Community > Posts By > Traumer

Traumer's photo
Tue 09/03/13 10:12 AM

Somewhere with sandy beaches, breathtaking sunsets and gentle salty optional. :laughing:

Sometimes I think that I've traveled too much and seen too many places in which I would love to live, especially south of the Equator or close to it and clothing is usually optional.
Cozumel in Mexico is just about perfect; in fact most of the Atlantic/ Maya part of Mexico is with many beautiful old towns from the days of the Spanish colonial period; even a few from the French colonial period with an aura of being in a small French town from long, long ago. Argentina; absolutely beautiful and the people are friendly with millions of European people there all speaking their own languages and Spanish. Clothing optional from the beaches at La Plata to Berlioche at the foot of the Andes mountains and so is Chile for some ares , regarding optional clothing...One absolutely fantastic area is the Russian Crimea; warm to hot; most towns in their summers are basically nude. It is rare to actually see people in clothes, be it in line for an ice cream or a pizza; but for sure on buses as the seats are so hot. Or carry a wet towel if taking one...laugh Even hitch-hikers are nude and sometimes just carrying a guitar and a six- pack. The entire Black Sea area is very relaxed and care free come the summer heat, even in Sevastopol!laugh All I know is that I no longer wish to stay and freeze here come winters and will move way down south.

Traumer's photo
Tue 09/03/13 09:45 AM

I keep asking but have not heard an answer.

What interest does FRANCE have in this project anyway?

Do they even have any weapons? Do they have an army?

The short answer is that France wants its old occupation mandate back that they had between 1920 and 1946. They were forced to give up and allow Syria to become independent once again. France lost a lot of troops fighting the Syrians, Their hatred of Syrians is palpable
Things with the French has not improved since about 120 officers and Legion troops were captured inside Syrian territory back in Feb. of 2012. Not a word of this in North American papers, but it was in most newspapers around the world...check it out, I'm sure that Google, at least has something on it. It was big news as now with France sending more troops into Lebanon, but still, not a word here either on TV news or the papers...silence as usual...

Traumer's photo
Mon 09/02/13 04:02 PM
Edited by Traumer on Mon 09/02/13 04:03 PM

Allow me to paraphrase the gripe being made by people who deny the existence of freedom.

"I want to enjoy the benefits of living in a community while having the freedoms of living like a hermit."

In order to live harmoniously in a community, one understands that one cannot just do everything that one feels like doing.

One may feel like driving 100 mph on residential street where children live, but acting out that feeling would be detrimental to the community.

Many colleges and universities in the US, during the 50's and early 60's had armed guards to bar women who wore pants from going in. They were deemed "a threat to
American freedoms " until the formation of students into groups like the SDS...I wonder if any patriotic guard ever tried to remove those pants that were a threat to 'national security' as it would be said today...laugh

Traumer's photo
Mon 09/02/13 03:56 PM

Let's face it..If half of you kids cared half as much about all the things you whine and gripe about...

Lefties this...republicans that...Obama beat me with a wiffle ball bat.

...If you actually cared and felt half the unending crap you pansies ***** and moan about was REALLY important....

Why the hell have none of you run for office and effected real positive change?

The answer...You all are like my dad and all his old people friends.

You like to point fingers without having the nuts to step up and put all your perfect ideologies on an actual political docket.

You got nothing on go on and hate him cause he is black.

You got nothing on hate him cause he had a chunky click blow him.

You got nothing on ANY civic leader who had the guts to actually TRY....

Right or wrong...our "leaders" at least tried.

If half of you geniuses in these threads would act on these beliefs you are Soooooo mutherfking sure of...

We could live in a better society..our kids could have a better future.

But...That won't happen

I read these endless threads with all these perfect opinions on how everyone else is so wrong.

It occurs to me...

What the hell is your excuses for not making it right?

Liberals? Republicans? Left? Right? Moderates?

You are all a joke.

Stand up for your beliefs..change the system or just know that I will continue to look at y'all posts and wonder why you ain't the president.

rofl rofl rofl
it only occurred to me when I turned 40 that politically attuned and opinionated people are never happy people from all I've seen. On rare occasions though, I still get a bit of a buzz on from having inhaled all that garbage from early childhood on...

Traumer's photo
Mon 09/02/13 03:48 PM

By Susan Duclos

When Barack obama first became president, he gave a speech, one you will see below in the first video, talking about transparency and how for a long time there has been too much secrecy and the “old rules” said that if there was a “defensible argument for not disclosing something to the American people. then it should not be disclosed. “
Quoting obama directly, he then said “That era is now over.”

He talks about the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and how it is the “most powerful instrument we have for making our government honest and transparent.”

Which brings us to a recent court ruling, where the Obama administration argued and won, against a Judicial Watch FOIA request for Secret Service records in order to access White House visitor information for President Obama’s first seven months in office.

Make no mistake, the Bush White House asserted the same thing, but Barack Obama said that era was over as he took office.

In February, Obama claimed his administration was the “most transparent ever,” and that claim was made as he was fighting another FOIA request about his targeted killing drone program, which was eventually exposed.

Obama’s website says “My Administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in Government.”

Yet the White House, paid for by American taxpayers, and Obama, who works for those same taxpayers, is allowed to hide who he talks to, who his staff talks to, in OUR house.

What is Obama hiding?

the Liar in Chief at it again...

Oh, those types of logs...not the kind that makes up a woodpile, as I first thought, he might be hiding another brother from another planet (funny sci-fi movie about colored alien 'brothers'' not as insane as the other sci-fi movie called "Niggers From Outer Space"which is now among the most funny but outrageous lists... oh well

Traumer's photo
Mon 09/02/13 03:40 PM

rofl rofl rofl rofl Just precious! Love it
Just as hilarious as the anti Atom Bomb posters by the 'Peaceniks'/ Beatniks of the 50's and 60's plus those that fun of those by the pro-Bomb and pro war groups. I had a great time doing posters for both sides starting with the Vietnam War. Many totally missed the humour and airheads like the twit in this poster...rofl

Traumer's photo
Mon 09/02/13 03:30 PM

What qualities do you look for in a partner and what qualities do you bring?

Are you sure it's not 'quantities' instead of 'qualities'?
A person, male or female will far outweigh in importance with quantities than any person with mere, house, boat,stocks, bonds, rare stamps, gold coins, American Express Platinum,
food to eat,fabulous clothes,an account at Frederik's Of Hollywood etc. etc.laugh

Traumer's photo
Mon 09/02/13 03:20 PM

Why exactly do some young guys like older women? Like myself actually lol.

what You're an older woman??????
oh, geeeez....ohwell

Traumer's photo
Mon 09/02/13 03:16 PM

How do you report a fake profile ??

there are so many and also so many trying to report them, just take a place in the'll be awhile...laugh

Traumer's photo
Mon 09/02/13 03:12 PM

I came to the conclusion long ago, that it (Life) seems to work out best if one is an objective nihilist; baring that, subjective is also ok. One can sum it up as live and let die.glasses

what is the difference between a subjective nilihist and an objective nilihist? how long ago last week or in a previous milenium....I mean that is kinda relative...lolflowerforyou

laugh Subjective nihilism is of a personal choice, sometimes based on pre existing bias/ prejudice; Objective is simply taking a larger view of what choices there are to rejecting any type of moralistic viewpoint/ stand; an asymmetric point of view/ interpretation. By the time I was 18 I was a committed nihilist towards most things; beliefs that are run-of-the mill dull, boring, pretentious and what Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sixpak believed in, like Mom, Apple pie and all the rest of what to me were 'bourgeois trailer park morality and beliefs; this .of course led directly to my embracing the anarchist's outlook. I was 'free at last'!happy
Thank you for the flower(blush) same to you gurlflowerforyou

you are most welcome....I am a mom/apple pie type tho :)

but no trailer parks tho:angel:

here ya go...getcha blushing nowblushing flowers flowers flowers

I fine it amusing that a nilhilist blushes winking

That is purely a subjective personal condition; I rarely ever hear anything positive or nice from a female...
You're a mom/apple pie type?!? Are you complaining or bragging???
To me, 'moms in North America seem mostly clueless airheads, no matter how many kids they produce or they're 'screaming mimies' always screaming at their pie...ewww, so droll, so plain, like as about as exciting as vanilla ice cream; put a pint of rum or bourbon into the pie at the very least!laughflowers same to you!

Traumer's photo
Sun 09/01/13 10:49 PM

I think people question it but with rays death, and the passing of time ,

'proof' of anything other than the lone assassin would be quite incredible of a find,,,,

His brother has written a book exposing a lot of what went on at their house and who came and went to see his brother before the alleged involvement in the shooting of Dr. King
Many then and still say the FBI arranged it with snipers from the CIA. Some of the very same men were very briefly detained in Dallas after that assassination men known to be or were former CIA agents...coincidence??? What are the odds...

Traumer's photo
Sun 09/01/13 10:33 PM

It's a sound tactic if the hostilities escalate. He's just covering the bases, so to speak.

Perhaps they might be needed to help the CIA, Seals etc. to get out before Hezbollah catches them. They have old scores to settle and long memories.

Traumer's photo
Sun 09/01/13 10:23 PM

The person you've been dating shows up at your door with a bottle of wine, two glasses, strawberries, whipped cream and chocolate syrup. What do you do? Remember this is a PG site lol

ask her where was the whip of silk ...

Traumer's photo
Sun 09/01/13 10:16 PM

I would prefer he not have boobs bigger than mine. laugh

Perhaps he meant Janet Jackson having another 'wardrobe malfunction'?

Traumer's photo
Sun 09/01/13 10:11 PM

I am single because no one wants to date a single mom, who is tall, has long legs, is beautiful, has a brain and is a business woman, and enjoys life. Sigh... Lol. :smile:

and I was reading today of when many universities in the US had guards posted outside their libraries to bar women from them that wore pants back in the 50's and early 60's, because they were regarded as a threat to American freedoms...until groups like the SDS came along...
How tall? Over 6-7 feet tall? Are you living in a remote or isolated location??I know that most North American males seem inadequate, emasculated and feel generally threatened by women with brains which means they may have a university degree in economics or can simply add 2 plus 2 without hemming, hawing or uhhhing...ever consider moving to a more progressive country...and society?

Traumer's photo
Sun 09/01/13 09:56 PM

Ok...all of this is valid.

But what about us people who ain't ugly..are real lover' a job...and just really want to share our actual adult life with someone who wants love?

I found a good woman here...there is no damned reason the rest of you cant find your lover here.

Allow me to point out the obvious..

There is one common denominator in your failed relationships

If you ain't willing to change for a good love...

You may be better off alone.

what is it that we should change (asking in earnest)?

Only IF you know that it was your direct fault the relationship broke up; perhaps it was NOT your fault as sometimes it may well have been the other person's fault and you do not need to change a damn thing. Only your conscious knows for sure. Proceed from that point. You may not need a guilt trip; you know the old saying,' why be normal when you can be happy'...or is it the other way around...?

Traumer's photo
Sun 09/01/13 09:48 PM

I came to the conclusion long ago, that it (Life) seems to work out best if one is an objective nihilist; baring that, subjective is also ok. One can sum it up as live and let die.glasses

what is the difference between a subjective nilihist and an objective nilihist? how long ago last week or in a previous milenium....I mean that is kinda relative...lolflowerforyou

laugh Subjective nihilism is of a personal choice, sometimes based on pre existing bias/ prejudice; Objective is simply taking a larger view of what choices there are to rejecting any type of moralistic viewpoint/ stand; an asymmetric point of view/ interpretation. By the time I was 18 I was a committed nihilist towards most things; beliefs that are run-of-the mill dull, boring, pretentious and what Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sixpak believed in, like Mom, Apple pie and all the rest of what to me were 'bourgeois trailer park morality and beliefs; this .of course led directly to my embracing the anarchist's outlook. I was 'free at last'!happy
Thank you for the flower(blush) same to you gurlflowerforyou

Traumer's photo
Sat 08/31/13 09:36 PM

Many play a part, not just Your president.

US is making their own problems by fighting among themselves, in the Whitehouse. Government in the US is bringing this country to ruins.
Russia is out to protect their own country just like some of the other counties out there. Why should they go to war, when that battle is not theirs!

Not always. If you'll recall the bombing of the US Marine Barracks near Beirut back in the 80's by a single truck bomb, it was Russian Spetnaz agents there that found the ones who did it and let the Americans know where to find them. They simply called it a courtesy.
Sometimes adversaries can be magnanimous for no reason.

Traumer's photo
Sat 08/31/13 09:26 PM

in reading the article TWO Things stand out

1. The plaintiff LOST the case against the texter,,,


2. The court's language says "when the sender 'has actual knowledge or special reason to know' ... from prior texting experience or otherwise, that the recipient will view the text while driving, the sender has breached a duty of care to the public by distracting the driver."

I agree, WHEN THE SENDER KNOWS,, and continues to be a distraction,, they should hold accountability....

This brings to mind a quote from the character of District Attorney McCoy on the Law and Oder series: "Never underestimate the depravity of the American family" Never let morality get in the way of doing what you feel like doing or what is right. Never mind if it is against the law, no moral depth is too deep to be left unexplored. Love the reasons people (texters) use when behind the wheel. So far six have been killed by drivers texting just in this city this year. Hell, why bother with even having lights; it's just too much for the drivers to keep an eye on while driving....let the carnage rise.

Traumer's photo
Sat 08/31/13 08:57 PM

What? -kik2me


I was just thinking that when lesbians hook up with a man
It is usually because they want to have children
And a father to support them
So they can go back to being lesbians
Since you are asking...
No offense intended

Sounds like a plot outline from the series The L Word; just be very careful...

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