Topic: Christian Divorce | |
Question: Are Christians who get divorced "of little faith" ?
Question: Are Christians who get divorced "of little faith" ? many are others are very reasonably concerned for their health or their children's health,,,,, as in the case of adultery(which can be deadly in this day and age) or physical abuse,,, God has not promised us to 'fix' our problems or to 'fix' others, and sometimes we forego solutions that he may have put there for us, waiting for some more miraculous solution,,,, |
The Vow!
Question: So If the reasons to honor the vow one makes before Almighty God are "changing with the times" where do you see marriage going in the future. Also, What does the Bible say about honoring/breaking vows to God and Obedience to God compared to our own Sacrifice? |
The Vow! Question: So If the reasons to honor the vow one makes before Almighty God are "changing with the times" where do you see marriage going in the future. Also, What does the Bible say about honoring/breaking vows to God and Obedience to God compared to our own Sacrifice? its already gotten there, socially speaking, its no longer an institution before God, but before Man,, as religion cant be respected I still believe we will have a subset of people who 'marry' in Christian ceremony outside of government and society though, and who honor the vows taken The bible says repentance leads to forgiveness, whatever the sin, (accept blaspheming) |
Question: Are Christians who get divorced "of little faith" ? What if a married Christian has a sexually-unfaithful spouse? In the book of Matthew chapters 5 and 19, the LORD Jesus specifically says that is acceptable to God for a married person to obtain a divorce if that person's spouse is engaged in sexual immorality. |
Question: Are Christians who get divorced "of little faith" ? No! There are Christians who get divorced because of infidelity and for desertion. |
Edited by
Tue 06/25/13 02:16 PM
Can a man and women make a vow to each other and God, when they are not even "Christian" and not following God's commands? First, people need to make a vow to serve Christ. People get divorced for all kinds of selfish reasons. But, God allows divorce, if your spouse is having a sex afair and you choose to divorce him/her. Also, if your spouse leaves You, You can divorce for desertion.
(I Corinthians 7:15) (if an unbeliever leaves you are not bound) (Matthew 19:9) (marital unfaithfulness) |
yes because they dont believe the God they serve or worship
Edited by
Sun 06/30/13 01:18 AM
no not realy, faith is a personal thing between you and God, and marriage is suposed to be an obediant action 2 peaple eneter into. devorse is because of many resons but no mater how you put it, it is beaking your vow to God. devorse is no difrent to sin, God hates it. my question is , were has the word commitment gone in this day and age? unfortunatly christins are conforming to the ways of this world and not looking to God for strength and souloutions. i know i dont know how to spell but im sure you get the jist of what i am saying.
no not realy, faith is a personal thing between you and God, and marriage is suposed to be an obediant action 2 peaple eneter into. devorse is because of many resons but no mater how you put it, it is beaking your vow to God. devorse is no difrent to sin, God hates it. my question is , were has the word commitment gone in this day and age? unfortunatly christins are conforming to the ways of this world and not looking to God for strength and souloutions. i know i dont know how to spell but im sure you get the jist of what i am saying. What the hell??????? LMAO!! lol!!! ur made me laugh. Thanks! We understand what ur trying to 'articulate' no worries just hide if you see the spelling police aka Dodo_David coming. :) |
no not realy, faith is a personal thing between you and God, and marriage is suposed to be an obediant action 2 peaple eneter into. devorse is because of many resons but no mater how you put it, it is beaking your vow to God. devorse is no difrent to sin, God hates it. my question is , were has the word commitment gone in this day and age? unfortunatly christins are conforming to the ways of this world and not looking to God for strength and souloutions. i know i dont know how to spell but im sure you get the jist of what i am saying. What the hell??????? LMAO!! lol!!! ur made me laugh. Thanks! We understand what ur trying to 'articulate' no worries just hide if you see the spelling police aka Dodo_David coming. :) ![]() Devorse? I understand that. [Using German accent] Da longer you are vith a woman, da vorse it gets. |
no not realy, faith is a personal thing between you and God, and marriage is suposed to be an obediant action 2 peaple eneter into. devorse is because of many resons but no mater how you put it, it is beaking your vow to God. devorse is no difrent to sin, God hates it. my question is , were has the word commitment gone in this day and age? unfortunatly christins are conforming to the ways of this world and not looking to God for strength and souloutions. i know i dont know how to spell but im sure you get the jist of what i am saying. What the hell??????? LMAO!! lol!!! ur made me laugh. Thanks! We understand what ur trying to 'articulate' no worries just hide if you see the spelling police aka Dodo_David coming. :) ![]() Devorse? I understand that. [Using German accent] Da longer you are vith a woman, da vorse it gets. hahaha ![]() |
thats right guys laugh it up while you can.
thats right guys laugh it up while you can. dymock, I was responding to Sperenza's claim that I am the spelling police. I wanted to give her a response that she would not expect. Nobody is laughing at anything that you said. I agree that modern-day Christians may be using illegitimate excuses for obtaining divorces. However, the LORD Jesus did say that there is an exception to the rule against divorce. |
thats right guys laugh it up while you can. u not being sarcastic r u? Do_Do David forced me to laugh. :) |
Catholic Church has a low about this. You can divorce your spouse or should I say, you can proclaim your marriage to be pointless before God and Church in case of impotence or some kind abuse also if your spouse has mental illness that you didn’t know about before marriage, if you were tricked in marriage or if you were forced in it. If you are trying to divorce your spouse, you have to make a case in Church court.
Christian divorce. No such thing. 1 Corinthians 7 clearly states "if the. unbeliever leaves...." 1John confirms this also stating, "if they leave its because they do not belong to us"
That is, the unbeliever does not. belong to God and is not part of the One body of which Christ is the head. So, there is no such thing as Christian divorce for this statement God has also made in Malachi. "I hate divorce." It is violence not only against oneself but against your spouse and God. Divorce is hatred toward yourself your spouse and God as many who have divorced will openly admit. Wisdom for the simple. God bless. |
Edited by
Wed 07/03/13 08:52 PM
Can a man and women make a vow to each other and God, when they are not even "Christian" and not following God's commands? First, people need to make a vow to serve Christ. People get divorced for all kinds of selfish reasons. But, God allows divorce, if your spouse is having a sex afair and you choose to divorce him/her. Also, if your spouse leaves You, You can divorce for desertion. (I Corinthians 7:15) (if an unbeliever leaves you are not bound) (Matthew 19:9) (marital unfaithfulness) You will not find anywhere in scripture where God permits divorce!! You will find these statements in scripture from God. "What God has joined together let man not separate." And "just as man and woman are united and become one flesh, so also whoever unites himself with Christ is One Spirit. If anyone claims God permits divorce would also claim God will like men forsake his beloved. Since we know God will never forsake his beloved having sworn by oath we know also with certainty he does not for any reason permit divorce. But you divorce for this one reason: because your hearts are hard. You swore an oath...your vows when you married before many witnesses and because your hearts were hard you divorced...that is those who have...and broke your vow before God and many witnesses.... and finally don't think God gave his approval because you divorced for infidelity because he FORGAVE YOU! Christian???? Shouldn't you forgive finding no fault as God finds no fault in those who confess their trespasses? |
Can a man and women make a vow to each other and God, when they are not even "Christian" and not following God's commands? First, people need to make a vow to serve Christ. People get divorced for all kinds of selfish reasons. But, God allows divorce, if your spouse is having a sex afair and you choose to divorce him/her. Also, if your spouse leaves You, You can divorce for desertion. (I Corinthians 7:15) (if an unbeliever leaves you are not bound) (Matthew 19:9) (marital unfaithfulness) You will not find anywhere in scripture where God permits divorce!! You will find these statements in scripture from God. "What God has joined together let man not separate." And "just as man and woman are united and become one flesh, so also whoever unites himself with Christ is One Spirit. If anyone claims God permits divorce would also claim God will like men forsake his beloved. Since we know God will never forsake his beloved having sworn by oath we know also with certainty he does not for any reason permit divorce. But you divorce for this one reason: because your hearts are hard. You swore an oath...your vows when you married before many witnesses and because your hearts were hard you divorced...that is those who have...and broke your vow before God and many witnesses.... and finally don't think God gave his approval because you divorced for infidelity because he FORGAVE YOU! Christian???? Shouldn't you forgive finding no fault as God finds no fault in those who confess their trespasses? Ok Onlyson, I'm in total agreement with some of what u said but I have a question; What would u say if a young virgin age 21 is seduced by a man age 36 into sex and runs off and get married unknown to her parents, family anyone, and she does this not truly aware of what marriage really is etc... then at age 22 she realizes this is not the man she wants for the rest of her life or the life she wants and she leaves him and later files for a divorce. Is her heart hard for wanting out of a "mistake" ? |
"God hated divorce. My question is, where is the word commitment gone to this day & age?" SperenzaSutton "Are Christians who divorce of little faith?" My answer to both of these questions is: True, God hates divorce simply because He was the very first one to be divorced when sin was committed at Eden. He states the only one reason He condons it, (not necessarily approving it) that is when onother part partakes in sexual activities with the third part who's not even part of the vow that was taken before God, let alone members who were invited to witness that. God would rather have us forgiving than taking the route of divorce, cause it has hectic after effects that affect not only those who are divorced, but other innocent members (example kids) who are the fruits of two people getting themselves into this vow/covernent. In my little mind I think that God condoms this if one part has been sexually involved with onother third part only because in He's word He says through the apostle Paul "Or do you not know that he who is joined with a harlot is one body with her? For two shall become one flesh." 1 Corinth 6:16 Sexual intercause is far more than physical contact between two parties, energies are exchanged from one body to onother. When one partakes in the body of Christ & being one with Him, God's spirit is released to one's body as a dwelling place, energies will start manifesting as a result of having the Holy Spirit within yourself. (one starts forgiving, short temper is got rid off & many more benefits) Now imagen when energies of ungodlyness are exchanged from one body to other, since a sexual intercause is also a spiritual activity, the married part will them bring forth to the wife/hasbend cause the spirits taken from the third part will also be transfered to the faithful member whose not partaking in these activities. So by God only condoning divorce if & only when the other member is involved sexually, its only for protection sake. In so saying, I don't think Christians who divorce are of little, that will automatically mean God Himself is of little faith, cause He's the very first one to initiate marriege & commitment, as much as He was also the very first one to be dovorced. He's been loving with the after effects of divorce till this day, hense a second altinative took place through Christ's crucifiction, there's still that void between God & men. God was compromised of coming down for a fellowship with men, instead its now our part to strive & reach out to Him. Even the second altinative couldn't really make up for the error that has taken place in Eden from the original plan. Take it from Jesus when praying for 9hours before crucifiction..... What does it say about? Pray without ceasing. (bear that He didn't have to do all things that He did, it was only to demonstrate to us how to go about living a faithful life) Being the very King of kings, breaking through the heavenly realm, spirits that hindered He's prayers, that only highlight to us the challenges we gonna go through reaching out to God. God therefore knows better about the after effects of divorce. This is only one of many more in the list. Thank God for He's Spirit that Interceeds for us without ceasing. For interest sake, please read Daniel 10. (this passage tells better about hindered prayers in heavenly realm) I'm so sorry that I diviated from the asked question, hope it all comes together to the point I'm trying to express to both of your questions guys. Stay blessed!! |