Community > Posts By > Sir_Galahad

Sir_Galahad's photo
Wed 06/25/08 01:02 PM

So you are blaming me for my ex-husband's bad behavior? He wasn't a "bad boy" when I married him. And how is it that you know ANYTHING about me or my life? Don't make assumptions based on sterotypes.

A leopard doesn't change his spots, and a man's innate character does NOT change over time.

First lesson: you CAN'T change him, ladies. Who he is when you meet him is WHO HE IS. He doesn't suddenly become a "deadbeat"...he always was one.
He hid it quite well. I thought we were on the same page..I had no plan to change him..after 5 years of marriage - he changed; he decided he wanted to do things he did not do when we married. How is that my fault?

You are divorced, are you not? Is that your fault? Did you pick the wrong woman for selfish and silly reasons? Why didn't you simply marry the right one in the first place so you would not be on here looking for a replacement?

Yes, I did make a bad choice. I'll admit it. I never should have married a schizophrenic--I should have taken the time to learn what that was going to mean for the relationship. But, technically, I'm not even divorced. She didn't show up for the hearing, and the judge refused to grant me a divorce without her presence.

and you are trying to date? Is that chilvarous?

In two more years, I could have her declared legally dead. Is THAT chivalrous? I have no reason to believe she's alive, since I haven't seen her since March 2002. She left me the day after Thanksgiving, 2001. I reported her missing to the police. She turned up in March, looking terrible. I took her in, got her showered, gave her some of MY clothes to wear...since they fit her...bought her some cigarettes...and then she took off again. I don't think she was taking her meds at the time, but not much I could do about that.

For all intents and purposes, I'm SINGLE.

Sir_Galahad's photo
Wed 06/25/08 12:29 PM

they would have used another type of weapon maybe a catapult or a cross bow or a bow and arrow or a multiarrow shooting mechanism (that the gatling gun was designed after)

None of these would have been as effective as the weapons actually used...

and the government probably wouldn't have gone after you for having a "bow and arrow" in the first place.

Sir_Galahad's photo
Wed 06/25/08 12:26 PM

So you are blaming me for my ex-husband's bad behavior? He wasn't a "bad boy" when I married him. And how is it that you know ANYTHING about me or my life? Don't make assumptions based on sterotypes.

A leopard doesn't change his spots, and a man's innate character does NOT change over time.

First lesson: you CAN'T change him, ladies. Who he is when you meet him is WHO HE IS. He doesn't suddenly become a "deadbeat"...he always was one.
He hid it quite well. I thought we were on the same page..I had no plan to change him..after 5 years of marriage - he changed; he decided he wanted to do things he did not do when we married. How is that my fault?

You are divorced, are you not? Is that your fault? Did you pick the wrong woman for selfish and silly reasons? Why didn't you simply marry the right one in the first place so you would not be on here looking for a replacement?

Yes, I did make a bad choice. I'll admit it. I never should have married a schizophrenic--I should have taken the time to learn what that was going to mean for the relationship. But, technically, I'm not even divorced. She didn't show up for the hearing, and the judge refused to grant me a divorce without her presence.

Sir_Galahad's photo
Tue 06/24/08 04:57 PM
I'll be there...with food.

Say around 11 a.m.

Sir_Galahad's photo
Tue 06/24/08 04:22 PM

Well, Sir Galahad eventually did find the Grail...according to legend.:tongue: So there's hope.

Of course, I might have to MOVE to Holmes County, Ohio, or Lancaster County, PA to find her...

Sir_Galahad's photo
Tue 06/24/08 02:41 PM
Well, Sir Galahad eventually did find the Grail...according to legend.:tongue: So there's hope.

Sir_Galahad's photo
Tue 06/24/08 01:47 PM

A leopard doesn't change his spots, and a man's innate character does NOT change over time.

First lesson: you CAN'T change him, ladies. Who he is when you meet him is WHO HE IS. He doesn't suddenly become a "deadbeat"...he always was one.

Only problem with that is that if there were no children before, there is no way to really know that. Especially, if the person has always been able to pay their own bills, and for groceries, clothing, what not. Don't forget. Many here married in their early 20s. flowerforyou

I never wanted kids. I knew that in my 20's. I knew it before I graduated from high school.

Sir_Galahad's photo
Tue 06/24/08 01:13 PM
Is a dream a lie if it don't come true, or is it something worse?

Sir_Galahad's photo
Tue 06/24/08 01:12 PM

Randy Weaver and David Koresh both had guns...we saw what happened to them.

Sean Bell and Amadou Diallo did NOT have guns, but both were shot by police.

Seems "guns" are the problem, not the solution.

no it seems people are the problem

Really, what would have happened in these situations had there been no guns?

Sir_Galahad's photo
Tue 06/24/08 01:11 PM

Again, please see the nice guy syndrom....

Just because a guy's NOT a player, and not out "chasing" after women, doesn't mean he doesn't merit someone's attention.

Thankfully, some women realize that. Even if some of those women are users...

define for me your version of "nice" I'm not trying to be a smart azz here, just curious as to why if you are so nice, you're not getting women...

But like Fear said "You're beautiful" ALL the time doesn't cut it.

I'm beginning to think that a decent, respectable women is a pipe dream, a "Holy Grail" if you will.

Sir_Galahad's photo
Tue 06/24/08 01:10 PM
Edited by Sir_Galahad on Tue 06/24/08 01:10 PM

So you are blaming me for my ex-husband's bad behavior? He wasn't a "bad boy" when I married him. And how is it that you know ANYTHING about me or my life? Don't make assumptions based on sterotypes.

A leopard doesn't change his spots, and a man's innate character does NOT change over time.

First lesson: you CAN'T change him, ladies. Who he is when you meet him is WHO HE IS. He doesn't suddenly become a "deadbeat"...he always was one.

Sir_Galahad's photo
Mon 06/23/08 05:03 PM
Funny...I've never felt "stagnant".

Sir_Galahad's photo
Mon 06/23/08 04:59 PM

I prefer women to approach me, instead of the other way around. But if they want to pick up and leave, when I'm perfectly content to remain where I am...let them leave without me.

That isn't chilvlris (god I wish I could spell) doll.... Just saying..flowerforyou

If I'm treating them right, which I do, why should they WANT to move to another state? Why not be satisfied with what they HAVE?

Sir_Galahad's photo
Mon 06/23/08 04:57 PM
you just can't take a lion, throw him into a cage, and expect him to be grateful for the shelter that you gave...

The Badlees.

Sir_Galahad's photo
Mon 06/23/08 04:52 PM
Edited by Sir_Galahad on Mon 06/23/08 04:53 PM
Perhaps I'm not "aggressive" enough for some women? I've been married once, but she was a schizophrenic too, so that didn't work out too well...although, hey, I gave it a try!

I prefer women to approach me, instead of the other way around. But if they want to pick up and leave, when I'm perfectly content to remain where I am...let them leave without me.

What's so bad about Florida? I've lived here over half my life...and I like it. Never have snow to shovel, for one thing. It gets cold enough HERE, why would you want to go somewhere you freeze for three months or more a year?

Plus, why should I leave a perfectly good job to move somewhere else? Job...which means income...has to come first!

Sir_Galahad's photo
Mon 06/23/08 04:21 PM

Again, please see the nice guy syndrom....

Just because a guy's NOT a player, and not out "chasing" after women, doesn't mean he doesn't merit someone's attention.

Thankfully, some women realize that. Even if some of those women are users...

Sir_Galahad's photo
Mon 06/23/08 04:02 PM
Edited by Sir_Galahad on Mon 06/23/08 04:02 PM

Do you think that womens lib killed it???huh Or the mere fact that we have had to do everything for ourselves with no help and do not expect help from, woman or child???huh

Is it not society you want blame then?huh

If the attitude "I can do it all myself" wasn't out there, it wouldn't have died.
If men did not abandon women they wouldn't have to do it all themselves. What was I supposed to do when my husband decided that being a husband and father was too much work? Just curl up and die, or throw myself on the mercy of the first man who would have me? NO, I was forced to do it myself.

And then some "chivalrous" dude comes along and I am supposed to pretend that I didn't?

If women would take the nice guy to begin with, instead of being attracted to the "bad boy" that ends up letting them down...

Sir_Galahad's photo
Mon 06/23/08 02:27 PM

Do you think that womens lib killed it???huh Or the mere fact that we have had to do everything for ourselves with no help and do not expect help from, woman or child???huh

Is it not society you want blame then?huh

If the attitude "I can do it all myself" wasn't out there, it wouldn't have died.

and why prey tell do you think we had to have that attitude? noway noway noway noway noway

The issue lies in that men and women don't expect enough from the oposite sex, they allow their "mates" to fall well below what their standards are. This goes for both sexes.

I expect certin things out of the men that I date, if they do not stack up, I do not date them. It's really as simple as that. In the "prozac, zoloft" society we live in, we are taught that we have to make certain ammenities for people who are "below" standard. WHY???

So then this makes me a b*tch, well that's fine, it keeps the jerk offs away... and that's all I ever wanted in the first place.

Is chilvalry dead? Sometimes it is, with people who are "below standard" it is....

I hold myself to a higher standard. It's my "job" to care for my partner. If she decides that she's an "independent woman", how am I supposed to do that?

Sir_Galahad's photo
Mon 06/23/08 02:20 PM

Okay, someone that looked at my profile lives like 90 miles away from me...and I sent an email asking if she thought that was too far. She replies with an email telling me that I'm "arrogant" and why did I assume she wanted a relationship with me.

Okay, for one, she COULD have just said, "Yeah, it's too far." She told me that IF she was interested, then she would have written me. But it's still true that women usually expect men to make the first actual communication. is it "arrogant" to assume that someone has SOME interest in you because they took the time to actually look at or read your profile to see if there was anything there to maintain an interest?

I mean, even after reading things that send up a "red-flag" to me, I did have SOME kind of interest in the person whose profile I was looking at! I might say, "Oh, too far away, too bad." but even then there might be something about them that drew my interest ANYWAY.

I've asked a few people here what books they've read lately..even though I had NO intention of trying to hook up with them (for instance, one woman lives in Washington state, and I live in Florida--not really conducive to a personal meeting!)

So...again the question is how am I "arrogant"? Not saying that I'm NOT, by the way...but it's not like I came across like she was REEALLLY missing out on something here!

Welcome to the world of online dating. You'll meet all types out here in the Interweb.

I had one e-mail me saying how she wanted to marry me and bare my children. Keep in mind that this came from her FIRST e-mail to me, which is a tad unsettling no matter how you look at it. She also claimed that living over 800 miles away wasn't "all that far", either.


The profile I thought was a little "out there" was the one where she said she already had the church picked out?? Not here, another site, but ouch. I was interested initially but after reading THAT, I wasn't any longer!

But if she had MAILED me because I had looked at her profile, I wouldn't have mentioned that, but politely declined.

Where's "polite" and "well-mannered" in today's world?

Sir_Galahad's photo
Mon 06/23/08 09:01 AM

I look at profiles for all kinds of reasons. Most of the time, it's not because I'm interested in dating the person. Do you always assume that a person who looks at your profile is interested in dating you?

I only look at profiles for one of two reasons. Either I DO have "some" twinge of romantic interest in the person, and want to learn more...

or I want to email them about something they've said in the forums, privately.

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