Community > Posts By > germansangel

germansangel's photo
Sat 07/12/08 09:58 AM
ok the one my husband used on me....
hi i'm an a$$ tha twe have that out of the way you want to do something tonight...i was laughing so herd..he won me over
laugh laugh laugh love love love

germansangel's photo
Tue 07/08/08 03:54 AM
nah i go to the couch and fall asleep

germansangel's photo
Tue 07/08/08 03:51 AM
read up on chantrix at websites though...has lots of side effects.
my husband has PTSD and one of the side effects is vivid dreams ..we didnt want his nightmares getting worse soooo....we decided not to use it after allnoway noway noway noway

germansangel's photo
Tue 07/08/08 03:45 AM
i lost my best friend 2 yrs ago.
sitting throught the 2 1/2 hours of getting the tattoo i thought of her and it helped me work through the greif of losing her.

germansangel's photo
Sun 07/06/08 09:38 AM

My last girlfriend and I were exceptionally close to each other, despite the couple thousand miles distance between us. So of course one of the ways we kept in touch (besides lots of phone calls, IMs, and webcam conversations :tongue: ) was to send each other little doodads from where we lived, T-shirts and trinkets from where we both lived and such. She got me a Pismo Beach, CA keychain that blinks my name when it sees sunlight that I use as a zipper tug on the front pocket of my laptop bag, I got her a vintage tee from Slinger Superspeeday in Slinger, WI (she's just as big a motorhead as I am), stuff like that.

Well, now that she's gone and I'm trying to move on, I keep seeing her gifts everywhere and it brings me down. I'm trying to decide if I should put most if not all of it in a shoebox and bury it in the back corner of my closet, or what? I don't wanna toss it, we still try to stay friends.

I dunno ohwell

I think that the shoebox idea is a great idea.

Out of sight, out of mind.

But you don't have to throw your memories away either.

Good memories shouldn't be thrown away. Like... ever.

I agree

pick out the really special best friends daughter did that...she kept the special stuff...and torched the rest in his front yard...LOL

germansangel's photo
Sun 07/06/08 09:31 AM
unfortunetly.....all to often
cause some people just dont take a good photo..or trying to take one of yourself you "overpose"

germansangel's photo
Tue 07/01/08 10:44 AM
1st ex
generic want-to-be

germansangel's photo
Tue 07/01/08 10:41 AM
my father in law gets do confused when i talk about stepmoms LOL
but the fact remains that i think if someone would give him a sideways glance he would be off again looking for nancy 4

germansangel's photo
Tue 07/01/08 08:56 AM

Oh we women can be so naive.

And, damn, I will never be able to date a man who has the same name as my ex husband. Just the thought makes me almost vomit in my mouth....sick ill

we pick on him and ask him if its so he doent forget their names
loving the disscussion but i have to go feed the kids

germansangel's photo
Tue 07/01/08 08:54 AM

HI! There are lots of great people on here. You should have no problem finding friends!! :smile:

hi your a friend of one of my friends...idwacb..

germansangel's photo
Tue 07/01/08 08:51 AM
i asked my step mom that once ( i have had 3)
( and completely off subject all their names are nancy which is just funny) why did whe think he wouold stop??? she said "well i thought i was different and was going to change that"

germansangel's photo
Tue 07/01/08 08:48 AM

ok i see where he is coming from and come on ....women do it too.... i know my husband looks at other women and thinks"at an earlier time in my life" but i too have looked at other men and thought "Damn!!!" its part of being is what you do with it then...and if your cheating looks have nothing to do with it, my dad used to cheat with some of the nastiest women was that it was available...and a self esteem issue

I was once told by a cheating man, that some men subconsciously choose nasty women they cannot respect to cheat with, to insure they will not imagine they are falling for her.

I asked him if this was somehow supposed to make my friend (the one he cheated on) feel better. noway

My ex husband called all his "skeezers" pieces of trash. Of course, usually he said it because one of them had dumb him and he was wanting me back. LOSER!!!
Guess he should have thought bout that before his trousers hit the floor, huh? huh noway

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

germansangel's photo
Tue 07/01/08 08:47 AM

Never ever use kids as a pick up line...that was her downfall, LOL
I think she had fallen plenty far enough before mentioning the kids. I spose if he was not wearing a ring, then she might not have known, but the attitude after he said he was married is pretty low in my book. frown

well he loves his wedding ring and acually has for the states that sliver with blue dragons on it..and another black titanium one because its tactically sound when he is deployed.

germansangel's photo
Tue 07/01/08 08:44 AM

ok i see where he is coming from and come on ....women do it too.... i know my husband looks at other women and thinks"at an earlier time in my life" but i too have looked at other men and thought "Damn!!!" its part of being is what you do with it then...and if your cheating looks have nothing to do with it, my dad used to cheat with some of the nastiest women was that it was available...and a self esteem issue

I was once told by a cheating man, that some men subconsciously choose nasty women they cannot respect to cheat with, to insure they will not imagine they are falling for her.

I asked him if this was somehow supposed to make my friend (the one he cheated on) feel better. noway

yeah one of the ones dad cheated with was my step moms friend that was staying with them...step mom said i should ahve known better she was always a tramp

germansangel's photo
Tue 07/01/08 08:42 AM
overly analiticalwhoa

germansangel's photo
Tue 07/01/08 08:39 AM
hi there i just got here yesterday...have funflowerforyou flowerforyou

germansangel's photo
Tue 07/01/08 08:37 AM
as a matter of fast he said that just last week to a woman..he was standing in line at the store and she asked him what he was doing that her baby needed a daddy..he said yeah so does mine, and my wife would be pissed...she said so what...he told her that at another time in his life she might have been good for a one night stand...she got angry and thought it was funny

germansangel's photo
Tue 07/01/08 08:35 AM
ok i see where he is coming from and come on ....women do it too.... i know my husband looks at other women and thinks"at an earlier time in my life" but i too have looked at other men and thought "Damn!!!" its part of being is what you do with it then...and if your cheating looks have nothing to do with it, my dad used to cheat with some of the nastiest women was that it was available...and a self esteem issue

germansangel's photo
Mon 06/30/08 06:49 PM
glad im not the only one losthuh huh huh

germansangel's photo
Mon 06/30/08 06:45 PM

Well there are different reasons on why men or women cheat..and there are differnet types of cheaters..
The Philanderers, yes they will cheat over and over again.
Then there is the OOPS cheat..(the drunk one, caught in the moment, one night stand)
Then there are the Affair Cheats and so on and forth..
I don't think one can generalize cheaters...I personally never cheated..but have been cheated on once...(that I know of)

i agree whole heartedly...i never thought my dad would ever stop cheating on my mom and various step-moms....wait maybe he just got to old to care anymore

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