Christian Divorce
Correction of sentences are with errors:
I personally don't think that christians who divorce are of little faith, cause that meant the initiator of marriege was of little faith too. (God) God is still living (not loving) with the after effects of being divorced.... Please forgive me with many more sentences with errors!! |
Christian Divorce
"God hated divorce. My question is, where is the word commitment gone to this day & age?" SperenzaSutton "Are Christians who divorce of little faith?" My answer to both of these questions is: True, God hates divorce simply because He was the very first one to be divorced when sin was committed at Eden. He states the only one reason He condons it, (not necessarily approving it) that is when onother part partakes in sexual activities with the third part who's not even part of the vow that was taken before God, let alone members who were invited to witness that. God would rather have us forgiving than taking the route of divorce, cause it has hectic after effects that affect not only those who are divorced, but other innocent members (example kids) who are the fruits of two people getting themselves into this vow/covernent. In my little mind I think that God condoms this if one part has been sexually involved with onother third part only because in He's word He says through the apostle Paul "Or do you not know that he who is joined with a harlot is one body with her? For two shall become one flesh." 1 Corinth 6:16 Sexual intercause is far more than physical contact between two parties, energies are exchanged from one body to onother. When one partakes in the body of Christ & being one with Him, God's spirit is released to one's body as a dwelling place, energies will start manifesting as a result of having the Holy Spirit within yourself. (one starts forgiving, short temper is got rid off & many more benefits) Now imagen when energies of ungodlyness are exchanged from one body to other, since a sexual intercause is also a spiritual activity, the married part will them bring forth to the wife/hasbend cause the spirits taken from the third part will also be transfered to the faithful member whose not partaking in these activities. So by God only condoning divorce if & only when the other member is involved sexually, its only for protection sake. In so saying, I don't think Christians who divorce are of little, that will automatically mean God Himself is of little faith, cause He's the very first one to initiate marriege & commitment, as much as He was also the very first one to be dovorced. He's been loving with the after effects of divorce till this day, hense a second altinative took place through Christ's crucifiction, there's still that void between God & men. God was compromised of coming down for a fellowship with men, instead its now our part to strive & reach out to Him. Even the second altinative couldn't really make up for the error that has taken place in Eden from the original plan. Take it from Jesus when praying for 9hours before crucifiction..... What does it say about? Pray without ceasing. (bear that He didn't have to do all things that He did, it was only to demonstrate to us how to go about living a faithful life) Being the very King of kings, breaking through the heavenly realm, spirits that hindered He's prayers, that only highlight to us the challenges we gonna go through reaching out to God. God therefore knows better about the after effects of divorce. This is only one of many more in the list. Thank God for He's Spirit that Interceeds for us without ceasing. For interest sake, please read Daniel 10. (this passage tells better about hindered prayers in heavenly realm) I'm so sorry that I diviated from the asked question, hope it all comes together to the point I'm trying to express to both of your questions guys. Stay blessed!! |
Said too much,
Hope it makes a little sense... |
"I'd like to hear your thoughts on these scriptures..?"
What I like most about the apostle Paul is that he always expresses he's view points, some things he says are he's personal point of view, not really what God has said, hense he'd even say that now its him talking not God (we see more of that in 1 Corinth 7:6) I somehow think God respects he's openions, since they're written in the bible for us to have an idea of what he thought about a certain subject. In the above qoeted verses (could be wrong though) Paul tought/told Timothy what to say or teach to the church. (I'm not really sure if he was talking from he's view point or he was instructed by God to teach those to Timothy) Nonetheless I personally think what he said can be argued in a sincere attitude looking at our times at this day & age, YES God's word never changes, though He's the God of times. Maybe back then man knew their place, therefore there was no need for weman to partake in leadership in their personal homes & in the church. There's certainly a need on our days for weman to somehow participate in leadership in churches, NOT necessarily having authority over men BUT to help bring back balance in the body of Christ. (please bear with me on this one,I qoate it often when talking to you "disorder in the body of Christ" The best people I think God can use to bring back balance in the church is weman. Let's look at what was our portion of panishment after the fall of men in Eden. One of our mentioned panishment is that "....your desire shall be for your husband, And he shall rule over you" Genesis 3:16 God knew that since man were ordained leaders themselves, will always find it hard to submit to Him. (I think God was looking at future times to come, like our present time, not only that moment of sin) That's when WE WEMAN come in place in mans' lives & in churches, YES being ruled over wasn't our portion before the fall, though since it was our given portion due to sin, our nature was then transformed to that. We can't help it but to seek after our partners. (he may not be a husband for that matter, but we somehow take instructions from them being yet Just a boyfriend) Surendering our selves flow easy with us weman as long as its inspired by love. We get to too attached & velnerable, hense get frastrated if the other part is not inline with what or how you feel & therefore responds in a way that you least expect at that time. Its as little as being angry that he's not calling. You're responding to the nature of penalty that was given as our portion after the fall. That is fullness of submission. Just as we submit to man, God expects them to submit to Him, though it won't be that easy with guys since its not really their nature to behave that way, unless they're well tought on a day to day demonstration through us weman. It begins home, then flows to the church. Its not us whose Paul say to "submit to Got...." He rather starts with wives when giving that instruction to the church. "Wives submit to your husbands" its as if he knew that when starting by husbands, he'll be terming them. He started with us so they learn from us how to surender their lives to God as He expects them. God wants man who'll seek after Him just like Weman longing after her husband. She's most likely to taken any (even wrong instructions cause she's selflessly willing to please) Now imagen man seeking after God with that atittude, and transfering those instructions to you, how well both parties will serve & worship God. In my openion the church is in desperate need of Wenan in leadership than ever before. We have so so much to teach guys about submission without saying much, but reflacting to them what became our portion of nature in Eden, hense the apostle Paul emphasizes' beauty of behavior than beauty based on looks like braided hair & so on.... With Timothy being a teacher of the church at such a young age, don't really have a problem with that, though that church was compromised of a better teacher if he was more nurtured & tought by he's own experiences than being told what to say by Paul. It took king David's personal experiences in submiting to Soul (who was very cruel to him) to bring out a compationate leader whom even God was proud to call a friend. He felt how it was like to be ill-treated, and therefore could not treat anyone like that. Likewise with Jesus before sitting at He's throne of glory right now, He had to learn to submit,being tought & being a servent, inorder to be served by us. |
You're most welcome dear,
And thank you for initiating such interesting subjects. |
So sorry for spelling errors
Suppose I was tired when typing. |
Hello dear lady, how you doing? You were in my spirit all this week, tried to sent you a personal email just to check out on you, unfortunately I was blocked since I didn't meet your seaching criteria (being a male of a certain age group & your other requirements) Nonetheless i'm glad to hear from you in the chatt room as always. Think i'm attached already (in a sisterly manner), can't say enough how much of a blassing you are to me. Main subject: This is a great topic that you've brought forth. "Is is ok for a woman to persue a man that she's attracted to?" I personaly think its a broad subject weither being looked at in a Christian manner or not, it really depends on individuals. I believe & acknowledge that God is a God of principles on how He'd rather have things done, though at times He rises higher than He's principles (not necessarily contradicting Himself though) hense in the book of Isaiah He says that "He's thoughts are not our thoughts, neither are He's ways our ways. I'm assuming that He's telling us that He doesn't really have a formuler on how things must be constantly done. I may qoate erelevent verses that may not seem inline with the asked question, I hope it will all come together to the point i'm trying to express in the asked question. Let's first look at the passage of Moses. He did a great job (in our human eyes) when leading the children of Israel fron Egypt to the promise land, though over one simple mistake, he was compromised of the promise of God, hense Joshua was chosen to carry on leading Israel to Cannan. God's word says "When we confess our sins, He's righteous enough to forgive us" that's somewhere in John. Hense He says. "If anyone claims not to have a sin, such accuses God of being a lier." Then let's look at king David on the other hand: David is the most sinfull through out the bible, (from my personal obsevation) yet God founded him being the only man closer to He's heart. He was forgiven countless times compared to Moses. NB I'm not implaying that God is unfair, by bringing those things up. One more passage we can look at is the book of Ruth: She fall inlove with Boaz when he didn't even know, she went as far as laying at he's feet when he was not aware that she was in the room. (now that one was a huge risk that she has taken) though in all worked out together for the glory of the Lord, since in Romans He says "all things work out for the Good of those who love God & called by He's name..." By God prefering guys to persue us rather than us ladies persuing them is for our own protection. Emagen if Baoz wasn't as matured spiritually as he was when reading the book of Ruth? That was quite a risk taken by Ruth, thank God she wasn't taken advantage of. INSTEAD their relationship worked out just fine cause both parties have taken their gender places (when Ruth layed at Baoz's feet, that was a sign of willingness to submit. Likewise when Baoz provided when she was about to leave in the morning, before being seein by anyone, that was a sign of willingness to provide as the man of the house) With me personally, i'll be more concerned about both parties taking their places in marrieges, rather than who bothered to initiate, cause a lots of marriages in the boby of Christ are chaotic, protocall is misunderstood. Lattely brothers wanna be worked for, not the way God has intended it. It was Adam who was told that he shall eat from he's fruits of labor not Eve, when wemman are more of hard workers than guys these days. Hope my long story makes a little sense. Stay blessed dear! |
CeriseRose & Msharmony
Ladies you have no idea how healthy & pleasent is your argument. You're unpacking & revealing the depth of this subject. A lot of interesting passages from the bible are coming forth as reading your replies. Msharmony I kinder understand where you're coming from when refering to Jesus, apostle Paul & many others from the bible who were very fruitful yet they never partaked in sexual activities. This makes me think (could be wrong though) that God was being broad when instructing man to be fruitful & multiple. He could have meant both spiritually & physically. Though Adam pursued more of the physical part since men had to increase, while Jesus had to show us how to be fruitful & multiple in spiritual matters. Jesus came to bring balance (while restoring what was lost in Eden) in both our physical & spiritual needs. CeriseRose you dear on the other hand are making perfect sense to me when emphasizing your point of men multiplying in number. For God's glory to full the earth & He's word to be preached all over the earth, that is dependent on human multiplying, cause Juses came to save men not animals & plants. (or rather I haven't came across a verse that clearifies what will happen on animals & plants when the earth & all creation is put to an end) Both of you ladies are welcome to clearify if I misunderstood your points. Much appreciation to everyone who posted their personal reply, had something to take from everyones' answer. Stay blessed!! |
There's nothing wrong with your profile photo, you're beautiful just as most have admited. You look humble & decent. Suppose patience is the name of the game here, We all are seaching for that special someone either as a friend or as a mate. There are wonderful people here, you'll be recognized by that suitable mate eventually, In the mean time avail your self in the chatt room (its my first time to see you) & partake in subjects that seem interesting to you. I have a list of few great friends that i've recruited from the chatt forum. Think its a place where one sees how people think, & if you might have something in common with them. Just enjoy mingling with us, a good person will come along in due time. |
"I want a job which makes me good for girls,
And I want a girl who love me for what I am What can I do...?" This is what I think you can do. You're well educated, don't think you went through that with an intantion of being loved by girls, I believe it was for your own good & for your better future. I'd advise you to work & enjoy the fruits of your efforts, Impact & empower your self in a positive way that will bring fulfilment & joy in your personal life. That much you deserve since you've invested on it through education. As for the finding of a girl to love you for who you are This one begins with you friend, you owe it to your self that love & acceptance that you think will come from girls. Work on discovering, understanding, accepting & loving your self first, true love will eventually come along in due time, However that true love is more of a package of responsibilies for guys, girls are most likely to respond to the love initiated by a guy. So this too brings responsibility to you to find a girl that you'll love & then work on initiating to her & then wait for her reflation to your actions. She's more than welcomed to turn you down,since its her personal choice to either embrace or reject you, if you've worked on loving your self enough to know your worth, your confidence won't be brused by her rejection to you. You'll instead be loving your self enough to wait for you mate to join along. All the best wishes in your seach of employment May you find the well deserved job! |
Hello folks!
I need your openion on this one. Was reading through the passage of 1 Corinth, chapter 6&7 (about sexual immorality & principles of marriege) In my little mind could pick up that the apostle Paul wrote these things in respond of what was written to him by the church members. He rebuked sexual immorality & addressed the married ones' on how they should condact them selves in marriege. This is what i'm trying to understand falks "....Nevertheless, because of sexual immorality, let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her own husband" that's chapter 7:2-5 "Let the husband render to he's wife the affection due to her, and like wise also the wife to her husband. Do not deprive one onother...." Is sex the altimate purpose in marriege? Do we marry to fulfill our sexual desires? (since he says "Because of sexual immortality let each man have he's wife, and each woman her husband" He carries on in verse 5 "Do not deprive one onother, eccept when fasting and praying and come together again so satan does not tempt you because of your lack of self control" What I like about the apostle Paul in this passage, is that: he does say when he expresses he's own openion & he does say when its God speaking through him. In this regard its him expressing he's own openion. Do you think is that a way to go about when getting married? (ofcause sex is part of the package, but is marrying all about it?) |
I'm very sorry to hear about your dad, Do you somehow think it was your fault maybe? |
A Call to Persevere
You're very warm, I appreciate you
Stay blessed!! |
Faith in the Son of God
Amen to that dear,
Well said & you're much loved also... |
"having someone waiting for you home at the end of the working day is fulfilling" Fully agree! |
"Not letting fear get the best of you" I like... That's a good one! |
Rawr girl
Is your skin also reacting from wheat or its only your inner system? (facial skin) |
Our day to day experiences teaches us new lessons, which somehow mold our beings. What is your "Had I known then what I know now, wouldn't have..?"
Mine its: Forgiveness. Had I known then that forgiveness releases me from chains of holding & nourishing gragdes, which hindered my progress & break through Would have forgiven ages ago. Please share yours... |
Male/Female Communication
Guys you've been surounded by weman all your lives, most probably being raised by a woman too, why must you then be told or tought how to communicate with a woman?
You've been communicating daily with weman, I don't get this... Are we that difficult to relate with? |
Everything is a Choice
That's a very interesting subject. Though at times people are brought in situations that they didn't necessarily choose but were rather born in them, however its all up to an individual how you choose your tomorrow to be like... Its quit a complex subject cause all given answers seems right to me, Though i'm surounded by innocent beings (kids) who life's a bit rough on then due to situations that they're born in, one can only offer a little help for now & motivate them to make better choises, The truth is, its all up to them about their future. |