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Topic: WHY
brooke007's photo
Sun 06/22/08 12:44 AM
do people date people that really dont have the things they are looking for in a girlfriend/boyfriend??????

YourLove1's photo
Sun 06/22/08 12:44 AM
its called LIFE

somewhatshy2's photo
Sun 06/22/08 12:45 AM
maybe just to have someone to date????ohwell

YourLove1's photo
Sun 06/22/08 12:48 AM
Edited by YourLove1 on Sun 06/22/08 12:48 AM
me and my ex-wife had nothing in common and we got along great and we still do

MonkeyBob's photo
Sun 06/22/08 12:50 AM
Is that what it is?? I thought I just had bad luck.

Peccy's photo
Sun 06/22/08 12:51 AM
booty call?

DarrenSharko's photo
Sun 06/22/08 12:53 AM

do people date people that really dont have the things they are looking for in a girlfriend/boyfriend??????

Didn't you go to high school? That's all those relationships are. People who date someone they don't really like/have things in common with/know, are still learning how to date.

no photo
Sun 06/22/08 01:01 AM

booty call?

couln't have said it better myself laugh laugh

brooke007's photo
Sun 06/22/08 01:21 AM

me and my ex-wife had nothing in common and we got along great and we still do

BUT if u got married..then u were both looking for the same things in life...right???

no photo
Sun 06/22/08 01:21 AM

no photo
Sun 06/22/08 01:22 AM

do people date people that really dont have the things they are looking for in a girlfriend/boyfriend??????

Because loneliness interferes with good common sense.
Because they're horny.
Because only one of them is really thinking of it as a date
Because the eye color is right.
Because they look so hot.
Because of beer goggles

I have more becauses, but they really fit into the Jerry springer forum. laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

brooke007's photo
Sun 06/22/08 01:24 AM

do people date people that really dont have the things they are looking for in a girlfriend/boyfriend??????

Because loneliness interferes with good common sense.
Because they're horny.
Because only one of them is really thinking of it as a date
Because the eye color is right.
Because they look so hot.
Because of beer goggles

I have more becauses, but they really fit into the Jerry springer forum. laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

u have lotsa good answers!!
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Sun 06/22/08 01:45 AM
I dont understand the more specific please!

no photo
Sun 06/22/08 02:13 AM

I dont understand the more specific please!

Never mind that. How in the hell did you get above 68,000 posts in a year?

Sir_Galahad's photo
Sun 06/22/08 02:17 AM
they don't have ANY of the things? Or just not ALL the things?

I mean, isn't there room for SOME compromise?

If I say I don't want to date anyone under 30, and someone that's 29 is interested in me, I should turn her down?

If she lives 75 miles away, and I was putting a 50 mile limit on it, she won't work out?

brooke007's photo
Sun 06/22/08 02:43 AM
so like maybe u have a list in your head of very important things..say age range/children/faith/morals/funnieness...

if somebody say was jsut funny....would u give it a chance???
or say why bother..

what is the point of just dating...
u meet somebody that has one of the five things that matter to u should go on a date and waste time when it will probably never amount to anything..

or jsut wait for somebody that scores at least a 4/5..

idkfrown frown frown

Nursenell76's photo
Sun 06/22/08 02:44 AM
Because you have to kiss a few frogs to find a prince.... laugh

Sluggo's photo
Sun 06/22/08 03:07 AM

so like maybe u have a list in your head of very important things..say age range/children/faith/morals/funnieness...

if somebody say was jsut funny....would u give it a chance???
or say why bother..

what is the point of just dating...
u meet somebody that has one of the five things that matter to u should go on a date and waste time when it will probably never amount to anything..

or jsut wait for somebody that scores at least a 4/5..

idkfrown frown frown

Wow,this is sooooooo scary!

To answer your question, the point of dating is simple: TO HAVE FUN!!! If you really consider it a "Waste of time" to go out and have a good time enjoying someone else's company:

* Enjoying a day at the beach
* Going to a movie
* Going to dinner
* Going out for a few drinks
* Exploring the likes and dislikes of someone you enjoy being around
* This list can really go on a while

Anyway, as I was saying; if you really consider all of the above a WASTE OF TIME then you deserve to spend the rest of your life finding that someone to plug into your idea of Mr Right while you over look all the other qualities that you forgot to put into your recipe of Mr Ho-Hum. I wish you luck though and I would say have fun; but I don't think you've considered that....:tongue:

no photo
Sun 06/22/08 03:07 AM
:heart: Because everyone needs to be met in person to even see if there is a click or chemistry between you both..
Words can never give you much depth as to what a person really is like...:heart: drinker :wink: flowerforyou

brooke007's photo
Sun 06/22/08 03:17 AM

so like maybe u have a list in your head of very important things..say age range/children/faith/morals/funnieness...

if somebody say was jsut funny....would u give it a chance???
or say why bother..

what is the point of just dating...
u meet somebody that has one of the five things that matter to u should go on a date and waste time when it will probably never amount to anything..

or jsut wait for somebody that scores at least a 4/5..

idkfrown frown frown

Wow,this is sooooooo scary!

To answer your question, the point of dating is simple: TO HAVE FUN!!! If you really consider it a "Waste of time" to go out and have a good time enjoying someone else's company:

* Enjoying a day at the beach
* Going to a movie
* Going to dinner
* Going out for a few drinks
* Exploring the likes and dislikes of someone you enjoy being around
* This list can really go on a while

Anyway, as I was saying; if you really consider all of the above a WASTE OF TIME then you deserve to spend the rest of your life finding that someone to plug into your idea of Mr Right while you over look all the other qualities that you forgot to put into your recipe of Mr Ho-Hum. I wish you luck though and I would say have fun; but I don't think you've considered that....:tongue:

huh huh nooooo..I have lots of fun....
BUT it has crossed my mind that i would like more than just a good time...flowerforyou flowerforyou

i can have fun hanging with my children/friends/self....

once u realize that a person probably is not really what u r looking for...say...they are jsut fun..but dont match the other things...
what the heck are u supposed to do..

or is all the things u want but not fun....what then??

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