Community > Posts By > Traumer

Traumer's photo
Sun 09/08/13 11:12 AM

Can't I just block India

rofl rofl Oh i only we could, along with Nigeria, Ghana, Liberia, Senegal and ; oh hell, just make it the whole continent, as with all of India!rofl

Traumer's photo
Sun 09/08/13 11:05 AM

AGE OF DECEIT* (FULL) Fallen Angels and the New World Order...
this is a good documentaries so is Daniels Project

Please, Doc. or video?

Traumer's photo
Sun 09/08/13 11:02 AM
quote"The reality of the consequences is indeed a frightening contemplation.

I am glad some are able to find humor in it"

Humour is all we have in this world of perpetual wars and strife, be it 'black humour' or not. It helps us cope with all that we are faced with; front line combat or their impact on our respective lives and levels of sanity. Most often it is the only outlook to develop. maintain and celebrate while actually fighting in a war; it keeps you relatively sane. I quickly learned that in my first one in Biafra. My CO upon seeing hundreds of Nigerian paratroops coming down on us, simply remarked "Now they're using air pollution against us."
Every one cracked up...we lived through another horrific day. Laughter is indeed, the best thing to have .

Traumer's photo
Sun 09/08/13 10:45 AM

I wonder why the US is interested in going to war with countries which are rich in oil resources :D
can't let Canada have all that Oil!pitchfork laugh

Duh, you think we want a pipeline or somthin heresad2 ?

Syria produces just around 2 million barrels of oil per year; costs for pipelines would exceed the costs for oil production. The main industries are farming and wine production as most of it's land is either dessert or grassland. However it does have a huge chemical industry which is their main source of chemicals produced for war. The only other Arab country with a high production o chemicals to be used for chemical war are is Saudi Arabia. They produce very large amounts of Sarin Gas and they do export it as it has turned up in the arsenals o those the Saudis back or/ and are allied to...which makes me wonder about the hows and why's many Saudis have recently died rom exposure to Sarin Gas...perhaps an accident while shipping some to the allied rebel groups that they are financing against Syria? It is not clear whether the Saudis manufacture as much Sarin Gas or more than England .
The only other major industry in Syria is the production of cement, as most other Arab countries produce.

Traumer's photo
Sat 09/07/13 04:49 PM
Checking the above noted link to the Russian Naval forces all they are showing is the usual chess board set up if not, the old Battleship game board, but hey, at least something is there and from a 'conservative' website!laugh This is tarting to remind me of the old movie "Dr. Strangelove"...Perhaps a new version could be made out of this very bizarre situation: US naval forces haven't a clue that the Russian Navy is fast approaching because all US news media is blocking any news about them...(Everyone knows that US forces only listen to Fox News and they aren't saying anything about Russian ships is the premise. Add to that, the Southern Baptist Convention as ordered all Communications personnel to block anything about Russian naval ships from the Pentagon in case it upsets the US Navy. (As yesterday, they have told all their Chaplins in the US armed forces to refuse and not perform any Gay about 'undue influence...)Watchers on decks and on radars aboard US ships spot a large formation of ships coming toward them; the Admirals, Captains etc. including the Admiral's cook,(played by, who else but,
Steven Seagal, reenlisted as he was in the ilm, "Under Siege"; the Admiral played by Liam Neeson from the film Battleship)The lookouts determine that it is really several tourist size Italian Gondolas that have drifted away from their canals in Venice and are ignored.
Next thing that they become aware of are the sudden appearance of Russian warships of their port bow, their decks full of cheering and waiving Russian sailors and marines ...the Americans sound 'General Quarters' as the Russians pass them sailing into Syrian we can drop in some cameos of Rihanna coing some table dancing in a Damascus night-club; her boyfriend, played by Taylor Kitch, also from the film Battleship plays a jealous Navy Seal that jumps ship to find her...add more cameos of the 3 stooges , al Jolson in Blackface and some of the stars of Amos and Andy TV show all playing Obamarama's advisors, etc. and we may out do Dr. Strangelove and go for including the famous rocket blastoff'f from Woody Allen's film "Everything You've Always Wanted to Know About Sex But Were Afraid To Ask"...that launch is a classic...
Apologies, but I just had to write this down as the spirit moved me....laugh

Traumer's photo
Sat 09/07/13 02:48 PM

Free sites usually come with limitations and usually it's pretty pointless to become a member. What's the point if you can't read messages, send messages/reply, see profile pictures and so on.
Advantages of paid for membership/sites is that there's less fakers. Fakers usually don't pay for a membership, making it easier to get some serious / non-faker contacts.

The best reason to join is because they are FREE; they are even 'Free to join!" But then again, so are all the pay sites. I haven't heard of one that charges you to fill out a membership form and charge you for it...yet
I'm surprised that these so called 'free sites' as they advertise themselves to be, haven't started charging for clicking on their membership applications or their website...all are crooks in one form or another and all practice fraud to some extent, especially with long lists of members long gone that are kept and 'active'. Some have been gone for years and others used in their ads, were;t even members at all...
It all reminds me of some Information places along the US turnpikes and highways that some advertised "Tourist Information Free!" I actually found 2 that charged for any information...even how far up the highway were a restaurant and washroom...'Five dollars, please.' Right...:laughing:

Traumer's photo
Sat 09/07/13 02:27 PM


You make more sense than most on these Forums.

Awww shucks...blush
This afternoon I finally found one official news site and an actual news broadcast from the CBC Canada that did say Russian naval ships are on their way to Syria!! So far only sites and programs in the Middle East are mentioning that while on this side, not a word,
This started me thinking that perhaps the Russians could cause the US plans to stop dead and cause your fearless leader to back off from possibly escalating this to where no one in their right mind wants to go; namely dock the Russian naval ships at Syrian ports and take the risk of giving the Russian sailors shore leave, taking the gamble that the US will not fire and possibly kill Russian sailors and marines and damaging their naval ships. If the situation was reversed, would 'OBAMACARE'...couldn't resist that.
Lebanese news and TV are warning that the Russian naval ships are arriving and this could lead to toe-to toe confrontation with the US Navy if their ships are targeted...lovely Last time US naval and Russian naval forces came close to each other was during the Cuban blockade, if I recall and there were a few 'near collisions'...were are the news camera crews hiding...laugh

Traumer's photo
Fri 09/06/13 08:21 PM

So true!!! Be more cautious, they're trying psychological reverse thing to you...

Oh God, here we go: Love starved CIA agents running around practising their MK Ultra voodoo -hoodoo on women's brains trying to turn them into mindless robots that will comply to any wish a male makes; another version of 'the step ford wife syndrome'!

Traumer's photo
Fri 09/06/13 08:10 PM
It is usually the first in what will become a long exhausting list of "musts-have or /and must must do's. Some women see pets and kids as things that men must or should love, besides herself, of course. That list will cover foods, certain makes and model cars he simply must drive; a certain job or position,i.e. 'within senior management' etc. My favourite was that the fool prospect must be a senior executive; the type of business was never specified. It used yo make me wonder if these women are looking to be kept by their imaginary 'Sugar Daddy'. Real Life doesn't usually tolerate 'shopping lists' from airheads. Eventually they tend to 'wake up' or they become cranky old and soured spinsters roaming their room muttering to themselves something about "nasty men" if it were the fault of men that she was unfit to live with; and ,for sure, it also works
both ways.

Traumer's photo
Fri 09/06/13 04:30 PM

every ACTION we engage in with other humans is 'human relationship'

from good things like hugs and kisses, charity, feeding, clothing,, etc,,,

to bad things like murder, rape, etc,,,,

human relationship can be positive/productive/good,, or negative/destructive/bad

Sometimes I wonder if this' human interaction' can be a form of suicidal tendencies, in the samw way that crossing a street either against the light or in the middle of the block could be interpreted as having suicidal tendencies...Many things we do, can be so interpreted.

Traumer's photo
Fri 09/06/13 04:25 PM

i have written a few How To books on it.i'll send you a copy smokin

The publishers of all the 'Idiot ' and 'Dummy' guides are going to be setting up a Dating and Mating website and perhaps their own 'reality show'.
Part of their premise is that IF no one regards themselves as either idiots or dummies, new members will be voted on from other sites where members think themselves as idiots and/or dummies. They are currently signing up members in the US Congress and other politicians from all over..

Traumer's photo
Fri 09/06/13 04:16 PM
George Carlin, Robin Williams and Russel Peters, in that order; for a fourth, perhaps good ol' Bob Newhart

Traumer's photo
Fri 09/06/13 04:07 PM

lips ( I tend to wear shades of red)

or breasts,,,( I wear a lot of sleeveless dresses)

laugh I was expecting you to write 'topless' dresses; I was thinking
of the Empire fashion in France, they were topless and women had their breasts out
Must have been truly liberating.laugh

Traumer's photo
Fri 09/06/13 03:55 PM

I agree 100%

Why bother with profiles of people who are long gone?

Of course, it temporarily makes the site look good to present a large number of people in the area -- until one discovers that most of them are inactive.

Just another form of fraud...

Traumer's photo
Thu 09/05/13 09:00 PM

As much as he's tried, Assad can't convince Putin he has gas.

All of them are full of gas and they are all trying to choke

Traumer's photo
Thu 09/05/13 12:43 PM
And in Russia, videos first shown on television there on June 16th are being shown again of Syrian rebels using Sarin gas to fire at Syrian army personnel. Some of the videos also show the Syrian rebels with stockpiles of various chemicals being fired on Syrian troops. Some labels on the gas containers are rather clear and in both Arabic and English from Saudi Arabia.
Meanwhile here on this side: Zero; nothing even hinting at this or any such videos which are now on U Tube and other sites that one can find via Google, to see "the other side of the picture". There are ALWAYS 2-3 sides: their side versus them and 'the truth'. Even the UN has findings that the 'good-guys/ rebels' have indeed used gas on the Syrian army as a ploy to have them retaliate in kind...the fun of making 'propaganda wars'; one needs either "A Dummies Guide" or an "Idiots Guide to Making Phony War Propaganda Wars"...
And nw, of course, the rebels are trying to deny that they made the videos of themselves using Sarin and Chlorine gas shells...hey, they are desperate to get US help; isn't it logical that many rebels are El Quaida and wouldn't hesitate to gas their own allies in other rebel factions to then accuse the Syrian army/ Hassad of this? Makes sense to me...oh what the news isn't showing...laugh

Traumer's photo
Wed 09/04/13 08:24 PM

You know it's bad when Russia's Putin calls Obama on his lies but the American people blindly stand behind him.

There is something that nags me regarding Putin's confidence that Syria did not use any gas. There are hundreds of Russian technicians there and have been for a long time that service many of the weapon systems; rockets, jet fighters. etc. including radar controlled systems. I wonder IF they also include any part of the chemical weapons or their delivery systems; if so, they would have undoubtedly informed Moscow of their use. More troubling is with their presence there and what might be the results if any are killed in an attack; be it a dozen or a few dozen. Good Americans cried for blood when US 'advisers' were killed in attacks in Vietnam despite President Kennedy saying that it was a civil war and ultimately they would have to win or loose it. America would do nothing more than send them weapons and advisers and technical staff for the weapons and training on their armed forces. When he was killed, the Pentagram all the 'Intelligence' Agencies convinced old LBJ to let them put "boots on the ground" and 'clean that mess up'...right. They sure did.
Everyone in Europe knows that there is a defense agreement between Syria and Russia...use what intelligence one may have and think what that means. Could Russian troops go to help Syria just as US troops went into Vietnam to help defend "national security"? Is it any wonder why so many are scrambling to stay away from not only agreeing with a strike against Syria but of possible direct confrontation with Russian troops acting as allies, just as US troops have done several times. America holds no monopoly on defense agreements or sending troops to defend a country being attacked from outside. As the old Chinese saying about living in "interesting times" goes...seems things could get very interesting indeed. Russian Spetnaz troops could be there in mere hours...Any Russian naval forces that might be in the Black Sea could sail into the Mediterranean also, after all, their sailors haven't visited the many ports there in years...perhaps a good time for a late summer cruise...happy (Oh the things we speculate on...)explode

Traumer's photo
Wed 09/04/13 07:52 PM

Red line, huh?
What, they adding food color to the cocaine lines?

rofl rofl

Traumer's photo
Wed 09/04/13 07:44 PM

1. Hiking
2. Biking
3. Spending hours in a bookstore and losing myself in the variety of it all
4. someone to share that with who'd love nothing more than to accompany me.


How about you?

#3 Would be my #1, followed by the same but in an Antiques store as #2
#3 would be at home painting, doing art work and #4 would remain in the old discarded dreams category; at home reading all the books that I bring home ...

Traumer's photo
Tue 09/03/13 11:32 AM

Clara Moskowitz
Mon, 29 Jul 2013 15:41 CDT

© Iscatel/Shutterstock

Einstein's theory of special relativity sets of the speed of light, 186,000 miles per second (300 million meters per second). But some scientists are exploring the possibility that this cosmic speed limit changes.
The speed of light is considered to be the ultimate cosmic speed limit, thanks to Einstein's special theory of relativity. But physicists aren't content to assume this limit without testing it.

That's where a new experiment with electrons comes in. Physicists measured the energy required to change the speed of electrons as they hopped from one orbital to another inside atoms of dysprosium, all while Earth rotated over a 12-hour period. This allowed the scientists to measure that the maximum speed of an electron, which, according to special relativity should be the speed of light, is the same in all directions to within 17 nanometers per second. This measurement was 10 times more precise than previous tests of electrons' maximum speed.

So far, Einstein still comes out on top, and the theory holds. But the researchers hope to follow up the experiment with a more precise trial that might prove capable of poking holes in special relativity. That could actually be a good thing, scientists say, at least in terms of the advancement of physics.

"As a physicist, I want to know how the world works, and right now our best models of how the world works - the Standard Model of particle physics and Einstein's theory of general relativity - don't fit together at high energies," physicist Michael Hohensee of the University of California, Berkeley, said in a statement. "By finding points of breakage in the models, we can start to improve these theories."

The next iteration of the experiment should be up to a thousand times more sensitive, which may prove powerful enough to finally discover deviations from the predictions of special relativity, potentially pointing the way toward a more sophisticated theory that can resolve some of the current mysteries of physics.

"This technique will open the door to studying a whole other set of parameters that could be even more interesting and important," Dmitry Budker, another physicist at the University of California, Berkeley, said in a statement.

While similar questions about the speed of light could be investigated by high-powered experiments like the huge atom smasher in Switzerland, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the electron experiment here was relatively simple and inexpensive.

"You can try to probe these theories using big accelerators, but you would need to produce electrons with seven times the energy of the protons at the LHC," Hohensee said. "Or you can look at high-energy phenomena in distant stars or black holes, but those are not in the lab and not fully understood. Instead, we can look for evidence that the standard model or general relativity break at low-energy scales in small ways in a tabletop experiment."

The research will be published in an upcoming issue of the journal Physical Review Letters.

The world of physics is a quirky, fickle field where very large ideas about the nature of time and space and even our human place in it seem to be under constant reconsideration; the harried physicist could always depend one one constant: the speed of light, The theory being that when light travels through a vacuum, its speed NEVER changes. At 186,000 miles per hour, to be precise, light holds the top speed for any and everything in the universe...well, not really.
In fact, no more.
Recent experiments, suggest that the speed of light is no longer sacred. As far back as 1999, a US team of physicists slowed light to a turtle paced speed of 38 miles per hour. Then, in the July 10, 2000 issue of Nature Magazine, other scientists reported having urged their light speeds forward, speeding up the light pulses to exceed the cosmic limit. They accomplished this by encouraging pulses to travel in a bunch; a group; this gave them a "group" velocity, rendering the whole greater than the sum of its parts. Together, the bunched groups of pulses could and did go over the speed limit set by Einstein, even if none of the individual light pulses could.
The major news implied; showed in this finding is that when the speed of light is exceeded even by a factor of 1/300, the light appears to travel backward in time. Einstein's brain may be twitching, the foundations of basic physics are not yet quaking. The experiments did not violate any of the established physical laws of nature, but they do show that it is now possible to manipulate light and possibly Time in ways to astonish scientists in most fields. For exact details of the experiments, see the July 10th, 2000 issue of Nature Magazine.

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