Topic: Meditation&Body Reforming: Science or Parasci.:- | |
Body is expressive i.e.devlopment of nature. When nature is enjoying its own by virtue of all living lifes on earth we dont know so far any about other planetary life. It took 3 billion yr of hard cool calm Res& dev. to get modern man over all it is jouney of 13-14 billion gal. life. The mysteric phenomena energy &matter how mingled with life is subject of thrust area. we know all cellular strucures at mol, atomic & sub atomic levels. we know well protoplasm; physical basis of life. we know interlinked virus. But all cumulative efforts of scientists cant develop pure synthetic life of any kind in lab. now what is left is peering to other sites like religions & all sorts of practises running all around world also have no answer exept God. But here science dont satisfy. Not here not ther then where is answer. Now comes kind of meditational practise its work on self relisation. Here nature so far after a very long tough painful evolutionary life now enjoying like mother. This energy manifested & comes alive & meditation in right way give all answer by internal intitutive energy. However, the EEG &radions mechanicaly only show some different behaviour than normal. How brain,body & spirit is become active & imparts a sence of knowledge. This pure knowledge of all kind of exps is a kind of energy flowing in nature and is easily percieved by body & cells. Meditation some how fasten this process. A gradual evolution imparates brain most right place to get this pure knowledge from nature. This energy so far not identified but some research probably worked out &secret nasa & military using artificial intelgenc radiations to turn out public mass.