![]() ![]() ![]() I always believed that you need to do what you want for your life. I had friends and relatives ask me about divorce as well, you got to make up your own mind and go with your heart. You live a better life not doing what any one else advices you to do. MaybeHer |
nice guys vs. aholes
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Fri 08/15/08 10:51 AM
no the trut his this girls fall for the asshole cause the ywant to mold him into the nice guy, and break his spirit, and then once you finally get us to be that perfect guy for you you break up with us why, cause we've changed I think the reason I went for the aholes was I was to nice and to inmature to stand up and tell them they were aholes and to leave. MaybeHer |
May be it's just me!!
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Fri 08/15/08 10:35 AM
But why does almost every guy that sends me an email need to know my bra size within the first 5 minutes of talking to them. scare him off and lie go as small as you want its your question he wants you to answer so answer it the way you want give him a good reason to run. ![]() |
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Tue 08/12/08 05:36 PM
I read all these profile looking for MR RIGHT not MR RIGHT NOW. Aren't there any women left out there like do not want to get married or seriously involved just want to have fun, in an out of the bedroom and have a great time. HMMM I wonder. If I was engaged I would see a movie and have sex but, maybe not in the same order and not in the movie theater.lol I am such a party pooper. I think its all about control and what your preferences are too.(because I like sex)but I just want it in the routine way that I would live with. so, dont let me rain on your parade. lol MaybeHer PS did you find any yet? lol |
for me personally any age with a "teen" on the end of it is too young, even early to mid 20's I find too young for me, JMO Me too. ![]() |
The obvious.. ![]() |
Mediterreanen Mythology is interesting, but Greek Mythology is fascinating! Cronus is the God of the Universe and the inventor of the Golden Age! May we worship him forever! The term Golden age stems from Greek mythology and legend. It refers to the highest age in the Greek spectrum of Iron, Bronze, Silver and Golden ages, or to a time in the beginnings of Humanity which was perceived as an ideal state, or utopia, when mankind was pure and immortal. A "Golden Age" is known as a period of PEACE, HARMONY, STABILITY and PROSPERITY. In literary works, the Golden Age usually ends with a devastating event, which brings about the Fall of Man. Why or why the fall of man had to ruin it all! Follow Greek Mythology it is much more interesting! Is that the only reason? its intresting. it is fascinating ![]() Ok. I will take your word on it. but, I havent been drawn to it that much (may be a little in H.S.) MaybeHer |
Peace, what it means to you.
To me peace is more then the opposite of war. To me peace is mindfulness. It is having compassion for each of every living creature that shares a bond of life with you. After all every living creature under our wonderful life giving sun share genes, and DNA with you and me. Its a good start I think that peace passes all understanding which I cant explain what true peace is unless I have it spiritually. Which I have but not always peace can be taken away for awhile. God has all the peace (He is peace) You got to remember to ask for it. Hope that is ok? MaybeHer Ahh I like that! WHY thank you and that was peacfull to hear.lol MaybeHer |
Peace, what it means to you.
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Sun 08/10/08 09:25 PM
To me peace is more then the opposite of war. To me peace is mindfulness. It is having compassion for each of every living creature that shares a bond of life with you. After all every living creature under our wonderful life giving sun share genes, and DNA with you and me. Its a good start I think that peace passes all understanding which I cant explain what true peace is unless I have it spirtually. Which I have but not always peace can be taken away for awhile.(because of enemies) God has all the peace (He is peace) You got to remember to ask for it. Hope that is ok? MaybeHer PS ALL the other ideas of peace are good ideas of peace too. |
Mediterreanen Mythology is interesting, but Greek Mythology is fascinating! Cronus is the God of the Universe and the inventor of the Golden Age! May we worship him forever! The term Golden age stems from Greek mythology and legend. It refers to the highest age in the Greek spectrum of Iron, Bronze, Silver and Golden ages, or to a time in the beginnings of Humanity which was perceived as an ideal state, or utopia, when mankind was pure and immortal. A "Golden Age" is known as a period of PEACE, HARMONY, STABILITY and PROSPERITY. In literary works, the Golden Age usually ends with a devastating event, which brings about the Fall of Man. Why or why the fall of man had to ruin it all! Follow Greek Mythology it is much more interesting! Is that the only reason? its intresting. |
Negative affirmations ...
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Sun 08/10/08 09:09 PM
According to the law of attraction, if you ask, it is given. This means that if you think about something it is formed in the thinking stuff and begins to manifest into the matrix of your personal reality. But the thinking stuff does not recognize negative affirmations and statements the way you might think. If you make a statement or prayer that you do not want something, the something you do not want will manifest. It is best then, not to think about what you do not want, and focus on thinking about what you do want. If you state that something is "unbreakable" it will eventually break. The Titanic was repeatedly called "unsinkable" and it sank. Call a thing "indestructible" and minds will look for ways to destroy that thing. Say that you will never do a thing, and you will eventually do it, especially if you keep telling yourself you will not do it. Don't affirm to stop smoking, because you will focus on the thing you want to stop doing. Affirm to breathe pure air and live a healthy life. Don't ask for a cure for your disease, visualize health overtaking any problems. People think that the law of attraction does not work, only because most don't know how to ask for things with a positive visual picture. JB Well ok then. Lets just do it. I think I can I think I can. Sorry this all to new for me I hoped for the best.Would prayer be kind of a mind thing too? I wouldnt mind if you all put in a thought of me this way too. Take care and have fun with this. (Maybe its good mental practice.) MaybeHer |
There will be no logical conclusions, there will be no rights and wrongs, there will be nothing to debate, nothing to ponder, nothing to question, nothing to gain or lose, nothing to know except for that which we will then know, if there be life after death, then all will have their answer. If there is not, then nothing will matter anyway. All we have is now - so let's live it to it's fullest, love and happiness to all here. ![]() Tribo / sam COOL! I like not worrying about things that dont matter anyways. |
I personally really like most all the teachings of Jesus and try to live by them but I really don't like religion because its so slick and false. Christian promotion began as soon as Jesus died by his own disciples, something Jesus didn't teach them to do (at least not in that way). Many stories were exaggerated or made up in order to compete with the worship of Greek gods. I believe that the story of Jesus being born of a virgin is a good example of this. Please take the time to read all of the following study of this before posting an opinion. thanks. --------------------------------------------------------- The gospel writer, Matthew, overextended himself trying to show that Jesus fulfilled a multitude of old prophecies. He even tried to make Jesus competitive with the fabled Greek "son-of-god" Heracles, the son of Zeus (the chief god) and the human virgin Alemene. Matthew quoted the prophet Isaiah (chapter 7) who had prophesied that Syria and Israel wouldn't succeed in invading Judah. The sign of their upcoming failure would be a child named Immanuel which means "God with us", as opposed to God being with the attackers. (see 8:10 "it shall not stand: for God is with us.") All this would occur in Isaiah's time*, centuries before the time of Jesus. Isaiah wrote that the boy would be born of a "young woman". That word can also be translated "virgin" because back then, amongst the Jews, most young women were virgins. But Matthew used "virgin" and said that Jesus fulfilled that prophecy, therefore making him a "son of god" in the Greek sense. Anyway, Matthew totally pulled this verse out of context and said it was applicable to Jesus, which it wasn't. Isaiah 7: 1. Rezin the king of Syria, and Pekah the ... king of Israel, went up toward Jerusalem to war against it, but could not prevail against it. 7. Thus says the Lord GOD, It shall not stand, neither shall it come to pass. 8. ...within threescore and five (65) years shall Ephraim be broken, that it be not a people. 10. Moreover the LORD spoke again unto Ahaz (king of Judah), saying, 11. Ask for a sign from the LORD thy God; ask it either in the depth, or in the height above. 12. But Ahaz said, I will not ask, neither will I tempt the LORD. 14. Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a young woman shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. 16. For before the child shall know to refuse the evil, and choose the good, the land that you abhor shall be forsaken of both her kings. (This chapter is about how the two mentioned kings would not prevail against Jerusalem and that Ahaz, the king of Judah, would see it in his time, the proof being that a child will be born and named Immanuel, and that before he reaches the age of reasoning that the kings would leave their own land. This is a prediction concerning his time, not for later centuries (the time of Christ). It was a sign for Ahaz. It is utterly ridiculous to think that God would promise Ahaz a sign but then not show it to him. Signs are to be seen, not just heard of. (v 14 "the Lord himself shall give you a sign"). Why would God promise Ahaz a sign that wouldn't show itself until hundreds of years later? He wouldn't. God promised Ahaz a sign to be seen by him soon. There is no way in the world that Jesus fulfilled this prophecy because it was fulfilled in the time of Ahaz. The sign that Ahaz saw was a young child named Immanuel, knowing that before the boy knew how to choose the good that the kings of Israel and Syria would leave their lands (probably forcibly by an invading force). Only the gospels of Matthew and Luke asserted that Jesus was born of a virgin (though neither was acquainted with Joseph and Mary at the time of Jesus' birth). But all the writings of Paul never mentioned such an important fact. Also, none of the other New Testament writers asserted that, including Jesus' own brother James. You would think that such an astounding and important story would be in each of their writings. But it wasn't. Actually, the gospels of Matthew and Luke were composed around 90 A.D., whereas Paul and the other apostles writings were made in the first few decades after Jesus' death, around 50 A.D. which would precede the two gospels accounting of the virgin birth. How can it be that Paul and the other apostles didn't know about this amazing part of Jesus' life? If they did, they surely would of wrote about it because that happening alone would of verified that Jesus was the son of God. But instead, they asserted that Jesus was the son of God because in the beginning he had emanated from God as "the beginning of the creation of God" (Rev 3:14). He had pre-existed (Phil 2:6-8) before coming to Earth and had served God the Father as the creator of all that is physical (Col 1:16). He didn't come into existence as the son of the Father when he was born of Mary. He had already been the son of the Father for millions, possibly billions, of years already. This "bible error" allowed the Catholic organization to say that Mary was the Mother of god, and the Queen of heaven. It was the Catholics, at the church council of Nicea (325 A.D.), that came up with the "apostles creed" which was a statement of basic "orthodox" Christian beliefs, one of them being the belief that Jesus was born of a virgin. Whatever the Catholics approve of definitely needs to be reviewed and studied without any presupposed ideas. The Hebrew Old Testament in Isaiah 7:14 used the word "almah" meaning "young woman" or "virgin" instead of "bethuwlah" which exclusively means "virgin". Matthew used the Greek version which used "parthenos" meaning "virgin". Later Greek translations (after the 1st century) corrected the error and used the word "neanis" meaning "young girl". Jesus referred to himself as a "Son of Man" (Luke 19:10). How could he do that without an earthly father? He couldn't. He'd have to say he was a "Son of Woman" or "Son of God". Jesus never said he was born of a virgin. Jesus almost exclusively called himself the "Son of Man" (a phrase found 81 times in the gospels) which would necessitate that he had an earthly father. In the Old Testament this phrase was used to humble the person it identified, signifying the person was "just human". It was mostly used by God to address a prophet. So Jesus used this phrase to identify himself as an earthly prophet, born of man. How could Jesus be the Son of David (Matt 1:1, 2Tim 2:8) if he didn't have an earthly father in the lineage of David? He couldn't, despite the bible apologists saying that Mary was probably in David's lineage which would place Jesus in the same lineage (although not really because lineage is reckoned thru the males). In Romans 9:4-5 it is said that Jesus was of the Israelites as concerning the flesh. Galatians 3:16 says Jesus was the seed (offspring) of Abraham. Lineage comes through the father, in this case Joseph who was descended from David. Jesus couldn't of been the son of the Holy Spirit as Matthew asserted in 1:18 because in Luke we find Jesus saying "my Father" eight times. He was always referring to God as the Father, not the Holy Spirit. It's so weird to even think of the "Holy" Spirit becoming naked male flesh to "overshadow" Mary (Lk 1:35) and impregnate her with divine sperm. The absolute absurdity of it all! "Overshadowing" is what men do to women when they have sex in the most common position. Some people say that it wasn't a physical act but an act of divine creation. If that was so then why did Luke use the word "overshadow"? And why couldn't the Holy Spirit just say a creative word from up in heaven? No, Matthew and Luke were talking of a scenario very similar to what happened in Greek myths of gods physically mating with women. Jesus would of had to be named Immanuel in order to fulfill this prophecy. He wasn't. But that extremely important point isn't important to fundamentalists. They never let the facts get in the way of their beliefs. Jesus' original name in Greek was Iesous and in Hebrew was Yehowshuwa (Joshua or Jehoshua) which means "Jehovah is salvation". Immanuel means "God with us". 2 scripture writers believed Jesus was born of a virgin: Matthew, Luke. 6 scripture writers believed Jesus wasn't born of a virgin (due to their lack of stating such an important fact): Mark, John, Paul, James (brother of Jesus who surely should of known), Peter, Jude. Bible scholars say that the gospels of Matthew and Luke are a combination of their own writings, most of the gospel of Mark, and a theorized collection of sayings named the "Q sayings" by bible scholars. Could it be that the Q sayings contained this mistranslation/ fiction of Jesus' virgin birth? Historically there did exist Christian groups that believed Jesus was birthed of a normal father and mother. The Ebionites were one of those early Christian congregations that stuck to the truth. Liberal bible scholars take the view that the virgin birth of Jesus was pure mythology based on other pagan religions of the time. In Greek mythology Zeus supposedly impregnated the virgin Danae by taking the form of a shower of gold, and the result was Perseus. He did the same with the virgin Semele using a bolt of lightning, and the result was Dionysius. Horus, a major god of the Egyptian religion, was born of the virgin Isis and coincidentally was also supposedly born in a stable. Mithra, the main god in Mithraism, which was a major religion of Rome, was conceived when god in the form of light entered a virgin. Myrrha was a virgin who gave birth to Adonis in Phoenician mythology. As you can see, the concept of a virgin birth was not new and its mythology permeated throughout cultures at the time. I believe Jesus' "virgin birth" is one of the Christian "fables" that Paul the apostle was warning the Christians to be wary of; 1 Tim 1:4 "Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith". So are you saying you don’t believe the virgin birth or that it was just exaggerated up to the point that there was not a virgin birth? I would say that both are Yes but, I don't know if I am getting all the history lesson down that you stated I don’t know if you fell in to another trap of exaggeration with all the other teachings of others left behind to come to your own point of expression of being aware of fables. I enjoy proverbs myself and I really don’t care what other Gods have to say about this or that. I am just a believer and take God at his word. As long as I believe I dont have nothing to worry about. John 3:16 MaybeHer (Gee I hope this made sense it does to me) |
Question about Karma
My guess is... If you do it to someone accidently... Then eventually, someone might do it accidentally to you... Does that make sense? Yes and its a good way to think. You are just understanding it happens which it does. MaybeHer |
Question about Karma
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Sun 08/10/08 07:56 PM
I thought the whole purpose or idea behind karma was fairness. Lets say you wind up hurting someone even though that was never your intention. Do you get bad karma for it? If you do get bad karma, is it fair for karma to work that way? I know life isn't fair and life can be a *****. I have a sneaking suspicion this is how those phrases because so popular. So what's your take on non-intentional karma? Nothing on karma but to me if you get some thing back done to you to me its probably just correction. We arent perfect just need help(and prayer)to remind us in this way which involves pain to remember those you hurt or hurt you and to get better at loving. I know from experiences that this is very hard to practice but, the purpose is to learn from it correct it and move on. Dont make it to sore to get over it wont help you at all. That is being fair to your self. You come out a more different person. (Stronger and more caring toward hurt and because you know how it feels)that is if you are a fair person and dont take action on revenge.(which in mind is keeping your good karma so it dont return back again to you.) There is always a positive and a negitaive action. Like Einstein said in every action there is a reaction a positive and a negative. MaybeHer (this is just my theory you dont have to agree its just what I believe) |
Church Gossip... (a joke)
Mildred, the church gossip and self-appointed monitor of the church's morals, kept sticking her nose into other people's business. Several members did not approve of her style, but feared her enough to maintain their silence. She made a mistake, however, when she accused George, a new member, of being an alcoholic after she saw his pickup parked in front of the town's only bar one afternoon. She self-righteously told George and several others that everyone seeing it there would know what he was doing. Being a man of few words, George stared at her for a moment, then simply turned and walked away. He didn't explain, defend, or deny. He said nothing. Later that evening, George quietly parked his pickup in Mildred's driveway . . . walked home . . . and left it there all night. Don't ya just love ol' George? ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() that could be scary ![]() Yes, and what do yu want with me? LOL MaybeHer Maybe I should add I am from Oklahoma not OKC but you know where I live now.lol Scary? mmmm why? ![]() ![]() |
Yes, and what do yu want with me? LOL MaybeHer Maybe I should add I am from Oklahoma not OKC but you know where I live now.lol |
Yes, and what do yu want with me? LOL MaybeHer
Oklahoma Sooners or Cowboys?
I used to be a Sooners but I really got out of watching football. I would like a good game of RedHawks and Blazers tho.