Topic: Meet Larry Silverstein | |
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Sat 03/20/10 06:46 PM
"Documentary explains what really happened to building #7. Please Visit INFOWARS.COM for the truth about what's really going on....Do it for the United States, Do it for the world." ![]() ![]() |
It doesn't give the truth about anything. The reason many millions were not required to investigate the failure was because it just wasn't that hard for the engineers to document and analyze. Building 7 had a non redundant main support system that was punched out by part of the steel structure of one of the towers.
All the crap about fire not being able to cause failure is just that ... crap. If you are actually curious about the cause of failure, i.e., the airplanes, go to the structural division of the American Society of Civil Engineers website. Or you could go to the older Mingle2 forums where I gave the math, physics, and failure mode analysis of the event. However, it has been my experience that the conspiracy nonsense is maintained for political purposes in the hopes of swaying gullible people. The inner motives of the hijackers may be in question but the failure mode of the buildings is not. |
Edited by
Sun 03/21/10 06:48 AM
It doesn't give the truth about anything. The reason many millions were not required to investigate the failure was because it just wasn't that hard for the engineers to document and analyze. Building 7 had a non redundant main support system that was punched out by part of the steel structure of one of the towers. All the crap about fire not being able to cause failure is just that ... crap. If you are actually curious about the cause of failure, i.e., the airplanes, go to the structural division of the American Society of Civil Engineers website. Or you could go to the older Mingle2 forums where I gave the math, physics, and failure mode analysis of the event. However, it has been my experience that the conspiracy nonsense is maintained for political purposes in the hopes of swaying gullible people. The inner motives of the hijackers may be in question but the failure mode of the buildings is not. Bullchit...NO steel structure has ever fallen that quickly from fire...WTC was not hit by an airplane...but nevermind if one refuses to watch the video showing that WTC 4, 5, and 6 sustained much more damage than 7 but 7 fell and the others did NOT? Yeah OK...whatever Mr "Scientist"... No credible physicist can explain the collapses to fit the official Alice in Wonderland story the Commission gave us...Larry Silverstein admitted that WTC7 was "pulled" closed....well how about case opened. |
So you disagree with every structural engineer in the US. What are your credentials?
BTW, I saw the plane hit live on TV. I don't think the Govt can fake that. |
So you disagree with every structural engineer in the US. What are your credentials? BTW, I saw the plane hit live on TV. I don't think the Govt can fake that. "it puts the lotion on the skin, or it gets the hose again" What part of "WTC 7 was not hit by a plane" do you not get? "Hugo Bachmann, a Swiss professor emeritus for structural design and construction, said in Tages-Anzeiger: "In my opinion WTC 7 was with great probability brought down by controlled demolition done by experts". In addition, Jörg Schneider, another Swiss Professor emeritus for structural design and construction, interprets the existing videos as indicating that "WTC 7 was with great probability brought down by explosives". |
Scholars for 9/11 Truth call for verification and publication by an international consortium. Duluth, MN (PRWEB) January 30, 2006 -- A group of distinguished experts and scholars, including Robert M. Bowman, James H. Fetzer, Wayne Madsen,John McMurtry, Morgan Reynolds, and Andreas von Buelow, have concluded that senior government officials have covered up crucial facts about what really happened on 9/11. They have joined with others in common cause as members of "Scholars for 9/11 Truth" (S9/11T), because they are convinced, based on their own research, that the administration has been deceiving the nation about critical events in New York and Washington, DC These experts suggest these events may have been orchestrated by elements within the administration to manipulate Americans into supporting policies at home and abroad they would never have condoned absent "another Pearl Harbor." They believe that this White House is incapable of investigating itself and hope the possibility that Congress might hold an unaccountable administration accountable is not merely naive or wishful thinking. They are encouraging news services around the world to secure scientific advice by taking advantage of university resources to verify or to falsify their discoveries. Extraordinary situations, they believe, require extraordinary measures. If this were done, they contend, one of the great hoaxes of history would stand naked before the eyes of the world and its perpetrators would be clearly exposed, which may be the only hope for saving this nation from ever greater abuse. They hope this might include The New York Times, which in their opinion has repeatedly failed to exercise the leadership expected from our nation's newspaper of record by a series of inexplicable lapses. It has failed to vigorously investigate tainted elections, lies leading to the war in Iraq, or illegal NSA spying on the American people, major unconstitutional events. In their view, The Times might compensate for its loss of stature by helping to reveal the truth about one of the great turning-point events of modern history. Stunning as it may be to acknowledge, they observe, the government has brought but one indictment against anyone and, to the best of their knowledge, has not even reprimanded anyone for incompetence or dereliction of duty. The official conspiracy theory--that nineteen Arab hijackers under control of one man in the wilds of Afghanistan brought this about--is unsupportable by the evidential data, which they have studied. They even believe there are good reasons for suspecting that video tapes officially attributed to Osama bin Laden are not genuine. They have found the government's own investigation to be severely flawed .The 9/11 Commission, designated to investigate the attack, was directed by Philip Zelikow, part of the Bush transition team in the NSA sector and the co-author of a book with Condoleezza Rice. A Bush supporter and director of national security affairs, he could hardly be expected to conduct an objective and impartial investigation. They have discovered that The 9/11 Commission Report is replete with omissions, distortions, and factual errors, which David Ray Griffin has documented in his book, The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions .The official report, for example, entirely ignores the collapse of WTC7,a 47-story building, which was hit by no airplanes, was only damaged by a few small fires, and fell seven hours after the attack. Here are some of the kinds of considerations that these experts and scholars find profoundly troubling: •In the history of structural engineering, steel-frame high-rise buildings have never been brought down due to fires either before or since 9/11,so how can fires have brought down three in one day? How is this possible? •The BBC has reported that at least five of the nineteen alleged "hijackers" have turned up alive and well living in Saudi Arabia, yet according to the FBI, they were among those killed in the attacks. How is this possible? •Frank DeMartini, a project manager for the WTC, said the buildings were designed with load redistribution capabilities to withstand the impact of airliners, whose effects would be like "puncturing mosquito netting with a pencil." Yet they completely collapsed. How is this possible? •Since the melting point of steel is about 2,700°F, the temperature of jet fuel fires does not exceed 1,800°F under optimal conditions, and UL certified the steel used to 2,000°F for six hours, the buildings cannot have collapsed due to heat from the fires. How is this possible? •Flight 77, which allegedly hit the building, left the radar screen in the vicinity of the Ohio/Kentucky border, only to "reappear" in very close proximity to the Pentagon shortly before impact. How is this possible? •Foreign "terrorists" who were clever enough to coordinate hijacking four commercial airliners seemingly did not know that the least damage to the Pentagon would be done by hitting its west wing. How is this possible? •Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta, in an underground bunker at the White House, watched Vice President Cheney castigate a young officer for asking, as the plane drew closer and closer to the Pentagon, "Do the orders still stand?" The order cannot have been to shoot it down, but must have been the opposite. How is this possible? •A former Inspector General for the Air Force has observed that Flight 93,which allegedly crashed in Pennsylvania, should have left debris scattered over an area less than the size of a city block; but it is scattered overran area of about eight square miles. How is this possible? •A tape recording of interviews with air traffic controllers on duty on 9/11 was deliberately crushed, cut into very small pieces, and distributed in assorted places to insure its total destruction. How is this possible? •The Pentagon conducted a training exercise called "MASCAL" simulating the crash of a Boeing 757 into the building on 24 October 2000, and yet Condoleezza Rice, among others, has repeatedly asserted that "no one ever imagined" a domestic airplane could be used as a weapon. How is this possible? Their own physics research has established that only controlled demolitions are consistent with the near-gravity speed of fall and virtually symmetrical collapse of all three of the WTC buildings. While turning concrete into very fine dust, they fell straight-down into their own footprints. These experts and scholars have found themselves obliged to conclude that the 9/11 atrocity represents an instance of the approach--which has been identified by Karl Rove, the President's closest adviser--of "creating our own reality." |
ASCE Report on World Trade Center Collapse Released; House Committee Holds Hearing on Findings
Dr. W. Gene Corley, leader of the ASCE/FEMA World Trade Center Building Performance Study (BPS) Team was one of several expert witnesses at a hearing before the House Science Committee this week. Dr. Corley presented the findings of the BPS Team’s report that was released Wednesday, May 1st. The report identifies significant findings and outlines recommendations for areas of further study that could lead to changes in the way future buildings are constructed. Among the major findings, the report concluded that the towers withstood the impact of the two hijacked jetliners, and if not for the intense fire ignited by the thousands of pounds of fuel carried by the planes, and fueled by the contents of the buildings, the towers likely would have stood indefinitely. However, the two events occurring simultaneously led to the collapse. The team also concluded that fireproofing materials adhered to the steel structure during construction were likely blown off by the impact of planes and thus left the structure more vulnerable to the heat of the fire. The report recommends future study in several areas, including the collapse of WTC Building 7. The report states that Building 7 is believed to be the first protected steel structure even known to collapse solely due to fire. The team also identified six additional items to be considered in the design and construction of buildings deemed likely targets of terrorist attack: * Buildings should be designed with sturdy, back-up structural supports to bear the weight held by the primary supports when damage to the building occurs. * Fireproofing needs to adhere under impact and fire-induced steel deformation so that the protective coatings remain on the steel and provide the intended protection. * The connecting structural elements (nuts, rivets and plates) need to be analyzed to better understand how they fare under sudden impact and fire. * When sprinkler systems are a critical part of a building’s fire protection system, the water supply should be reliable and redundant. * Stairwells should be evaluated for multiple alternate routes of escapes and strength in order to provide safe and clear evacuation routes when the building is damaged. Transfer floors, stair spacing and locations and stairwell resistance to impact should be reviewed as part of the evaluation. * Fire protection ratings and safety factors for structural transfer systems should be evaluated for their adequacy relative to the role of transfer systems in building stability. For more information on the report, including how to obtain a copy, visit End Quote: The report does not cover contributing factors such aa the use of "light commercial" construction materials in high rise construction (a bad idea) and the resulting loss of catenary structural response but does indirectly refer to them in the "... structural transfer systems ... relative to the role of transfer systems in building stability." |
people believe what they want to believe and see everything with a sort of tunnel vision where everything is distorted to reinforce their preconceived beliefs
people believe what they want to believe and see everything with a sort of tunnel vision where everything is distorted to reinforce their preconceived beliefs Cognitive dissonance "Denial and avoidance are among the most important psychological concepts to the Truth Movement. Mentally, what allows people to block out clear signs that our modern way of life is corrupt and unsustainable? What keeps people from caring? Cognitive dissonance relates to the concept of being exposed to information or having experiences that conflict with our existing base of “what we know.” The theory holds that our minds are not always flexible or rational when it comes to evaluating uncomfortable information or questioning our own beliefs. The theory holds that “dissonant cognitions” will cause us to dismiss or alter conflicting information or add justification to one side or the other—not necessarily rationally—in order to regain psychological balance. It’s an important concept to consider in terms of the way people block things out or justify things to themselves." |
Edited by
Wed 03/31/10 05:51 PM
EXPERTS CLAIM OFFICIAL 9/11 STORY IS A HOAX Scholars for 9/11 Truth call for verification and publication by an international consortium. Duluth, MN (PRWEB) January 30, 2006 -- A group of distinguished experts and scholars, including Robert M. Bowman, James H. Fetzer, Wayne Madsen,John McMurtry, Morgan Reynolds, and Andreas von Buelow, have concluded that senior government officials have covered up crucial facts about what really happened on 9/11. They have joined with others in common cause as members of "Scholars for 9/11 Truth" (S9/11T), because they are convinced, based on their own research, that the administration has been deceiving the nation about critical events in New York and Washington, DC These experts suggest these events may have been orchestrated by elements within the administration to manipulate Americans into supporting policies at home and abroad they would never have condoned absent "another Pearl Harbor." ~~~~ •Since the melting point of steel is about 2,700°F, the temperature of jet fuel fires does not exceed 1,800°F under optimal conditions, and UL certified the steel used to 2,000°F for six hours, the buildings cannot have collapsed due to heat from the fires. How is this possible? Indisputable fact...yet no one cares to know...why are people not wanting to know the truth? Is it that they will deny it, afraid to give the red, white, and blue a black eye? WTF...I mean really. Suck it up America...your Neo-con(artist)/ GOP/Corporate Death Machines(MIC)...attacked America...then the same criminals went on to blame Muslims for it and have spent nearly $1 Trillion on two wars...over 5K coalition deaths...and up to a million Muslims killed. Incredible...just phucking incredible. ![]() |
EXPERTS CLAIM OFFICIAL 9/11 STORY IS A HOAX Scholars for 9/11 Truth call for verification and publication by an international consortium. Duluth, MN (PRWEB) January 30, 2006 -- A group of distinguished experts and scholars, including Robert M. Bowman, James H. Fetzer, Wayne Madsen,John McMurtry, Morgan Reynolds, and Andreas von Buelow, have concluded that senior government officials have covered up crucial facts about what really happened on 9/11. They have joined with others in common cause as members of "Scholars for 9/11 Truth" (S9/11T), because they are convinced, based on their own research, that the administration has been deceiving the nation about critical events in New York and Washington, DC These experts suggest these events may have been orchestrated by elements within the administration to manipulate Americans into supporting policies at home and abroad they would never have condoned absent "another Pearl Harbor." ~~~~ •Since the melting point of steel is about 2,700°F, the temperature of jet fuel fires does not exceed 1,800°F under optimal conditions, and UL certified the steel used to 2,000°F for six hours, the buildings cannot have collapsed due to heat from the fires. How is this possible? Indisputable fact...yet no one cares to know...why are people not wanting to know the truth? Is it that they will deny it, afraid to give the red, white, and blue a black eye? WTF...I mean really. Suck it up America...your Neo-con(artist)/ GOP/Corporate Death Machines(MIC)...attacked America...then the same criminals went on to blame Muslims for it and have spent nearly $1 Trillion on two wars...over 5K coalition deaths...and up to a million Muslims killed. Incredible...just phucking incredible. ![]() AND THERE COMING AFTER CANADA REAL SOON ..... |
It doesn't give the truth about anything. The reason many millions were not required to investigate the failure was because it just wasn't that hard for the engineers to document and analyze. Building 7 had a non redundant main support system that was punched out by part of the steel structure of one of the towers. All the crap about fire not being able to cause failure is just that ... crap. If you are actually curious about the cause of failure, i.e., the airplanes, go to the structural division of the American Society of Civil Engineers website. Or you could go to the older Mingle2 forums where I gave the math, physics, and failure mode analysis of the event. However, it has been my experience that the conspiracy nonsense is maintained for political purposes in the hopes of swaying gullible people. The inner motives of the hijackers may be in question but the failure mode of the buildings is not. Bullchit...NO steel structure has ever fallen that quickly from fire...WTC was not hit by an airplane...but nevermind if one refuses to watch the video showing that WTC 4, 5, and 6 sustained much more damage than 7 but 7 fell and the others did NOT? Yeah OK...whatever Mr "Scientist"... No credible physicist can explain the collapses to fit the official Alice in Wonderland story the Commission gave us...Larry Silverstein admitted that WTC7 was "pulled" closed....well how about case opened. Considering the height of the building and the amount of fuel, I don't believe the conspiracy theory at all. Now if you said that our government failed it's people by ignoring intel, I will back you up there. We got complacent here because all the other countries kept getting hit but we had so few hits. |
It doesn't give the truth about anything. The reason many millions were not required to investigate the failure was because it just wasn't that hard for the engineers to document and analyze. Building 7 had a non redundant main support system that was punched out by part of the steel structure of one of the towers. All the crap about fire not being able to cause failure is just that ... crap. If you are actually curious about the cause of failure, i.e., the airplanes, go to the structural division of the American Society of Civil Engineers website. Or you could go to the older Mingle2 forums where I gave the math, physics, and failure mode analysis of the event. However, it has been my experience that the conspiracy nonsense is maintained for political purposes in the hopes of swaying gullible people. The inner motives of the hijackers may be in question but the failure mode of the buildings is not. Bullchit...NO steel structure has ever fallen that quickly from fire...WTC was not hit by an airplane...but nevermind if one refuses to watch the video showing that WTC 4, 5, and 6 sustained much more damage than 7 but 7 fell and the others did NOT? Yeah OK...whatever Mr "Scientist"... No credible physicist can explain the collapses to fit the official Alice in Wonderland story the Commission gave us...Larry Silverstein admitted that WTC7 was "pulled" closed....well how about case opened. Considering the height of the building and the amount of fuel, I don't believe the conspiracy theory at all. Now if you said that our government failed it's people by ignoring intel, I will back you up there. We got complacent here because all the other countries kept getting hit but we had so few hits. |
Edited by
Wed 03/31/10 06:30 PM
It doesn't give the truth about anything. The reason many millions were not required to investigate the failure was because it just wasn't that hard for the engineers to document and analyze. Building 7 had a non redundant main support system that was punched out by part of the steel structure of one of the towers. All the crap about fire not being able to cause failure is just that ... crap. If you are actually curious about the cause of failure, i.e., the airplanes, go to the structural division of the American Society of Civil Engineers website. Or you could go to the older Mingle2 forums where I gave the math, physics, and failure mode analysis of the event. However, it has been my experience that the conspiracy nonsense is maintained for political purposes in the hopes of swaying gullible people. The inner motives of the hijackers may be in question but the failure mode of the buildings is not. Bullchit...NO steel structure has ever fallen that quickly from fire...WTC was not hit by an airplane...but nevermind if one refuses to watch the video showing that WTC 4, 5, and 6 sustained much more damage than 7 but 7 fell and the others did NOT? Yeah OK...whatever Mr "Scientist"... No credible physicist can explain the collapses to fit the official Alice in Wonderland story the Commission gave us...Larry Silverstein admitted that WTC7 was "pulled" closed....well how about case opened. Considering the height of the building and the amount of fuel, I don't believe the conspiracy theory at all. Now if you said that our government failed it's people by ignoring intel, I will back you up there. We got complacent here because all the other countries kept getting hit but we had so few hits. No, you see the twin towers were did all the concrete shatter into dust and how did the building almost freefall right into it's own footprints? WTC7? Not hit by a plane...fell, same way. Also there are studies showing that there was military grade thermite found in the dust. A danish scientist Niels Harrit, on nano-thermite in the WTC dust ( english subtitles ) IF the terrorist planted the thermite then why don't we know this? Because it was used by our own government...well the Neo-cons. Or just listen for yourself... |
It doesn't give the truth about anything. The reason many millions were not required to investigate the failure was because it just wasn't that hard for the engineers to document and analyze. Building 7 had a non redundant main support system that was punched out by part of the steel structure of one of the towers. All the crap about fire not being able to cause failure is just that ... crap. If you are actually curious about the cause of failure, i.e., the airplanes, go to the structural division of the American Society of Civil Engineers website. Or you could go to the older Mingle2 forums where I gave the math, physics, and failure mode analysis of the event. However, it has been my experience that the conspiracy nonsense is maintained for political purposes in the hopes of swaying gullible people. The inner motives of the hijackers may be in question but the failure mode of the buildings is not. Bullchit...NO steel structure has ever fallen that quickly from fire...WTC was not hit by an airplane...but nevermind if one refuses to watch the video showing that WTC 4, 5, and 6 sustained much more damage than 7 but 7 fell and the others did NOT? Yeah OK...whatever Mr "Scientist"... No credible physicist can explain the collapses to fit the official Alice in Wonderland story the Commission gave us...Larry Silverstein admitted that WTC7 was "pulled" closed....well how about case opened. Considering the height of the building and the amount of fuel, I don't believe the conspiracy theory at all. Now if you said that our government failed it's people by ignoring intel, I will back you up there. We got complacent here because all the other countries kept getting hit but we had so few hits. I disagree. We can't know how a building of that height will fall under those conditions. The conspiracy people just carried their fantasies a bit too far on this one. Again if you want to talk about our government being held responsible because of the ignored intel, yea, that is true. |
people believe what they want to believe and see everything with a sort of tunnel vision where everything is distorted to reinforce their preconceived beliefs And yet... These folks say people on the Right are lunatics?? |
Here we go with this crap again.
If 9/11 was supposed to be a inside job to kill as many people as possible why would they wait over a hour to start blowing buildings up?If there was bombs wouldn't they have just leveled the building right after the plane hit?What's the point in waiting? We have been over this topic so many times in here.They had tens of thousands of people working that site after it happened.You had everyone from construction workers,laborers,crime scene investigators,firemen,police,and exlosives experts that sifted through every square inch of that rubble looking for human remains.They found NOTHING related to BOMBS or any evidence of BOMBS.I think it is safe to say you would need at a minium several hundred tons if not several thousands of tons of explosives to bring three buildings down.You would need hundreds of detonaters,thousands of miles or wire,and thousands of other devices to make it work right.Are you going to tell me not one person found steel with blast holes blown in them along with wires taped to the beams?Out of all those explosives are you going to tell me everyone of them went off and there was no duds?Nobody found anything to support BOMBS and they did sift through every square inch of material.To this day there is not a single person with any real credit to them that will stand up for the bomb theory. 9/11 and the twin towers have had every orifice probed inside and out at least a million times.To this day you don't have a single piece of evidence out of the millions of tons of debris they found linking to bombs.All you have is some sound(which anyone could insert into a video)and a claim that tall buildings are supposed to tip over ran than fall straight down. Nobody is buying this 9/11 inside job crap anymore.The reason is because 100% of the time these websites are anti Bush,anti American websites full of conspericy crap.When you give me official press releases from the State of New york,the Police department,The department of Justice,the ATF,and the White house claiming bombs and a inside job maybe I will listen to the argument.Until them give it a rest. |
"If 9/11 was supposed to be a inside job to kill as many people as possible why would they wait over a hour to start blowing buildings up?If there was bombs wouldn't they have just leveled the building right after the plane hit?What's the point in waiting? \"
I need go no further in reading...because THAT'S the whole deal ...investigating it. The 911 Commission report is an incomplete and inaccurate document. The "9-11" CT is being treated like a tin foil hat CT but there are tons of evidences to support the facts, one is that simple physics disproves the report on the WTC building's implosions....but I was not posting this in direct reply...either a person looks for themselves at the information of they are just wasting someone's time as a hobby...I suppose. ![]() "Pucker yer arse Mr.'s on" |
It doesn't give the truth about anything. The reason many millions were not required to investigate the failure was because it just wasn't that hard for the engineers to document and analyze. Building 7 had a non redundant main support system that was punched out by part of the steel structure of one of the towers. All the crap about fire not being able to cause failure is just that ... crap. If you are actually curious about the cause of failure, i.e., the airplanes, go to the structural division of the American Society of Civil Engineers website. Or you could go to the older Mingle2 forums where I gave the math, physics, and failure mode analysis of the event. However, it has been my experience that the conspiracy nonsense is maintained for political purposes in the hopes of swaying gullible people. The inner motives of the hijackers may be in question but the failure mode of the buildings is not. Bullchit...NO steel structure has ever fallen that quickly from fire...WTC was not hit by an airplane...but nevermind if one refuses to watch the video showing that WTC 4, 5, and 6 sustained much more damage than 7 but 7 fell and the others did NOT? Yeah OK...whatever Mr "Scientist"... No credible physicist can explain the collapses to fit the official Alice in Wonderland story the Commission gave us...Larry Silverstein admitted that WTC7 was "pulled" closed....well how about case opened. Considering the height of the building and the amount of fuel, I don't believe the conspiracy theory at all. Now if you said that our government failed it's people by ignoring intel, I will back you up there. We got complacent here because all the other countries kept getting hit but we had so few hits. I disagree. We can't know how a building of that height will fall under those conditions. The conspiracy people just carried their fantasies a bit too far on this one. Again if you want to talk about our government being held responsible because of the ignored intel, yea, that is true. No, metal structure has ever fallen from fire alone. (I just factchecked that and found where the shills/plants are claiming there have been collapses but on the reference were only concrete buildings...not steel framed...and the one's they claim as steel framed they do not account for the timing of it...some steel buildings burned for day and still did not see more lies created to deter the truth coming out...that's what makes this so interesting to me. I absolutely know that it was a controlled demolition. There's no other valid explaination... Military grade nano-thermite (explosive) was found in the dust from the 9-11 attacks in NYC...what else does one need to start asking questions? Speaking of :timing"... ![]() |
It doesn't give the truth about anything. The reason many millions were not required to investigate the failure was because it just wasn't that hard for the engineers to document and analyze. Building 7 had a non redundant main support system that was punched out by part of the steel structure of one of the towers. All the crap about fire not being able to cause failure is just that ... crap. If you are actually curious about the cause of failure, i.e., the airplanes, go to the structural division of the American Society of Civil Engineers website. Or you could go to the older Mingle2 forums where I gave the math, physics, and failure mode analysis of the event. However, it has been my experience that the conspiracy nonsense is maintained for political purposes in the hopes of swaying gullible people. The inner motives of the hijackers may be in question but the failure mode of the buildings is not. Bullchit...NO steel structure has ever fallen that quickly from fire...WTC was not hit by an airplane...but nevermind if one refuses to watch the video showing that WTC 4, 5, and 6 sustained much more damage than 7 but 7 fell and the others did NOT? Yeah OK...whatever Mr "Scientist"... No credible physicist can explain the collapses to fit the official Alice in Wonderland story the Commission gave us...Larry Silverstein admitted that WTC7 was "pulled" closed....well how about case opened. Considering the height of the building and the amount of fuel, I don't believe the conspiracy theory at all. Now if you said that our government failed it's people by ignoring intel, I will back you up there. We got complacent here because all the other countries kept getting hit but we had so few hits. Wow I actually agree with you. Bill Clinton really dropped the ball and ignored intel and never gave the green light to the CIA officers on the ground to assassinate OBL when they had him in their cross hairs. |