Community > Posts By > dkboss12

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Fri 07/19/13 06:20 AM
We cant ever know about the nothing because nothing is never possible it never exist any time in universe. When you say no time no space no energy no matter even nothing was not possible. How ?? we know at the time of nothing virtual particles play their parts & physics say it is possible virtual particles become real near black hole or singularity or in any such situations so when nothing is if you say there you will find virtual &still we dont know bout dark matter &dark energy what about these in terms of nothing??.

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Fri 07/12/13 05:14 PM
yes U R right I quote Michel Jacson song "We are the world we are one"

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Fri 07/12/13 06:58 AM
I say every body must know the reality of world politics. Poltics is for democracy we dont see much in the world on the contarary politics & polticians rulling the nations, world.Where is democracy is?? in hands of few powerful & gang of police & milatary leaders &corporates. The same story for every nation. And commone men is just bearing all pains &paying taxes for running the politics. Lot of money,hard work & good brains just following & rulling by few this way. No option no other way left, but the constittion is all what ?? parliaments are what doing only budget,money raising places. Keeping healthy police &milatary to save only these few people. This is the real truth of world & all govnts of world. All corporates & huge pvt sectors having control of total money keeping in their hands &making such policies favouring only them. Few exeption is you see like Bill Gates,etc, TATA of India only keep some social cause. But Stiil If on point of business you see they are also not different. Just U see the inflation &price hiking rates for day to day requiremets for eduation, for medication atlest USA, UK &few countries are littile better. But who will think for rest of world. on doing business it is global deeds. But environment, for other parts things are indiviuals. All big gints selling every things every where snaching money from public. But we dont have other way U can just vote &elect then left for ruled over. I just want to know then who will care for 7 billions peoples of the our world. The great seen of polticient like Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther king or french revolution like good exa.are also we see. Dont we see similrly we now need a total world revolution for sake of 7 billion of our beutiful Blue planet. Really otherwise we are close to anothr next world war & again killing of innocent people by few leaders may turn out any time Hitler or Musolin & pull world in nuclear war of total lost of for ever.

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Tue 07/09/13 06:39 AM
Yes its all intresting findings are found when a scientific ways & studies are followed. Start with divine &holy practises of India 's day to day life. There u find total life since birth to end is around these religeous,devine trends & almost every part of nature,earth, galaxy &univ. is taken for worship like sun moon planets nakssatr i.e stars, sub stars.Apart these rivers, mountains, trees (like river ganga ,himalya etc)are taken. As per hindu mythology every things formed from GOD just like Big bang thery.A down ward homology first God then devta then human then animals &plants same is in Bible first God then God' s son Jesus then adam hova followed by humans. In science language its all like alliens &even Stephen Hawkin accept the presence of alliens & say they are stronger & they are colsely watching us. The same in Quaran and so on it is find almost in each country's religeons. Now only way left in science is to talk freely &accept the kind eaternal flow of energy all religion call it GOD/consiousness,devine spirit etc. Once modern science will accept then studies in university, res institutes &other deptt will start taking intrest instead of fearing allience we should call them devine spirits working in our favour & pogress. They should not feel shamed or defeat from church or such things. Like Bible say God made universe in 7 days means God one day is clearly mentioned in Hindu books is some lacs or millions if studied by a combined efforts will certainly give scientific ideas for better futer.

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Mon 07/08/13 06:19 AM
Body is expressive i.e.devlopment of nature. When nature is enjoying its own by virtue of all living lifes on earth we dont know so far any about other planetary life. It took 3 billion yr of hard cool calm Res& dev. to get modern man over all it is jouney of 13-14 billion gal. life. The mysteric phenomena energy &matter how mingled with life is subject of thrust area. we know all cellular strucures at mol, atomic & sub atomic levels. we know well protoplasm; physical basis of life. we know interlinked virus. But all cumulative efforts of scientists cant develop pure synthetic life of any kind in lab. now what is left is peering to other sites like religions & all sorts of practises running all around world also have no answer exept God. But here science dont satisfy. Not here not ther then where is answer. Now comes kind of meditational practise its work on self relisation. Here nature so far after a very long tough painful evolutionary life now enjoying like mother. This energy manifested & comes alive & meditation in right way give all answer by internal intitutive energy. However, the EEG &radions mechanicaly only show some different behaviour than normal. How brain,body & spirit is become active & imparts a sence of knowledge. This pure knowledge of all kind of exps is a kind of energy flowing in nature and is easily percieved by body & cells. Meditation some how fasten this process. A gradual evolution imparates brain most right place to get this pure knowledge from nature. This energy so far not identified but some research probably worked out &secret nasa & military using artificial intelgenc radiations to turn out public mass.

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Sun 07/07/13 06:14 AM
In continuing the subj; further its latest is AMP &Xenon res say dark matter may be made of pt having mass 100 times of proton &emmitts gamma radiations of 130 GeV.But again ques. is this should come uniformaly from every sides of univ equally. This require some time to make a final result. Again a point is dark energy might have transformed in to dark matter if true ??a vice versa reaction must. Then que what had happen @ just of dark energy it is come after Big bang or it was there already & keeping or having control over Big bang process. Otherwise que. left how it remain innert during nucleosynthesis.

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Sat 07/06/13 11:37 PM
Edited by dkboss12 on Sun 07/07/13 12:19 AM
Wowwww really a big wow??? once you thought this way same allien signals was decipherd in 70s wow .The wonders of physics reaveled almost every aspects of materil univ & scientist were started talking that physics is over & nothing left much for physiest. But dark matter &God particles was puzzeled for long time. Recently Higgs Boson is also finish now still dark matter &dark energy challenging to astro sci. Actually it is rather to investigate in CERN Huge Accl. But problem is how??? quantum physics cant produce vertiual ptcls. while photons,elctrons or hedrons collisions is worked on observed & expected empericsl datas. only we observed MACHO i.e. Halo objects pictures causing lencing & curving of.This is further not neutrinos mass or neutron stars or xyz such objects. Then what else???. we dont know origin time, kind of ptcls its role & functions &requirements it may be possible that dark matter &energy is already exists before Big Bang or formed just after it & results in inflation of univ before quantum physics starts.

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Fri 07/05/13 10:48 AM
The real mystry of univ is dark matter. This dark matter makes
70 to 95% of universe means every thing in univ is under influence of dark energy it is just opposite of the gravity and causing expansion of univ. One intresting part is that each & every thing of univ is made of known elements we dont know if dark matter has any contribution in making all thing including ourself & living creatures. we cant measure it but quite possible then our job is to search from all aspects ;scientific, non scientific,normal paranormal, physical, metaphysical. By any means if we find some clue about dark matter &dark energy this wall all solve then all strange phenomena happens around us may be like ghost,magic blacK illusion,hypnosis,telepathy,ESP etc. Only way is to investigate the dark matter &dark energy is study over quantu gravity like LQG. Any deviation from expected data will suggests effect of dark matter &dark energy.

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Thu 07/04/13 04:50 PM
you are right frequencies are very important for all kind of piece and success in life

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Wed 07/03/13 10:14 PM
we are living in such a univ, only made of body i.e. structure i.e.matter like sun moon planets like many galaxies, Full of energy a very dynamic and chaning univ is formed about 13 billion yrs ago. our body is also running the same age 13 billion this is true even carbon dating cant mesure this. what about sprit age ?? we dont know the time of bgning & end of sprit. Energy &matter can be transformed in to each other,but no such transformation so for scientist or any body has seen. Every one atleast 95%of world people in favour of sprit existence. I simply ask if any one have real experince of God in life, maximum having sprit exps in all over world.
But u cant tell about sprit some say it ghost. our technical means are so limited even we cant study sprit &ghost.Then how we can talk about God his nature his structure his work. Let us first find such people who has really real experience of God.

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Sun 06/30/13 01:24 AM
chndra sekhar limit is essential for turnig a star in to black hole but under very veryyy hi presure any thing could transform to B HOLE. in such case what about event of horizon & singularity. say micro B Hole if forms are equaly powerful can engulfed entire universe. Probably this is how Big Bang results from tiny points.

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