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Sat 07/06/13 11:37 PM
Edited by dkboss12 on Sun 07/07/13 12:19 AM
Wowwww really a big wow??? once you thought this way same allien signals was decipherd in 70s wow .The wonders of physics reaveled almost every aspects of materil univ & scientist were started talking that physics is over & nothing left much for physiest. But dark matter &God particles was puzzeled for long time. Recently Higgs Boson is also finish now still dark matter &dark energy challenging to astro sci. Actually it is rather to investigate in CERN Huge Accl. But problem is how??? quantum physics cant produce vertiual ptcls. while photons,elctrons or hedrons collisions is worked on observed & expected empericsl datas. only we observed MACHO i.e. Halo objects pictures causing lencing & curving of.This is further not neutrinos mass or neutron stars or xyz such objects. Then what else???. we dont know origin time, kind of ptcls its role & functions &requirements it may be possible that dark matter &energy is already exists before Big Bang or formed just after it & results in inflation of univ before quantum physics starts.