Community > Posts By > SheikOfLaBroquerie
has anyone ever...
Somebody new... !
Please, do tell us what the difference is between the Atheist and the Agnostic. |
has anyone ever...
But, it beckons the question why would Atheists be so preoccupied with trying to show an interest in the subject at all ?
Might they have Agnostic tendencies ? |
has anyone ever...
So, in-short, the difference between an Atheist and an Agnostic is one entertains the thought of maybe ? |
has anyone ever...
So, You're saying an Agnostic does not discount the possibility of a Divine Being, but generally doesn't believe ?
has anyone ever...
To be perfectly honest, I'd be to cowardly to not believe in God.
I could not function in this world. |
has anyone ever...
Edited by
Tue 07/14/15 02:52 PM
Hi Eric, how do You define what an Agnostic is ?
has anyone ever...
Now your last question back to you. Do you fear death is that the reason for your belief's I am not comfortable with the idea that after I'm self-aware I'm not to be aware. What is more that state of oblivion doesn't answer the here-and-now. |
has anyone ever...
Edited by
Tue 07/14/15 02:41 PM
As long as You're sure...
proud to be muslim
I am not as proud as I am grateful.
I don't think automobiles have any gender.
has anyone ever...
Okay, are You (Mom333) happy to believe there is no God ?
Are You (Mom333) content to be a Random Event that is somehow self-aware ? And-last-but-not-least... Are You looking forward to an state of oblivion when Your existence cesses ? (No Disrespect Intended In Asking These Questions, Just Really Curious) |
Bill Cosby - Guilty
"The Jello made me do it !" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . That stuff is made of Pork Gelatin and eating that all the time will put you over-the-top. |
has anyone ever...
Mom333, all I'm saying is I don't really know of any Atheists who are actually content to be so.
Most would-be Atheists want something else ! Case-In-Point... You're requesting a collection of writings that take some of all of various religions. |
has anyone ever...
Well said Isaac... !
Science's advancements are relative to what's current. |
has anyone ever...
I like science facts too.
has anyone ever...
Dare I ask... ?
Why, Mom333, are You even bothering to take-up any discussion on the General Religion Chat Form if we are to assume You're so adamantly Atheist ? Don't You 'prefer' to have a logical reason to believe in a Divine Being ? Why would You waste-your-time with this Forum ? |
the veil in the Holy Bible
Here's a thought...
How often have You ever seen a painting or religious Icon of The Virgin Mary without a cloth of some sort on her head ? (Not That I'm Advocating Icons In Worship) |
Edited by
Tue 07/14/15 12:59 PM
************* Putting Aside The Quote At John 1: 1 ***************
Yes again, neither Father or Son is referred to in the Old Testament. But remember, Jesus was in the habit of talking with illustrations and often he wouldn't talk without using one. It was very pronounced hall-mark... Do You agree ? (Matthew 13: 10 + 34) |
the veil in the Holy Bible
When I was a kid there were lots of women who wore a head-square in church and these women were usually viewed as more serious minded, but toward the end these older women passed-on and very few ever took-up the same resolve.
Edited by
Tue 07/14/15 12:39 PM
I agree... It would be illogical so assume Father and Son are the same Being given the excellent quote You've made.
*************************************************************************************************************************************** Now, the only question to contest is the context to the references of 'Father' and 'Son'. Let's discuss then the meaning of these respective titles. |