Community > Posts By > SheikOfLaBroquerie
Large Lizard
Not if they're carnivorous.
I'm certain it wouldn't stop Crocodile Dundee though ! "'You can eat them, but they taste like shyt.'" |
So is Ishmael illegitimate or the firstborn ? If Ishmael is any more-so a bastard... ? Why was he and his mother so blessed ? (Genesis 21: 17-21) Any of you had an Angel talk to you lately ? |
Iran confirms meteor hit
Was it as big as a Soccer Pitch ?
Messy Tim and myself are still holding hope ! |
Large Lizard
They've got their prioritizes ! |
Large Lizard
"What... ? You can't spare one smoke ?!" |
I've expressed this before and it needs to be said again...
The majority of very brief Hadiths are seemingly just good general advice, then in the name of 'So and So' there's these long-winded Hadiths that are really messed-up. ****************************************************************************************************************************************** For example somebody might say that Mohammad said, "You must look both ways before crossing the street." This same So and So also said that Mohammad never played with fire. Wonderful... ! Now, this same Would-be Brother has filled a book with such information and in the midst of all this very general good advice he's put-in a real perplexing Hadith that is very questionable. So, the question is... Do all these other very general Hadiths in the name of So and So validate the seemingly unreal one ? |
odd "ghost" pics
This is a very old cropped picture with a double exposure. In the old days of photography the stutter had to be open for a very long time to burn the image into the negative-plate. Often the photographers would have fun by asking the person to resume standing perfectly still then move very quickly to another position and resume standing there. In this picture it was simply a matter of cutting along the pond's edge and replacing that portion of the image to replace the double exposure with a single exposure above the water-line. |
odd "ghost" pics
The majority of these pictures are what is called, 'Forced Perspective 2D Pictures.' Something either in the foreground or background of the snap-shot coincidently looks weird. (Very Common) ***************************************************************************************************************************************** This picture is from the stablization feature being on and somebody moved very quickly out of the expossure. |
"The Muslims will split into 73 sects, and only one sect will go to Jannah". (Bukahri, Muslim, Tirmidhie, Abu Dawud etc). From Anas that the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu âalayhi wa sallam) said: "The Children of Israa�eel divided into seventy-one sects and the Christians divided into seventy-two sects. And my Ummah shall divide into seventy-three sects, all of them being in the Fire except one sect." These are not weak hadiths. Seems u dont understand what is Sunnah, brother sheikh. Interesting... Using a Hadith to advocate Hadiths. Let's see how weak this would-be incredibly accurate Hadith is, shall we ? ***************************************************************************************************************************************** Firstly, would anyone from the Jewish Community care to list 71 different sects of format in Judaism ? Dare-I-ask... Could anybody name 1/4 of 71 Jewish Sects ? ***************************************************************************************************************************************** Secondly, would anyone who's a less informed Ecclesiologist than myself care to list fewer fundamentally Christian Churches and Sects than a mere 72 ? (Don't Forget Bob's Backdoor Church of the True Believing Snake-Handlers and Home of the Ten Minute Oil-Change) ***************************************************************************************************************************************** Lastly, is there anyone from the Muslim Community who'd care to list 73 different formats of Islam ? |
I've just returned from a wedding in Calgary Alberta.
While the wedding was fully recognized by the government of Canada, God was never mentioned nor was a blessing asked. ****************************************************************************************************************************************** It seemed rather timely... Let's face it... ! If the couple aren't remotely preoccupied with believing or venerating God, what good will come from any blessing ? Also, the majority of people who do opt for a church-wedding will never darken the doorway again until they're in a coffin. |
has anyone ever...
I think Ron Wyatt was a Seventh Day Adventist, but his documentaries are very extensive.
Yes, Pompeii was wiped-out by a local hazard, but the people of that city were very immoral as well. The most common assumption that God is supposed to come-to-the-rescue in this imperfect world for as often as very un-preferable event occurs is sort of the exact opposite of humanities obligation to recognize their indebtedness to that which is the source of their existence. (The Lord Gives And The Lord Takes Away) The Bible does say that, 'time and unforeseen circumstances befall all.' (Ecclesiastes 9: 11) Also, the assumption that One can deliberately ignore some of God's most basic prerequisites and somehow be exempt from tragedy is also a weak excuse to blame God. Lastly... Since when does the Media represent what constitutes being God's will ? |
has anyone ever...
Okay, here's two examples...
The receding waters of the Dead Sea have revealed more of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. These obvious habitations of a bygone people plainly show the signs of their demise. The pitting by sulfur is fierce and there's absolutely no local source of what rained-down on these cities. No volcanos or natural events. **************************************************************************************************************************************** Secondly, how about Noah's Ark ? It's a real artifact in eastern Turkey. This petrified wooden boat has hardware still attached. It is exactly 300 Cubits long. (As Mentioned In The Bible) It sits 6300 feet above sea-level... NOT a very practical joke ! |
Satanic Statues
Yes, the Gargoyles on the outside of Gothic and Medieval churches were a sort of Allegory.
The 'outside' of the church is where the Evil is, whereas the 'inside' of the church is where the Safety is. |
Texas vs Scientology
Somebody once told me that The Church Of Scientology was initially proposed as a 'spoof' by a science-fiction-novelist by the name of L. Ron Hubbard.
John 1 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. You are determined to promote this abrogated verse ? |
the seven...
16 �These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: 17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, 19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. I think Milesoftheusa actually found the quote I was thinking about. While it does include some of the Seven Deadly Sins, as they're commonly held... I admit, it doesn't include all. |
has anyone ever...
[ Several Days Later ]
So Mom333... How content are You to not have an explanation for events and things that aren't Myths and science can't explain ? |
Satanic Statues
Satanic Statues... ?
Sounds pretty feeble.... Where do I get mine ? |
Well Ladywind7, did You ever finish reading the Quran ?
the veil in the Holy Bible
Well, that covers about the last half of the millennium among religious icons of Mary.