Community > Posts By > Scarlett_156

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Mon 09/29/08 01:18 PM
Hiya! :D

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Mon 09/29/08 01:18 PM
Welcome. :)

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Mon 09/29/08 12:11 PM

Isn't it Ironic that we ignore the ones who adore us...adore the ones who ignore the ones who hurt us...and hurt the ones who love us? Just a thought...

I do not find that is the case, personally. I suppose it can be true for others, judging from the types of questions people ask me when I read tarot for them, however, or from the sorts of material one typically reads in "advice" columns.

If someone I have nothing in common with "adores" me, I don't ignore him/her--that could be a potentially life-threatening error! If it's someone I DO have stuff in common with, then it would also be a bad idea to pass up friendship with that person. Either way, I try to resolve the issue, whether the "adorer" likes the outcome or not.

As well, I have never "adored" someone who ignored me. I can have no more than a mild crush on someone who ignores me, and when it becomes obvious that the person is deliberately ignoring me, then I don't like him anymore.

"Love the ones who hurt us"...? Are you talking about "hurt" like "hurt my feelings by not giving me a bunch of compliments 24/7" or "hurt" as in "punched me in the mouth for asking him how his day went"...? There are all kinds of hurt. I mean, a mother loves her child, but the first act of the child is to hurt the mother really badly.

There's no way we can avoid inflicting emotional pain on someone who loves us, and vice versa. If we didn't have feelings, if we didn't care, then there would be no opportunity to feel pain at--for example--a misunderstanding or loss. But emotional pain in a loving relationship is always balanced out by intense joy.

The type of person you're talking about is not a well-balanced or happy person. I know there are lots of people like that, but it doesn't describe me or any of my friends.

And these are just some of MY thoughts. yours in Chaos, Scarlett

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Mon 09/29/08 10:57 AM

My umbrella only spreads its bat wings
With resentment into a dusty blaze.
It trails behind with woeful flapping in humid weather,
And never feels a single droplet on its face.

Next topic: Laundry mishap.

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Mon 09/29/08 10:45 AM
Edited by Scarlett_156 on Mon 09/29/08 10:47 AM
as i've mentioned in another thread, i keep seeing all these profiles that say "looking friends first and see where it goes from there" but honestly if you get close enough to be a friend,do you really want to progress that relationship into something more with a guy that has became a friend?

i mean doesn't that make it more of a "friends with benefits"type of relationship? huh

DISCLAIMER: I know this is going to sound kind of harsh and you may have felt you were being sincere when you started this topic. But if you read on to the end, maybe you'll understand where I'm coming from.

Men post this type of topic on social site forums when they are frustrated because the girls they check out don't say the right things in their headlines or profiles. In other words: "Wow, I could totally tap that, but why does she post these pics that give me such a horn and then say she WANTS TO BE FRIENDS???"

Guys feel--I think--that this constitues a type of hypocrisy on the part of females: "Oh SURRRRRE she wants to be 'friends first'!! WHY DOES SHE LOOK SO DAMNED FINE, THEN??"

First and foremost: You're taking this information that the female is offering you about herself too personally. If it doesn't have your name in it, then it's not directed toward you. It's just information. If you feel that it is bad information, or if something about it otherwise strikes you the wrong way, then why can't you just move on? It's the internet, and the social site is likely to have thousands of members. Variety is the spice of life, there's someone out there for everyone, and all that BS.

Secondly (and I've had lots of opportunities to observe this myself): Many men also seem to suppose that a female should post ugly pictures of herself, or make herself look completely unattractive, if she is not willing to put out just for the asking. This attitude extends itself into the workplace and other real-life social settings: Church, night clubs, school, you name it. If what you're seeing makes you get aroused, then the next emotion you feel is anger because you just can't throw her down on the ground and resolve the issue right there. (Helmut often gets in trouble for being too "honest" about this type of impulse, bless his savage little heart.)

Being a bit of a social engineer myself, I note a high degree of hypocrisy in this attitude: If I wear my miniskirt and high-heeled boots, they get angry at me. If I wear my plain brown suit, low-heeled brown shoes, and glasses--they get angry at me.

A good phrase that sums this up is "damned if you do, and damned if you don't".

Learning that we can't always have what we want just for the asking is a part of life. You're going to be frustrated every so often; the sooner you learn to deal with your frustrations in a rational manner, the happier you will be. (Don't take my word for it! Try it!)

And lastly but not leastly: If a girl was to put in her headline, "I am really loose and just sitting here waiting for you to message me so we can get together for casual sex!!!"--by what name, then, would you, and all the other guys, call her?

That's right.

You have doubtless heard of the phrase "double standard", and perhaps you have seen the double standard in operation applied to yourself. From your display picture, you are a young guy. You either are a student or work, or perhaps both. Haven't you ever observed that parents or other authority figures will have this "it's ok for me but not ok for you!" type of attitude? It's like your boss at work telling you not to take personal phone calls, but then his secretary sits there gabbing on the phone to her kids or husband all day long, right? Or like your mom yelling at you for driving too fast when she's always getting speeding tickets. Stuff like that.

Anyway, I hope that you had the perserverance to read to the end of this. I know it may sound like I'm being rude, but I feel that sincere questions like yours deserve an equally sincere answer.

Have a nice day. yours in Chaos, Scarlett

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Mon 09/29/08 09:05 AM
Edited by Scarlett_156 on Mon 09/29/08 09:06 AM


Lacking one letter only
He wakes me up more thoroughly.
No hands or numbers
and makes no gentle ticking sounds.
Aye, but I could strangle him!

The neighbor's rooster, that is.
But he's suck a handsome c0ck.

Next topic: Old paintbrushes.

no photo
Mon 09/29/08 08:51 AM
Looks pretty good. Your information is actually pretty well-put-together, though there are some typos--for example, take out the period before "although" and make it a comma because as it is now, it's two sentence fragments. I like your pictures; maybe try for a couple of different pics of you for some variety?

Anyway, it's nice to meet you.

You could easily be a 10 if you lost some weight. Get a calendar and start with 1 push up and everyday add 1 more. You'd be fit in no time, the first 2 weeks are gonna be slow, but stick with it.

Gee... I wonder what it's like to be perfect? :\

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Mon 09/29/08 08:44 AM
The poetry game is very easy: A topic is suggested, and then the next person to post has to write a poem on that topic.

The subject can be simple or complex. The poem can be short (3-4 lines) or long. You should make a good attempt not to use the subject word or phrase in the poem (although sometimes admittedly this not possible).

Then once you have written a poem about someone else's topic, you suggest a topic for the next person.

Here is an example:

The topic suggested by the last person is: Bread.

The kitchen cupboard gained a certain smell.
So I searched, found something--though it was very hard to tell
What this object was; lumpy, gray and green.
I took it out. The word "Rainbo" on the wrapper
Was the only clue I had to what this thing formerly had been.

Next topic: No parking (so the next person to post writes a short or long poem on the subject of "no parking", trying to avoid using the phrase "no parking" in the poem, if possible)

yours in Chaos, Scarlett

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Mon 09/29/08 08:25 AM
Yo homie! :D

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Mon 09/29/08 08:24 AM
Well, all things taken into consideration--it's still better than the alternative. :wink:

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Mon 09/29/08 01:50 AM
Well this post is kinda old... I'm hoping the OP got everything worked out, but anyway: I have never really been on a date so I can't claim to any sort of expertise in this area. However, I have always considered it kinda strange that for their first meeting two people would want to sit and stare at each other and try to think of things to talk about WHILE THEY ARE EATING.

To me that seems like there's no way to win in a situation like that.

I would want to do something besides sit, stare, and eat (and feel uncomfortable) at my first meeting with someone. Going for a walk, playing mini golf, bowling, or sightseeing seem like better ideas to me--that is, unless you've already established that you're getting together to shag, right? Then there's no point in all the formalities: Get to the action first, talk later. I hope this was helpful. yours in Chaos, Scarlett

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Mon 09/29/08 01:34 AM
How's it goin? :)

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Mon 09/29/08 01:32 AM
Charlie M. actually only has one documented killing by his own hand. He inspired others to commit multiple murders--and he probably did kill more than one person himself but he wasn't even on the scene when his followers wasted all those people. (Hippies! Tsk!)

no photo
Mon 09/29/08 12:47 AM
Er... that "crush" thing is like an advertisement. "Mutual match" is a site feature, but the "crush" message is an ad. If you click on it, you may get spyware. Just sayin.

no photo
Sun 09/28/08 11:09 PM
Nice to meet you. You seem like an interesting person. Maybe a list of all the places you've lived/visited...? yours in Chaos, Scarlett

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Sun 09/28/08 11:07 PM
Serial killer joke: What's the temperature in John Wayne Gacy's house?

*spooky voice* Twenty-one belooooowww!!!

no photo
Sun 09/28/08 11:06 PM
Without a doubt: Theodore (Ted) Bundy. But there are lots of intriguing serial killers; I mean, I consider Bundy the most interesting but I most often tend to emulate Madame Bathory. I hope this was helpful. yours in Chaos, Scarlett

no photo
Sun 09/28/08 09:55 PM
Nice to meet you. :)

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Sun 09/28/08 09:49 PM
I have done it. Only professionally a couple of times--the other times for fun and adventure.

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Sun 09/28/08 09:02 PM

hello just format your computer all antivirus protection in computers will not ctach the virus all the time. you must have a bad trojan horse that is a bad virus thats what it sounds like you have .

Yeah... reformat your hard drive. That'll take care of it. O.o (not)

The suggestion about Windows Live One Care is the best one. If your HD is infected that badly then downloading an antivirus program might go horribly wrong.

The scan might take a few hours, depending on the speed of your internet connection. After it's done and problems are all fixed, THEN download/install a good antivirus program once you know your computer is clean. AVG and Clamwin (I use Clamwin, it's free and great) have forums that you can join and information on their websites so that you can keep the programs updated and talk to other users if you are having problems.

And then: Stop downloading so much porn. Porn = bad for your computer. yours in Chaos, Scarlett

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