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Topic: Reflections on the Role of Women
no photo
Sat 11/02/24 11:16 PM
How do you see the role of Arab women in society compared to women in your country?!

JulieABush's photo
Sun 11/03/24 03:20 AM
At least here they have equal opportunity like all women do:thumbsup: .

motowndowntown's photo
Sun 11/03/24 08:27 AM
In some countries it seems a woman's "role" is what a few grumpy old men demand it to be.

In other countries it's what she wants it to be.

europeanimport7's photo
Sun 11/03/24 09:14 AM
Every woman has the same societal role all over the world, period.
The only problem is that many countries do suppress the societal role of women. Look what happened in Afghanistan after the Taliban took over again, women are seen as less valuable, raised to be child bearers and housewife's with no education to keep them from revolting.
I feel bad for these women and hope that one day all people in this world are equal!

no photo
Sun 11/03/24 10:57 AM
How do you see the role of Arab women in society compared to women in your country?!

How do you perceive women's rights/equality where you say you're from, in comparison to what they have in the European country, whose culture you state having a good knowledge of?

Santana's photo
Mon 11/04/24 04:38 PM

Every woman has the same societal role all over the world, period.
The only problem is that many countries do suppress the societal role of women. Look what happened in Afghanistan after the Taliban took over again, women are seen as less valuable, raised to be child bearers and housewife's with no education to keep them from revolting.
I feel bad for these women and hope that one day all people in this world are equal!

I agree

Slim gym 's photo
Mon 11/04/24 06:02 PM
All I know is that some women have this uncanny knack of re-appearing in to your life .....

Rapper 's photo
Mon 11/04/24 10:22 PM

CrazyCreative's photo
Fri 11/15/24 04:43 PM
Where is the, "Reflections on the role of men" thread?

bobtail76's photo
Sat 11/23/24 08:58 AM

Where is the, "Reflections on the role of men" thread?

Do we need one?

Slim gym 's photo
Thu 12/12/24 01:48 PM
In some countries they cannot reflect on the role of a woman , simply because they are finding it difficult to define what a woman is !!! This should be very concerning for all !!!!

Duttoneer's photo
Sat 12/14/24 01:18 AM
Reflections on the Covid epidemic when guys had it really tough, no footy, no pub nights with the lads, all sporting activities cancelled. Whereas the girls had everything normal in their lives, the cooking, cleaning, doing the washing and ironing, and all stuff like that.

JulieABush's photo
Sat 12/14/24 03:50 AM

In some countries they cannot reflect on the role of a woman , simply because they are finding it difficult to define what a woman is !!! This should be very concerning for all !!!!

You are spot on with this post:thumbsup: . This world has become a big ball of confusion of those trying to force their agenda is crazy. They take that agenda to their government so it can pass laws to make it acceptable. The worst part is when they want that agenda taught in schools to young kids or put into children’s programs on TV like drag queens. Then they sues those who refuse to service them. They want insurance to pay for their gender surgery. Conclusion you are either born male or female and no matter what you do to yourself it will stay that way until death. Yes, I can accept you but don’t force it on anybody to get that acceptance.

Toodygirl5's photo
Sat 12/14/24 03:39 PM

How do you see the role of Arab women in society compared to women in your country?!

Women Lack many freedoms. Men Rule and very Controlling.

Thank God I live in USA.

Duttoneer's photo
Sun 12/15/24 12:30 AM
I guess it depends where you live in the world. Here in the UK The pay for women over the past half century has slowly been brought up to the same pay as a man doing exactly the same job. Men and women have the same rights. We have had two women Prime Ministers, the highest political office in the land. In the 2024 General Election 263 women were elected to Parliament, that is 40.3% of the total number of MPs are women, the highest ever number of females ever elected to Parliament. I doubt women enjoy the same life styles and freedoms of choice living in the Arab world, they must follow the laws of the land on what is permitted for them to do, maybe this will change over time as it has done in the UK.

Dramatic Muffin's photo
Sun 12/15/24 01:56 AM
Edited by Dramatic Muffin on Sun 12/15/24 01:57 AM
I think it varies by Arab country, but I can say that when I lived in Egypt, women did not have the same rights. A man beating his wife was common. Rape was common and rarely prosecuted. If a woman divorced her husband he was always awarded the kids. That was why I could never understand it when some of my female colleagues (expats) would date local men.

JulieABush's photo
Sun 12/15/24 03:35 AM
The grocery company I work for here in Texas was founded by a woman.

Slim gym 's photo
Sun 12/15/24 05:15 AM
Women have a great role to play in our daily lives .... changing men to suit themselves is not one of them ...
The only time a woman can change a man is when he is in diaper wearing mode . tongue2 tongue2

Duttoneer's photo
Sun 12/15/24 06:37 AM
A good friend of mine once told me that his wife had spent all their married life changing him. Many years later when they were getting a divorce she told him he wasn't the man she married. laugh

JulieABush's photo
Sun 12/15/24 01:03 PM

Women have a great role to play in our daily lives .... changing men to suit themselves is not one of them ...
The only time a woman can change a man is when he is in diaper wearing mode . tongue2 tongue2

Unfortunately some women can be controlling and I for one am not one of them. As far as the diaper thing if the man is physically capable of doing so he can change his own diaper of course that Dependslaugh .

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