Who is ready for winter
What is winter? Where I live we have two seasons wet and dry. The wet means it rains most every night or early morning. the dry means everything gets dusty. Temps pretty much stay the same
Being in my 40's
what u hate most and why
Don't come to Mexico or Guatemala. BYO is the general rule. Women in their purses men in their back pockets.
what u hate most and why
I hate hate. It is useless. You are eaten up by this hate and the object of your hate is bouncing along without a care in the world. Who is affected by that hate? Hmmmm
Are you tired of guns ?
Edited by
Tue 10/25/16 08:49 AM
I'm not. But keep them out of reach of children in double locked safe. A unavailable weapon is useless. Try this scenario. You live in Chicago the Us most dangerous city with the strictest gun laws. This means that only criminals have easy access to guns. It is late at night and you are sleeping and you hear the noise of a window breaking downstairs and footsteps coming up the stairs. So now your "secure gunsafe, with a gun and a trigger lock are downstairs. What do you do? call "timeout while I take 10 minutes to get my firearm to protect myself?" Good luck with that. Keep the guns high out of reach of toddlers definitely. At about 8 or 10 years old start teaching your children how dangerous these weapons are and how to use them in the correct manner. That way the mystery of what they are is removed and they are no longer of any more intrigue than the furniture. Funny that Chicago had more murders with guns than Iraq this year. Andersonville Ga has lowest violent crime rate and handgun ownership is encouraged. Hmmmm (not sure that city name is correct) I read an article about 5 or 6 years ago about the town. |
Rate my profile
not encouraging but thanks
Rate my profile
I get pretty much nothing. I don't have premium so clicking yes is little help. I want messages. What do I need to change?
Edited by
Thu 09/29/16 08:57 AM
Interested in a man in my age group. Kind, caring, understanding, and loving. Be careful of no pictures. You can set your profile to exclude non-picture messages. Of course puctures can be fake also. Mine is real, probably why I get almost zero messages. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Handsome men over 50!
Edited by
Thu 09/29/16 08:50 AM
I am new to all this on line Dateing stuff n I don't know if my profile needs to be improved. Or not and if it does what. Do I need to do to it can I get a woman's advice to see how it looks on the other end Hi GhostRider6912 Post under Rate My Profile if you want help to improve your profile. I took a look and it's good. Welcome to M2 and good luck To mzrosie; why do set a limit of 70? It's a shame (for me) that you are so far away. I am bald, and you look closer to 45 tban 70. Must be those good Asian genes. Stay warm and happy. |
Thanks for the input everyone. I'm still a bit confused. It's important for me to know because I have a lung condition caused by 2nd-hand smoke. I find it hard to get enough air into my lungs, especially if I am trying to sing or exercising. It was from growing up in a household of smokers. Now, I have lacework holes in my lungs that won't kill me but makes it hard to hold air in for any amount of time. It's very uncomfortable. I used to get paid to sing at weddings, funerals, parties etc. but for the last 15 years I can't hold any note. I guess, I just need to know if social smoking means that they will light-up in my presence. I think with your condition I wouldn 't date a smoker. I am healthy and I dont' want to and if they do.. Not around me... The difference between a social drinker and a social smoker is difficult at best to describe. I enjoy a good wine occasionally with dinner. If I am working outside and it is hot, a. nice ice cold beer is great. A six pack will last me a month. Kissing a Social Smokeris akin to licking a slightly used ashtray. I am one of those damnable former smokers. So my opinion on smoking is jaded. I also got blind drunk when I was in the Military. Now, never. I want to remember last night. Good or bad. |
maybe they o ly smoke weed.
where's everyone from?
my parents
do companies pay taxes?
This is a trick question. The answer is an unequivical "NO". Ok before we. overload the forum let me explain. You start a business making. and selling widgets. In order to produce this widget costs $10. in. material an labor. Hidden in that. labor cost is SS, Medicare,unemployment insurance and workman's. comp. In the material cost you have sales or VAT taxes. Without those taxes the Widget would cost $7.00 to produce. Now you are in business to make as much profit as you. can. The. government steps in and accesses you arainn tax (NC) a drequires environmental studies and other studies. So now on top of normal cost you have to. face income tax on the profit. so in. order to make a liveable income and rewards for the risks and ingenuity, you need to charge $20 for the widget. who Pays that? YOU DO NOT THE BIG CORPORATIONS.
Now tell me I am wrong. |
God is NOT a loving god.
Moe and respect you but without religion there is no standard for a moral basis. I never said you were stupid. But why do you feel the need to prove otherwise. When there is no proof you can give? There is no proof I can give you except that I have been healed when I can not take meds and am allergic. And not something that could be healed by anything except surgery. I never had surgery and even on x-rays it's healing. I prayed and I prayed. What can I say to you or you to me. I can not say when we pray the answer is always yes but sometimes it is a yes did you and cowboy over look my response? "the bible is a great book for learning morals, it has some great teachings... but is nothing more than a book, written by a human, just like any harry potter or steven king book... " morals can come from anywhere, being a good person doesn't mean anything other than that... there are millions of childrens books that teach morals as well... if you believe god healed you, i won't argue that, it's what you believe... but to say atheists have no morals is not real good thinking on your part, and a bit ignorant... lack of morals and understanding comes in all types of people, and to pin it down on atheists is very wrong on your part... No an atheist has no morals a no direction of morals and is not wrong. I am not trying to make you admit you are religious in anyway. But you are not an atheist either because an atheist has no morals and no basis for morals even if your parents taught you morals and those moral were last down through the generations how do you know where those moral came from. I might have missed a post they are getting so quote long. But still an atheist has no morals period and can not unless they were given direction of morals from somewhere. I do not think it is a reach to say a true athiest has no morals. you're just plain wrong in thinking morals = religion in any way...all atheist means is we don't believe in a god.... shame on you for saying such rude and ridicules statements... No moe atheism means more than that. I am sorry if you are offended. Offense is not intended. So what you are saying is not believing in any god whatsoever. You believe in morals of a god. So even so still not athirst. Yes the Bible was not written by God but by Moses Luke John Mark and so on.....all religious followers a believers of God. Did they get it right maybe not. But I will says this. I do believe you are going to heaven Moe. cool, so i can look forward to my death! Moe lol I don't care who you are, I do not think anyone looks forward to death. Jesus himself did not look forward to death. Not entiely true. hedid not look forward to being crucified and was distressed when the sins of the world were thrus upon Him and God turned away fromHim. Death was a welcome release because He knew what lay after. What comes after dinner? Even a tripe and cabbage dinner, dessert. The best is always saved for last. there is only 2 things in life we get to do once. Get born (don't remember) and then die. It has got to be the ultimate trip for a believer. I am not trying to hasten my death but I certainly look forward to it. Small story. A little over a year ago I was experiencing intermittent excruciating pain in upper abdomen and back. My eyes were yellow as waere my nail beds. I went to the doc for a blood test thinking Hep C possibly. He comes out and says "good news and bad news. You don't have Hep C or cancer but if you don't have surgery immediately yu wil probably be dead in three days." My reply was "OK I will hav to et busy then and get my dogs put down and give everything away and withdraw my money to give away. Just let the government do what they want with my body since I won't be needing it anymore. I was looking forward to this like a vacation to somepace I always wanted to go. I got home and my fiend asked me what was going on and I told him that I needed surgery and couldn't afford it. He got wit my other friends and neighbors and came up with teh money to send me back up to the states to Phoenix for surgery. Other than the fact that I have no Gall Bladder. I am in perfect health. Two points, death was not something I dreaded or worried about, and I knew that God card enough for me to have strangers lend me money for airfare and a hospital, and doctor to forgo fees. My take is that He has something else in store for me even at 73. Oh yeah there is a God and He loves me, tht is awesome bcause i don't deserve that measure of love but He does it anyway. |
God is NOT a loving god.
Moe and respect you but without religion there is no standard for a moral basis. I never said you were stupid. But why do you feel the need to prove otherwise. When there is no proof you can give? There is no proof I can give you except that I have been healed when I can not take meds and am allergic. And not something that could be healed by anything except surgery. I never had surgery and even on x-rays it's healing. I prayed and I prayed. What can I say to you or you to me. I can not say when we pray the answer is always yes but sometimes it is a yes did you and cowboy over look my response? "the bible is a great book for learning morals, it has some great teachings... but is nothing more than a book, written by a human, just like any harry potter or steven king book... " morals can come from anywhere, being a good person doesn't mean anything other than that... there are millions of childrens books that teach morals as well... if you believe god healed you, i won't argue that, it's what you believe... but to say atheists have no morals is not real good thinking on your part, and a bit ignorant... lack of morals and understanding comes in all types of people, and to pin it down on atheists is very wrong on your part... No an atheist has no morals a no direction of morals and is not wrong. I am not trying to make you admit you are religious in anyway. But you are not an atheist either because an atheist has no morals and no basis for morals even if your parents taught you morals and those moral were last down through the generations how do you know where those moral came from. I might have missed a post they are getting so quote long. But still an atheist has no morals period and can not unless they were given direction of morals from somewhere. I do not think it is a reach to say a true athiest has no morals. you're just plain wrong in thinking morals = religion in any way...all atheist means is we don't believe in a god.... shame on you for saying such rude and ridicules statements... No moe atheism means more than that. I am sorry if you are offended. Offense is not intended. So what you are saying is not believing in any god whatsoever. You believe in morals of a god. So even so still not athirst. Yes the Bible was not written by God but by Moses Luke John Mark and so on.....all religious followers a believers of God. Did they get it right maybe not. But I will says this. I do believe you are going to heaven Moe. cool, so i can look forward to my death! Moe lol I don't care who you are, I do not think anyone looks forward to death. Jesus himself did not look forward to death. |
God is NOT a loving god.
What year is this? Why is it that number? I know a while back the minority of atheists got upset with BC and AD so now it is BCE and CE. Sounds like semantics to me. It tak more faith and less logic to be an ateist than a believer. Anyone who can say that all we see came about by accident would hav to believe that a tornado in a junkyard "might" produce a flyable Airbus.
There is enough extra biblical proof to verify that Jesus Christ did live, die and resurrected in the early 1st century. No not on Christmas day that was Emperor Constantine trying to placate the pagans with a celebration to exchange for the Winter Solstice. Look at the world around you. One of the astronauts (don't remember name) hen asked if he saw God in outer space said, "No but I did see His footprints." Atheists are loud and demanding and sound like they are more than they really are. Fortunately you are in a very small ignorant minority that deliberately ignores the evidence al around you. a last quote, "One day ALL will kneel before God but only those who chose Him will have everlasting life." I don't hate you because God loves you. |
I live in Mexico. My dentist was trained at U. Minnesota and sppeaks perfect English. Implants aren't his thing but, he has a referral to a periodontist/oral surgeon that does implants. The cost isn't dirt cheap but it is about 25% what you would pay in the states even after transportation and temp lodging.
I have read so many studies of things that were bad for you; remember coffee, bad bad bad. Now 3-5 cups a day is beneficial. High fat diets cause high cholesterol, I have a friend who is almost 380lbs and his cholesterol is right at normal and heart healthy. I am 73 with a 55 year old heart according to an echocardiogram I had a few years ago. My body age is 66-68. I enjoy sex and engage 3-5 times per week. If I am going to die of a heart attack in 5 years at least I'll have a smile on my face and maybe other parts will show happiness also.
There is a reason they call it "Practicing Medicine". They ain't got it right yet. |
Giving out your cell number.
It is so easy to block a number so it really doesn't matter. I am (unwillingly) using Whatsapp because of my Granddaughter. So I have used it for chatting. I prefer Skype messaging if the other person has trouble with English or when I have trouble with Spanish. It is easy to block that also, and email. Use an alias account (Yahoo has them) so even if it is a scammer and they distribute your address it isn't real and you delete it.
Bottom line NBD. |
Same as my last thought at night "Wow God Loves me."