Community > Posts By > dkboss12

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Thu 05/22/14 09:10 AM
Well Jolly and Wick... can better say on Time

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Mon 05/19/14 12:02 PM
Its better you try to see. T.V. prog
like Discov. etc.

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Mon 05/19/14 09:14 AM
Both stufes are good one. But here what I said is kind of DNA comput. guided lasser twitzers that can be designed in next future. presently this lasser clips can spacially move and displace mol. structures like cell orgenells in the cell or body tissue. However when such worm hole kind space work is possible by use of DNA computing a future computing process work on enzy will help with aid of electron well and quanta dots like aids will allow a time and space travell we can hv lasser UFO like objects. This is the probable UFO with full mol life in its inside in photons informations. Further research and investigation are require to study such activity we are observing on earth. a such great eg is crop circle and many more we have.

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Thu 05/15/14 05:44 AM
A latest news with vedio showing bombing and firing on talibani camps in Afganistan. Wonder!!! is that true?. how this possible if ? or a militar shugle of USA army. UFO is really capable doing so?. How long we are safe then. Alien any time can take over our planet if this is tru? UFO and Alliens are our friends or enemy who decide? and how who and how earth will safe.

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Tue 05/13/14 06:59 AM
The fruits are realy of all types. some r good some r sour few r bitter few r pungent som r rotten, some stolen few lost. But tree that bear all burdon to make the fruits left in last alone &alone again for bearing new fruits.

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Sat 05/10/14 10:24 AM
There are many factors in genral control germination and growth. If chis...tree showing super fast grow in space is not a mystry. Genes like to have mutation favorable type. zero gravity also one reason.Then good suply of nutrition all made this possible.

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Sat 05/10/14 05:01 AM

How Many Calories Does Sex Really Burn?
According to the calculations of University of Alabama at Birmingham researchers, a 154-pound man doing the deed burns about 21 calories during an average sex. Those 21 calories depend on two things: intensity and duration. The study assumes that your sexercise is about as intense as walking at a 2.5 mph pace and that you last about six minutes-the average for most dudes.
Any way SEX is key 4 increase in population of bio-world and apply on all kind of species. Love is a key of soul may be or may not end in sex. Love is evolved during the process of evolution in higher type animal word not in plants type but sex is compusory for all sps to get same kind of progeny.Love is just secondary harmonal evolution of sex. Therfor sex is first come in nature and very essential part of life not LOVE that developed due to secodary Way to fire the sex.

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Fri 05/09/14 10:31 AM
Time traveling is hot topic for any one. There are no of theories and ideas. A latest is photon entangled and its motion. Electron well is one could helpful in this work. Atoms and molecular Twitzers have made possible mol displcements by light lassers. In future remote possibilty of Tele mol traveling by this lasser twitzer like molecular capturing machines control by robotics and DNA computers.

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Sun 05/04/14 01:51 AM
If prefer join me for India. You can travell most of the good place in Aug-sept.

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Mon 04/07/14 10:12 AM
We are still a layman in Universe & its studies. Starting from Indian saint Knwa, Aryabhata, & other world's recent groups of scholars Kopernicus to Eienstein& Stephen studied so far is only few% of its. About 90-95% is made of dark matter&dark energy of that we dont know any things. We almost know much of how univ formed & assumed the present form. how life developed on earth &evolved. But this 95% is remain mystry. Its only found most difficult to affect by any matter or energy so we are failed to carreid any research only gravitational lencing helps to say the dark matter & fast expansion of univ due to dark energy works like anti gravity force. But many querries needs answer:
1. what about these two at the time of BigBang. How dark energy &matter comes after BigBang.?
2.Why dark energy not effective at early time of univ?
3. Black Hole &dark matter have any relation?
4.Due to dark energy univ will not be ever stop&no big crunch ever happene &all atoms will be lost due to spliting by dark energy.
5. All quantum state of physics tearred out by this energy. And total energy will finish to zero and univ become super cooled state with no particles at all.
How all wonders there would be

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Sat 04/05/14 03:11 AM
This really fantastic work. But look the wonder once Iron formed in de core star set for death see how we can see in furnace all Iron melted at few 100/1000 of temp. and any alloy or combinations can form. why this not happen in star and also we have the same melted iron core present in earth center. This is why megnato spher is present to polars connection all over earth. In neutron stars gravitatonal force is leds to ultimate fusion of atoms beyound that only singularity is left. So we needs lot of things to know what happens betn iron core and singularity.

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Wed 04/02/14 10:53 AM
Reasons for ET or Aliens control on Earth life is soon need to be studied. kind of lesser tool for making crop circle is a great show of technolgy by aliens. similarly many animals plants & human beings are good models for stdies.How we have evolved and what is our fate is well kept targeted by these extra natural energy.

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Wed 04/02/14 10:28 AM
see topic

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Tue 04/01/14 11:11 AM
Yes its nice informed of MBH. But just a math and physics. Still we havnt any evidence so unless we able to form MBH in lab then only we can know its nature

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Tue 04/01/14 08:21 AM
Eaporation is only when MBH form When ever it formed we cant see that its true or not. Even in lab we can produce such many many BH but there cant be any evidence or proof. Therefore, MBH is always a question however,large &medium size BH existence is proved.

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Tue 04/01/14 05:17 AM
Well it was more fashionly talked during search of God paricle at CERN &all around world. That at the time of Hadron collision Micro BH will formed and engulf earth. By maths & physics its is worth MBH can form. There is also worm holes in space act similarly and any thing can vanish in it.

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Mon 03/31/14 10:32 AM
The latest work shows the 4 th quark is found. But our intrest is to see how this ultimate structure parts of all fundamental patricles are stuck by strings. only stringes are interwoving atoms and their subatomic particles. These all we see is Quarks who makes the all entire universe fundamental cause. Quarks are simple colour and indentified by rotation. But again what keep the four quarks individualy apart and role of the string require further study. we are sure string are energy waves. just like guitor string. All stringe can make an universe so there must be infinite no of universe exist for infinite time. Yes it is like the expansion of stringes in space. Every where universe. There is not loss of energy or non functional entropy. But only stringes just like water waves.

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Mon 03/31/14 09:56 AM
How Beutiful all Nations of our Blue planet. We need to keep our home away from dirty poltics.But every country is under the grips of damn these dirty. only way left now transformation of mind and body and soul of the poltics and players of it. Every where patriotic Leaders must be taken above all. Those who are real patriotic will never cheat nation and people. All one must follow NATION IS FIRST REST is Last. MONEY and power maker must kept away from this Holy work of service to Nations. The word dirty never come close to Poltics. Lets hope soon we will see clean better Poltical world.

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Sun 03/30/14 09:53 PM
Hello every buddys. We are all in a place where our Home Addess is one & one only if taken as COSMIC address. And each nation like a one room in Big Home of Earth. we know how small this Home on the relativity with universe But see how we are all living in Nation ie rooms.Every where only poltics from your day works to food and sleep. But its SAYS you are the KING of Democracy you select ur polticiens by VOTINGS. But How sweet or sour its we all know well can we become enough powerful king to laid our own ROOMS to be carry HAPPY life. LIVE LIFE KING SIZE. is this true or may ever true.

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Sun 03/30/14 05:32 AM
Mass is Energy & vice versa is true as shown by EMC2 BY Eeistin. But miracle is there in photons with no mass but ultimate speed but as its true its Fate is not known. How without higgs photon behave like particle nature??