Community > Posts By > Traumer

Traumer's photo
Sun 09/15/13 12:10 PM

I bumped into the mailman at my grocery store. What does this mean?!


Traumer's photo
Sun 09/15/13 12:08 PM

In a universe far far away, there is no division in the sexes. The human form is both male and female.

Even with that, it won't solve the 'loneliness factor'...ohwell

Traumer's photo
Sun 09/15/13 11:56 AM
Given all the convolutions over the audacious attempts to bring about 'better background checks' on people purchasing fire arms in Colorado by those who want absolutely no checks at all, my imagination began to imagine some scenarios while watching the latest news images of the floods rampaging there of people trying to stem the rising waters, cars floating off with people in them; of rescue efforts to those trapped by the floodwaters and all those tearful re-unions of friends, neighbours, families, etc. picked up by boats and helicopters.
Harrowing experiences, to say the least, by all those caught up in the terrible flooding. Many of these images, surprisingly were from the dreaded drones flying about, captured for the use by news broadcasts.
Now, as 'heart rendering' as some of those images were, I'm surprised by possible scenes not shown, given the near rabid fever pitch of the 'pro-gun' citizens that supposedly make up the majority of people in Colorado, I didn't see any people/ 'patriots' fleeing their homes carrying their gun collections; whole families weighed down by lugging whole arsenals of weapons; no scenes of people rushing to embrace, not their loved relations but their rifles or pistols...No scenes of some outraged 'redneck' showing his frustration at the rising water around his home by firing his automatic rifle at the water while screaming about an invasion; no dutiful wife or children at his side loading other weapons or him to shoot. No scenes of people being rescued by boat from their cars or trucks, handing their rifles, shotguns, machine guns, etc. to the rescuers first with agonized voice yelling, "here, take my guns first!" scenes showing some tearful child clutching a rocket launcher sobbing to the reporter, "Dis is awl what ma Pa gave me before he done drowned in dat crick over dere. He said, son, take ma 'olBetsy' here an save yerself!' before da water took himself under..." No scenes of outraged anti-droners trapped on a drowning hill top with water over their waists and rising fast, loading and firing their assorted guns and rocket launchers at the drones photographing them...nothing.
Makes me wonder how many guns have drowned in the reports of drowned or lost guns at all! Perhaps the NRA will have special services for all the presumed drowned guns after the 'liberal' amount of flooding throughout the state and perhaps the NRA will erect a tomb to the unknown drowned gun in the middle of Boulder once everything has dried out. Perhaps the NRA could also come out with a special NRA Congressional Gun Medal to give out to those who rescued all their guns without a thought to their own or anyone else's life....Ahhh, what we are not seeing on the news....Guns First!:tongue:

Traumer's photo
Sun 09/15/13 10:45 AM

Assad tells Obama to stop arming rebels, or no deal

President Obama must promise not to arm rebel forces or Syrian dictator Bashar Assad will not hand over his chemical weapons, the embattled leader told a Russian state media outlet today while demanding that Israel also surrender its nuclear arsenal.

There should also be a hand-over of all-ALL the chemical AND biological weapons by the US as Obama keeps saying the US signed the treaty banning all those types of weapons, yet the research, development and stockpiling goes on all across the US, especially over at Fort Detrich in Maryland and at Los Alamos and Hanford Weapons / Nuclear Labs in Washington; the enormous old chemical weapons stored at the Blue Grass Army Depot near Richmond, KY or the Pueblo Chemical Weapons Lab in Colorado.
The US has been making chemical weapons since WW1 and have only sporadically and allegedly destroyed only relatively small amounts.
And, of course we have the number one ally and 'friend' of the US in the whole world: Israel. Both Israel and Egypt refused to sign the Chemical Weapons Ban Treaty and both have extensive stockpiles of nearly every type of chemical weapon known. Egypt has shown no reluctance to use theirs as they openly gassed thousands in the Yemeni civil US thetas to launch missiles there if they don't hand over their stockpiles.I wonder why...Egypt's could very well 'fall' into 'terrorist' hands while all the weapons in Israel already belong to a 'Terrorist State' or all practical purposes as in Zionism is just another form of terrorism being waged on all Arabic countries, as far as I see it.
This world; this Planet would assuredly be better off without any chemical and biological weapons. Given the many ways of wiping humans and animal/ plant life out, no one really needs them just as no one really needs anyone who would use them or stockpile them. They are the products and weapons of diseased minds.

Traumer's photo
Sun 09/15/13 10:06 AM

Was US media ever trusted?

Certainly not since the mid 1930's at the very least.

Traumer's photo
Sun 09/15/13 10:00 AM


"The First Amendment right to gather news is, as the Court has often noted, not one that inures solely to the benefit of the news media; rather, the public’s right of access to information is coextensive with that of the press.” – United States Court of Appeals For the First Circuit, August 26, 2011.�"

So given that, we bloggers, journalist, reporters, facebook posters and picture takers should all be on equal ground with anyone else carrying a so-called “official” press credentials who think they have more clout than John Q. Public when it comes to information and reporting.
It’s official. I am an official reporter and journalist for the local news blog and I have a press I.D. to prove it. It is official because it is authorized by me to me and it says so right on the card.

In spite of this, I am still declaring, “We don’t need no stinking press passes.” We are all reporters these days what with our blogs, our I-phones and our facebook pages.

"California Senator Dianne Feinstein has proposed an amendment to the Media Shield Law – an irrelevant law ignoring protection already afforded by the First Amendment – that would limit the law’s protection only to “real reporters,” not bloggers and other upstart alternative media types."

I came to the same conclusion years ago after having worked free-lance or a number of years. There is so much more now being hidden from the public. Hell, I'd also like to see the classification of "National Security" be declared as unconstitutional. It is nothing more than outright censorship of information that should be in 'the public domain' of all humanity!

Traumer's photo
Sun 09/15/13 09:38 AM

Everyone is in a fuss over raising the minimum wage because it will hurt small business'. Meanwhile, we are forced to have healthcare and can't afford gas in our tanks to get to work. Wouldn't it be better to lower the cost of living or lower the wages of corporate management and use that money to pay their own employees more? Maybe if they took a pay cut, there would be more money to pay the employees who do all the work and keep their business' alive, otherwise, go ahead and raise the minimum wage. People need to start paying our bills and stop making us work for almost free.

Reduce the salaries of all those that run the corporation by at least half, or if they can be classified as 'millionaires', end their salaries altogether; let them live on the interest their money/wealth brings in or what they have tried to hide in of-shore bank accounts around the world.
Another step in the direction of a more debt reduced society would be to reduce the highly inflated real estate prices for homes by at least 30 to 50% as those figures have been used by various real estate reports on home pricing versus inflation rates. Where I live, it is now estimated that the inflated prices are between 50 and 65%! Inflation is the basic devaluation of money; a question to ponder is when are the currencies, like the dollar and the Canadian looney ever going to be put right to actually what they are really worth...probably far seems only the Swiss Franc and the Euro reflect their actual worth but with 'fluctuations' ...

Traumer's photo
Sat 09/14/13 01:06 PM

What if it's a picture of a guy who looks shirtless but he's actually naked because he's a nudist? hahaha


or instead of wearing pants, he has a dress on and likes to dress up as a woman, on occasion! laugh

Traumer's photo
Sat 09/14/13 01:04 PM

I want to learn how to seduce women. I want to know how to manipulate them so I can have my way with them. Every woman has a soft spot, so I need to find out how to locate it and use it to control them.

So maybe some of you women out there (or players) can help me with this.

The only way to understand women is to be one. Get a sex change and let us know how it changes your life and what you learn to manipulate them...laugh

Traumer's photo
Sat 09/14/13 12:57 PM
People who have no regard or need for sex in a marriage should only marry those who feel the same way and leave other people who like or love it, alone.

Traumer's photo
Sat 09/14/13 12:48 PM
laugh sounds like a lonely Nigerian scammer...laugh

Traumer's photo
Sat 09/14/13 12:44 PM
Find a dark quiet bar and take the table in the back. Proceed to drink an entire bottle of bourbon ; rum; slivovitz or what have you until you sink to the floor for the night. You'll soon forget where and why you're there.

Traumer's photo
Sat 09/14/13 12:31 PM

Yes,females are special creation.They can help you live happily on earth and they can equally cause your exit from earth in less than a second.Combination of good bad and urgly

Men really don't know women until they've met her in a court and you are the defendant. No woman is all sweetness; even roses have thorns.
You can't live with them, you can't live without them. That's probably why you can simply rent one for the evening and the sad thing is you can't get them to dress up in a skimpy Nazi uniform and have them beat you with a warm squash or even a silk whip;they would rather be right than reasonable.
Women, you can't live with them...end of sentence as basically there are only two kinds of women: those who want power in the world and those who want power in the bed...and they both tell you that they want a man who knows what a woman is worth...that is a pimp. Don't misunderstand me, though, the female sex has no greater admirer than I, and I have the bills to prove it. Women are always running through my mind. They don't dare walk...Women have a very unfair advantage over men, if they can't get what they want by being smart, they'll get it by being dumb.
Here's a toast to women: would that we could fall into her arms without falling into her hands! laugh

Traumer's photo
Sat 09/14/13 12:06 PM

A quote from my good friend Darren......"I married the first three times for love. I marry again it will be for money.....HER money".

Yes, I can dig that!happy

Choose honey .money never make you eat the right honey

laugh Cute. Though I was occasionally well paid, it usually works the other way around; with the money, one can pick what honey to eat...just like in a store!laugh

Traumer's photo
Thu 09/12/13 07:37 PM

Voyager has now become the first man made object to leave the Solar system, it is now 12 billion miles from home !

It's amazing and still we do not know if there is life beyond us, which surely there must be??
Can we really be the only life forms in this universe, I think not? However that is only my opinion before I get slated as a crack pot!!

Interstella space, I would love to be out there exploring, who else wants to go?? !!

IF trajectory was followed, with the momentum of the rockets, at least 2 of the long missing Russian cosmonauts that reached orbit but just kept on going until radio comms gave out, may have left our system long ago. Several went up in the late 50's and early 60's, and had malfunctions and kept going out into space. One, after months of silence returned a signal; another's last words were, in Russian, as "Oh my God...."
To this day no one really knows how many didn't return. Some of this can be found on Google...They would classify as "man made"...poor guys.

Traumer's photo
Thu 09/12/13 05:41 PM
Alone is your choice; loneliness is not, it's a condition that can become terminal...

Traumer's photo
Thu 09/12/13 05:31 PM
Everyone that said the children are absolutely correct. What they (sometimes) went through and what they will go through for years is no comparison to what the parents will or did go through. They usually recover, in their own fashion.
Children will lose out all their lives in many cases. I certainly did when mine divorced and all I had was the choice of 2 A-holes to choose from...If I had been several years older, I would have gone off alone.grumble

Traumer's photo
Thu 09/12/13 05:13 PM

So right ladies, shirtless means they are looking for one thing only and that they may be more interested in themselves rather than you ! laugh

Why are there so many players on here? Don't men realise we want them to be them selves?
I have spoken to quite a few who seem to have no idea what we are looking for in a guy! Maybe the site should provide a guide on "how not to turn a women off" lol.

What would be the first I wonder.... ;)

They can't. 90 to 98% of the males would have to leave...but then, the amount of real women on this site would instantly be revealed; around 10 I think...laugh

Traumer's photo
Thu 09/12/13 05:01 PM

I am a bit worried I could catch something from this thread. frown

Who knows where it has been?


Traumer's photo
Thu 09/12/13 12:45 PM

Divorce and separation is increasing daily among couples worldwide.Who actually loses at last,the man or the woman,who regrets the action more?

The woman in the aftermath of a divorce will never say,"My husband got the house, the car, the bank accounts, and if I marry Gin and have children, he gets them too.":wink:

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