One more cigarette
Chantix, get a prescription from your doctor. It works and makes it so much easier to quit. I know I recently quit using it and I couldn't have without it. It's pricey but call a Quit Line and I think they can get the price down for you to like $25. Quit the weed. It is smoking and causes the same harm as smoking. Good Luck! Baby is adorable!!!!!!! Actually weed is FAR less toxic than commercial tobacco. Cigarettes contain additives. Weed contains...hydrocannibinol and no additives. That is if you forget the US governments attempt at poisoning us with Paraquat. Did I say US? lol Heres a few things in your cigarettes besides tobacco. Benzene (petrol additive) A colourless cyclic hydrocarbon obtained from coal and petroleum, used as a solvent in fuel and in chemical manufacture - and contained in cigarette smoke. It is a known carcinogen and is associated with leukaemia. Formaldehyde (embalming fluid) A colourless liquid, highly poisonous, used to preserve dead bodies - also found in cigarette smoke. Known to cause cancer, respiratory, skin and gastrointestinal problems. Ammonia (toilet cleaner) Used as a flavouring, frees nicotine from tobacco turning it into a gas, found in dry cleaning fluids. Acetone (nail polish remover) Fragrant volatile liquid ketone, used as a solvent, for example, nail polish remover - found in cigarette smoke. Tar Particulate matter drawn into lungs when you inhale on a lighted cigarette. Once inhaled, smoke condenses and about 70 per cent of the tar in the smoke is deposited in the smoker's lungs. Nicotine (insecticide/addictive drug) One of the most addictive substances known to man, a powerful and fast-acting medical and non-medical poison. This is the chemical which causes addiction. Carbon Monoxide (CO) (car exhaust fumes) An odourless, tasteless and poisonous gas, rapidly fatal in large amounts - it's the same gas that comes out of car exhausts and is the main gas in cigarette smoke, formed when the cigarette is lit. Others you may recognize are : Arsenic (rat poison), Hydrogen Cyanide (gas chamber poison) Thats the short list. Abou 390 more that are not quite so harmful SOUNDING. |
One more cigarette
I had a major heart attack the 4th of this month. That'll do it.
And I thought I was in excellent health. I'm strong as an ox. My cholesterols fine, sodium fine, fat/muscle ratio fine. Just smoking and stress that acked me. Take girls advice and quit so that beautiful little baby will have a dad for a good long time. Just don't buy any and when you want something else. |
I still have rolls upon rolls of canvas, frames and frame making stuff, easels, palletes, hundreds of tubes of oils and acrylics, brushes that you just can't get anymore, palette knives, clay modeling tools, charcoals, stained glass & lead, silk, textile ink and film for silk screening, and so much more that my folks had when they died. Lots of stuff I'm not sure what it is. Jars with blue and red powders, dfferent oils, etc. (My dad made his own paint on one of his I should do something with them but I'm no artist. They just sit in my storage room. I kinda hate to prt with it but don't like the idea of it going to waste. Maybe I'll go down to artbreak on the river and find some starving artist to give that stuff to. Or trade them for a portrait that actually makes ME look good. (Yeah I know, but it COULD happen!!!) Donation isnt a bad idea at all really i would love to have all of that at my fingertips might end up making someon young artist very happy Dude, I've donated everything I ever owned, or left it behind. Never even sold a car in my entire life...gave em away to people trying to get a start. So I will give that stuff away. Except maybe the stained glass stuff. I did that for a while when I was young and really enjoyed it. |
My folks were both artists. Painted in oils & acrylics and my dad did a lot of charcoal, water-color and sculpture. He was also a photographer and I spent a good many weekend nights in the darkroom "helping" him. But he also did things like knapping flint, making bows...all kind of stuff. So I always liked art but could never draw anything except technical drawing (drafting). My pal and I built a 3-axis CNC router and I've had a great time making primary covers, 3-d "portraits" in wood and aluminum, etc. I just take some photos, prep them for 256 gray shades, and tweak them a bit then load the G-code into the computer. But I still get quite a sense of accomplishment when one comes out perfect. Is that ART? Yeah that is art... sounds cool, do you have any photos? I have plenty of photos printed but no working scanner here. I'll take some more. Gotta include my homemade 3-axis router though. To me, thats art. |
I still have rolls upon rolls of canvas, frames and frame making stuff, easels, palletes, hundreds of tubes of oils and acrylics, brushes that you just can't get anymore, palette knives, clay modeling tools, charcoals, stained glass & lead, silk, textile ink and film for silk screening, and so much more that my folks had when they died. Lots of stuff I'm not sure what it is. Jars with blue and red powders, dfferent oils, etc. (My dad made his own paint on one of his I should do something with them but I'm no artist. They just sit in my storage room.
I kinda hate to prt with it but don't like the idea of it going to waste. Maybe I'll go down to artbreak on the river and find some starving artist to give that stuff to. Or trade them for a portrait that actually makes ME look good. (Yeah I know, but it COULD happen!!!) |
I love to do 'trash to treasure' projects this antique 5 panel door that I turned into a headboard a few years ago. ![]() Added a little trim molding to make a small shelf on top. That is very nice. My partner and I build furnitire and just invested in a panel cutter to do those floating panels with. We've done some chests from walnut and mahagony that turned out nice. I am impressed. The teddy bears freak me out a bit though. ![]() |
I like acrylics. It gives the painting texture. Also, I can clean it off me...I'm kind of messy when I paint. I wish I had a photo of some of my folks art to put up. My mom did one with acrylic, rope, sand and who knows what else that hangs in my living room. She did another with sand and acrylic of one of Frank Lloyd Wrights buildings that I also keep hung in my house. Both project from the canvas and they're my favorite paintings by my mom. My dad did sculpture a lot and I have a few "pre-columbian artifacts"...circa 1970 that my crazy ole dad did. I like things with 3 dimensions and some texture. |
![]() Aside from being blonde, she was FINE!!! |
"we should nuke california" what an incredibly insightful and NOT ignorant thing to say ![]() Do I detect a note of sarcasm there? lol OK, maybe we don't actually need to NUKE em, maybe we can just brainwash them all back into reality. Or...waterboarding? Sounds good to me. They worry about saving a puddle for the snaildarter but I'm paying 16 bucks for a 2x4. Can't drill for oil so we're letting Arabs determine our prices. Californians need to get out and get a real job. And people need to stop listening to these actors who feel fine paying a million bucks for a 50,000 dollar home and whose social conscience befuddles thier common sense. They're ACTORS!!! |
I don't even remember high school. -==-~~
I'm not the greatest looking guy in the world but I am strong, healthy and dress well enough to not be picked up for being a bum.
But oddly enough, the women who say Im very handsome all have known me for a good while. I guess I look better the better you know me. I can live with that. |
Where are all the women that aren't as shallow as a mud puddle? I second this... Guess you both are attracted to the personality in a chick right a way. LMAO Please, men just can't stand to think that women also have eyes. haha Actually I like smart girls. But you're right...I sure do appreciate beauty. Making love, I don't care if she can state the gravitational principles of equivalence while screaming my name. (Oops, or some handsome guys name). ![]() |
Edited by
Tue 04/21/09 07:48 AM
Read "The book of Texas". Mexicans and Americans shared the land and played well together. Then Santa Ana wanted to claim it for Mexico...basically for himself. My GG grandfather was the first president of the Republic of Texas (NOT Sam Houston) and knew Travis and the rest of them that died at the Alamo although he wasn't there. So I've read a lot on it. The best historical information is The Book Of Texas. Now that must be amazing to know that you have family members that went through this part of history let alone having a great great grandfather who was the president of the Republic of Texas. Thank you for the advice on the book. I am going to go look for it now on How do you feel about a independent Texas again or do you think that is a bad move? I ask for it was a topic on another thread with mixed emotions on it. I don't think any state can or should be independent of America. Most Texans feel the same way. I do not like the way the country is going towards liberalism and political correctness over common sense and staying strong. (Can ya tell?) The world is not run on butterfly kisses with our enemies. Texans understood that. Perhaps our president should read some Texas (and US) history and remember that the weak fall under the strong. My GG grandfather (David G. Burnet) was not well thought of by a lot of Texans and is nearly written out of the revisionist history that's taught for the sake of political correctness today. But his portrait is the first one you see when you walk through the main doors of the capital building in Austin. He sacrificed all he had for a strong republic that stood for the people. Actually, just a side note, he was a wealthy man but bought slaves and set them free with his entire fortune and died a pauper. I just thought of this. I should get some reparations!!! |
A lot of radical Mexicans, Hispanic Extremists and Illegals are calling for the taking back of land they claim was stolen by Texas and the US. They already have a name for it and have divided the States. Aztlan. These are older maps. You can imagine how much larger the population is now. ![]() ![]() Yeah? Ever seen a successful anything run by Mexicans that did NOT include chopping heads off with machetes and management by brute force? We should finish where we left off and annex Mexico while we still have a border. |
Edited by
Tue 04/21/09 07:19 AM
they were offered pretty much an equivalant freedom. snd that was what was rescinded by Santa Anna by the way there was a large colony from Germany in Texas at the time. Thet settled originally in the Corpus Christi area but they didn't like the humid climate so they moved further inland and now populate the "hill country" between Austin and San Antonio. Oktoberfest is a big deal in Texas The "Hill country" is still a great place to party. Austin may be my favorite city (favorite people) in the entire US. Even without Hippy Hollow. |
Read "The book of Texas". Mexicans and Americans shared the land and played well together. Then Santa Ana wanted to claim it for Mexico...basically for himself.
My GG grandfather was the first president of the Republic of Texas (NOT Sam Houston) and knew Travis and the rest of them that died at the Alamo although he wasn't there. So I've read a lot on it. The best historical information is The Book Of Texas. |
Where are all the women that aren't as shallow as a mud puddle?
I personally would have given her a medal if I could for not buying into the liberal, politically correct BS that seems to have overtaken society.
We should nuke California...but get her out first! |
Some strange requests..
I dunno. "Phone" and "sex" seem like mutually exclusive terms to me. I mean unless you're REALLY freaky, or have a really cute phone.
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I object
No. If I loved her, I'd wish her the best. If she loved me, she wouldn't be marrying someone else.