Community > Posts By > Scarlett_156

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Tue 09/30/08 01:51 PM

Isn't it a lot better to find out RIGHT AWAY that someone isn't your type than to have things drag on for weeks, months, or years? I mean, what better indicator could you need that someone is not right for you if communication sours right from the get-go?

I had on my headline on the book of matches site for quite awhile that I didn't have the time or inclination to cyber with people. Some found it offensive and antisocial, lol. But like I care..?

You have a right to your personal standards, and so do they.

Just keep lookin! yours in Chaos, Scarlett

Cybering isn't antisocial?rofl rofl

I would think it to be more antisocial myself.rofl rofl

I guess you want to debate me...? Or that you think I'm stupid?

In any case, if you want to start an issue with me, it probably shouldn't be in another person's topic.

no photo
Tue 09/30/08 01:45 PM
You are quite photogenic. I don't know if I would change anything... personally, however, when I see the word "cuddle" in a man's profile I stop reading right there. Men have always used that word to ridicule the female's desire for intimacy beyond just sex, so when a man uses the word in an apparently sincere way it makes me suspicious.

But then again, I'm not the type of person you're looking for; that's just my opinion, feel free to disregard it.

Good luck, and have fun! :)

no photo
Tue 09/30/08 01:13 PM
I have been reading some of your forum posts and was gonna send you a friends request anyway. You seem to be a very intelligent and friendly person with a good sense of humor, and definitely nobody's fool! lol

Nice to meet you. :D

no photo
Tue 09/30/08 01:10 PM
Isn't it a lot better to find out RIGHT AWAY that someone isn't your type than to have things drag on for weeks, months, or years? I mean, what better indicator could you need that someone is not right for you if communication sours right from the get-go?

I had on my headline on the book of matches site for quite awhile that I didn't have the time or inclination to cyber with people. Some found it offensive and antisocial, lol. But like I care..?

You have a right to your personal standards, and so do they.

Just keep lookin! yours in Chaos, Scarlett

no photo
Tue 09/30/08 12:43 PM
With regard to your motorcycle question: How experienced of a rider are you? (I'm assuming you are talking about street riding and not trail riding.)

If you have put in at least 1,000 miles on a street bike then you can probably buy whatever appeals to you, but if you have not been on the road that long, I suggest that you take a motorcycle safety class and learn how to ride safely FIRST before you buy a new bike. I wish I would have done that! I had been riding scooters and then motorcycles for years and years when I bought my first bike, but I decided to take a safety course. I had to unlearn a lot of stuff with that, and it made me a MUCH better rider and much more able to deal with all the stuff that can happen out on the highway. (You may meet some cool people in the safety classes as well.)

Once you complete the course (it only takes a few hours; the one I took cost about $150) then you'll have a lot better idea of your capabilities as far as street bike riding.

One thing I have seen a lot of guys do who are not experienced riders is that they start off with a fast, pricey, heavy, high-maintenance bike--and then promptly either wreck it or drop it (which can be catastrophic in the first case and at the very least totally embarrassing in the second). Even just dropping a bike once can put like $500 worth of damage on it.

Even if you are a big strong guy, if you are not an experienced rider you should get a bike that is low to the ground, runs well, and is not really large and/or heavy. Once you have put in a couple of seasons on that bike then you can consider something fancier (if you can afford it, of course).

I'm not being patronizing here--you DID ask! And I hope this information is helpful to you.

I'm a big hockey fan, too.

And: Welcome! :)

no photo
Tue 09/30/08 12:28 PM
Nice to meet you. :D

no photo
Tue 09/30/08 12:28 PM
Hello! :)

no photo
Tue 09/30/08 12:26 PM
I send people messages and friend requests all the time.

no photo
Tue 09/30/08 08:11 AM
^^^that's awesome! laugh

(moral dilemma)

This crisis of conscience
revolves clanging in my head.
Should I just shoot this guy who shot my dog
or torture him for awhile instead?

Next topic: Snow in the forecast.

no photo
Tue 09/30/08 08:04 AM
What a strange and manipulative question! (Hasn't anyone else noticed that yet..? no...?)

People who have extramarital or extracurricular affairs outside of a committed relationship usually don't call it "cheating" unless A) something goes wrong, or B) they start to feel guilty. Otherwise there's always a rationalization that makes it ok: "My committed partner won't put out," "I can't help myself," "There's no communication in my relationship; I'm lonely", etc.

I'm not a big fan of making promises I can't keep; neither do I enforce promises that are not explicitly made. I expect for a lover to take personal responsibility for all of his relationships, including those that may be sexual.

He will promise not to bring me any babies or any diseases, and to have the common courtesy to keep whatever else he has going on private, or at least out of my domain. (For example, if one of his hoes starts calling me to see if he's there or to whine about something he did that she didn't like, he's looking at a fight that he's not gonna like, and he's not gonna win. And he knows it.)

He won't promise not to see, think about, or shag anyone else until he is ready, willing, and able to do so.

Naturally, he's expected to extend the same courtesy toward me.

This may seem quite odd to some, but this is coming from someone who has been a rock musician for most of her life, and who has toured with her band, and played lots and lots of shows. My current boyfriend is a rock musician of enormous talent and physical attractiveness. Popular entertainers are put in social situations that put a lot of stress on conventional relationships. Relationships in this sphere therefore work much better if they are "de-conventionalized".

Monogamy is not really a practical arrangement for humans, anyway. Some people are naturally monogamous, but most are not. Therefore my wonder at the term "cheating", which in my opinion is an unnecessary and outmoded moral determination placed on normal human behavior.

Sorry, OP: I'm not trying to bust your chops here. But what person is going to talk honestly about lapses from monogamy if it's given the derogatory term "cheating"...? Most people do it, but hardly anyone will ever admit to it.

yours in Chaos, Scarlett

no photo
Tue 09/30/08 07:35 AM
He can't get anyone to want to meet him: Complain, complain, complain.

Someone wants to meet him, but she's too fat/too skinny/too pretty/not pretty enough/has kids/doesn't like kids/doesn't like cleaning game: Complain, complain, complain.

He meets someone and she turns out to be a scammer who ruins his life: Complain, complain, complain.

And you wonder why no one wants to meet you.

Here is a big newsflash: If one of the ladies who is currently still talking to you after three months doesn't want to meet you yet, then obviously she has something more promising going on that hasn't turned into a relationship yet. So in the meantime she's going to keep talking to you because it's better than nothing.

If you were a friend of mine (and there's scarcely any way that could ever be, but IF): I would tell you to move on. Stop talking to these women, put some more bait on your hook, and keep casting.

yours in Chaos, Scarlett

no photo
Mon 09/29/08 06:32 PM
I'm not a religious person (though I do play one on TV), and I tend to place all psychological quantifications into the same category--they may be handy at times, but they do not stand for anything that's really... er, REAL.

Your mind is just your mind. It has different ways of functioning at different levels but IN MY OPINION (not trying to be disagreeable here) those classic divisions of consciousness are more barriers to real understanding of the mind's function than they are anything else. They were useful at one time, but no longer are. yours in Chaos, Scarlett

no photo
Mon 09/29/08 06:20 PM
Dang... I'm sort of at a loss for words, here. But I agree that with those flattering photographs, you really don't have to spell out "attractive". People can see that already; it may create an impression that you are not entirely secure with your image. (Also, it bizarrely reminded me of the character "Miss Trixie" from the novel Confederacy of Dunces. YOU don't remind me of Miss Trixie, but the statement "I'm attractive" does...)

I'm impresseed that you would list "volunteering" at the top of your list of favorite things. Too bad there aren't more people like that, ya know? It's nice meeting you. :)

no photo
Mon 09/29/08 06:13 PM

Sarah Palin- and please, leave your glasses ON.


For my part: Helmut's best male friend Kaz (not his real name) has a really amazing physique, but he's very shy--I would likely have to dose him with something to get him in the right mood. But you did say "anybody".

We would also have to have Herr H. tied very securely, with a gag ball in place, somewhere in the room, or it just wouldn't be a party... although now that I consider it, Helmut's birthday is only a couple of weeks after mine, and he would probably want revenge... Scorpios, you know... hm... well, forget it then! I'll settle for Johnny Depp. yours in Chaos, Scarlett

no photo
Mon 09/29/08 06:04 PM
Nice to meet you. :)

no photo
Mon 09/29/08 03:05 PM
Well, that totally sucks.

I wish that I could say that I've never been treated that way, but it's happened to me too--not exactly the same way, but a similar pattern of confusion and deception that went on for a couple of years.

I'm working and cooking right now (yep, I'm multitalented, like you!:wink:) so I will be brief:

The longer you keep hanging onto this relationship, the worse it's gonna get. You should get out now and be grateful that you didn't actually do something like marry her, or get her pregnant, or something horrible like that.

It's going to hurt, but it's going to hurt worse six months from now if you keep trying to fit this treacherous b!tch into your life.

And I usually won't diss another female even if she seems sort of flaky but that is EXACTLY what this girl is: She is an immature, narcissistic, stupid, manipulative, treacherous b!tch. If you get rid of her now--and get COMPLETELY rid of her, don't talk to her, don't text her, don't IM her, get rid of whatever of hers you have left and just cross her out of your life--you will at least have some pleasant memories. If you wait she's just going to think of another way to screw you over, and next time it will be even worse.

Good luck. Somewhere out there there is a really nice girl who is going to treat you with the affection and respect you deserve. I hope this helps. yours in Chaos, Scarlett

no photo
Mon 09/29/08 02:56 PM
Congratulations, dude. :D

no photo
Mon 09/29/08 02:43 PM
The best thing for her to do would be to speak to an attorney that practices in the same area she got the ticket in. Some attorneys will give an initial free consultation, but I would just go ahead and pay one that has a success record.

If the citation was WRONG, then it would be wrong AT LEAST not to find out what the options are.

If you don't live in the area where the citation was issued, even if you are planning on pleading guilty, it's always best to get legal counsel, and ideally to have the lawyer present with you in court.

(The only time I've ever been cited for something in another state, I was actually DOING what I was cited for, so I just paid the fine, thanked Fortune that they didn't cite me for some of the other stuff I was doing at the time, and got the hell out of there. But if I felt I was charged in error, I would have talked to a lawyer immediately.)

And: The last thing I would do if I was in that sort of situation is ask people on the internet what to do about it, but since you asked...

I hope this was helpful. yours in Chaos, Scarlett

no photo
Mon 09/29/08 02:33 PM
Hi there. :)

no photo
Mon 09/29/08 01:25 PM
If I broke up with him: No. I would be relieved to see that he was not going to come bouncing back. yours in Chaos, Scarlett

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