RAPTURE:THE COMING OF CHRIST IS VERY NEAR,jesus may come at any time from now.on that day christ ,and the angels shall sound with a trumpent and the saint in christ shall be taken away,those that dont believe in jesus christ who came to die for our sin,will find themself in hell fire,so shall their end,sister,do you want to be with christ when the trumpet sound,do u want to be free from hell and destruction,just give your life to jesus he is the only one that can save you.REPENT THE END IS AT HAND.
i like turtles
i prefer to give my life to the deity that does really exist.
RAPTURE:THE COMING OF CHRIST IS VERY NEAR,jesus may come at any time from now.on that day christ ,and the angels shall sound with a trumpent and the saint in christ shall be taken away,those that dont believe in jesus christ who came to die for our sin,will find themself in hell fire,so shall their end,sister,do you want to be with christ when the trumpet sound,do u want to be free from hell and destruction,just give your life to jesus he is the only one that can save you.REPENT THE END IS AT HAND. ![]() |
There are so many Christians and so many conflicting beliefs among them. It's rather like 'ethnicity', there tend to be many cultural beliefs that go along with ethnicity too.
Some Christians believe that the promise of heaven is a physical existence 'on the Earth' without pain, or fear, or illness, and so on. An eternity in the physical form. Those Christian point to all kinds of biblical references to support that particular belief. In effect, according to such belief, we aren't really spiritual beings at all, simply 'directed' (if we choose to be) by the spirit that is God. Then some Christians believe in hell but only as a temporary form of suffering until ... well whatever is suppose to happen does happen and then hell will be no more and neither will those who inhabited it. Then some Christians simply choose to see hell as an eternal existence away from God. I just wanted to share all that because it demonstrates that one person's belief may, in fact, be the only hell that actually exists. I were a praying person, I would certainly pray that all those who so fear the torment of an everlasing hell, in hopes that they would come to understand that not every person's beliefs can be totally correct. So why not make it a little easier on yourself and on those you try to save (out of love)from the torment of your own personal belief. Surely there are better things we can do for our family, friends, and neighbors than to try to save them from such unfounded beliefs. |
There are so many Christians and so many conflicting beliefs among them. It's rather like 'ethnicity', there tend to be many cultural beliefs that go along with ethnicity too. Some Christians believe that the promise of heaven is a physical existence 'on the Earth' without pain, or fear, or illness, and so on. An eternity in the physical form. Those Christian point to all kinds of biblical references to support that particular belief. In effect, according to such belief, we aren't really spiritual beings at all, simply 'directed' (if we choose to be) by the spirit that is God. Then some Christians believe in hell but only as a temporary form of suffering until ... well whatever is suppose to happen does happen and then hell will be no more and neither will those who inhabited it. Then some Christians simply choose to see hell as an eternal existence away from God. I just wanted to share all that because it demonstrates that one person's belief may, in fact, be the only hell that actually exists. I were a praying person, I would certainly pray that all those who so fear the torment of an everlasing hell, in hopes that they would come to understand that not every person's beliefs can be totally correct. So why not make it a little easier on yourself and on those you try to save (out of love)from the torment of your own personal belief. Surely there are better things we can do for our family, friends, and neighbors than to try to save them from such unfounded beliefs. What better can you offer your family than the love of The Creator God, which passes all understanding and His Blessed Assurance of eternal life? What do you have to lose in trusting in God Almighty? Matters not how differently others believe. "By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith. "Hebrew 11:7, Meditate on the gift given... John 3: 16, "For God so loved ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever ![]() but have everlasting life. 17, For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18, He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19, And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil." ...according to the Gospel laid out in these scriptures. Lean not upon your own very limited understanding. His will shall be done on this earth as it is already written in Heaven. "We all, like sheep, have gone astray every one to his own way." His Mighty hand is still stretched out to save. Trust Him. ![]() He offers Eternal Life Insurance!!! Premiums paid in full!!! |
What better can you offer your family than the love of The Creator God, which passes all understanding and His Blessed Assurance of eternal life? My first thought: How thoughtful of you to offer the love of your god, and then quickly follow it up with the minor stipulation, like the hell depicted by the OP if/when that the mere idea of you god is not accepted. Secondly: If that love passes all understanding, who could possibly understand what having that love means or even begin to create a construct such at the hell portrayed in the OP. Its no wonder as to why there are so many beliefs, because there is no human who can understand where its coming from or what it entails. Again it just demonstrates that however beliefs are formed, they are not stemming from a 'single' source. So believe what you will, but you can't all be right. Perhaps what is least understood is that the hell one may be heading for is of one's own design. |
Edited by
Wed 11/16/11 01:41 AM
After we leave goes on......somewhere...
Time is no more in Eternity...but a lot of people are still thinking of eternity as just being a long long time. is not........there it no time in when the Bible says we will spend eternity somewhere, it means never ending....going on forever... and ever ...and for evermore. That is why it is important to heed the message being shared on here with you now. It's for real....time is running is the time...not yesterday or tomorrow....but NOW is the day of Salvation...simply because we never know what tomorrow will bring. But regardless of when that time will be when time runs out (only God knows )....... DO take time to realize something here......and that is this: WHEN we leave our earthly home behind, we will ALLLLL go into eternity anyway...regardless....and spend it somewhere.....either WITH God or SEPARATED from God( sin and God can't goes totally against God's nature to allow sin in His Holy just can't be...but God already made a way for you and me to be able TO SPEND ETERNITY WITH GOD.......and that is, by offering us His Only begotten Son, to pay for our sins on that cross in our place....and all we need to do now by FAITH, is to Believe on and Recieve Jesus into our hearts now...and mean's that simple. No works required...nothing else required ... except to ask and recieve Jesus into our hearts ...and mean it now. Amen. ![]() If God is NOW tugging on your heart strings, won't you NOW let Him In ? ![]() This is for real folks......not some joke. We Christians Love You enough to be this honest with you....if we didn't care we would not bother...but the Love of God in us ,won't allow us to just keep this Good News to ourselves...we would be terribly uncaring and selfish ![]() to NOT ![]() Saves: ![]() ![]() ![]() can't keep this to ourselves .....we Care and Love does God...that is why we are here reaching out to you.......and being this upfront with you all. Love You All....So Does God. ![]() ![]() ![]() May You All Be Blessed Now...... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Reality is Real,Figments of the Imagination are not!
Redykeulous wrote:
My first thought: How thoughtful of you to offer the love of your god, and then quickly follow it up with the minor stipulation, like the hell depicted by the OP if/when that the mere idea of you god is not accepted. Truly. And does it really make any sense for people to expect other people to believe a religion on the pure faith that some dastardly God will be exceedingly cruel to them if they don't believe in him on pure faith? I'm mean seriously. Why anyone would believe such a thing as a matter of pure faith is totally beyond me. So believe what you will, but you can't all be right. Perhaps what is least understood is that the hell one may be heading for is of one's own design. Well, I for one certainly see no reason to believe in a religion that has people utterly terrified that some supposedly loving God will be extremely cruel and mean to them if they fail to worship a particular religion. There is no way that this represents my idea of love. Secondly: If that love passes all understanding, who could possibly understand what having that love means or even begin to create a construct such at the hell portrayed in the OP. Exactly. As far as I'm concerned the very idea of a supposedly loving God who is chomping at the bit to cast people into a state of eternal damnation, suffering, and torture, is an oxymoron. This would be like proclaiming that Hitler was a loving man who merely condemned those who refused to serve his purpose. ![]() As a faith-based religion does Christianity truly offer anything worthy of placing faith in? With all due respect, I personally don't see where it does. You'd have to believe on faith that some bully God is out to hurt you before it would even be worth considering. And I'm not about to believe on faith that some bully God is out to hurt me. |
Has Cain determined to slay Abel all over again? Business as usual. a for runner has led the way to decieve and conquer as Cain returns. To unite will be his call. a smoking man who believes he has destiny. The Prophet Nathan he believes has commissioned him for the temple of the world |
RAPTURE:THE COMING OF CHRIST IS VERY NEAR,jesus may come at any time from now.on that day christ ,and the angels shall sound with a trumpent and the saint in christ shall be taken away,those that dont believe in jesus christ who came to die for our sin,will find themself in hell fire,so shall their end,sister,do you want to be with christ when the trumpet sound,do u want to be free from hell and destruction,just give your life to jesus he is the only one that can save you.REPENT THE END IS AT HAND. If the 'end' truly is at hand I have a better idea then giving up. LIVE LIFE TO ITS FULLEST THAT YOU HAVE NO REGRETS. (and harm no one else in the process) For when called to god you will have the opportunity no more... Only the regret. |
REPENT THE END IS AT HAND. I forget to ask,... Repent for what? What is it that this man thinks people have done that they need to repent? Truly nasty people probably have no interest in repenting for their evil deeds. And surely truly nice people would have no need to repent. So it's kind of silly to even bother to 'preach' to people to repent isn't it? The good people will receive their just righteousness, and the bad people will also receive the justice they deserve. Moreover, why try to talk anyone into repenting? If they haven't already decided to repent on their own, what would be the point? To even preach to people that they have a need to repent, like as if it's important to get this message to them, is IMHO, to do nothing more than exhibit a total distrust in a judgmental God to be fair and just. No undeserving person could possibly be sent to hell by a truly righteous God. So there can be no fear that innocent people would be condemned. Such a fear would be nothing more than a distrust in God to do the right thing. So there can be no need to preach to people. ~~~~ Also consider the following: According to the Bible Jesus himself was a doomsday preacher. Jesus preached "Heaven is at hand" (i.e. the end of the world) He also preached that all of his predictions would come to pass before the generation he was speaking to had passed. Clearly that never happened. So the doomsday threats of this religion don't appear to hold much merit. Matt.24:34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. Mark.13:30 Verily I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done. Luke.21:32 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled. According to Matthew, Mark, and Luke, Jesus preached that all of his prophecies would come to pass before the generation he was speaking to had passed. Clearly that never happened. Why anyone even bothers with these ancient rumors today is beyond me. They clearly never came to pass as prophesied. Those generations have pass away a very long time ago. |
RAPTURE:THE COMING OF CHRIST IS VERY NEAR,jesus may come at any time from now.on that day christ ,and the angels shall sound with a trumpent and the saint in christ shall be taken away,those that dont believe in jesus christ who came to die for our sin,will find themself in hell fire,so shall their end,sister,do you want to be with christ when the trumpet sound,do u want to be free from hell and destruction,just give your life to jesus he is the only one that can save you.REPENT THE END IS AT HAND. ![]() You really believe this Roberta? Do you know how many times over the years people have predicted the rapture or the end? Were any of them ever right? We're still here aren't we? I would have thought you'd know better than to buy into that, no offense meant. I used to believe this stuff too, to the point of actually believing it was gonna happen in the fall of 2007 and waiting for it. Course now looking back it was rather stupid of me. Now I know better and see it for what is, a bunch of BS like the rest of religion. Just another way to scare and control. |
What better can you offer your family than the love of The Creator God, which passes all understanding and His Blessed Assurance of eternal life? My first thought: How thoughtful of you to offer the love of your god, and then quickly follow it up with the minor stipulation, like the hell depicted by the OP if/when that the mere idea of you god is not accepted. Secondly: If that love passes all understanding, who could possibly understand what having that love means or even begin to create a construct such at the hell portrayed in the OP. More than that why would a being higher than us act LIKE us? The way the religious God acts is entirely human. If God is better than us, he won't act the way we do, or act worse. It makes no sense. |
Thoughts Has Cain determined to slay Abel all over again? Business as usual. a for runner has led the way to decieve and conquer as Cain returns. To unite will be his call. a smoking man who believes he has destiny. The Prophet Nathan he believes has commissioned him for the temple of the world What Temple who care? all Temples will be his. the coming of a she man who's union will stop wars for unity. we kill we fight who's wrong who's right. Brings peace to all a destiny he's calling. we wait we wonder we look to the Stars.. Has helen had her reading ,Yet? astronomical it may seem. your eye my eye who's to see. Cain rises to power a new way for us. to close to home to think to much.. He's coming he's here his fames about. will you close your eyes to what you see. Cains about check and see.. |
RAPTURE:THE COMING OF CHRIST IS VERY NEAR,jesus may come at any time from now.on that day christ ,and the angels shall sound with a trumpent and the saint in christ shall be taken away,those that dont believe in jesus christ who came to die for our sin,will find themself in hell fire,so shall their end,sister,do you want to be with christ when the trumpet sound,do u want to be free from hell and destruction,just give your life to jesus he is the only one that can save you.REPENT THE END IS AT HAND. ![]() You really believe this Roberta? Do you know how many times over the years people have predicted the rapture or the end? Were any of them ever right? We're still here aren't we? I would have thought you'd know better than to buy into that, no offense meant. I used to believe this stuff too, to the point of actually believing it was gonna happen in the fall of 2007 and waiting for it. Course now looking back it was rather stupid of me. Now I know better and see it for what is, a bunch of BS like the rest of religion. Just another way to scare and control. Adam, what is your problem with the church? The Bible says it is hard to kick against the brick, beside you are way too young for that; it's enough that you don't believe, pls don't judge those that do. |
RAPTURE:THE COMING OF CHRIST IS VERY NEAR,jesus may come at any time from now.on that day christ ,and the angels shall sound with a trumpent and the saint in christ shall be taken away,those that dont believe in jesus christ who came to die for our sin,will find themself in hell fire,so shall their end,sister,do you want to be with christ when the trumpet sound,do u want to be free from hell and destruction,just give your life to jesus he is the only one that can save you.REPENT THE END IS AT HAND. ![]() You really believe this Roberta? Do you know how many times over the years people have predicted the rapture or the end? Were any of them ever right? We're still here aren't we? I would have thought you'd know better than to buy into that, no offense meant. I used to believe this stuff too, to the point of actually believing it was gonna happen in the fall of 2007 and waiting for it. Course now looking back it was rather stupid of me. Now I know better and see it for what is, a bunch of BS like the rest of religion. Just another way to scare and control. Adam, what is your problem with the church? The Bible says it is hard to kick against the brick, beside you are way too young for that; it's enough that you don't believe, pls don't judge those that do. I missed that in the Bible.. "The Bible says it is hard to kick against the brick" Is that in the King James bible or somewhere else. I am curious to see who said this.. Thanks..Miles |
RAPTURE:THE COMING OF CHRIST IS VERY NEAR,jesus may come at any time from now.on that day christ ,and the angels shall sound with a trumpent and the saint in christ shall be taken away,those that dont believe in jesus christ who came to die for our sin,will find themself in hell fire,so shall their end,sister,do you want to be with christ when the trumpet sound,do u want to be free from hell and destruction,just give your life to jesus he is the only one that can save you.REPENT THE END IS AT HAND. ![]() You really believe this Roberta? Do you know how many times over the years people have predicted the rapture or the end? Were any of them ever right? We're still here aren't we? I would have thought you'd know better than to buy into that, no offense meant. I used to believe this stuff too, to the point of actually believing it was gonna happen in the fall of 2007 and waiting for it. Course now looking back it was rather stupid of me. Now I know better and see it for what is, a bunch of BS like the rest of religion. Just another way to scare and control. Adam, what is your problem with the church? The Bible says it is hard to kick against the brick, beside you are way too young for that; it's enough that you don't believe, pls don't judge those that do. I missed that in the Bible.. "The Bible says it is hard to kick against the brick" Is that in the King James bible or somewhere else. I am curious to see who said this.. Thanks..Miles "Acts 9:5 “It is hard for you to kick against the pricks.” still doesn't make too much sense then! The Goad makes more sense,but where does that leave Free Will? |
Edited by
Thu 11/17/11 01:52 AM
RAPTURE:THE COMING OF CHRIST IS VERY NEAR,jesus may come at any time from now.on that day christ ,and the angels shall sound with a trumpent and the saint in christ shall be taken away,those that dont believe in jesus christ who came to die for our sin,will find themself in hell fire,so shall their end,sister,do you want to be with christ when the trumpet sound,do u want to be free from hell and destruction,just give your life to jesus he is the only one that can save you.REPENT THE END IS AT HAND. ![]() You really believe this Roberta? Do you know how many times over the years people have predicted the rapture or the end? Were any of them ever right? We're still here aren't we? I would have thought you'd know better than to buy into that, no offense meant. I used to believe this stuff too, to the point of actually believing it was gonna happen in the fall of 2007 and waiting for it. Course now looking back it was rather stupid of me. Now I know better and see it for what is, a bunch of BS like the rest of religion. Just another way to scare and control. Adam, what is your problem with the church? The Bible says it is hard to kick against the brick, beside you are way too young for that; it's enough that you don't believe, pls don't judge those that do. But in that case the Religionists ought to hurry and abandon their Claim that they represent Free Will! The Prick or The Goad is an Implement to "persuade" Cattle to go where you want it to go! Pretty dim attitude to view Human Beings as Cattle,but not really surprising! |