Community > Posts By > MetalShadow6
Namie Amuro
Name A Song A-Z - part 15
"Uptown Girl" by Billy Joel
So my whole life I've been the nice Guy. Doing everything a man should to make his woman happy...but yet I keep getting effed over...every time. But I see a beautiful girl In a relationship with a Guy who treats her badly, no respect, she works while he uses her money? Just some examples and I'm sure some of y'all have seen this...but when you say, well leave the Guy and she says, "but I love him" soooo I'm not the only one who finds this to be complete bull stick?! Opinions? Thanks |
I think it is important to learn where people stand on issues that are important. On a thread on another site one lady said she got up and left her date at a restaurant after he prayed over his meal. Many on that site said she was rude and should have found out how serious was his faith to him.
Our political and religious believes normally go to the core of who we are. While you may have a good time on a date and become good friends, once two people start living together their personal beliefs and habits can cause problems if they are too different. This does not say they cannot make it work, just that it can create major problems. |
Do men like to dance?
I especially like to slow dance...when I get to snuggle! ![]() But you must expand your dancing ability. A man who ONLY likes to slow dance is one who just wants to press against your boobies and move around on the dance floor. That's not really dancing. |
Whats the deal??
Conflict sells. Although a few of the shoes I like such as Action Hunters, Tank, Pawn Stars, American Pickers and American Restoration. Tank I like seeing what new thing they create as the others can show cool stuff that they come across.
Could he just be a collector of old TVs?
Teach and Learn
Edited by
Sun 03/17/13 06:25 PM
I like to learn new ones as well. Been teaching myself some Japanese. I know a few words and many Kana characters. When I use to substitute teach, I would do the math problems ahead of time and write my answers in Japanese. This way I could check the student’s answers while keeping them from copying mind.
I used Futhark characters on my notebook back in school to leave myself messages. |
Is it color or black and white?
Teach and Learn
How bout this sentence? "The Shadow Knows" It is from on of my favorite movies. Hi metalshadow. Hmm, i cam give you two translations, ** Ang anino ang nakakaalam. (subject first before the predicate) Alam(knows) is the rootword, nakakaalam is the present tense. Makakaalam(future tense). Nakaalam(past tense) ** Alam ng anino.(predicate first before the subject)(we used this often) This is why I have trouble with learning others languages. Present, future and past tenses have always given me trouble. |
Can´t wait for meeting you
Looks like a character from a visual novel.
I ![]() ![]() |
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Chicken or the Egg
Oh cmon metalshadow theirs no predator here. If theres no chicken, theres no egg. (I will make now my chicken noodle soup with an egg.) Just wonder and adding more depth to the question that was ask. ![]() |
Chicken or the Egg
Ok I have the answer........ You see the chicken and the egg were in bed together When all of a sudden the egg rolled off and started to smoke a cigarette So the chicken looked at the egg and said..... Well I guess we answered that question didn't we ![]() |
How does that dance go?
Why do people say looks should not be important? Human live by their six senses and our sight is our go to first. Looks are part of our subconscious mind that sees a healthy mate, where as our conscious mind sees it as beauty or sexy. The visual looks are not just to us humans. Many animals like peacocks display its feathers at times to attract a mate. Some birds use a dance to attract a mate to come over and check them and their nest out. Looks are like a warm use to bring the fish in close, but your personality is what will hook the mate you desire. Simple put, looks attracts, personality keeps. U a philosher or do u want to study philosophy? Btw, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. So, I go for a girl with great confidence,right attitude, intelligence and good personality Someone in my science class back in college ask the same thing when over hearing me and another students in a deep discussion about some biblical scripture. I’m just using sitting at work waiting for costumers to come in so I have plenty of time to think about things. Although science has be studying the science of attraction and they believe that what we perceive at beauty may be the result of genetic coding. I like to watch some of these documentaries on these things. The human sexuality and why things are done is something that is very interesting to me, but that is the science side of me. ![]() |
Just going off that “There is plenty of fish in the sea.” Are you trying to mention a certain dating site, by NOT mentioning it? ;). I have trouble with the 'Plenty More Fish In The Sea' theory, because for some reason, it puts me off dating a new guy. I don't want to think there's HUNDREDS of available men waiting for me, when I'm a one-man kind of woman? Not really but I know the site you are talking about, but just think about it, how many different fish out there. Do you prefer a lionfish, angelfish, tuna, or even a flounder? People’s looks and personalities are vast as the different type of fish in the sea. Somewhere you will find the one just right for you. |
Real woman
Here's a fitting joke... Adam was in the garden of Eden after Creation was complete and he was kinda glum God came walking through to admire all that he had done and noticed Adam sitting on a rock, and very woebegone. "What's the matter Adam? Is everything not perfect that I have created? Why so glum chum?" "Gee everything is really great! Something bothers me though, and I don't mean to complain, but I feel kinda lonely. I noticed that all the animals have mates, but I don't...why" "Ah my son...I have the perfect mate for you. She will be submissive to your every need...she will cook like an Italian chef, she will clean like Martha Stewart, and she will look like a runway model. Quite a pretty little thing that I created, so she is." "Oh wow gee!! Where is she, when can I meet her" "Well son, there's a problem. She will cost you an arm and a leg" After thinking for a few moments, Adam looked at his Creator and asked "What can I get for just a rib?" ![]() ![]() ![]() I agree ![]() ![]() |
Chicken or the Egg
All this talk about chicken and eggs is making me hungry.
![]() Something else I just thought about, we may be assuming that predators have not yet come or are forming at the same time as the chicken/egg. If a predators that feeds on eggs came first before said chicken egg, would that have kept the chicken from ever being born? |
Would it put you in contempt of court?