Topic: Why I don't use Hadiths... Only the Quran and the Bible. | |
Some Brothers and Sisters think that there is nothing to be had from the Bible as the Quran does state that there are passages that have been abrogated. While this is true... Not all of these texts must be condemned as corrupted. The vast majority of the Bible today in its present state hasn't changed much since about 380 A.D. The Quran was made manifest in the 600s, and thus by its own admission, it plainly states that 'this recitation is a confirmation of that which proceeds it.' To ignore this statement in the Quran would be profane!
Please read the following passages from the Quran: Surah 5: 46-48 Surah 6: 92 Surah 10: 37 Surah 46: 9-12 To Whom are these verses to be directed if not for those with Biblical texts? |
Im respect the Bible, but not using it as my reference. that what i mean bro. anyway, i found this lovely sites...
Introduction by Yusuf Estes - I praise Almighty Allah and thank Him for guiding me to the light of Islam, and I testify there is none worthy of any worship, except Allah and that Muhammad is His messenger. Let me begin by stating, we Muslims do not seek to put down or desecrete the Holy Bible, even though there is no extant piece of scripture in original form, we still hold in our hearts and minds a very high place for the original revelation of the Bible and for all of those to whom God inspired with its revelation. It is a critical matter of faith for every Muslim to believe in the original revelations that came down to Moses, David, Solomon and Jesus, just as it is is important for Muslims to believe in the revelation of the Quran that came to Muhammad, peace be upon him. The key word here however, is "original." As we all know the origin of the Bible is clouded with centuries of copying, translating and passing down information, now long lost with only copies of manuscripts remaining to remind us of what once was the Bible. Additionally, it should be noted that Muslims do not seek to destroy the Christians or Jews belief in the Word of God, rather it is an obligation for Muslims to call to what is right and to halt that which is evil. Certainly, causing the "People of the Book" (as the Quran refers to Christians and Jews) to fall into disbelief and leave off any faith in God at all, is the very opposite of the direction Muslims should take in presenting any comparison between Islam and what has come down in the past from the Almighty God. We only seek to bring about more light to the people seeking guidance and pray for all of us to be successful with our Lord in this life and in the Next life and we ask His Guidance and Support in doing so, ameen. |
Sheik I totally agree with you that one cannot regard the bible and the Tora as baseless and feel there is nothing to i them that carries truth or things that can enlighten us. But since everyone in the world is different with there understand and intellect differ. As a safe rule some are thought never to look anywhere else other then the Quran. .
I personally think ever kind of religious text can enlighten us in one way or the other. My simple rule of thump is to use the text in the Quran as my solid reference I like to read texts from other religions and that way it becomes easy to spot all the propaganda, diversions , false belief , misinformation , disinformation , misunderstanding that exist between people and there religion. Not once have I found my myself having to defy logic to stay true to my religion. I am saying this with all honestly . I know a lot of you here might disagree with me or think I am not knowledgable or intelligent enough, and you all may be very correct. But one thing I tell you all is I am not lying here when I say my belief thus far has never put me in at odds with logic . But with other people if they where to go through all the text from all the other religion then there may a chance that they might fail to see the similarities and unfortunately come to believe something new they come across in those texts. This new found knowledge will remain in their brain hidden like a Trojan Horse of sorts, slowly slowly more of the horses will creep into his brain distorting and polluting his true belief . It is the fear of this why we shouldn't encourage everyone to freely read texts of other religion. Any rule that can destroy the faith of only one brother from all of human kind should not be allowed to exist as a rule. Sorry if I english has been a bit weird on this post. I was really struggling to put my thought into word so as to be able to convey what I was thinking correctly. I don't know if i succeeded . I hope I did . |
[This Old Thread Has Been Brought Forward Again]
These are for both Lung and Violet...
Surah 30: 32 Surah 42: 13 Surah 10: 32 Surah 17: 80-89 Surah 21: 18 Surah 34: 49 One of You is Shiite and the other a Suni... I have no-use for such frivolous sects. I am just Muslim. |
Edited by
Mon 07/06/15 10:06 PM
"The Muslims will split into 73 sects, and only one sect will go to Jannah". (Bukahri, Muslim, Tirmidhie, Abu Dawud etc).
From Anas that the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu âalayhi wa sallam) said: "The Children of Israa�eel divided into seventy-one sects and the Christians divided into seventy-two sects. And my Ummah shall divide into seventy-three sects, all of them being in the Fire except one sect." These are not weak hadiths. Seems u dont understand what is Sunnah, brother sheikh. Sunni is people who following the sunnah. What is your shahadah bro? is it same as Shiite shahadah? if your shahadah is true as prophet's teach us, why u must deny hadith? Who are we to deny hadith when Muhammads (pbuh) name just beside Allah's name? Only people who has sami'na wa atoqna can feel the importance of Sunnah in his life. Why i said shiite is wrong, becoz they modifying the aqidah. We understand Christian, Jews, and other religion Is not part of Islam, becoz they clearly not worship Allah, BUT Shiite really similar practising as Islam but in fact they are modifying the rules in Islam. They changing the aqidah. They worship the 12 Imams. Islam is only ONE religion, ONE GOD, ONE path, Yes we are a muslim, but we are following the SUNNAH, a Sunnah is a word from Prophets salallahu alaihi wassalam. There are also no verses in Quran to tell us how to pray. We learn some of our duties from Hadith not Quran. There are certain verses but you need to look at Hadith to understand their true meaning cause we are advised to learn Quran from the Prophet and Hadith is his teachings. ================================================================== Muslim: Ya Allah! Christian: Jesus! Syi'ah: Ya Ali! or: Ya Hassan! or: Ya Hussein! Mean, Syi'ah monotheism is no better than Christian, their punctual god is human. Their ritual ibadah are similar to Islam though. ================================================================== The word ��Sunni�� itself comes from the term ��Sunnah��, explained earlier to be the teachings of Prophet Muhammad, for they are strict in abiding by these teachings without any introductions, interpolations, or omissions. The word Shiite (Shi��a in Arabic) means a ��party��, ��sect��, ��supporters�� or a ��group of like minded individuals��. God says in the Quran addressing His Prophet, Muhammad: ��Verily, those who divide their religion and break up into sects (Shi��a), you have no concern in them in the least. Their affair is only with Allah, Who then will tell them what they used to do�� (Quran 6:159) |
"The Muslims will split into 73 sects, and only one sect will go to Jannah". (Bukahri, Muslim, Tirmidhie, Abu Dawud etc). From Anas that the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu âalayhi wa sallam) said: "The Children of Israa�eel divided into seventy-one sects and the Christians divided into seventy-two sects. And my Ummah shall divide into seventy-three sects, all of them being in the Fire except one sect." These are not weak hadiths. Seems u dont understand what is Sunnah, brother sheikh. Interesting... Using a Hadith to advocate Hadiths. ![]() Let's see how weak this would-be incredibly accurate Hadith is, shall we ? ***************************************************************************************************************************************** Firstly, would anyone from the Jewish Community care to list 71 different sects of format in Judaism ? Dare-I-ask... Could anybody name 1/4 of 71 Jewish Sects ? ***************************************************************************************************************************************** Secondly, would anyone who's a less informed Ecclesiologist than myself care to list fewer fundamentally Christian Churches and Sects than a mere 72 ? (Don't Forget Bob's Backdoor Church of the True Believing Snake-Handlers and Home of the Ten Minute Oil-Change) ***************************************************************************************************************************************** Lastly, is there anyone from the Muslim Community who'd care to list 73 different formats of Islam ? |
Brother, i didnt ask u to agree with me. Up to u what u think, and it will not influence my opinion. I just hope u remember this, when this ayah come,"Today I have perfected your Deen for you, completed My Favors upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your Deen." (Qur'an 5: 3) there is no Shia. What am talking here its about the dangerous of Shiah doctrine called Taqiya. Well, its no use to debate with someone who doesnt want to know.
I believe there is none worthy of worship but Allah and I testify that Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is Allah's worshipper and Messenger. I believe the Quran and i following the Hadith. May Allah forgive my wrongspeech, lead us to true path and protect us from slanders againts our deen, amin. "And whoever seeks a Deen other than Islam, It will never be accepted of him, and on the Last Day he will be one of the losers." (Qur'an 3: 85) Jazakallah khair |
I've expressed this before and it needs to be said again...
The majority of very brief Hadiths are seemingly just good general advice, then in the name of 'So and So' there's these long-winded Hadiths that are really messed-up. ****************************************************************************************************************************************** For example somebody might say that Mohammad said, "You must look both ways before crossing the street." This same So and So also said that Mohammad never played with fire. Wonderful... ! ![]() Now, this same Would-be Brother has filled a book with such information and in the midst of all this very general good advice he's put-in a real perplexing Hadith that is very questionable. So, the question is... Do all these other very general Hadiths in the name of So and So validate the seemingly unreal one ? |
To the so called sheikh if you Muslim than I'm sure you performing salaah. (Just for example) where in quraan you learn how to perform salaah of course you learnt from ahaadith and shahadat is not only to believe in Allah but also to believe mohammed his messenger and last nabi if you deny than you not Muslim and you have to follow his way of life if you are true Muslim denying his ahaadith is not acceptable may Allah guide you
Sry, but i don't see in ur text anywhere your explanation of why u don't follow the hadith. Maybe i missed it. And sorry to say, rejecting hadith and denying Muhammad s.a.w. is NOT ISLAM , I agree with the guy above me. May He show you the true light, aamiin |
Of course u must follow the Hadith...the 'shahih' Hadith...
Quran only mentioned about Solat, without describing the way of performing it.... So, this is where the Hadith 'play' its role....And the reason why the prophet Muhammad S.A.W. 'taught' us of it.... Same with 'wudhu', and the 'tayammum'......Without refer to the Hadith, there's no way you could performs it the 'right' way....The truth is, if ya don't follow the hadith, its mean that u do not love Muhammad S.A.W., his teaching and his 'priceless' advices.....That will 'automatically' makes u differ from us....because we loved Muhammad following his teaching is the 'right' way.... |
Edited by
Sat 10/31/15 10:07 PM
The assumption that every ritual format is needing a conformation from a Hadith doesn't make sense.
For example people have been praying (salaah) for thousands of years before Mohammad came along. The Quran also states some very basic concepts that are immediately recognizable to other former Monotheistic congregations. Do You prefer to alienate and make new-comers to the Masjid uncomfortable ? ******************************** Here's an example of something I'm assuming is a Hadith that is likely allegedly professed by Mohammad. Many pray or make salaah with rakats. (repetition) I don't... ! The reason being the prophet Jesus said in the Enjeel, "Do not be saying your prayers over and over again like the neighboring (pagan) nations. Do you think you'll get a hearing from Allah due to the abundance of words... ? Did you think Allah didn't hear you the first time ?" So, who is more rightly guided than One who applies what the Quran has to say with regards what it says I should or should not apply ? If You have a Hadith that You think is right, then prove it to me with both the Quran and the Bible. Lastly, if You make Islam incomprehensible to new-comers with Hadiths, how have You succeeded in bringing anyone to Islam ? |