Topic: Should we praise huge structures and violent icons?
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Thu 04/23/09 08:55 AM
I ask for I must admit that many of the most exotic or interesting structures are a work of art, but what where the sacrifices in creating them.

Should we praise these structures?

Have you ever felt like tearing them down, or should they be preserved to remember the history that mankind did to get them created.

Such structures that come to mind are for example:

The Pyramids, castles in Europe, and Taj Mahal, and so forth.

Slavery was used, high taxing of peasants, and sacrifices where done after the constructions.


My next question"

Why is it we celeberate or think higly of such people who have commited atrocities in history.

I read a book on 101 heroes of our world. As I read it I see how kings and queens killed their family members to achieve their throne chair, how others killed in the name of god, and many more who have displaced people to achieve personal gain. Out of the 101 heroes (they say), I can only count a handful that I can agree would be consider heroes in my mind. Is there something wrong with me for not claiming the others as heroes like the book mentions?

Why do we call these people heroes in our history books?

Cleopatra, Napoleoan, King Richard the Lionheart, Augustus Caeser, Alexander the Great, are but a few. If you want a complete listing I will jot them down if you like.

While I understand the significance of history, but do you feel the author's of many of the books written today mentioning or praising historical figures as heroes when they didn't do anything good but gain personal growth at the end of their lives?

What or how do you feel about this?

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Thu 04/23/09 09:40 AM
No thoughts on this? Okay fair enough. I am off to the beach thenlaugh

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 04/23/09 09:45 AM

I ask for I must admit that many of the most exotic or interesting structures are a work of art, but what where the sacrifices in creating them.

Should we praise these structures?

Have you ever felt like tearing them down, or should they be preserved to remember the history that mankind did to get them created.

Such structures that come to mind are for example:

The Pyramids, castles in Europe, and Taj Mahal, and so forth.

Slavery was used, high taxing of peasants, and sacrifices where done after the constructions.


My next question"

Why is it we celeberate or think higly of such people who have commited atrocities in history.

I read a book on 101 heroes of our world. As I read it I see how kings and queens killed their family members to achieve their throne chair, how others killed in the name of god, and many more who have displaced people to achieve personal gain. Out of the 101 heroes (they say), I can only count a handful that I can agree would be consider heroes in my mind. Is there something wrong with me for not claiming the others as heroes like the book mentions?

Why do we call these people heroes in our history books?

Cleopatra, Napoleoan, King Richard the Lionheart, Augustus Caeser, Alexander the Great, are but a few. If you want a complete listing I will jot them down if you like.

While I understand the significance of history, but do you feel the author's of many of the books written today mentioning or praising historical figures as heroes when they didn't do anything good but gain personal growth at the end of their lives?

What or how do you feel about this?
:smile: These things certainly have impressed humanity down thru the ages:smile:

FreeToB's photo
Thu 04/23/09 10:11 AM
Praise structures? Well no. But we should not tear down things just because they were not built in a politically correct fashion. Actually the pyramids were not built by slaves, but paid workers. Jewish texts tell about it and the Hebrew word used does not mean "slaves" as it was originally transcribed. And so what if it was? Tear down the pyramids? C'mon. That takes PC to a ridiculous level.

Slaves built our entire agricultural base quite a lot more recently than 4000 years ago. Should we ban corn?

As for the appreciation of evil people. People in power generally are power hungry and not nice folks. Even to this day, even though political correctness (the APPEARANCE of goodness) and attorneys have made politicians and "captains of industry" look like "public servants", the powerful are usually more evil than your average hoodlum. History is written not FOR them. And if ths PC crap keeps going before we liberalize ourselves into a 3rd world country, it will continue to be revised to make evil people look good.

Our country was built from murder and mayhem towards the American Indians and from the sweat and blood of slaves for the enrichment of the powerful. Should we move out?

You dont get power being a nice guy.

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Thu 04/23/09 10:27 AM
Edited by smiless on Thu 04/23/09 10:29 AM
Your answer is common by most folks.

All this means is that history will deem to repeat itself over and over again and at the end we as humans have not learned anything from the past.

Instead we will continue to conquer, divide, and abuse each other for the sake of power and righteousness that we deem to be true.

I close this history book now hoping that a different light of stories will be written one day. Something that inspires positive results for mankind and hope to the point that we can as a world one day coexist in peace without having to idolize such figures that did otherwise.

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 04/23/09 01:47 PM
Why is it we celeberate or think higly of such people who have commited atrocities in history.

Well this is most certainly true. I think "Alexander the Great" is a perfect example. He should have been called "Alexander the Jerk". ohwell

If someone pulled a stunt like that today he would be considered the most horrendous of criminals.

This would be like giving Osama Bin Laden the title "Osama the Great"! Although I'm sure that some Arabs do give him that title.

I guess it all depends on who's side a person is on.

Look what happened to the Great Library of Alexandria in the name of Christianity? And the ruthless murdering of Hypatia.

It's terrible.

The fact that so many people today still worship the doctines that incited such hiddeous deeds is truly depressing. And they continue to point fingers at 'non-believers' to this very day.

As far as tearing down the pyramids and castles, I don't truly see the point to that. But we should view them as the symbols of how authority and religious beliefs can get out of hand.

What we should really do is go about dissembling our cities. We should slowly return to a time when no one is living on top of anyone else. All structures should be kept to a single ground level floor. laugh

Then we should have offspring accordingly. Instead of just reproducing like rabbits without thought of the consequences. We claim to be above the animals but we don't even act as smart as the monkeys. At least they don't go around building skyscrapers and over populating the land.

no photo
Thu 04/23/09 01:59 PM
I stuck around st. petersburg
When I saw it was a time for a change
Killed the czar and his ministers
Anastasia screamed in vain
I rode a tank
Held a generals rank
When the blitzkrieg raged
And the bodies stank
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name,

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 04/23/09 02:01 PM

glasses Quetzacoatl was a Draconianglasses