welcome! i just happenstanced (is that a word?) upon this topic n glad i
did! just know there's more to this site then right here,,,navigate urself thru it,,,get acquainted!! |
still gigglin!! wink
Why aren't women romantic?
well thought n said!
yup, i 'feel' your, um dismay,,but i was putting myself in the other persons place,,,gracious, i'd be embarrased, saddened, compromised,,a lot of negative emotions if i had to state my incapabilities when they were staring me in the face every moment of every day,,,wow,,now im depressed thinkin bout all of mine!! we all put our best forward,,it's part of who we are, how we've developed. i'd hate to become someone who wants to show all my negativites first! it'd be like that was my focus, n i choose to be more positive than that,,does that make sense!?!
i had to peek cuz i wondered why so little posts. your profile is so irrelevant,,nothing there; not much to comment on,,,
Why do people cheat?
you made me think,,'why' cheat/affair,,at first i thought selfishness, wanting more n more gratification,,then,,a deep desire, need to feel wanted n desired. gracious, there's a whole myriad of thoughts as to why we do what we do,,or want to anyway,,too deep when i just awoke in the middle of the night REALLY just want to go back to sleep n cant!! wink
i am so sorry that happened to you,,alot of ppl online n off, want things from us they shouldnt. try not to let this circumstance harden ur heart cuz their are great ppl not only off line, but online, too!
me too! welcome, hope your time here gives you great pleasure n success
yes, i dont consider it a last resort, either. i've had the tremendous pleasure of developing strong friendships, & even some romances, etc,,just because they didnt last doesnt make em less significant cuz we met online
you would have to meet at some point,,the desire for 'long didtance' dis
sipates over time, i guess?!?!! |
im new 2! everyone is great here,,have fun n enjoy urself! |
to me, love is a choice,,the 'in love' part are the wonderful emotions, thoughts, feelings, etc that go with it,,,
Rate my account
i must say i am very impressed with your profile!! you sound like a terrific man. dont change a thing, in ur profile or in you! (well except maybe a relationship with Jesus!) hope you find your heats desire! i tried to send this to 'goodguy1030',,,,did you get it? |
Rate my account
i must say i am very impressed with your profile!! you sound like a terrific man. dont change a thing, in ur profile or in you! (well except maybe a relationship with Jesus!) hope you find your heats desire!
lol,,good for you!! its a rare occurance for most of us but absolutely
WONDERFUL when it does!! |
i lost yall on the previous page,,silly boy. quit laggin so far behind!
great stuff,,,wow,,i gatta learn to reply to this stuff!!
i can promise you,,,,i will never remember ur toast,,,i really wanna, but my heads shruggin ta the left,,,dunno. gotta have the timer!
k. yall no im new here ,this is pretty serious,,,how do i get to the next page of my messages?!?!? can ya help me out?
momma he's crazy,,,,,,,crazy over you,,gosh i love that song!!