elementry kids) don't need to learn about anal sex,sex change operations,bull dyke lesbians who use strap ons,crossing dressing queers,and all the other vile garbage that is associated with the gay and lesbian crowd.

The also don't need to learn about bondage,rape,abortions,role playing,golden showers,beastality,3 somes,and orgies.

All they need to know about human sexuality is the differences between men and women,how men and women reproduce,and where babies come from.The rest of that sick,digusting,warped,crap the liberals are forcing down our childrens virgin minds needs to be kicked out of our public schools,thrown in a big pile,and set on fire.

I will be the first to say that I believe morals should be taught in the home not the class room...this class is about tolerance, and accepting...not these things you mention. Maybe if parents could teach their children with out hate... oh say things hummm... like people should be thrown in piles and set on fire... such classes on tolerance wouldn't be needed in the schools.

Oh give me a break!I get so tired of hearing this stupid we have to tolerate everyone and everything because why?Because you say so?Well you certainly don't tolerate anyone who seems to have a opinion other than yours.I suppore in your infinate wisdom we should also tolerate child abusers because they live a alternative lifestyle?Lets also tolerate incest,underage sex and marraige,animal torture and cruilty,beastiality,and kiddie porn.We can't be discrimanting against anyone because of moral values right?

We live in a country where we can believe what we want to believe and that includes our children.And if I or my children are forced against their will to learn things they do not want to see,hear,or learn about because they think it is wrong morally then yes I fully support violence to stop it if that is what it comes down to.

I think my opinion on this is pretty clear already, but to clarify-the reason you "have" to tolerate this nonsense (for the time being) is because the government schools are publicly owned. Thus, government schools are subject to the influence of politics. If you want to avoid this debate, simply avoid public school. :smile: (I would if I were a parent)

Dragoness's photo
Tue 09/08/09 09:40 PM

Kids (espcially elementry kids) don't need to learn about anal sex,sex change operations,bull dyke lesbians who use strap ons,crossing dressing queers,and all the other vile garbage that is associated with the gay and lesbian crowd.

The also don't need to learn about bondage,rape,abortions,role playing,golden showers,beastality,3 somes,and orgies.

All they need to know about human sexuality is the differences between men and women,how men and women reproduce,and where babies come from.The rest of that sick,digusting,warped,crap the liberals are forcing down our childrens virgin minds needs to be kicked out of our public schools,thrown in a big pile,and set on fire.

Damn, homophobe much????

That was actually a scary post. If those are the real thoughts, I would suggest counseling for those issues.

No offense intended of course.

Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 09/08/09 09:49 PM

Kids (espcially elementry kids) don't need to learn about anal sex,sex change operations,bull dyke lesbians who use strap ons,crossing dressing queers,and all the other vile garbage that is associated with the gay and lesbian crowd.

The also don't need to learn about bondage,rape,abortions,role playing,golden showers,beastality,3 somes,and orgies.

All they need to know about human sexuality is the differences between men and women,how men and women reproduce,and where babies come from.The rest of that sick,digusting,warped,crap the liberals are forcing down our childrens virgin minds needs to be kicked out of our public schools,thrown in a big pile,and set on fire.

I will be the first to say that I believe morals should be taught in the home not the class room...this class is about tolerance, and accepting...not these things you mention. Maybe if parents could teach their children with out hate... oh say things hummm... like people should be thrown in piles and set on fire... such classes on tolerance wouldn't be needed in the schools.

Oh give me a break!I get so tired of hearing this stupid we have to tolerate everyone and everything because why?Because you say so?Well you certainly don't tolerate anyone who seems to have a opinion other than yours.I suppore in your infinate wisdom we should also tolerate child abusers because they live a alternative lifestyle?Lets also tolerate incest,underage sex and marraige,animal torture and cruilty,beastiality,and kiddie porn.We can't be discrimanting against anyone because of moral values right?

We live in a country where we can believe what we want to believe and that includes our children.And if I or my children are forced against their will to learn things they do not want to see,hear,or learn about because they think it is wrong morally then yes I fully support violence to stop it if that is what it comes down to.

I think my opinion on this is pretty clear already, but to clarify-the reason you "have" to tolerate this nonsense (for the time being) is because the government schools are publicly owned. Thus, government schools are subject to the influence of politics. If you want to avoid this debate, simply avoid public school. :smile: (I would if I were a parent)

I am a parent.. and have been for 26 years. I was told my boys couldn't go to school or scouts without shots... guess what they all did both. If a parent does not want their child to attend these classes they can op out...
no classes are mandatory unless they are earning credits..
I strongly believe parents should teach their children the morals that they feel are important. It is very sad to me that HATE is one of those things parents choose to teach.

Thomas3474's photo
Tue 09/08/09 09:52 PM

Kids (espcially elementry kids) don't need to learn about anal sex,sex change operations,bull dyke lesbians who use strap ons,crossing dressing queers,and all the other vile garbage that is associated with the gay and lesbian crowd.

The also don't need to learn about bondage,rape,abortions,role playing,golden showers,beastality,3 somes,and orgies.

All they need to know about human sexuality is the differences between men and women,how men and women reproduce,and where babies come from.The rest of that sick,digusting,warped,crap the liberals are forcing down our childrens virgin minds needs to be kicked out of our public schools,thrown in a big pile,and set on fire.

I will be the first to say that I believe morals should be taught in the home not the class room...this class is about tolerance, and accepting...not these things you mention. Maybe if parents could teach their children with out hate... oh say things hummm... like people should be thrown in piles and set on fire... such classes on tolerance wouldn't be needed in the schools.

Oh give me a break!I get so tired of hearing this stupid we have to tolerate everyone and everything because why?Because you say so?Well you certainly don't tolerate anyone who seems to have a opinion other than yours.I suppore in your infinate wisdom we should also tolerate child abusers because they live a alternative lifestyle?Lets also tolerate incest,underage sex and marraige,animal torture and cruilty,beastiality,and kiddie porn.We can't be discrimanting against anyone because of moral values right?

We live in a country where we can believe what we want to believe and that includes our children.And if I or my children are forced against their will to learn things they do not want to see,hear,or learn about because they think it is wrong morally then yes I fully support violence to stop it if that is what it comes down to.

I think my opinion on this is pretty clear already, but to clarify-the reason you "have" to tolerate this nonsense (for the time being) is because the government schools are publicly owned. Thus, government schools are subject to the influence of politics. If you want to avoid this debate, simply avoid public school. :smile: (I would if I were a parent)

Wow I guess we should just have a free for all and throw out all of our morals because our children attend a public school?Nice way of thinking. slaphead Sorry I am with the other half who signs petitions,writes letters to principles,mayors,and governors saying I am not going to accept this crap and I want something done about it.I know the majority of the people out there don't support this garbage because if they did children would already know about it.Why don't you try getting people to sign a petition saying you want to teach elementary kids about the homosexual lifestyle and see how many signatures you get.I doubt if you would get one page.More than likely you would get a punch in the face and probably arrested by the local police on suspicion of being a pervert.

I fully support this lawsuit and I hope more is to come.

Winx's photo
Tue 09/08/09 09:58 PM

Kids (espcially elementry kids) don't need to learn about anal sex,sex change operations,bull dyke lesbians who use strap ons,crossing dressing queers,and all the other vile garbage that is associated with the gay and lesbian crowd.

The also don't need to learn about bondage,rape,abortions,role playing,golden showers,beastality,3 somes,and orgies.

All they need to know about human sexuality is the differences between men and women,how men and women reproduce,and where babies come from.The rest of that sick,digusting,warped,crap the liberals are forcing down our childrens virgin minds needs to be kicked out of our public schools,thrown in a big pile,and set on fire.

I have to say that the ignorance and intolerance of this post disgusts me. I wanted to stay out of this, but i just can't. While I'm sure your opinion is deeply rooted in some religious dogma, you are adovcating exactly what you protest.

The irony of arguing how it is wrong to force people to learn about gay and lesbian lifestyles (which, in case you haven't noticed, are different than child molesters as nobody is actually hurt and it's completely consentual) is exactly what you are suggesting in giving only the traditional view of couples. You can't say it's wrong to force one thing but then force another on the child.

Yes, I believe it should be taught alongside regular sex education that some choose to be/are born/whateverthef*ck gay. There is nothing wrong with that. A parent should, however, at least be allowed to pull their child if they so desire. I believe it does nothing to prevent intolerance and hatred, but that has to start in the home anyway.

It's not about tolerating everyone... it's about respecting personal liberties. If you don't think being gay is ok, that's fine, but you should not force it on another nor should you spread your hatred as you did above. It is offensive and disgusting and if I see it again, expect a little letter from the mods.

Well said.

It's about respect.

AndrewAV's photo
Tue 09/08/09 09:59 PM

Kids (espcially elementry kids) don't need to learn about anal sex,sex change operations,bull dyke lesbians who use strap ons,crossing dressing queers,and all the other vile garbage that is associated with the gay and lesbian crowd.

The also don't need to learn about bondage,rape,abortions,role playing,golden showers,beastality,3 somes,and orgies.

All they need to know about human sexuality is the differences between men and women,how men and women reproduce,and where babies come from.The rest of that sick,digusting,warped,crap the liberals are forcing down our childrens virgin minds needs to be kicked out of our public schools,thrown in a big pile,and set on fire.

I will be the first to say that I believe morals should be taught in the home not the class room...this class is about tolerance, and accepting...not these things you mention. Maybe if parents could teach their children with out hate... oh say things hummm... like people should be thrown in piles and set on fire... such classes on tolerance wouldn't be needed in the schools.

Oh give me a break!I get so tired of hearing this stupid we have to tolerate everyone and everything because why?Because you say so?Well you certainly don't tolerate anyone who seems to have a opinion other than yours.I suppore in your infinate wisdom we should also tolerate child abusers because they live a alternative lifestyle?Lets also tolerate incest,underage sex and marraige,animal torture and cruilty,beastiality,and kiddie porn.We can't be discrimanting against anyone because of moral values right?

We live in a country where we can believe what we want to believe and that includes our children.And if I or my children are forced against their will to learn things they do not want to see,hear,or learn about because they think it is wrong morally then yes I fully support violence to stop it if that is what it comes down to.

I think my opinion on this is pretty clear already, but to clarify-the reason you "have" to tolerate this nonsense (for the time being) is because the government schools are publicly owned. Thus, government schools are subject to the influence of politics. If you want to avoid this debate, simply avoid public school. :smile: (I would if I were a parent)

Wow I guess we should just have a free for all and throw out all of our morals because our children attend a public school?Nice way of thinking. slaphead Sorry I am with the other half who signs petitions,writes letters to principles,mayors,and governors saying I am not going to accept this crap and I want something done about it.I know the majority of the people out there don't support this garbage because if they did children would already know about it.Why don't you try getting people to sign a petition saying you want to teach elementary kids about the homosexual lifestyle and see how many signatures you get.I doubt if you would get one page.More than likely you would get a punch in the face and probably arrested by the local police on suspicion of being a pervert.

I fully support this lawsuit and I hope more is to come.

I realize this is entirely a philosophical topic, but what is to determine morals? Some supposed being that shakes a finger at us from some mythical place far, far away that you, but I do not believe in? I am supposed to allow your beliefs determine my morals?

My morals are to respect the liberties of others. Teaching this does not violate those morals, but preventing even the option does.

Winx's photo
Tue 09/08/09 10:03 PM
I'm reading this talk about public schools.

My child goes to a Christian school. They have a project in religion class. They are going to have debates.

My child was given the topic of "being gay". They are supposed to debate "for" and "against". My child was given the position of "for".

I don't like this because it's not age appropriate. My child doesn't even understand the full meaning of being gay.

msharmony's photo
Tue 09/08/09 10:04 PM
Wow I guess we should just have a free for all and throw out all of our morals because our children attend a public school?Nice way of thinking. Sorry I am with the other half who signs petitions,writes letters to principles,mayors,and governors saying I am not going to accept this crap and I want something done about it.I know the majority of the people out there don't support this garbage because if they did children would already know about it.Why don't you try getting people to sign a petition saying you want to teach elementary kids about the homosexual lifestyle and see how many signatures you get.I doubt if you would get one page.More than likely you would get a punch in the face and probably arrested by the local police on suspicion of being a pervert.

I fully support this lawsuit and I hope more is to come.

dude, that comes across so hatefully. I will only agree that I dont wish my child be taught anything more than the birds and bees , the basics of how we ALL get here, sexual relations of a man and woman and their different biology. Beyond that,, let families choose how to or if they want to explain all the other types of relations people are chosing.

markecephus's photo
Tue 09/08/09 10:37 PM

I am unlocking this topic.

People can become quickly divided by this issue, and that is understandable. Please discuss the topic without any personal insults.

Folks have their own ideals, as long as there are no harm, no foul.

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 09/08/09 10:47 PM
JMO....but it should be offered just as sex ed with straight couples. I don't think it should be manditory (just like hetero sex ed should be)

whether people agree with the parents reasons or not...they are the parents

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