no photo
Fri 09/04/15 06:30 PM

................... Sorry!!!! Biblical it tel us that they are two. The Father and the Son. Where you can find it!! Here in the Bible. Read John 1:1-18. 2 John 1:3

"'Two Gods, Mich ?'"

noway Polytheism is the greatest hall-mark of false religion.

no photo
Fri 09/04/15 06:30 PM

................... Sorry!!!! Biblical it tel us that they are two. The Father and the Son. Where you can find it!! Here in the Bible. Read John 1:1-18. 2 John 1:3

"'Two Gods, Mich ?'"

noway Polytheism is the greatest hall-mark of false religion.

no photo
Fri 09/04/15 06:18 PM

Is the God of Israel the God of all? Your sincere opinion please.

In-short... Yes !

But, there's a greater likelihood that most people what to know, 'what constitutes being the criteria of being the same god ?'


There're some minimum prerequisites of what constitutes being the One God of all things.

Judaism, Original Christianity, and Islam all have some universal requirements as to what is this One God.

Firstly, he can't be seen nor can any form of art-work or idolatry serve to compliment an image of Almighty God.

Secondly, all other Entities whether visible or invisible are creations of the One God and that God doesn't recognize any other would-be Deities.

Thirdly, this true God ultimate purpose is to advocate what is good and beneficial and only choses to tolerate what is evil and not beneficial for a fixed period of time, of his choosing.

This is a short-list of what I believe would serve as a minimum prerequisite of being the same One God.

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Fri 09/04/15 05:49 PM
Many years ago I belonged to a church that professed, 'they personally' did not have any bias to a mixed marriage of, for example, black person marrying a white person UNLESS the locality frowned upon the practice.

This was their idea of what constituted modesty in that society.

huh That was a deal-breaker for me and too cowardly for me to condone.

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Wed 09/02/15 09:23 PM
Edited by SheikOfLaBroquerie on Wed 09/02/15 09:49 PM
Radio Carbon Dating will only take you so far then it doesn't work.


Here's a thought...

Take a measurable distance that You can plainly see in front of Yourself.

It could be 6 feet of length, for example.

Now, start dividing that increment in half... Six feet becomes three feet... 3 feet becomes 1 and a half feet... And so forth.

Eventually, You see it's plausible on paper as a written mathematical formula, but not plausible to actually see when making something that much shorter.


If that's too abstract try this...

Measure out one inch, and let's say the inch represents a year.

Now, measure out a thousand inches and that'll be a thousand years.

I need You to now measure out a million inches... Remember, there's 12 inches to a foot and 5280 feet to a mile.

******** Have Fun ! *******

Once You've measured out a million inches (Or A Million Years) please multiply that distance times 60.

no photo
Wed 09/02/15 09:10 PM

If the scientist's calculations are reliable the dinosaurs died out about 60 million years ago. I think we need to take another look at Genesis. I would like to know more about the Greek translation. If Greek is a "synthetic" language, is it easily misinterpreted?

Genesis is originally in Hebrew.

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Wed 09/02/15 09:04 PM
By what do we gauge 60 million years with ?

What do we have that we can say, "Here's something 60 million years old."

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Wed 09/02/15 08:02 PM

Turn this picture up-side down and now it's a thigh and leg and hoof.

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Wed 09/02/15 07:53 PM

Really? It doesn't talk about Aisha or the fact the he married her at 6 or 7 years old? Interesting.

That's Right... !

Absolutely nowhere in the Quran does it ever mention Mohammad marrying a child.


The Cult of Islam isn't dependant upon slanderous ideas from the Hadithites.

Islam stands apart from needing such infamous stories and serves to compliment the Bible, by it's own admittance no-less.

no photo
Wed 09/02/15 07:04 PM
Edited by SheikOfLaBroquerie on Wed 09/02/15 07:07 PM
I've often thought about how old the Universe is, but it's also a question of what constitutes being the Universe.

If for example God, in his infinite ability, just decides to create matter out of nothing, then we could conclude that the entire cosmos of space, Earth included, are a very immediate event.

In contrast, if all matter has always existed, then it's just a question of how long ago was any of it assembled in the relative order in which we see it.

In either case both the Bible and the Quran give fairly definite time-lines during which these events of Creative Order seemingly occur.


For example, just the major events occurring on the Earth have been vastly exaggerated into millions of years of tedious gradual change, when in realty these events are much closer together then most think.

According to both the Bible and the Quran, and to quote the Quran, "The Heavens and the Earth and all you see therein were made in a mere 6 days of your accounting of time."

According to the Bible, the cosmos of lights and stars and planets and galaxies with the Sun, Moon, and an unfinished Earth are merely the first day.
Perhaps this is the creation of matter itself... ? God only knows !

But, from the second day of creation onward are metaphoric events mostly pertinent to the Earth and all therein afterwards.

Apparently, an atmosphere with condensation above and an endless ocean below are what occurs next.

Life forms are put in the endless ocean followed by the terra-firma (ground) getting pushed upward into a single continental land-mass.

Animals are made for the ground and last among them was Mankind.

While Mankind is on the Earth, two more dramatic events are recorded as having occurred.

1656 years after Adam was made the great flood of Noah's day occurred.

During this great flood many creators were lost forever, like the dinosaurs, who's fossil record in sedimentary rock is very evident.

Many generations of Mankind continued until the one land-mass split apart in the generation of Peleg. (Genesis 10: 25)

When both Man and Beast got off the boat Noah built they had all long-since traveled back over the most distant parts of the one land-mass before its splitting apart.

Tiny groups of specific animals became dominate strains of species, and they didn't even need to get their feet wet.


In conclusion, how old is creation... ?

The most dramatic events are probably no older than 7 thousand years.

no photo
Wed 09/02/15 05:35 PM

The Pedophile Mohammed was nothing more then a paranoid skitso looking to make popular his own morally twisted agenda.

This persons information about whatever is alleged about Mohammad looks like it might be influenced by the Hadithites as well.

What can You safely say You know about somebody who lived more than 14 hundred years ago ?


It seems more likely that Mohammad thought so little of any of his own personal lives experience that little-or-nothing is actually truly known about him.

Even the Quran itself has less comments about Mohammad than I can count on one hand.

With all modesty, maybe Mohammad himself didn't think it was of any importance.

no photo
Wed 09/02/15 05:21 PM

I guess it would be possible for whoever wrote it to be using 500 year old paper, but it doesn't seem likely.

You just mean '50 year old' paper, right Moe ?

no photo
Tue 09/01/15 04:24 PM

Muslim scholars, however, said the dates confirm that the Koran had faithfully preserved for more than 1,350 years the words passed on by Muhammad to his followers.

Sounds like more inaccuracies from the Hadithites.

Why doesn't this surprize me that they very possibly couldn't even get the era Mohammad lived in right ? spock

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Tue 09/01/15 04:12 PM
smile2 What if the materials that were used during the transcription happen to be older than Mohammad ?

Nothing quite like well tried and tested materials.

Apparently, they even managed to last this long.

no photo
Mon 08/31/15 10:47 PM
Obviously, they'll need a written criterion by which to discern what is right. spock

(2nd Timothy 3: 16+17)

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Mon 08/31/15 09:41 PM
That's more like it ! :thumbsup:

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Mon 08/31/15 09:34 PM
It is a ten inch diameter mirror at the bottom of it, right Moe ?



I'd of thought Your nights were still a lot shorter than that !

no photo
Mon 08/31/15 09:25 PM

Well it is still daylight here so will have to check it out later

Does the Sun even set this time of year in Alaska ?

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Mon 08/31/15 09:22 PM
Well, it seems most of John Dobson's scopes seem to be based on a Newtonian configuration.

Usually, a large concave mirror at the base of a tube that reflects the light back to a focal-point ahead of a prism which in turn has its own lens eye-piece.

Is this more-or-less what You've got, Moe ?

no photo
Mon 08/31/15 09:10 PM
I'm just going to look for, 'Dobson Telescope' with my search engine.

Maybe it uses both ways of displacing light. what

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