Big Bang and Black Hole Theory faces same laws of physics in reverse phenomena. It means out side in &in side out. But we now certain of Black Hole presence. If then You reciprocaly taken as Light Cone arise from singularity of Black Hole... Then is this may be reason for origin of universe 14 bl yrs before. we are the origin from this Light cone and cycle is run on for infinite times.
Black hole mystry
Hmm black holes... Do they suck or blow?Lmao well its sucks or blow is just do not matter but lets we are clear from side it sucks.but from inside it blow out. |
How ET/Aliens affects our life this not known but their effects are seen like crop circlr. mde by very finly designed geometric images. Mightymore said in forum of Yati genetic DNA studies which found close to polar bear of very old. kind of Hybrides by genetic eng. The same types belong to eye,hair,skin colors this genetic eng is possible in cropcircle way by lassers type or any very advanced kind of lasser scissors,forceps etc by ET/Aliens. Very reknowned scientist Stephen Halwking also accepted existence of aliens around us he said they are having much adv sci &strong.
How ET/Aliens affects our life this not known but their effects are seen like crop circlr. mde by very finly designed geometric images. Mightymore said in forum of Yati genetic DNA studies which found close to polar bear of very old. kind of Hybrides by genetic eng. The same types belong to eye,hair,skin colors this genetic eng is possible in cropcircle way by lassers type or any very advanced kind of lasser scissors,forceps etc by ET/Aliens. Very reknowned scientist Stephen Halwking also accepted existence of aliens around us he said they are having much adv sci &strong.
Not empericals.Just see the time accuracy since Bigbang. All is to say det even millions millions of a second difference cundt take the form of universe. Also origin of life was a very time taken process. Unless we see exact alien control. but demolition of dianasours. before det oxygenic environ&CO2 fixation&devonian fern erra a big overall carboniferrs for present fossils energy is well time control porceses. Then arrival of human beings with simultaneous plants &other evolved sps is later erra is looks like well control under ET inteligence. Then suden genetic changes from other homonids &survival of only Homosapiens is good signs of ET/aliens genes.
Life origin is said to be depend on many things.In organic &organic evolution laid by RNA & DNA,CELL to complexity. This further goes to microbes,plants,animals with fix evolutions of biochemical,phsiol paths of life metabolism. External &internal sets of all paths are well kept control total life by virtue of sets of genes. Darwin furthr study role of environ&geology aspectts. These all together with many so on relevents theories are we well known. Mutational environ & such effect are results in many sps & varieties origins. But what lights /storms our brain is a regularitory time dependent control is very precisely seen.
To investigate the kind of effet of such as ET,aliens,spirits,devines, evils or any paranormal mystic act or reacts all require complex sets of studies. Like group of doctors, scientists,engineers,psycholosists & a lots such desining of expts. obs &results are all needs a sci. aproch we can say a world wide approach is necessary. Discovery shows are some good one like superhuman on earth,electric man,magnetic man,miracles around globes are few evodences.
We understand well the origin of life on earth on the basis of sci.But is there any cntrol of ET or Aliens is not known so far. There is lot of disputes of existence,however no. of evidences support the existence of ET &aliens on &around the earth. How this can be analysed? is not certain ,no of scientific studies carried in this area like blue book of nasa, MIT work on crop circle or ghosts investigations etc. not yield strong favourable results
SPACE TIME is it work??
Space &time when Eienstein says is supose to true for universely every where with relation to gravitational constant. True if the time run forward. But at Black hol e&singularity its not work here is the place where time must be in reversal & Light cone theory is based on both sides of singularity . Similarly time space theory is not works when photons come out from sun it takes 40 thousands yrs for a photons to come out from sun. If so again light speed is 40 thousands time slow as compared then all calculations are not true for EMC2 in side of sun.we must think over all relavent aspects then.
Men from Mars...??
Once it was shown the life on earth is designed for practical part by allien to keep their life; science for survival & nothing was free for human.Earth is simply laboratory for them &all life is guenipigs. All control is under allein.
Taking part I &II if dark energy have nothing to do with dark matter.The total mass is lacking for univ is atributed to these. How than computer simulation works avoiding such a big factors. Both are suposed to play one as anchor & dark energy as anti gravity in course of time. Again hope may some day they will find out.
Men from Mars...??
This kind of scientifiq facts should be given for those who are stuborn on myths.Our life is unversal one is almost true but even entire life of all kind of livings are made of all types of molecules are really are from many many galaxies stars & planets
Men from Mars...??
yes ur gonna very right dodo.... we dont needs. atta girl u got ???.
Reality of Big bang
Zumbo U like 3D. but how of singul rity in crunch of if its 3D
Reality of Big bang
shoot, I thought that was one of those squint til it goes 3D things. |
Men from Mars...??
ya u r right to some extent. But the subject is that what is myths says is who knows is correct but mars is exist every body knows. And you also know star sun is only cause of life on erth. How ?? I think no need to explain it. Means effect of sun on life same way moon has big effect on sea & emotions mood etc well studied. A no of studies shows sucidal cases or such thing all over world seen on full moon. Similarly almost its planetary rotation &electro megn
etic effects are known on life of earth. No. of research expts are running in nasa for astrobilogy. astrogronomy astromedicines etc. ok rest in next |
Men from Mars...??
The latest research conductedd over group of men &women using latest MRI, proved the difference of nature,mind and body of men & women. It shows that men uses fight & flight way to face stress or any tough situation. Blood supply flow more towards left of men i.e. right parts of brain is more active. on the contrary women shows a lymbic activity suggests for emotions activity. Men shows Mars types while women are emotional of venus type. Adrenalin &stress harmone produce much more in men than in women in same stress Again we know that mars is planet represent wrrior or lord of war and venus is godess of beuty and sex if any astrology of thus affects our life is further get supports by this study.
Time a Mystry??
The great amongst greatest is Time but we still unaware of it. There are many who only say time is nothing but a scale of simple calculation or measurements of clock or calander or light yrs. Even physics also consider in same way. Time when click on again a dispute for many, big bang theory is a start for time only then time &space coupled to run universe. When you see time separatly you find that it is a relative term. In absolute zero temp all energy comes zero means time for that moment also zero. By physics laws therfore time is a vectorial for space temp,radiations, gravity,revolutions so on. A living cell &life has its on bio clock. Time is so far only a tool of measure its other hidden mystrys is not known We must now take time as important as matter,energy,temp, which regulate the cycle of life of every particle,matter,energy &in general terms stars univ&our life. Time is under direct control of conscious. and time works like stop clock in hands of conscious,the Suprimo, a Authority ,once we got the real knowledge of this energy all mystries will sort
Reality of Big bang
Any way if static theory by many like F.hoyel,J. narlikar,pennrose are taken again how recycling pit works. only a light cone theory put some theoritical evidence. But with out big crunch followed by big bang recycling not look possible. Because universe is expanding very fast where it is 13billions or trillions yrs old expansion is there. Then loss of matter ,energy must. But Hubble space telescope shown many proto galaxys forming and reports dark zone all around univ. At the same time entropy rise is next to be clearify In ever expand process ??. The one chance is of multi univ theory. Here collision, repulsion attraction of universes always able to generate new univ &that too possible for infinite time. We are in our present univ can see up to our limits. Is it ok???
Reality of Big bang
There is no doubt left now about Big Bang theory. But still how you can explain the necessity of Big Crunch ought to be happend befor bigbang. If yes then how entire energy &entire matter crunched to a single point less than proton size. will you call it singularity if yes than what similarity does have singularity of black hole &that of big crunch??.