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Name A Song A-Z - part 15
Heaven by Warrant
Do we really need to see your belly?
Looks are important. We should Spend a little time 2 Make Ourselves Attractive Yup...I totally agree. I very rarely venture out of the house withough make-up and my 'outside clothes', as opposed to my 'indoor clothes'. This is one lady who will never wear her pyjamas to the store! ![]() Is that because I'm vain? No...I was raised that a lady looks like a lady and a gentleman looks like a gentleman. Attractive looks are primarily based on good hygeine, a care for appearance, and most importantly a light that glows from within. An average fellow with a killer smile and a twinkle in his eye would have more success than an 'attractive' man with dirty fingernails and unkempt hair. Wearing cute PJs at home can be sexy but I don’t care so much for people that wear them in public. Hygiene is important, and the very least to be clean. Now some people find that certain natural smells from their partner to be a turn on. Does anyone remember the movie “The Breakfast Club”? Allison was the basket case that whoses habits wear unarractive and yet with a little work and help from Claire, became a beuatiful young lady. A person does not need to over do their looks but time needs to be put in. |
Teach and Learn
I’m using it but not sure if I am retaining it.
![]() To rewrite my last statement. Does a babae still gusto to up'o and manood the pagludog ng araw with a lalaki? The Anino knows |
Would you?
Having hitch hiked across the country in the distant past and the near past I noticed a difference in how churches and the police department have joined forces to help the needy. What was once called hobos then later transients evolved in what could be called the homeless now. The churches would have funds that they would donate to the police in a special setup voucher which could be awarded to homeless people who checked out okay. Once the police found out who they were and how they became that way to be really needed the money was given. But as the churches became hit with bogus characters they had to do something so they didn't get taken advantaged of. Same here and one can't fault the churches or aid-volunteer groups. In Europe it is much the same about the 'bogus' characters, but there is now one huge difference as far as seeing groups or individuals roaming the streets in search of a quiet doorway to sleep in or begging for money. Europe has declared housing a human right and countries are making the adjustments to implement that policy. It had been talked about for years and now it is being set into practice at long last. Shame the North Americans will never go along with that preferring to let everyone look out for themselves one would thing that the Republican Party sets all social policies... The Libertarians are not about the Government helping the needy cause they see more lazy people scamming the system and the real needy don’t get any help. Government had outs keep people poor. Take Pennsylvania, you are better off making $29, 000 a year with government hand outs then $55,000 a year. There is no incentive for people to move up the income scale cause they will be worst off. Republicans and Libertarians agree that government should not be involved in helping the needy. Libertarians believe the private people and charities do a far better job, as well as free markets allowing people to have income mobility. If you look at American Indian reservations that are completely own by the government, they are worst off then those American Indians that the government will not recognized. The reason we had a housing bubble and so many loans giving out to people that cannot afford them was the Federal Governments effort to make sure everyone could own a home. |
Should we ask Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory?
Why do people say looks should not be important? Human live by their six senses and our sight is our go to first. Looks are part of our subconscious mind that sees a healthy mate, where as our conscious mind sees it as beauty or sexy. The visual looks are not just to us humans. Many animals like peacocks display its feathers at times to attract a mate. Some birds use a dance to attract a mate to come over and check them and their nest out.
Looks are like a warm use to bring the fish in close, but your personality is what will hook the mate you desire. Simple put, looks attracts, personality keeps. |
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Is that what the white stuff is?
Real woman
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Wed 03/13/13 02:17 PM
Motivational posters say it the best.
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You See, We Guys..
Some men can be a little passive. Maybe they were raised this way and taught that this is the key to being a gentleman or ?...They seem to think that being "nice" and "pleasing" (and even compliant) is the way to win a woman's heart....I wouldn't want a controlling and dominant man. But I'm not looking for a total "people-pleaser" either...It's great when both partners have strong "selves" of their own (And preferences and interests and ideas etc.)...It's fun to take turns at suggesting activities and making compromises when need be...I don't want to be controlled or told "what to do." And I don't want to be placed in a "controlling role" either...It's more fun to be equals and best-friends. And decide on things together. (When mutual decisions need to be made.) Exactly this and yes A-FLIPPIN-MEN!! My last relationship ultimatley died because as sweet as he was, he was raised by a domineering mother who still controlled him. Yes, he was a perfect gentleman, but to the point where he had no spine, and I had to make every single decision from the minor ones to the major ones. A little lady can only take so much of the load...when I ask for help, I'd like just that...not someone to say "whatever you decide is good for me dear". ![]() ![]() ![]() It does seem that mom’s tend, or least try to, raise, a guy to be a gentlemen and treat girls nicely as the role model for the perfect husband and yet those guys seem to be passed over of the bad boy. I’m not talking about the nice guy with no spin but the one that really care about how a girl feels. |
Board and waiting for kickboxing class.
Board and waiting for kickboxing class.
Would you believe that you are normal compared to me?
Frankie Goes to Hollywood
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Wed 03/13/13 09:06 AM
In 2 Corinthians 6:14, the Apostle Paul writes, "Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?" (ESV) If you have ever dated a non-Christian while you were a Christian, then explain why. Unequally yoked can be more then just if a person is a Christian or non. Some can see it with friends as well. Just because a person says they are a Christian does not mean they are. Although I have not dated anyone that said they were not a Christian, I have made friends that were not Christian. I’m going to have to restudy that chapter but what I get more from a quick look over of that chapter is about bring other things into the praise and worship of God. I see the pagan items of eggs with bunnies in many churches. |
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Speaking of which, where is the restroom?
I like my name.