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Topic: You See, We Guys..
Beachfarmer's photo
Mon 03/11/13 02:22 AM
....just never know these days

Most of us are WELL aware how strong, dynamic, and absolutely in control modern women are. (history and room for improvement aside)

Occasionally I've become aware that "sometimes" women like men to (for lack of better phrasing) "take control".

Be darn well sure I'm watching out for you but saying, "and the lady will have" at a probably NOT going to happen.

In what ways do you want your man to, "step up"?

1Cynderella's photo
Mon 03/11/13 09:57 AM
Over 7 hours later...

Sorry, I was waiting for you to take control. laugh

1Cynderella's photo
Mon 03/11/13 10:29 AM
Okay, I'll bite.

I believe the answer to that varies with every woman and even then is different depending on the man they're with.

Personally, I've been making my own decisions for so long; I don't really want someone taking charge of anything in my life. I think after a while, people, and not just women, begin to identify ourselves with our decisions. I think that’s a common stumbling block for people, who like me, are used to being solely in charge of their own choices. Letting someone else make choices for us, from selecting our wine at dinner to picking the neighborhood we live in, can feel a little like something is being taken from US,... not just from our options.

Or...This could just falls under the rule of...I'm not really sure what I want, but will know it when I see it.

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 03/11/13 01:27 PM
Hummm well it would be nice to have one that does not mind suggesting places to eat at times or movies to see or other things they would like to do..

If I have to suggest those places all the time it does get a bit old.

I'm one that hey even though I don't get into sports on tv I'm willing to hit the live events and have fun at them...I'm not a shopper so I don't expect a man to go shopping with me.

Not actually into someone making my choices for me. Suggest them and lets both decide.....

But at least be able to decide what they need to do and don't expect me to guide them like a kid around.... whoa

no photo
Mon 03/11/13 02:23 PM

Over 7 hours later...

Sorry, I was waiting for you to take control. laugh

laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Mon 03/11/13 04:01 PM

Kahurangi's photo
Tue 03/12/13 03:38 AM

....just never know these days

Most of us are WELL aware how strong, dynamic, and absolutely in control modern women are. (history and room for improvement aside)

Occasionally I've become aware that "sometimes" women like men to (for lack of better phrasing) "take control".

Be darn well sure I'm watching out for you but saying, "and the lady will have" at a probably NOT going to happen.

In what ways do you want your man to, "step up"?

Pretty simple really....he has to be just as staunch as i am (if not more)in overcoming lifes hurdles and soldiering on. Shake the negative stuff off and step up...or go home.

In a nutshell....

no photo
Tue 03/12/13 04:07 AM

....just never know these days

Most of us are WELL aware how strong, dynamic, and absolutely in control modern women are. (history and room for improvement aside)

Occasionally I've become aware that "sometimes" women like men to (for lack of better phrasing) "take control".

Be darn well sure I'm watching out for you but saying, "and the lady will have" at a probably NOT going to happen.

In what ways do you want your man to, "step up"?

If it's obvious that I'm being pig headed about something important, and he can come up with a solution he knows will bring me around to a mutually beneficial way of thinking, then he needs to help guide me in delicate matters, because I am a sensitive, and stubborn female, that often won't make the first move, especially if I "feel" I'm right... Taking control won't work... offering a compromise might...

msharmony's photo
Tue 03/12/13 06:36 AM

....just never know these days

Most of us are WELL aware how strong, dynamic, and absolutely in control modern women are. (history and room for improvement aside)

Occasionally I've become aware that "sometimes" women like men to (for lack of better phrasing) "take control".

Be darn well sure I'm watching out for you but saying, "and the lady will have" at a probably NOT going to happen.

In what ways do you want your man to, "step up"?

with family decisions, bills, house rules, discipline, ,,e,tc,,,

GreenEyes48's photo
Tue 03/12/13 06:58 AM
Some men can be a little passive. Maybe they were raised this way and taught that this is the key to being a gentleman or ?...They seem to think that being "nice" and "pleasing" (and even compliant) is the way to win a woman's heart....I wouldn't want a controlling and dominant man. But I'm not looking for a total "people-pleaser" either...It's great when both partners have strong "selves" of their own (And preferences and interests and ideas etc.)...It's fun to take turns at suggesting activities and making compromises when need be...I don't want to be controlled or told "what to do." And I don't want to be placed in a "controlling role" either...It's more fun to be equals and best-friends. And decide on things together. (When mutual decisions need to be made.)

no photo
Tue 03/12/13 09:33 PM
So basically gals, a guy can't win either way, lol. Can't be too soft, can't be to hard and if he is just right goldilocks comes along and gives him the boot.

ViaMusica's photo
Tue 03/12/13 09:51 PM

Some men can be a little passive. Maybe they were raised this way and taught that this is the key to being a gentleman or ?...They seem to think that being "nice" and "pleasing" (and even compliant) is the way to win a woman's heart....I wouldn't want a controlling and dominant man. But I'm not looking for a total "people-pleaser" either...It's great when both partners have strong "selves" of their own (And preferences and interests and ideas etc.)...It's fun to take turns at suggesting activities and making compromises when need be...I don't want to be controlled or told "what to do." And I don't want to be placed in a "controlling role" either...It's more fun to be equals and best-friends. And decide on things together. (When mutual decisions need to be made.)

A-flippin'-MEN!!! (pun not entirely unintended) bigsmile

I couldn't have said this better myself.

ViaMusica's photo
Tue 03/12/13 09:52 PM

So basically gals, a guy can't win either way, lol. Can't be too soft, can't be to hard and if he is just right goldilocks comes along and gives him the boot.

More like, if he's 'just right' he hasn't a prayer of being allowed to get away... if she's smart and if he's lucky... LOL

Goofball73's photo
Wed 03/13/13 08:02 AM
Man: "So, what do you want for dinner honey boo-boo-kins"?

Woman: "I don't know sweet pea kinky kins. What would you like"?

Man: "I dunno....what would YOUUUUU like...sweetness"?

Woman: "I dunno darling sweety-poo...what would YOUUUUU like"?

Man: "Oh but honey, baby, sugar pie honey bunch......"

Woman: "Oh my sweet little care bear, just make a decision and I'll be good with it. Whatever you want".

Man: "Well, I was thinking Chinese, and......"

Woman: "NO! That won't do. I want Italian".

Man: "Yes dear"! can never win.
:tongue: laugh

1Cynderella's photo
Wed 03/13/13 08:12 AM

Man: "So, what do you want for dinner honey boo-boo-kins"?

Woman: "I don't know sweet pea kinky kins. What would you like"?

Man: "I dunno....what would YOUUUUU like...sweetness"?

Woman: "I dunno darling sweety-poo...what would YOUUUUU like"?

Man: "Oh but honey, baby, sugar pie honey bunch......"

Woman: "Oh my sweet little care bear, just make a decision and I'll be good with it. Whatever you want".

Man: "Well, I was thinking Chinese, and......"

Woman: "NO! That won't do. I want Italian".

Man: "Yes dear"! can never win.
:tongue: laugh
laugh oh my word you know my sister and her husband! :tongue:

no photo
Wed 03/13/13 08:19 AM
hello friends

no photo
Wed 03/13/13 08:24 AM
Sometimes when I go out to eat with my parents, after mom picks something on the menu, when the server comes by he will order for mom.

Now when we try to decide where to go, mom and dad will go back and forth. “What to you want to eat?”, “You pick?” I will step up and decide sometime.

ViaMusica's photo
Wed 03/13/13 08:26 AM
Edited by ViaMusica on Wed 03/13/13 08:27 AM

Man: "So, what do you want for dinner honey boo-boo-kins"?

Woman: "I don't know sweet pea kinky kins. What would you like"?

Man: "I dunno....what would YOUUUUU like...sweetness"?

Woman: "I dunno darling sweety-poo...what would YOUUUUU like"?

Man: "Oh but honey, baby, sugar pie honey bunch......"

Woman: "Oh my sweet little care bear, just make a decision and I'll be good with it. Whatever you want".

Man: "Well, I was thinking Chinese, and......"

Woman: "NO! That won't do. I want Italian".

Man: "Yes dear"! can never win.
:tongue: laugh

Would never happen. bigsmile By halfway through that conversation, both of them would be too nauseated to eat. Or in a diabetic coma.

Jtevans's photo
Wed 03/13/13 08:27 AM
i step up by slapping her on the butt and telling her "get in there and fix me some dinner and i'll give you free tickets to the gun show later" as i flex in the mirror smokin

Dodo_David's photo
Wed 03/13/13 12:02 PM

I thought that the only time a human woman wanted a man to lead her is when the man is on a leash.

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