Topic: Bottle Feeding A Kitten | |
My friend called me this morning. She found a kitten under her trailer in the insulation. She says that it doesn't have it's eyes open yet an she has no clue what to do with it. I told her to bring it to me an I'd see what I could do in the way of bottle feedin it. It's been alot of years since I've done this. Any suggestions?
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call a vet and see what their suggestions are or an animal control place. Tell them you want to keep it but want to know what to do to keep it alive.
Just go to your local pet store and buy some kitten formula.. Keep the formula warm per single serving mixture... Keep your kitten warm and just be motherly with petting and making sure his hyknee and nose are wiped clean with a warm wet cloth... they may have specific ones for that as. well... That was sweet of you to take that on
.... Eddie ![]() |
Just go to your local pet store and buy some kitten formula.. Keep the formula warm per single serving mixture... Keep your kitten warm and just be motherly with petting and making sure his hyknee and nose are wiped clean with a warm wet cloth... they may have specific ones for that as. well... That was sweet of you to take that on .... Eddie ![]() |
Been there, more than once. As Eddiemma said, there's kitten formula at the pet store, get a dropper, not a bottle, at least for a while. They need to be fed every few hours and kept warm and clean. Aside from that, nature will take its course, fortunately or unfortunately. And, I would suggest your friend search under there very thoroughly. Cats usually have more than one kitten and if there's another and it dies, that creates a whole new problem.
I think what might have happene is that the mama cat was in the process of movin her litter an got spooked off. Or might have been her 1st litter an only had the one.
I've got all the necessary supplies an am geared up for some sleepless nights. LOL I'll keep everyone posted on how's it doin. And if it makes it thru the next few days I'll post a picture an ya'll can help me come up with a name. Thanks for all the advice. ![]() |
At last something I know about.
Go to your local pet store and get some "milk replacer" for kittens and some feeding bottles. They have exactly what you need and it isnt expensive. You can use regular milk but you have to thin it down about 50%, and its not as good or nutritious as the milk replacer. Too bad shes not in Shreveport. I have all that right here. |
Just go to your local pet store and buy some kitten formula.. Keep the formula warm per single serving mixture... Keep your kitten warm and just be motherly with petting and making sure his hyknee and nose are wiped clean with a warm wet cloth... they may have specific ones for that as. well... That was sweet of you to take that on .... Eddie ![]() If I reply to that, this will move to sex and dating... ![]() |
i did this and got an herbal warming pillow... warmed it a lil and let the kitten rest on it while i bottle fed. it felt like mommy was there. go to a vet or pet store to get correct bottles
Well I've got the kitten home. Had to get the lil thing warmed up. Managed to get a touch of milk in it's belly an make it tinkle. He/she is wrapped in a lil bab blanket on my lap now. It's an orange/white in case ya'll are interested, eyes are just startin to open. I got a sleepless night ahead of me. I'll be frettin an checkin every few minnutes. LOL
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Awww, call me a pu$$y but my heart is melting as I type. That kitten is going to adore you. Sorry I don't have much in the way of advice, but if it's late or you can't make it to the store, you might try letting it lick some milk off your fingertips. I dunno, that's all I got.
I think what might have happene is that the mama cat was in the process of movin her litter an got spooked off. Or might have been her 1st litter an only had the one. I've got all the necessary supplies an am geared up for some sleepless nights. LOL I'll keep everyone posted on how's it doin. And if it makes it thru the next few days I'll post a picture an ya'll can help me come up with a name. Thanks for all the advice. ![]() Well I hope momma cat's alright and she's not missing her kitten. I think Mingle might be alright for a cat name. |
Someone say KITTEN!?
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Thought I would give everyone an update. The kitten made it thru the night just fine. I was up every 2 hours puttin milk in it's lil belly and makin it tinkle. LOL I'm goin to try an get to the store today an find a bottle. I'm usin a medicine dropper right now an it's workin but the lil thing wants to suck so I aim to give it what it wants. Not sure if it's a boy or gurl. Alil early to tell. It's just startin to open it's eyes. It has a great set of lungs an has no problem usin them to let ya know it's hungry. Here's a pic of the lil thing. Not the greatest sorry. I put the glasses next to it so u could get an idea of the size I'm workin with here.
![]() By the way I'd love some help comin up with a name for it. It's gotta be something that would work with both a boy or gurl. ![]() |
What a little sweetie! I love baby kitties!
|'s so tiny, ReddBeans. How precious.
|'s so tiny, ReddBeans. How precious. Hun, if u could hear it cryin when it wants to be fed u wouldn't think it was so timy. LOL ![]() |
What a little sweetie! I love baby kitties! Wanna adopt him/her when it's weaned??? ![]() |
How about Miriam for a female
and DeNiro for a male? |
Your best bet is to try to locate the mamma. Put out a can of tuna and see if she comes around. My Mom says condensed milk, but if you can afford baby formula that would be better. Once I tried to raise a baby squirrel. I fell in love with the little guy, called vets and Natural resources. They said it is very unlikely to survive. They were right. Lastest three days and just faded away.
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