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Tue 07/14/15 12:18 PM
Edited by SheikOfLaBroquerie on Tue 07/14/15 12:20 PM
If Your official answer is God The Father is a separate Being from Jesus The Son, and they're, 'One In Their Purpose Of Advancing Righteousness'... That would be an acceptable start. :thumbsup:

no photo
Tue 07/14/15 12:10 PM
With this logic One would think that a man would have to shave his head for as often as he needs to pray. whoa


If I were You, CowboyGH... I'd get some other translations of these verses other than the paraphrased verses You're presently trying to make sense with.

no photo
Tue 07/14/15 11:59 AM
I still maintain the majority of self-professing Atheists are actually Agnostics, but they don't know the meaning, often.

An Agnostic wants to believe in a Divine Being, but disquieting doubt persistently makes them predisposed to not believing in a Divine Being.

This sort of vacillation get exhausting to maintain, so saying they're Atheists is easier.

no photo
Tue 07/14/15 11:46 AM
You're forgetting this letter is addressed to Gentiles in Corinth Greece.

This is not specifically a Jewish custom.


You've gotta be reading a paraphrased Bible again... Your quotes are really messed-up. noway

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Tue 07/14/15 11:40 AM
CowboyGH, You like to say 'Father and Son are one', but You go back -and-forth on the simple question of whether-or-not they are One Being or One Joint Pair.

This is You vacillation.

You've been called-out on this on several occasions in the past and every time it's the same flip-flop on Your answer.

no photo
Tue 07/14/15 11:13 AM
Did You actually read the previous mentioned scriptures ?

no photo
Tue 07/14/15 11:03 AM

We are using the same scriptures and coming up with two different idea's. I think the covering on a woman is long hair, you seem to think it is a veil or bonnet.
That part really doesn't matter to me. What I think is important is, when people take things out of context religion gets twisted pretty fast.

spock Okay, but how often is it the assumption that a woman has short hair or is bald just because she's wearing a head covering ?

Isn't it the vainglorious act of displaying the extravagant hair the potential distraction ?

(It Would Help Prevent Split-Ends And Fly-Away Hair Too)


Perhaps Cheechako and CowboyGH both need to read what is just before these verses.

(1st Corinthians 11: 4-6)

Nothing here implying extravagant hair is somehow sufficient as the head covering for prayer. spock

no photo
Tue 07/14/15 10:29 AM
slaphead And, nothing has changed...

Same old vacillations and switch-backs on a dogma. whoa

no photo
Tue 07/14/15 09:30 AM



the heart of the matter
is often forgotten
in the midst of confusion
as voices grow louder
drowns out the wisdom
so lovingly given
by the One
so illogical
as to defy comprehension

Yes, I do love to Buffalo others too. smile2

silence takes over
and feelings of none
but the messiness
of what's left
when the chains come undone
can be awful
in awesome proportions
when lost in the moments
of utter confusion
harbors sentiments
of warped expectations

I know... I know...

Sometimes I've got a wet fart and then I realize I've got get cleaned-up as well. sick

(and how) do you make it
through a minute
or a week
alone with thoughts
down and across
filling each space
with words and your grasp
and uncanny completion
of what
is yet unspoken

That's when You've got to open a cold beer, and think deeply of what Your going to say next. drinker

your words
not yet mine
our thoughts
as moments of discovery
reveals events
from paths
travelled or not ventured on
unveils understandings
of what was
what is
and what comes

If You need to quote me... Go ahead, just don't blame me when it all goes wrong. surprised

a welcome addition
each thought
now passing
each word
glosses over
the times of laughing
loudly in silence
fills the moments with peace
by placing matters
where it rightly belongs

Well, I'm glade You've learned something too, but You shouldn't hold the laughter in... You might have another messy accident. tongue2

-mgsmd "PT" 04/2015

I want you to be everything that's you, deep at the center of your being.
- Confucius

I'm pretty certain Confucius had lots of wives...

He probably told this to all the girls. spock


Seriously now, this is very nice sentiment, Pansytilly. winking

no photo
Sun 07/12/15 11:01 AM
No Idol can serve to complement who and what the True God is.

(Acts 7: 48+49)

(John 4: 24)

(Exodus 20: 4)

(1st Corinthians 8: 4)

(Acts 17: 29+30)

no photo
Sun 07/12/15 09:38 AM

I think some of them were people who went into indentured service to pay off a debt also.

Yes, this is also one of the reasons for people having had been obliged into slavery among the Ancient Israelites.

no photo
Sun 07/12/15 09:31 AM

--seven sins--
anger / wrath / rage / fury
envy / covetousness / jealousy
gluttony / overindulgence
greed / avarice
lust / lechery /
pride / vanity / vainglory
sloth / laziness / discouragement / depression

This is a Roman Catholic concept / doctrine, (called 7 'deadly' sins) and NOT one for Christianity itself .
There are actually over 834 sins listed in the Holy Bible.

I think the RC tried to put them in 7 categories to make it easier for people to remember (most were illiterate).

Actually, the 'list' of these Seven Deadly Sins is older than even the Catholic Church.

The reason being they're from Proverbs.

no photo
Sun 07/12/15 09:13 AM
whoa Relax... !

You've just got to 'point-out' the one little point that isn't compatible among what should be a prerequisite among Christian congregations to the same extent that it currently is in a Mosque for example.

Once more... "What's wrong with women covering their heads during prayer ?"

(1st Corinthians 11: 7-16)

no photo
Sun 07/12/15 08:59 AM

The subject is about a would-be collection of writings or religious-styled format of ritual for Atheists.

This was a hypothetical question that was presented.


Personally, I don't believe Jesus Christ is a 'god of love' or a god for that matter.

(Matthew 10: 34)



The old Levitical Law was used in conjunction with the understanding these slaves were incrassates from wars or criminals to begin with.
I'm almost certain modern Israelites aren't implementing any of these prerequisites anymore.

no photo
Sun 07/12/15 12:04 AM

Because the managers of this site don't want to start an argument about which churches are Christian and which aren't.

This comment actually has merit.

no photo
Sat 07/11/15 11:57 PM
Wasn't it the Apostle Paul who said he must run the race to the last.

I think running in a race requires resolve despite hardship.

no photo
Sat 07/11/15 11:30 PM
There used to be a time when Christendom taught about the Seven Deadly Sins, but they're rarely mentioned nowadays.

The Quran still states there are seven gates through which those who are sentenced to the Place Of The Fire will enter into.

These gates to Hell are labeled accordingly by the nature of the sin.

no photo
Sat 07/11/15 11:20 PM
Edited by SheikOfLaBroquerie on Sat 07/11/15 11:22 PM
Mormons are also known as 'The Church Of Latter Day Saints. '

They could be classed as 'Christian/Other.'

no photo
Sat 07/11/15 11:09 PM
A Hadith is still a allegation, and a good many only serve to slander Mohammad and nullify the Quran.

Your assumption that the Quran has certified a volume of secular words and deeds of Mohammad is just that... 'An Assumption!'

Absolutely nowhere in the Quran does it verify a legacy of separate writings from Mohammad.

no photo
Sat 07/11/15 10:56 PM
So, now You agree with me ? spock

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