Community > Posts By > hunter65010
True Confessions
I used to throw rocks at David Allen Coe (country singer). He was one of the drop-out bikers in my neighborhood when I was a kid and they used to pick on us younger kids, but I had one hell of a throwing arm and took no crap.
The money game does't bother me as much as the loss of personal liberty. Most subsidies come about to help cronies line their pockets or to keep an industry from going under and loosing jobs and production. The cronies just want the cream off the top but its important to them that the business and economy keeps on rolling. If its their business and their profits I would say that in a free market economy more power to them, that's the economic game and probably always will be in a free-market democracy. What I don't like is when the government decides to tell me what I can read, watch, eat, smoke, wear, say, hear, do with my personal life, everything that we fought communism about and are now doing to ourselves. People forget that big money and the crooks of the industrial revolution are what made us the strongest country in the world and gives us the life-syle we seem to all want. Have you been to a third world country? As long as there is money to be made OUR crooks at the top will at least keep us as productive drones with airconditioning, cars, electronic toys....the opiate of the masses. It has worked because I don't see many Americans giving these things up to break the hold that big business has on our country.
The mission is done
If I thought war was an answer to anything, which I don't, but say I did, then I would give my enemy war until he didn't want it anymore. Right now THEY think that war is the answer to their problems just like Japan and Germany and the Confederacy. The only answer was to give them war and make it so bad they never wanted it again. Sherman and Harry Truman knew how to end a war.
Defining Class
Honour and Integrity...I like that because I think classy is more a behavior than a look. (Although as a look you definately have it). Sometimes its more noticeable by its absence but when the real deal comes along its worth taking note of. When you can maintain an honest and fair demeanor in the face of adversity then I think that is classy too.
I'm going to talk and talk about it and then do nothing and go as a US Congressman.
When you change those things on the outside remember that happiness comes from within.
Give up the anger, it will continually pull you down to his level. Once you no longer care he will have no power to hurt. Then you can see him for the truly pathetic person he is and realize your own inner worth as someone truer and stronger.
What choices can I vote for? One candidate would solve the oil crisis by raising taxes on the oil companies and the other would solve it by more drilling and refining when the real answer is to get us away from oil as the energy standard altogether. Some choice. One candidate thinks the way to solve the health care problem is a $5000 tax deduction to help pay for health INSURANCE and the other thinks vouchers for health INSURANCE is the answer when the real answer is to get health care out of the hands of insurance companies altogether. What is my choice here? Stay in Iraq or pull out as an answer when its our foreign policies and the way we treat other countries is the problem. Some choice. I can complain without voting, you can speak out about the crime without first aiding and abetting.
OBAMA...the lib Messiah
I'm not lumping all Christians into the right-wing extremist catagory but why be surprised to find one there? They lurk everywhere. The military is a known place of right-wing supporters (yes, yes, I know, not all), so would it surprise you to find extemists there too? To one extent or another you would have to consider Christianity in opposition to Islam if only in the battle for human souls. So, for a Christian to mistrust a candidate they perceive to be muslim is not outside the realm of possibility if only for the political agenda they may bring based on their own religion. But to mistrust and label him anything without facts in the ear-mark of an extremist.
Take Your Flag And Stove It
If the British had won the Revolutionary War the Stars and Stripes would be a rebel flag.
Take Your Flag And Stove It
Read the South Carolina Congressional Record of the debates about succession and you will see its all about economics, trade tariff and price fixing of cotton by the North. The North set a price for cotton that was not viable economically in the south and then, when the south threatened to trade their cotton to England, France, and Spain, the northern majority congress placed trade restrictions and tariffs to stop them.
OBAMA...the lib Messiah
Lutheran schools don't have a Christian agenda?
the Christian right has no agenda to label Obama a Muslim? Boy am I mistaken. What was I thinking? |
Take Your Flag And Stove It
You wonder why it took until 1863 for Lincoln to abolish slavery? When he was up for relection his major opponent in the Republican Primary was running on an abolitionist platform while Lincoln was running on a Union platform. He freed the slaves at that particular time to undermine the platform and voting base of his abolitionist opposition.
OBAMA...the lib Messiah
Who sends their child to a church school and expects them to be taught non-secular doctrine?
Take Your Flag And Stove It
The slaughter of the native people is just more liberal thinking. The Native American male grew up in warrior societies that thought war was a game, as a matter of fact, the only way to achieve manhood. Just like the Japanese and the Germans in WWII and yes, the Confederates in the Civil War, they had to be shown what war really was before they would stop. Custer and Sherman (his Secretary of War) learned this lesson in the Civil can continue to defeat an army in the field over and over but until you destroy his economic infrastructure you will not defeat them. This is the reason the British lost the Revolutionary War, if they had burned New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore, and Charleston to the ground we would still be British. This is also a lesson America has forgotten in fighting Al Queda. The Native American also immigrated onto their lands and destroyed the previous owners but still whine about it happening to them. To the victor goes the spoils. The only reason it hasn't happened to America is because we just so happened to win. No other reason.
Take Your Flag And Stove It
Slavery ended at the same time as the Confederacy. Whose tired past are we talking about?
Take Your Flag And Stove It
Wouldn't those standards also apply to the American flag? The Portugese flag? The British flag? The French flag? The Spanish flag? Do you think the Confederacy was the only country to own slaves?
OBAMA...the lib Messiah
I'm not a big fan of liberal politics but I think that alone sums up what Obama is, not a Messiah, not a radical fundamentalist, not plotting in secrecy until he comes to power. I think his only secret is that he used to be Steve Urkel.
All business will look at your lifestyle and try to make money off of it..a free market economy..from the gasoline people to the sunglasses people, the beer people, the cellphone companies, etc. At any point you are free to rearrange your lifestyle to not be reliant on any of them. Who is at fault? The businessman soaking your dumb ass for a profit or you for falling for it.
Economics will fix itself. The problem of giving out way too much credit to people who can't afford it in the first place will probably be over until once again there is plenty of money. And if people who make enough money to buy a house take a financial loss and have to rent and live within their means that breaks my heart. They didn't loose the jobs that made them that money in the first place, they lost the way they tried to invest it. Wah Wah Boo Hoo. Guess what, you still have a roof over your head, still drive a car, there is still food at the grocery store, your lights and plumbing are still on, and I bet you'll watch tv tonight. Remind me again of what's wrong with the economy other than forced fiscal responsibility.