Topic: Asia or Europe
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Sun 12/24/23 01:37 PM
So where do you want to spend your life??

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Sun 12/24/23 01:53 PM

So where do you want to spend your life??


Morticia's photo
Sun 12/24/23 01:58 PM
Asia. Malaysia is my forever home.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Sun 12/24/23 03:26 PM
I find parts of Asia fascinating. MUCH different than the US, which is what I seek when I travel. Should Biden get reelected, I'd consider moving to SE Asia. I'm sure Europe is nice, but it's never interested me in the least compared to Asia.

Lyne Rose Dia's photo
Thu 01/25/24 06:23 AM
europe is my destiny :blush:🥲

Larsi666 😽's photo
Thu 01/25/24 09:04 AM
I gonna stay in Germany then :sweat_smile:

Barbie's photo
Tue 01/30/24 09:49 PM
So where do you want to spend your life??

I'd like to move to and spend the rest of my life in Ireland.

no photo
Wed 01/31/24 02:07 AM
10bye 3foot Layer of land.. :coffin:


SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Wed 01/31/24 05:26 AM
Europe of course!
I have lived in Asia for a few years, but it isn't home.
Australia could have been home.
Never America.
Nowhere where way of life / culture is too different.

I wouldn't mind moving to another country, or other area of the country, but unless it's Australia, I'm not leaving western Europe!

Chico M's photo
Wed 01/31/24 09:48 AM

no photo
Wed 01/31/24 02:06 PM
my home town always be nice, what ever I live, I can back to my home town.

Larsson71's photo
Wed 01/31/24 03:23 PM

So where do you want to spend your life??
Celtic Park, in Glasgow, would do me fine:thumbsup::100: C'mon the hoops:four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover:

Nette's photo
Tue 04/16/24 07:15 AM
I find parts of Asia fascinating. MUCH different than the US, which is what I seek when I travel. Should Biden get reelected, I'd consider moving to SE Asia. I'm sure Europe is nice, but it's never interested me in the least compared to Asia.

lol. no one is choosing Africa, sad but I don't wanna choose it too....
its warm though throughout with great adventures in nature and safaris,clean air and quite at home for most people

Desugarboy's photo
Tue 12/31/24 02:12 PM
So where do you want to spend your life??

kuala lumpur,malaysia...unique culture diversity and variety food,tropical whether....affordable price,blend beauty nature and modern life.

motowndowntown's photo
Wed 01/01/25 10:09 AM
On the couch, drinking beer, watching the game on TV, and eating fried chicken.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Wed 01/01/25 11:51 AM
Asia for men, Europe for women.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sun 01/05/25 02:53 AM

I find parts of Asia fascinating. MUCH different than the US, which is what I seek when I travel. Should Biden get reelected, I'd consider moving to SE Asia. I'm sure Europe is nice, but it's never interested me in the least compared to Asia.

lol. no one is choosing Africa, sad but I don't wanna choose it too....
its warm though throughout with great adventures in nature and safaris,clean air and quite at home for most people

Oh, I'd love to visit Africa and hope one day I can do so!!
I've seen various travel docus, have friends that went there on holiday a couple of times. It really appeals to me. It already did when I was a teenager.

But... the question here is "where do you want to live the rest of your life?"
I do not wish to live in Africa.
Many places I'd like to visit (again), but doesn't mean I want to live there.
That's what holidays are for: discovering another country.

no photo
Tue 02/25/25 11:06 AM
How's Thailand

Jaan Doh 's photo
Thu 02/27/25 09:24 AM
I guess living in either Asia or Africa would be nice...

Asia, the continent of my forefathers...

Africa, the continent of my birth place...