dosnt make sense to me
when i read womens profiles, a lot of women put down that they want someone who dosnt play games or cheat , but then they go out and seek out people who play games and cheat over people who dont play games and cheat,it seems like they say one thing and do another , is it just me imagining this??.how do yall all think about this I disagree with what you said....i don't think women intentionally go out & cheat....i think you just haven't figured out how to hold on to your woman.....cause if she was liken you she wouldn't be stop blamin' & start flamin' yourself.... ![]() ![]() We like bad boys. Maybe the challenge, the chase. Heck I don't know.... ![]() (spoken like a true woman ![]() I will not stay in this part of the "we" because for me, if a realtionship does not form as naturally and uncomplicated as a good friendship then the realtionship will not last. Why bother playing games when you should be getting to know one another? The problem with this friendship foundation is if a guy waits too long to make a move on a girl he is interested in then he will wind up on her "friends list," or the "I don't think of you that way" list. Granted, this isn't universally the case but being "the friend" is a serious invitation from Mr. Foot to Mr. Bullet and not a solid policy unless one has a LOT of patience and is willing to let a lot of candidates slip away. It's embarassing how many times I've found out after the fact (through mutual acquaintances, etc.) that girls were just waiting for me take things forward and I was too stupid to realize I was taking things excessively slow to nobody's benefit. I'm realizing that when I am interested in somebody it is very important that I clearly show it and not assume I know whatever pace she is comfortable with. If I don't do this then I risk appearing disinterested. Of course, there are situations where people are really good friends and eventually find more in each other, but that's another animal. |
When your computer is working, if you want it to continue to "just work" you might consider creating another user account that does not have administrator privileges. This will prevent you from being able to install software as that user, but if you do your normal activities using that account then when spyware, etc. tries to install itself it will fail. You can't install things, but it can't either! You'll be golden until your hard drive crashes and you lose everything. Cheers!
Good call on the Mozilla, by the way. |
Minnesota Women
darn it i wish i hada pic im here in MN but out in the sticks i don't get off the farm much lol jk but im in the sticks all the good men around here are taken ughhhh Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All the good men are taken? Yesssss, my moment to shine. ![]() |
when you
I dont drink know thats pregnant horse's pizzzzzzzz right??? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Acquiring the taste for pregnant horse piss is the best thing I ever did. |
when you
There's a time and a place for water beer. When it's time for the basics I go for the regional Michelob Golden Light, which is also a product of Anheuser-Busch.
The water beers are particularly useful when high quantities will be involved, such as for a power hour. When (most of the time) I want more, I like it hoppy. A good Anniversary IPA from Rock Bottom restaurant/brewery, mmm mm! |
dosnt make sense to me
They say that men want to go to bed with a whore and wake up with a virgin.
Women want to go to bed with a badass and wake up with a gentleman? |
Edited by
Wed 05/21/08 10:58 PM
This is an interesting discussion. A couple thoughts:
Take any partner. Under what circumstances would you not want that exact same partner, only a little healthier? Only a little happier? Only a little richer? The only case I can think of is if they have already reached a ceiling of relevance in any given category. Consider that the only reason a person breaks up with another is because they think they can do better. This concept extends to the mate selection process. So preference may be disproportionately tilted toward a particular body type, and that may not be favorable, but so could it be the case if a guy were into the "thick" scene and was no longer interested after somebody he was with lost weight. So it all comes down to preference and everybody has their lists, and particularly being a member of the gender societally expected to approach rather than be approached, it quickly becomes abundantly clear that you are going to be [dis]qualified through the most cursory evaluation, and it will further be weighted as compared to the same cursory evaluation of other candidates nearby. If nothing else, these feelings can be constructively approached by seizing the opportunity to take control and focus on ways to make oneself more appealing to whatever demographic is ideal or preferred. How can you lose? |
"You Can Count on Me (2000)" is a gem. I saw it in one of the indie theaters in the Twin Cities and got it on DVD. Laura Linney, Mark Ruffalo, Matthew Broderick.
I like how the tombstone date of death at the beginning is the day and year I was born. |
Inexpensive gaming laptop?
The nice thing about the large batteries is when your laptop warns you that your battery is running low because you have only an hour and twenty minutes left. SSD helps too.
Car names
How about the PT Cruiser that offers the only "wood grain" doors on the market (I hope?). The last time I saw that was the Caprice Wagon.
Car names
I see three categories of car names:
1) Grand real words meant to appeal to a particular market. 2) Made up words that resemble exciting concepts, e.g. Subaru Impreza. 3) Obscure names that are real words but only SOUND exciting. My favorites are the number threes. For example, the Chevrolet Impala. How many of you know that an "impala" is an African antelope? Any others out there? |
Your first time???
The one that stands out in my mind where I was fighting it is the final narrative of The Green Mile.
Maxim came up with a list of 300 movies to see before you die. It's a pretty good list. LOL, it's nice how they group "classics" and "nudity" in the same category. |
what is your
Edited by
Sat 05/17/08 10:26 PM
I think i might see the Indiana Jones movie... Your mentioning this means I just HAVE to share what somebody wrote on another website I frequent about the movie given its 65-year-old lead: The opening scene is a total heart attack. Indy barely escapes a huge stone ball despite being slowed by his walker. He pulls his colostomy bag out of the way just in time. It was a real heart pounding experience. But that was easily fixed with an emergency room visit and some clot-busting drugs. |
Please excuse my typos, e.g. "creem" and errant parentheses. I normally drink Sunkist Orange and NOT Killian's when I eat my dip.
![]() |
The big scooped ones for dipping, with homemade guacamole. Of course. ![]() I'd like to hear more about your homemade guacamole; I'm not kidding that it's one of my "interests." Here's what I do: 1 avocado 8oz creem cheese (neufchatel with 1/3 fat is softer, works better for mashing) 8oz plain (not vanilla) yogurt) Mash avocado with fork, mix with other two and distribute in 9" square pyrex or a big plate. Layer on a thin layer of picante sauce. Cover with shredded lettuce. Sprinkle on one chopped Roma tomato. Cover with shredded sharp cheddar cheese. Black olives are optional but I've never used them. This is a halved recipe because I usually make it on Sundays just for myself during football season. Scoops tortilla chips mandatory. What's yours? |
im talking in general, not just yesterday, nobody realy uses this and i wonder if thats a minnesota thing? Haha, it's what I like to call "Minnesota cold." Last year my brother was in New Orleans for business so he invited me and he stayed a couple extra days. They were really friendly there; a bartender offered us some of her crayfish and she taught us how to shell and eat it. Of course, if there were vendors on Nicollet Mall wearing body-signs that read "Yes, it's okay to drink in the streets" like they do on Bourbon Street then we'd probably be pretty friendly too! ![]() |
Inexpensive gaming laptop?
Hey, thanks for the update. Enjoy your new system, it sounds nice! Good call on the 64-bit to take full advantage of the memory. My laptop is nice but the most gaming I do these days is Yahoo Cribbage so I am easy to please! I am mad good at Wii Tennis, though. Cheers!
Inexpensive gaming laptop?
I recommend Dell's outlet store on their website. I recently bought an M1330 with all the bells and whistles, including solid state hard drive. To build this machine new would have been roughly $2400 and I got it for $1300 including same warranty as new. There was a minor scuff on the exterior and that was it.
Favorite SNL Skit
Mercury Mistress
Runner up: Colon Blow Both faux commercials. |