Community > Posts By > FreeToB

FreeToB's photo
Thu 04/23/09 01:02 PM

:smile: Its DHS(the real terrorists) and the cops that are wanting to take away everyones guns.:smile:

I love you. lol

FreeToB's photo
Thu 04/23/09 01:00 PM
Edited by FreeToB on Thu 04/23/09 01:01 PM

I asked why would someone NEED AN AK47? It is terrible I look at virtually everyone as a probable killer now days. Suits, baggy britches, anyone. I look and wonder if they have a gun hiding somewhere. I worry if that car beside me has a gun and will pull it out at the flick of a bugger. I worry if my neighbor is going to shoot that guy for making too much noise..or if that argument across the street is going to find a gun battle and a bullet will go through my house..a window a door.
Too many people with guns and not enough control over their emotions and minds make me worry. I worry almost as bad for the guy that is clean cut and living well, as I do about a skinhead having a gun.

People don't beat the hell outta you anymore. They just shoot them and cut them up. It is a sad new day in America.


I like my bat too. It stays by my bed. I don't carry it in my truck.

See how much good that bat does you when you wake up and someone is ON you. That IS the way it goes. They don't knock or start a battle from down the street. Youre minding your own business and theyre in your car, in your ROOM.

Good luck with that bat. I like my handy dandy Walther PPK that doesn't require me to get in hand to hand with some strung out nut with a knife or gun.

I am outta here. Goodday everyone.

FreeToB's photo
Thu 04/23/09 12:54 PM
Edited by FreeToB on Thu 04/23/09 12:56 PM

on the local news today they said that the Border Patrol had confiscated 500 guns going into Mexico this week.

and 300 of em were registration traceble to American gun stores

I flat out do not believe that. It is manufactured news. Funny how it came out JUST after Obamas push to get guns outlawed...for the appeasement of OTHER COUNTRIES. And the FBI says that only 5-10% of the guns in Mexico come from here. They JUST posted it after Hilary postulated that we were responsible for the guns there.

Drug cartels make BILLIONS of dollars and can get guns MUCH easier through the porous borders and past the corrupt police in other Latin American countries on their borders..and do. VERY few people can obtain an automatic/suppressed weapons permits in the US and they are either police f Class C dealers going through thorough backgroud checks. And US gun manufacturers have to account for every one. I just don't believe that story at all. Its a ploy to get our guns from us. BECAUSE FOREIGN CRIMNALS ARE KILLING EACH OTHER WITH THEM????? Let em!!!

I'd be happy to send em nukes if they would use them there after they get all the illegals back on thier side of the border.

FreeToB's photo
Thu 04/23/09 12:46 PM

I am not scared. What scares me is all those people who have guns...............................with tempers and actions before thoughts.

The guns in question are the high powered and multishot massacre weapons. The ones with absolutely no use in hunting. Unless you are hunting people at long ranges.


You do not have the right to bear arms to hunt with. Nor to protect yourself from crime. Those are asides. You have the right to bear arms "in order to protect all your other rights". That is, from a government gone bad. n fact our founding fathers thought to add "equal to that of the current milita" in the types of guns we should have.

Many people today believe that we are far more intelligent and sophisticated than say...during the 30s when Hitler first "registered" then collected everyones guns. We are not and our world is far less secure than it was even then.

I know that if the police even come to someones house because they were arguing with thier wife, neighbor, they will ask you if there are any guns in the house. Then they WILL take them. Not MINE, others who are stupid wenough to let them in. Then they want to see your registration, even though you probably inherited a good many of them... and the Federal Government provides NO means for a civilian to register guns except at the time of purchase by a dealer.

I'll keep mine, thanks.

Im not sure what kind of person only wants police and criminals to have guns , but my first guess would be "naive".

FreeToB's photo
Thu 04/23/09 10:11 AM
Praise structures? Well no. But we should not tear down things just because they were not built in a politically correct fashion. Actually the pyramids were not built by slaves, but paid workers. Jewish texts tell about it and the Hebrew word used does not mean "slaves" as it was originally transcribed. And so what if it was? Tear down the pyramids? C'mon. That takes PC to a ridiculous level.

Slaves built our entire agricultural base quite a lot more recently than 4000 years ago. Should we ban corn?

As for the appreciation of evil people. People in power generally are power hungry and not nice folks. Even to this day, even though political correctness (the APPEARANCE of goodness) and attorneys have made politicians and "captains of industry" look like "public servants", the powerful are usually more evil than your average hoodlum. History is written not FOR them. And if ths PC crap keeps going before we liberalize ourselves into a 3rd world country, it will continue to be revised to make evil people look good.

Our country was built from murder and mayhem towards the American Indians and from the sweat and blood of slaves for the enrichment of the powerful. Should we move out?

You dont get power being a nice guy.

FreeToB's photo
Thu 04/23/09 07:28 AM
It depends on the circumstances. Normally, I don't like people that I don't know touching me and am pretty good at subtle evasion. But if an old friend (the only kind I have)pats my shoulder or something, I'm cool with that.

What does bother me is the people that shake your hand and try to grab your arm or shoulder and hold onto you. I think its a subconscious control mechanism on their I resist.

FreeToB's photo
Thu 04/23/09 06:54 AM

Been trying to get the VA to give me a Tens unit for years

I have nothing good to say about them at the moment so I will refrain from saying anything about them at this timelaugh

meaning the VA , not the TENS unit

Man, stop by my house when you get down here and remind me. I have a medical grade TENS unit that I'll give you. I only have it for fun anyway. (I'll keep my violet wand. lol)

FreeToB's photo
Thu 04/23/09 06:47 AM
13 year old kids don't have any right to privacy from their parents. The world has gone insane.

FreeToB's photo
Thu 04/23/09 06:41 AM

would be my wife, but I don't own her

she allows me to hang aroundlaugh laugh

She made you say that, didn't she? laugh

FreeToB's photo
Thu 04/23/09 06:23 AM
Quick! Somebody poke a fork in that!!!

FreeToB's photo
Wed 04/22/09 03:05 PM
Edited by FreeToB on Wed 04/22/09 03:06 PM
I raised 5 boys and a girl. It's good to be fair but you can't really be a friend rather than a parent. Believe it or not, I was raised right by my mom & dad. They were kinda liberal but not at all when it came to raising us kids. We did what they said and when we didn't, we paid a real price. Thats the way I believe it should be. I raised the boys the same. If they screwed up, I took something from them if they hated me for it or not.

If cell phones would have been aroud for my boys, I would have the GPS tracker thing on it. And trust them until they tella lie. I believe the key is to trust them until you know that you cant and be firm. They are going to tell you that they "hate" you, how bad you are, what all the other kids are getting away with, etc. But according to your own rule of Jack & Kate, I think you know that when they grow up (as opposed to NOT getting to) they'll see what good you did for them. And thats what matters. That they TURN out good, not that they agree with you.

And they ARE ging to always love you for it.

FreeToB's photo
Wed 04/22/09 01:37 PM
Edited by FreeToB on Wed 04/22/09 01:42 PM

I think it's painfully obvious there are certain members here who hate Chrisitans more than they hate anything else on this earth.It's not like we can't read between the lines here people. slaphead

Also flip flopping on your beliefs just because it may make you look like racist only worsens your cause.I respect people alot more when they can give a constant answer they trully belive in instead of yaking a bunch of filler to please the masses.

It's painfully obvious some members don't read so well. I haven't read any member in this thread yet that actually hates christians, I would say it's more about some christians attitudes.

If you are reading between the lines and did'nt get it well then you can't be reading any of it, all that well, especially when you accuse an article before you have even read it and it turns out to be in your favor. That's got to the funniest thing i have seen all day.

"Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 5:10

"We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed; Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body." II Corinthians 4:8-10

It comes with being a Christian, friend.

Oops again. Wrong place but right thread.

I am outta here (REALLY). Have a great night everyone.

FreeToB's photo
Wed 04/22/09 01:27 PM

hey...i'm a former trekkie lol

Former. Good, good. Are you SURE you don't mind admitting that?

FreeToB's photo
Wed 04/22/09 01:24 PM

Looks to me like free speech and the ability to disagree with a populist view without adding some fairy dust and sweet nothings (political correctness) is the fast track to getting booted. Here or HERE.

ALL ABOARD Obamas bullet train to socialism. Second car, reserved for "acceptable" (diplomatic & liberal) minglers.

Resistance is futile!

that's the borg hun laugh

Oops, my mistake. The similarities are stunning. slaphead

FreeToB's photo
Wed 04/22/09 01:19 PM
Looks to me like free speech and the ability to disagree with a populist view without adding some fairy dust and sweet nothings (political correctness) is the fast track to getting booted. Here or HERE.

ALL ABOARD Obamas bullet train to socialism. Second car, reserved for "acceptable" (diplomatic & liberal) minglers.

Resistance is futile!

FreeToB's photo
Wed 04/22/09 11:58 AM

the arguement I have hear (for employers) is to see if you need money because of debt that you would steal from the company...load of crock IMO

If 99% of poor people were crooks, they wouldn't be poor. I find in business as well as personal affairs, people tend to believe that you would do what THEY would do in any given situation. If you're home late, you're cheating. If you don't feel like talking, you have something to hide. If you work hard and try to improve things at work, you're trying to step over them on the ladder up. Sad but true. {Metallica} lol

With that, I am outta here. Gotta do some work. lol

Have a great day everyone.

rich people with great credit can steal as well. that's why I think it's a load

Rich people generally DO steal. Or to put it nicer, they have the burning desire for money. That and generosity, kindness and honesty are generally mutually exclusive properties.

I know a lot of rich people. I like about 2 of them.

Eat the Rich {Aerosmith}


FreeToB's photo
Wed 04/22/09 11:52 AM
Edited by FreeToB on Wed 04/22/09 11:54 AM

the arguement I have hear (for employers) is to see if you need money because of debt that you would steal from the company...load of crock IMO

If 99% of poor people were crooks, they wouldn't be poor. I find in business as well as personal affairs, people tend to believe that you would do what THEY would do in any given situation. If you're home late, you're cheating. If you don't feel like talking, you have something to hide. If you work hard and try to improve things at work, you're trying to step over them on the ladder up. Sad but true. {Metallica} lol

With that, I am outta here. Gotta do some work. lol

Have a great day everyone.

FreeToB's photo
Wed 04/22/09 11:44 AM

i do not see as to why insurance companies should be permitted to base rates on credit report that is what the driving record is for

as for employers it does sorta show how you handle your responsibilities (sorta)

i know people with a bad credit report i can trust to keep their word and do what they say than some people i know that have a good credit report

actually i feel credit reports should only be used in the obtaining of credit

there are many factors that can cause a bad credit report and a bad credit report does not make a bad prospect

Because they can. Credit reporting SHOULD only be used in evaluating your abilty/willingness to pay back debt. Special interests run this government and insurance and banks are obviusly big players however so...until we start prosecuting congressman for crimes, graft and corruption, and prohibit ANY donations to "campaigns' it's not going to get better, only worse.

FreeToB's photo
Wed 04/22/09 11:39 AM
Edited by FreeToB on Wed 04/22/09 11:40 AM
Get used to government/corporate intervention into your personal life. It's not going to get better. I'm betting that as soon as theres a national DNA database, they'll be hiring, firing and insuring you based on your genetic predisposition to certain diseases like heart disease, cancer, etc.

A law can SAY that they can't discriminate against you for whatever they choose but in reality, they just say that it was something else. Ask anyone disabled how much the Americans with Disabilities act helped them. Just a government money hole for special interests.

Get some credit. Nothing else is gonna help you.

Or if youre a really good IT guy with some experience, change your TRW & Experian reports. lol

FreeToB's photo
Wed 04/22/09 10:13 AM

surely the judge will make an exception since you are clearly making an effort to correct some of your ways!!!

I've been clean for awhile myself and i must say it feels great and i too am going to school....i am studying Nursing....i graduate in DECEMBER!!!

Good luck to you my can be done!!! If you ever need to talk just hollar!!!!!


Congrats to you as well. Funny how for such a long period of time a buzz can feel so great, then after a couple weeks clean they can realize how good they can feel without a buzz. Then all the sudden motivation starts coming back. They start caring about their looks and health. Start getting compliments on looks and health. Finding different and better people to relate to. All kinds of good stuff. :banana:

Compliments on looks and health??? Can I go too? drool

Seriously, congratulations on that. The first step in solving problems is knowing that there is one. (kaff kaff) Excuse me.

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