Community > Posts By > Scarlett_156

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Fri 09/26/08 09:21 PM

It is so sad people live that way, what a very lonley life.

Hmph! It's anything BUT lonely. When I'm out in the middle of a busy road directing traffic with my pants around my ankles--well if you can think of a better way to make friends, I'd like to hear it!

The cops are always really nice when they're putting me in the squad car, and I'm on a first-name basis with nearly everyone at the jail. yours in Chaos, Scarlett

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Fri 09/26/08 08:51 PM

huh Do you think it is possible to like more then one guy at a time???? huh

Most definitely! The best part is when they all start fighting! Good times! yours in Chaos, Scarlett

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Fri 09/26/08 08:46 PM
I'm 50 years old and I have never been married. Well... I can't really say that anymore, I guess; but it's less than a year old so.... and it's not really a legal marriage. We have discussed officializing it at some point in the future.

In case you are wondering what the hell I'm talking about: My boyfriend and I went through a religious type ceremony to keep his parents from having a conniption when they found out about some stuff. It was like... hm, almost a year ago. Wow, how time flies. (They still had a conniption anyway. I guess I can't really blame them. I would certainly not be happy knowing that my child was involved in an unholy liaison with someone like ME.)

Anyway, I never really wanted to get married and never felt there was a reason to be. I did live with a guy for 12 years. We broke up in 2000.

I don't think you have much to be upset about. Being somewhat lonely is infinitely preferable to being stuck with someone you loathe.

yours in recently-married Chaos, Scarlett

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Fri 09/26/08 08:39 PM
Hiya! :)

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Fri 09/26/08 06:14 PM
They mystify me as well, but I've found that there's hardly anything a purty new pair o' shoes won't fix! ;)

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Fri 09/26/08 06:13 PM
I've been the bass player for the Rok Tots, a Denver punk rock band, for many years now. We are still together, although have been having sh1tty luck trying to find a drummer lately.

I have played the guitar since I was a little kid, though I don't consider myself very good at it. I keep my guitar by my desk while I'm working and play it at least for a little while almost every day. yours in Chaos, Scarlett

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Fri 09/26/08 05:40 PM
Ok, well--this has certainly taken a somewhat insulting tack, but nevertheless: Hello and welcome! :)

no photo
Fri 09/26/08 04:34 PM
Hello! :D

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Fri 09/26/08 02:04 PM
I'm not feeling particularly obedient at the moment, however. :)

no photo
Fri 09/26/08 02:04 PM
In your pictures you look kinda... angry..? They're pretty good pictures, though. I hope you find what you're looking for. yours in Chaos, Scarlett

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Fri 09/26/08 01:59 PM
And if I welcomed you as I am typically "welcomed", I would likely get (another) warning from the site moderators! *waits for laughter and applause, clears throat, starts talking again*

That's actually not fair, one person did say something nice to me on the forum when I joined the site.

Anyway, I am not going to comment on your profile and pictures.

I hope you have fun here! Welcome! :)

no photo
Fri 09/26/08 01:01 PM
Denver cops are known for their, um, UNIQUE approach to law enforcement.

Since I'm already on every Denver cop's sh1t list, I've got nothing left to lose by saying here: The requirements as far as education, physical aptitude, and problem-solving ability to be a law enforcement officer for the City and County of Denver are among the lowest in the nation. That's a fact that anyone can look up.

It's not that they are all bored because there's not enough crime for them to fight--it's that they would rather hassle people who are basically law-abiding than go after real criminals. (They might get hurt!)

The stereotype of the overweight, donut-munching policeman whose primary interests involve getting free sex from women who want to avoid getting arrested and looking for a nice quiet place to coop is definitely alive and well in Denver, Colorado (USA). (Now don't get jealous! I'm sure some of your cops are just as bad! Just not as many of them all in one place.)

yours in Chaos (and realizing that I'll probably get pulled over within the next few days), Scarlett

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Fri 09/26/08 12:46 PM
Hi there! :)

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Fri 09/26/08 12:44 PM
Congratulations. :)

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Fri 09/26/08 12:43 PM
Ah, the internet. I do love it so! =]

no photo
Fri 09/26/08 10:49 AM
Hello there. :)

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Fri 09/26/08 10:45 AM
Winamp works pretty well. However, a lot of people have problems with Windows not being able to read a DVD or CD drive that has been installed correctly. (I know, I'm one of them. I paid big bucks for this computer that had a RW DVD drive and now--for some strange reason! none of the drives work, including my 3.5" disk drive. I'm going to have to take the comp in to have it fixed and pay even more money.)

If you are having read/write errors and "drive not found" with WMP, then it's possible that you will also have them with another application.

After a lot of research, I'm taking my computer to a tech because it seems like this is a very common problem and very hard to solve.

I know this is kinda discouraging, but good luck! yours in Chaos, Scarlett

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Fri 09/26/08 10:35 AM
I avoid the word (except when I'm talking about my favorite food, pet, or musik) because it's so often used to manipulate and deceive. Therefore I also avoid defining it in the presence of strangers. yours in Chaos, Scarlett

no photo
Fri 09/26/08 10:30 AM
The photo is exactly like the one on another introduction topic I responded to last night..?

Did you just decide to post another introduction, or did you change to another account, or...? (Just wondering, not a big deal to me.)

yours in Chaos, Scarlett

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Fri 09/26/08 02:41 AM
My trips to Mexico are always off the radar.

But do have fun! xoxo