Community > Posts By > Sir_Galahad
Here's a strange question:
oh............hey spaceman and my other favorite guy......public animal........whats up....hey tho..i did try to read this whole thread thing and i dont get it.........i think ur bein kinda crazy on this chic or something man......i dont mean to know anything about this but u should email her and say something real nice man.......... Naw, just going to drop it like a hot rock. I just wanted to hear some opinions on how I was being arrogant, and one person said.."yeah maybe a little arrogant" though he used the word "presumptive". It's all good. |
Here's a strange question:
Animal, as a matter of fact, I did find her to be interesting, and I said that as well.
So I was asking what she thought of the distance...if it was a problem, perhaps I could meet her halfway? You're absolutely right...if there's a spark, then what does distance really matter? But I know that *I* don't look at people I have no attraction to...but if there's no picture of them, I can get by that too. As a matter of fact, I've got my date set up this week with someone whose face I had not seen before we planned the date. She's a heckuva lot more local though, so's all good. |
Here's a strange question:
All it did was strengthen my resolve. To not dismiss someone too quickly...just because she didn't meet my "limitations". You know, she and I could have become "just friends" if she hadn't been so nasty in her reply. For example, why set an "arbitrary" limit of 75 miles...or height of 5'8" or greater? I'm 5'6", but that doesn't mean I couldn't have a great relationship with someone that was 5'10". Heck, "friends first" anyway, right? Someone could be a friend and not meet any of my arbitrary limits... It's nice for you to not dismiss someone too quickly, however, most of us have 'personal agenda' items that are restrictive....its part of the selection process...i have mine & i'm sure you do too... i think being nasty is uncool, but at least you now know to avoid this person.... Thanks for the reply! Thumbs up! |
Here's a strange question:
Edited by
Mon 06/23/08 02:12 AM
Didn't read your email so how would i know if you were rude? Just because someone views your profile doesn't mean they are interested in you?....its called 'window shopping'....sometimes once you do it you realize you weren't that interested after all...i have viewed a profile multiple times just to remember what i didn't have in common with that person in the first place.... ah, Blue...there must have been something about them that drew your initial interest liked the way they LOOKED and they were within a decent mileage range...even though something in their profile turned you off, there was SOME level of interest. I'm not saying looks are everything, or the only thing...but it does play at least a MINOR role in our choices, doesn't it? I could have posted rudely...directly stating that she was too far away. However, I ASKED for HER opinion of the distance thing. Had a date set up for LAST weekend with someone else from the same town, which is why I knew what the distance was. She reconsidered though, and stated that the distance was the problem. We had several enjoyable chats both on the phone and through email before that (the someone else, not the subject of this missive). |
Hey, Peccy,
like the new look..."dapper". Women go crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man. |
Here's a strange question:
All it did was strengthen my resolve. To not dismiss someone too quickly...just because she didn't meet my "limitations". You know, she and I could have become "just friends" if she hadn't been so nasty in her reply.
For example, why set an "arbitrary" limit of 75 miles...or height of 5'8" or greater? I'm 5'6", but that doesn't mean I couldn't have a great relationship with someone that was 5'10". Heck, "friends first" anyway, right? Someone could be a friend and not meet any of my arbitrary limits... |
Here's a strange question:
Okay, someone that looked at my profile lives like 90 miles away from me...and I sent an email asking if she thought that was too far. She replies with an email telling me that I'm "arrogant" and why did I assume she wanted a relationship with me.
Okay, for one, she COULD have just said, "Yeah, it's too far." She told me that IF she was interested, then she would have written me. But it's still true that women usually expect men to make the first actual communication. is it "arrogant" to assume that someone has SOME interest in you because they took the time to actually look at or read your profile to see if there was anything there to maintain an interest? I mean, even after reading things that send up a "red-flag" to me, I did have SOME kind of interest in the person whose profile I was looking at! I might say, "Oh, too far away, too bad." but even then there might be something about them that drew my interest ANYWAY. I've asked a few people here what books they've read lately..even though I had NO intention of trying to hook up with them (for instance, one woman lives in Washington state, and I live in Florida--not really conducive to a personal meeting!) So...again the question is how am I "arrogant"? Not saying that I'm NOT, by the way...but it's not like I came across like she was REEALLLY missing out on something here! |
I suggest making up with her pretty quick! Naw, it's back to going to the library...I can go HERE at the library, but they frown on AFF. ![]() ![]() |
Randy Weaver and David Koresh both had guns...we saw what happened to them.
Sean Bell and Amadou Diallo did NOT have guns, but both were shot by police. Seems "guns" are the problem, not the solution. |
COuldn't Get It Right...Climax Blues Band.
Falling...Alicia Keys
Shadow...what if the library, or the FedEx/Kinko's won't let them connect it up?
I'm not going to have a computer once my ex-girlfriend's disability comes through. She's moving out then. It's HER computer...I don't own one. |
well, for me, personally, one of the things I value is someone who doesn't have kids. Because you both wind up looking after the kids, and when they're gone, you don't know who the other person is anymore. You spent all your time on those kids. |
Yes, once again, that's common sense. That being said, I ended up meeting my ex-girlfriend at her home the very first time. Or, that is, the home she was staying at. I was like 75 miles away and wanted to meet her at a restaraunt...but she had no job, no car, and was staying with friends. Then, MY vehicle broke down, blew the head gasket on it. So her friends let ME move in too. I transferred my job, and three months later, I moved out of there and we got out on our own. The first time we met, we wound up talking for 12 hours. |
I guess I have been single too long because I don't even understand why a question like this needs to be asked. Aren't you still a person after you get married? Why would you have to change anything about yourself? As far as only having one pic and only being online at the same time and sharing passwords...can you say too close for comfort? Even married people need a separate identity.. My last girlfriend had my passwords--and I have hers. It's not an issue of's being totally open and honest...transparent. The funny thing is: if she wanted me to go into her accounts, I'd have to ask her for her passwords again...because I'd forget. Have a hard enough time remembering my own! |
How many women
does it take to screw in a lightbulb? What woman can fit in a lightbulb? Tinkerbell? |
by the paranoia in online dating? Everything is so different when it comes to online dating. In the real world, you meet someone, talk for a bit and exchange numbers, then the guy calls or texts and they usually make a date at the end of the conversation. Online things are totally different. We are worried about rapist, stalkers, players, gold diggers, liars, and just about everything else we can think of and we're constantly on the look out for red flags. We have no choice but to use common sense in the real world, why do we find it so easy to lose it in cyberspace? I like to think that most people on jsh/mingle2 have good intentions. But of course they all do not. Hey I'm just asking that people use a little more common sense on here. When you see a pic of a person that is flawless 9 times out of 10 it's a fake. When they only will talk to you during certain times of the day, they're usually married. And I'm sure I could think of 100 other things. My point is, stop and think about it! If it looks or reads like it's too good to be true, then yes, it probably is. Um, the first few meetings should ALWAYS be in public. |
If you were planning
a romantic weekend for you and your special someone, where would you take them and why? There are a couple of hotels that are supposed to be for romantic is right in my area, and there's another in Mt. Dora. With the Mt. Dora one, I think we'd end up visiting Bok Tower and Spook Hill. |
well...three out of five anyhow...
seriously, there's someone here, a forum poster, who I want to meet just as friends. If more happens, that's fine too, but my initial thought was just as friends. Friends first, you know... |
|'s a lot of yada yada yada though...
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