Community > Posts By > SheikOfLaBroquerie
the veil in the Holy Bible
Remember, when everybody is in a congregational setting everybody is facing forward.
Sometimes the extravagant beauty of a woman can serve as a distraction. (Long Beautiful Hair Included) Everybody with a sense of modesty doesn't what to stand-out when the subject at the moment is God and religious duties. Even most women make sure they wont out-do the bride when they go to a wedding, so it's very much the same idea. |
Women not to preach/teach?
Correct me if I am mistaken, but didn't the Apostle Paul say that he didn't allow women to preach or teach? It depends upon whom the instruction is meant to be directed. |
I guess what is profanity and what is elation and thanks could be deemed two different things.
I can't believe tele-evangelizers want to even touch this subject. |
Hadith of the day
Okay... Sounds like general advice or common logic.
Need it ever have been a Hadith, if so ? How many basic thoughts need to propagate a fable or a false teaching in the name of a Hadith ? ************ Now You Know Why I Never Use Them *********** |
Why do parents expect their children to accept the religion of the family? Is it not logical that a child be exposed to all religions as history lessons so that he can form his own opinion when he matures? I feel this world would be a better place if we were allowed to choose our religion after eighteen. Your thoughts. I didn't follow in my parents religion... In good-conscience I couldn't before long ! In-short... Every person should make their faith (Or Lack Of It) their own. |
Okay, we've all got to remember that for CowboyGH, God is a collective.
(It's Rather Abstract, But It Is Valliant Effort At Annexing The Trinity Doctrine) |
the veil in the Holy Bible
I associate the idea of using a head-covering from a facial-veil as two different functions.
One in accordance with scripture is predominantly needed during prayer (Head-Covering) where-as the other is predominantly needed to avoid the gaze of unwanted men. (Veil) It's also important to note that a veil or a partition that may be a fixed feature like a lattice-work wall is implied as a temporary measure while addressing men whom One doesn't necessarily want to lead-on. |
IamwhoIam, You are who You are... A very smart lady whom I always enjoy the comments of.
This must be the Half-Time Show as You're only 46. ***** But, it's time for You to settle-down ! ***** Remember, I'm available and could always use an extra wife or two. IamwhoIam1 ----> <---- and the Sheihk |
Yes, I'm Canadian, but it's getting expensive to change the bath-water.
No, no, no... !
I need about 8% of 'Happy Fluid' in there too. |
Ireland - Gay Marriage
Yes, Ireland has been predominantly Catholic and a proponent of the Trinity Doctrine.
In doing so the people have become predisposed to this sexuality. The Apostle Paul explains why in his letter to the Roman congregation. (Romans 1: 25-28) ***************************************************************************************************************************************** In short... When You worship the creation rather than the Creator this is what is fated to occur. |
"Only 24 Hours Left !"
There's no time for refunds... Just leave the empties at home ! Put on more protection and buy more beer. |
Monotheism has failed Religion and Reductionism has failed Science to help them come to terms with each other.. Your views? Perhaps, we need a clear definition of both Monotheism and Reductionism. |
The troubling thing about the assumption science is going to answer everything that it doesn't leave room for miracles.
Yes, miracles aren't logical... ! That's why they're miracles. ************************************************************************************************************************************ Anybody figured-out why there's a 515 foot long petrified boat 6300 feet above sea-level yet in the Ararat Mountains ? |
The evolution of love
And Pansytilly...
How much Bacon-Smell do we need going around ? |
The evolution of love
Hold It Blondey111... !
I thought You were holding-out for 'Ape Man' to come to the rescue. No clubbing in front of the parents... ? (They Set A Standard) |
Koine Greek - Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος, καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν θεόν, καὶ θεός ἦν ὁ λόγος I haven't a clue what this is, but I do know it isn't Greek ! (What Site Did You Find This Ishkabibbel, Cowboy GH ?) |
And if the scriptures were translated incorrectly as you state, then why does every english version state it the same? If there was error would they not rewrite the scripture and or translate it correctly in another translation? There's a perfectly logical explanation for this, Cowboy GH. It's an Ecumenical Conspiracy that comes right from the Vatican. It's not an "ERROR"... It's a deliberate abrogation that has been orchestrated for the past 17 hundred years. Christendom can't revoke the idea of the dogma of The Holy Trinity any more than 'YOU' can. |
I do not chose to ignore anything. I accept I do not know it. That which You know nothing about... You, therefor cannot be held accountable for. BUT TAKE WARNING... ! The deliberate assumption 'ignorance-is-bliss' will also not be an acceptable plea on Judgement Day. |
Edited by
Sat 05/02/15 01:55 PM
Firstly, I'd like to re-emphasize that the commonly mistranslated verse of John 1: verse 1 is more accurately written, "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God's." Please do give a reference of a translation that does translate it correctly. Or something to show some relevance of your statement. I've offered a photo-copy of John 1 verse 1 from a Greek Bible... You could probably look-it-up on-line, if You really wanted... Lastly, if You don't want to take my word for it, You can contact Jehovah's Witnesses and get a copy of their Diglottic Translation of the Greek Christian Scriptures. (They'd Be Happy To Help You, Cowboy GH) |