I especially have these moments when I am getting ready for work at night and trying to talk to my daughters about school stuff. I have to go back to my bedroom or bathroom and think what was I doing or saying. I thought it was just me getting old! Lady, it looks to me like you have a long, long way to go before you have to worry about getting old. Kids have a way of inducing thoughtus interruptus. OK, thats not what its called, but you get the idea. |
I don't forget what I came somewhere for much..I just forget to go there in the first place. People call me all the time "Hey! I though you were going to come by.". I stay so busy with so many different things that I'm a bit absent-minded about showing up.
Maybe it's the weed. Oops...wrong thread! lol |
<---------strait edge ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Yeah...right! |
Edited by
Wed 04/22/09 09:40 AM
I don't want my doctor, child care provider, or bus driver doing it stoned. And I don't work stoned. But it does not "make you stupid". Thats an affliction that a good percentage of the population suffers from with no assistance whatsoever.
Alcohol...thats your stupidity drug, if there has to be one. Accidents, fights, plain stupid behavior is not only prevalent, it's the norm for people under the influence of alcohol. I wonder how many of you who call burning one "trying to escape reality" or "forget your problems" toss back a few regulary and see nothing wrong with it? Besides decimating the donut population, I don't see any of that with stoners. |
I believe it makes you lazy and stupid. I have quite a high IQ and am in high demand by non-doping engineers to fix things that they can't. I program in over 30 programming languages for 4 different operating systems. Primarily engineering apps but some business apps too. I also design and program circuits utilizing PICS, PALS and PROMS. Process control, simulation, etc. I can fix anything that runs on nuts & bolts, hydraulics, pneumatics or electrons. My friends, including PhD professors always introduce me as "This is Jack, the guy I've been telling you about". And I've been smoking dope 35 years. Perhaps I'm not too modest about my accomplishments and skills, and I'll just say that if you put that blanket assesment on everyone, not just stupid, lazy people that happen to smoke a bit, you're not too smart yourself. |
yes i am I would have asked her what SHE did before answering that question. lol Nothing wrong with smoking a bit of weed...at home or a friends. I don't ever work high or do it in the day anymore...or drive since they look for that quivering eye if you get stopped. lol Smoked probably tons growing up. (good connection) NOT addictive. I can do with it or without it. I have some good bud but havn't smoked any in a month or so. I'm old school and if you aint passing it in a circle, it aint the same. |
I've done time in S. Louisiana so I have seen a host of foreign objects/materials in my food. It's the ones I didn't see that worried me though. To this day, I don't eat anything with sauce, gravy, etc. lol Thus my slim build.
I guess the strangest was the foot of a mouse in some corn. I guess it was a mouse/rat. I've had insects in the vegetables literally hundreds of times. After a while, you just pick it out (some didn't bother) and keep on eating. |
Finish the sentence
Need help with my dog
Read this:
http://www.barkingdogs.net/detailedexplanation.shtml |
most excrutiating pain
Open Heart surgery ![]() Damn! It hurts me just to watch em crack that sternum open with that screw thing. If I ever need that, nice knowing you all. I am not going there. I sure hope you're OK now. Ive had 2 open heart surgeries. One when i was 19, and the other when I was 22. I hope to have no more in the future, but I still dont know for sure. Wow. They pointed out some problems with my heart valves and some damage done to my heart when I was getting those last stents in but I was so doped out on morphine I couldn't remember (or care) what they said. I just thought it was cool watching them steer that thing around in me. But you're stronger than me, or love life more...or both. Cause I've decided that if it comes to them cracking my chest and laying up for a month in pain, I'm not doing it. I'm old, single and don't even see the tunnel anymore, much less the light at the end of it. And I sure can't complain about a boring life! God bless you girl. I am going to say a prayer for you tonight that you never ever need to have anything else done. I'm pretty sure that mine are answered fairly regularly. You may not remember but I do...you're the first person to welcome me here. And hey, don't let anyone give you any s**t over that. You couldn't have known!!! lol Well I'm proud to be your "first" ![]() Thats what they all say! lol Have a great night everyone. I am outta here! |
most excrutiating pain
Open Heart surgery ![]() Damn! It hurts me just to watch em crack that sternum open with that screw thing. If I ever need that, nice knowing you all. I am not going there. I sure hope you're OK now. Ive had 2 open heart surgeries. One when i was 19, and the other when I was 22. I hope to have no more in the future, but I still dont know for sure. Wow. They pointed out some problems with my heart valves and some damage done to my heart when I was getting those last stents in but I was so doped out on morphine I couldn't remember (or care) what they said. I just thought it was cool watching them steer that thing around in me. But you're stronger than me, or love life more...or both. Cause I've decided that if it comes to them cracking my chest and laying up for a month in pain, I'm not doing it. I'm old, single and don't even see the tunnel anymore, much less the light at the end of it. And I sure can't complain about a boring life! God bless you girl. I am going to say a prayer for you tonight that you never ever need to have anything else done. I'm pretty sure that mine are answered fairly regularly. You may not remember but I do...you're the first person to welcome me here. And hey, don't let anyone give you any s**t over that. You couldn't have known!!! lol |
most excrutiating pain
Open Heart surgery ![]() Damn! It hurts me just to watch em crack that sternum open with that screw thing. If I ever need that, nice knowing you all. I am not going there. I sure hope you're OK now. |
most excrutiating pain
Funny, out of all the critical injuries I've had, including that heart attack the 4th, the WORST pain I ever had was a damn dentist shoving a needle behind my eye tooth up into the roof of my mouth. It really felt like he was drilling for fluid in my freakin' eyeball with a hot poker. And it lasted like...forever. Usually when in action or critically injured, that adrenaline rush/time dilation is cool. I hate to love it but I do. Everythings so clear and in SUCH slow motion...and you fel no pain (until later). SO..the next time I have anything like that done, I'm asking him to pin me dowm behind the chair with some gunfire first! That s**t HURT!!! ![]() holy shiz ![]() Or, I could just take a few Lortabs...PRE-dentist. Probably a better solution, huh? |
most excrutiating pain
Edited by
Tue 04/21/09 05:41 PM
For me it would be when I scalded my whole front, yes even my genitals. The pain of the burn was nothing compared to the blisters trying to heal on my man hood at the horny age of 14. Yikes! I spilled coffee in my lap once on the way to work but I jumped out of the truck and snatched my pants down (IN TRAFFIC) before it burned me badly . Thank God for thermal underwear. |
most excrutiating pain
Edited by
Tue 04/21/09 05:30 PM
Funny, out of all the critical injuries I've had, including that heart attack the 4th, the WORST pain I ever had was a damn dentist shoving a needle behind my eye tooth up into the roof of my mouth. It really felt like he was drilling for fluid in my freakin' eyeball with a hot poker. And it lasted like...forever.
Usually when in action or critically injured, that adrenaline rush/time dilation is cool. I hate to love it but I do. Everythings so clear and in SUCH slow motion...and you fel no pain (until later). SO..the next time I have anything like that done, I'm asking him to pin me dowm behind the chair with some gunfire first! That s**t HURT!!! ![]() |
Question 3
Money can't buy you love. But it will buy enough other stuff so that lust is good enough to get you by.
![]() Seriously, no I wouldn't. I wouldnt even take it to never see my ex again, and we sure are not getting back together. If you love money more than you love people, then that may sound like a good deal. But I don't think so. |
Bottle Feeding A Kitten
At last something I know about.
Go to your local pet store and get some "milk replacer" for kittens and some feeding bottles. They have exactly what you need and it isnt expensive. You can use regular milk but you have to thin it down about 50%, and its not as good or nutritious as the milk replacer. Too bad shes not in Shreveport. I have all that right here. |
So what's up with this
The bailouts were always meant to fail, bankrupting the American people to promote a World Monetary System, controlled by the private banking cartel of the World Bank of England. The same ones we fought for independence from 200 years ago! Our Federal Reserve Bank is part of this cartel! The "New World Order"! Obamas mission. CORRECT! But the World bank is way beyond just England. |
LONG beer run :)
The best damn long-neck Budweiser I ever had was in freakin' Newark New Jersey of all places. I didn't go there just for that but it was memorably good. Oh yeah, and my van got stolen while I was in the bar. I told the cop it must have JUST gotten stolen and should be close by and he laughed out loud. Told me it was gone forever. It was.
That was a good beer though. |
I object
I would try to stop anyone from getting married. That is, if they asked my opinion. ![]() My brother got married and before the wedding he said "Well bro, I'm getting married. Any thoughts you want to share?". I said "Yeah. DON'T DO IT!!!!". He divorced her after about 6 months but he's still mad at me for it to this day. Been about 20 something years I guess. lol |