SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Tue 05/14/24 03:55 AM
I thought I did, couple times. Turned out to be wrong otherwise I wouldn't be single now, hihi.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Tue 05/14/24 03:54 AM
Seeing my 12 months old granddaughter!
I saw her yesterday on my birthday when I went on an outing with my daughter & the little one smitten
She is SO cute and pure joy!

A visit to the crystal shop!

A good conversation :)
A good conversation with a great guy smooched

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sun 05/12/24 04:34 AM
Edited by SparklingCrystal 💖💎 on Sun 05/12/24 04:35 AM
Losing belly fat depends on your age.
If it's approx. 40+ belly fat it requires a different approach because your body then functions differently.
Esp. for women but also for men it becomes more important to do power training. Women need that to maintain their muscle. Dip in hormones -including testosterone- make you lose muscle tissue EVEN when you do exercise like running or aerobics etc.
Power training helps the female body to keep making testosterone so she doesn't lose muscle.
This muscle loss will continue post-menopausal, so you have to do something to maintain it for the rest of your life.
That will help keep you fitter and healthier. And could even prevent bad fall-accidents when your old.

HRT might be necessary too.

And you need to make changes in how you eat. Not the regular diet shizzel but because your body needs different things when 40+.
Regular diets are nonsense anyways, but esp. when 40+.
For instance increase in protein. You basically should eat protein with everything you eat.

You can get a book like "The Body Effect" to figure out what is causing your belly fat (there are various imbalances that can be behind it) or see a dietician a few times.
Again not to get a strict diet that no one can stick to for the rest of their life. But to get a healthy food-lifestyle that helps you lose weight and is doable and enjoyable for the rest of your life.

Again, normal diet shizzel never works, isn't pleasant, and is NOT what is needed with 40+ belly fat. What worked when you were 20 or 30 no longer works as your bodily functions changes (hormones, also for men).
And belly fat is the most dangerous fat there is. Very high risk factor for cardio-vascular disease.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sun 05/12/24 03:15 AM
Normal behaviour for a cat. I have a similar problem in my garden with sections where I am sowing flowers.
It's their natural instinct and behaviour to dig in soil as they wanna poo there.
You can often come a long way by putting sticks in a pot. I use satay sticks. They don't cost much. I use them in the garden too, although outdoors I use whatever small branch I can as well.

Around my indoor plants I have all kinds of everything on the soil as the cat kept digging in it. I use shells, quartz, and whatnot.
Once they're older they usually stop doing that, but maybe not when the cat that cannot go outside.

Just get creative. Try satay sticks.
IF that doesn't work, put something like a strip of chicken wire around the pot. And maybe it's handier to put something like chicken wire ON the pot directly after sowing. The plants will grow through that, but a cat cannot get to the soil any longer.

Yet another option is to hang the pot up or if it's too large for that, put it on legs. Anything so the cat cannot get to it anymore.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sun 05/12/24 03:03 AM
Wishing all mothers a happy Mother's Day!

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Thu 04/18/24 03:46 AM
Edited by SparklingCrystal 💖💎 on Thu 04/18/24 03:48 AM
We had the last one in 1999 and won't get the next total solar eclipse until 7 October 2135...

There will, however, be a total eclipse in 2026 but then you'd have to travel unless you live in Russia, Greenland, Iceland, Spain or Portugal.

I don't understand why Spain & Portugal do get it and not the rest of western Europe though...

As for the last one... it was evening here so we couldn't see it at all.
But the energies of it are felt nonetheless.
It was a very powerful one, phew! Could feel the effect of the buildup at least a week prior.
Lot of other people felt it too and had physical discomfort and/or pain.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 04/08/24 02:54 AM
It could be cute and a tad funny, but then you have to clean it up a bit.
It's a solid block of text and as such difficult to read especially since you jump from one thing to the next.
Start a new line when you do that by using paragraphs.

Don't use so many emojis. A mere few can enhance, too many make it look chaotic and almost childish.

This for instance:
"...everything upon which I muse then becomes my own personal spark for :innocent:🤣:smirk::heart:)"

What the hell does that mean?
Personal spark for what? Using emojis instead of a word/phrase in your profile text is not handy. In chat when you know someone, okay. Not in your profile.

Lastly... get a different profile photo, this one isn't great, and only have photos uploaded that are recent.
If the first few without glasses aren't recent don't have them up on your profile.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Fri 03/22/24 05:13 PM
I never really get why people say "my better half".
I suppose when you're English native speaker it sounds okay since you don't know any better as it's a normal expression to use.
But to me, a near-native speaker English, it sounds and certainly feels off.

It's like saying that you are not much good, kind of like knocking yourself.
To me it feels like placing your value and worth in something external, in this case a partner.

Is it referred to the same way in other languages?
In mine we say what would translate to "sharer half" or "sharer partaker".

It's likely because English isn't my native tongue, or is it?
Does any native speaker feel the same way about this?

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Thu 03/21/24 04:00 AM

So no constructive thoughts huh? Just trolling.

So I guess you are so smart and have so much g9ing on for you that you haven't asked advice from anyone.

Yet here you are. On the same site tearing down other people because you have low self esteem.

And there you go again, attacking someone else who is only answering the question you yourself asked!

What I get from what you're writing is that you're very negatively focused, judgemental, and I sense deep sadness which might be why you spew anger.

You cannot express love by holding hands?
That's the least intrusive way to show affection. If even that is too much you may want to seek some help.
If you can get into a softer warmer vibe, better able to express your feelings & affections -verbal & non-verbal- you may find you'll do much better in life in general AND in love.

No one feels good around someone who cannot show warmth & affection, instead holds & exudes anger, and when in relationship with such a person you get affected by that too.
Human beings need love, touch, hugs, touch, shows of affection, touch, and care and touch. Touch is very important! That's part of our nature.
When you cannot give that, you deprive your partner of it too.
Logical that goes wrong.

First thing to do is to stop accusing and judging other people. Stop spreading anger and chaos around you.
Learn to focus on good things in your life.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sun 03/17/24 10:50 AM
Pleasantly tired after a wonderful Ostara celebration this afternoon! :smile: smooched :heart:

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sun 03/17/24 10:40 AM

Thank you, Julie!
No big changes anymore. And depending if the potential buyer I got wants it or not...
Keeping my fingers crossed that he indeed goes for it!

Good luck:thumbsup: .

Thank you! He wants to wait till end of the month. Fingers crossed!

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sat 03/16/24 04:33 PM
Thank you, Julie!
No big changes anymore. And depending if the potential buyer I got wants it or not...
Keeping my fingers crossed that he indeed goes for it!

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sat 03/16/24 10:23 AM
Getting close to calling it a finished painting! I only have to work on some details and then it's done.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Fri 03/15/24 12:39 PM
Thank you! :smile:

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Fri 03/15/24 09:41 AM
Today's work on the tiara.
And dang, I'm starting to like it more and more, hihi.
Adding a close-up as in the small picture it's a bit difficult to see.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Fri 03/15/24 03:14 AM
Edited by SparklingCrystal 💖💎 on Fri 03/15/24 03:15 AM
I've worked on it a few days ago, finished off the webs on the dragon, added her top and worked on the tiara.
Last night worked on those again.

Some subtle highlights on her top and I painted droplets on the tiara. I'm adding a close-up so you can see better what I've been doing.

I'll do a bit more of that so it has more depth, but not each 'droplet' as that's almost undoable.

Oddly enough it doesn't seem like much yet it took me 2 hours to do :o

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Fri 03/15/24 03:03 AM
Get a profile text before asking...

And you're still married which likely is the reason your looking for whatever: sex, dating, relationship etc.
Until you can be clear on what it is you have to offer it might not be a good time to be on a dating site. You'll only end up in rebound and hurting someone else in the process.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Thu 03/14/24 03:10 AM
The power of healing :)

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Tue 03/12/24 01:48 PM
Thank you, Julie!

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Tue 03/12/24 11:31 AM
Did a bit of work today while my li'l kitten was at the vet's to get spayed/neutered (female kitten).
Didn't paint for long as I was tired but also cause I had to go pick up my little Roosje again! All went well, thank goodness.

Painting isn't done yet, but made some nice progress :)
I'm glad I decided to go for the tiara because I now see I can pull it off and I now know what corrections it needs before I finish it of.
But even as it is I'm liking it!
Dragon isn't done yet either.

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